The ceiling decoration is troublesome and requiring a certain dexterity and patience. The glasshold as a solution to this problem is precisely from the category of those works, the implementation of which will have to work a little, but the result is guaranteed to surpass all expectations. The article will talk about how to glue glasshold on the ceiling.
Before proceeding with the description of the installation process, you should get acquainted with the material itself.
Maular glasshold does not seem to be a strong material. It can even be torn with inaccurate handling. However, glued in compliance with the technology, and being in working condition, he forms a magnificent reinforcing layer. Such armor will not allow the cracks to spread, if any, and will prevent their formation in the future.
In retail sale, it is sold in rolls, 1 m wide, and the length varies up to 50 m.
According to density, which is different, fiberglass is divided into several classes. The stores show materials with indicators from 25 to 50 g/m. Of course, the thickness of the web will directly affect its cost. For pasting the ceiling, material with a density of 25 g/m is quite suitable. This indicator will ensure the creation of a strong and light reinforcing layer. But if the surface seems to be unreliable, then you can purchase a fiberglass and with a higher density to avoid the destruction of the base.
How to produce glasshold
Fiberglass is obtained by melting glass having a special composition. It is environmentally friendly material, has quartz sand, lime, soda, dolomite in the composition. After the heating process, the melt forms threads that randomly layered on each other and glue. They look like a web (hence the second name), it is difficult to grate. However, at the same time, the obtained glassons are easily bending, without deforming and without violating their own structure. Further, the material made in this way is subjected to a press to give it greater strength. As a result, it turns out a product that is:
environmentally friendly;
fire resistant;
resistant to damage.
In addition, antistatic properties are attributed to him, and because of his inorganic composition he is not subject to mold.
Advantages of pashing the ceiling with glass chloride
The use of fiberglass will help prevent part of the troubles that may well occur with a trimmed surface during further operation.
Firstly, its use will significantly improve the base for painting or pasting with wallpaper.
Secondly, the web increases the strength characteristics of the ceiling. That is, over time, it will not be covered with cracks, and chips are not formed, which, in turn, are able to damage the finish and significantly spoil the general view.
Thirdly, the surface acquires the ability not to be afraid of water, and you can carry out wet cleaning using household chemicals. On the ceiling, this procedure will not affect in any way.
Since fiberglass is non -combustible material, in case of fire, it will not contribute to the further spread of fire.
Due to the interesting interweaving of glassons, an original pattern is formed, which looks interesting on the surface.
In addition to the concrete bases with a layer of putty and drywall structures, a masklar web can also be mounted on an extrusion foamed polystyrene, which is often used for insulation of the rooms, including from the inside of the room on the ceiling.
How to glue glasshold on the ceiling for painting
Prepare the surface of the ceiling.The main requirement of any finishing work is a qualitatively prepared surface. Playing the ceiling with a glass -chilling will require no less thoroughness in this matter. The removal will require any remnants of the old coating: paint, wallpaper, whitewashing, plaster. Some experts indicate such a loophole: you can glue a spider web on the ceiling whitewashed with lime solution, if there is confidence that after priming three or less lime layers were applied. However, it is still more reliable to play it safe and clean it with a spatula, and then blur with a rag, pleasing it abundantly with water. During cleaning, potholes will inevitably form. They must be primed and plundered. In general, the ideal solution would be to plunge the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling.
Make the base. Now you need to make sure that the finish layer of putty dried, and how to primed it. The composition is applied abundantly, so that the drying period is from 20 minutes to half an hour. Such plentiful impregnation will contribute to better clutch with the adhesive composition and the material itself, respectively. By the way, it is better to use not ordinary primer, but a means of deep impregnation.
Dilute the glue. After the primer dries, you can proceed with the actual factory. To do this, only special compounds for fiberglass are used, in the most extreme case, PVA glue is used. But there should be no problems with the original mixture. It is present in stores finished in buckets or like dry powder in packs. The last option is very economical. The contents of the three -hundred -piece packaging are diluted with cold water in an amount of 11 liters, mixed to a homogeneous state. The resulting solution is enough to glue 50 m of a masking web.
Pplaying glass chuck on the ceiling.Before starting this stage of work, the following conditions must be observed:
it is recommended to observe a certain temperature regime: from +18C to +25C;
there should be no drafts in the room;
the material should be protected from direct sunlight.
Pieces of the required size with a small margin are measured and cut from the roll. The canvases are glued in standard. The glue is applied with a wide brush or roller directly on the ceiling along the area equal to the width of the fiberglass. A piece of the web is applied to the surface greased with glue and is smoothed in the direction from the center to the edges. This procedure is performed by a plastic spatula, which is used when pasting walls with wallpaper.
Excesses of the canvas in length are cut off. It is important not to make too much pressure, because at this stage, glass chuckle is a vulnerable material and it is quite easy to break it. Thus, the entire surface of the ceiling is glued. The final effect is covered with glue all the web with glue. The canvases dry out in about a day, after which a magnificent reinforcing layer is guaranteed to be guaranteed so strong that you can forget about the repair work on the ceiling for many years.
What to do if a piece of fiberglass exploded from the side? This is the case when the neighboring canvas will have to overlap 3-5 cm. It will be necessary to smear with glue not only the next section of the ceiling, but also part of the piece (as many centimeters as it is planned to apply the web). In order not to leave a strip with a double layer of material (it will be highlighted after painting), the location is required to be in a wave -like cut with a sharp wallpaper knife. Then the extra layers from each part of the paintings are removed, and the resulting joint is neatly smoothed with a spatula.
Fiberglass on the ceiling video
Fiberglass on the ceiling for painting
Since the decoration is made inside the dwelling, any interior types of colors, for example, acrylic or water -based, will be an ideal solution. They do not have a pungent odor, dry quickly and very favorably emphasize the structure of the web.
For the best result of painting of a glass -coat on the ceiling, it is better to use a roller that has a middle pile. At the time of contact with the glass -chilling, it should not be dry, so you should soak it well in the paint.
So that all the recesses and bulges of the web are painted evenly, you can walk in turn in two directions in turn: vertically and horizontally.
After the first layer of paint dries, the second is applied. They are enough to get a strong and beautiful surface.
How to get the effect of a mirror surface?
This option looks very advantageous, but you will have to include an additional item in the list.
This is the application of the putty layer after the glue dries. The procedure is performed using a rubber spatula, and the consistency of the composition should be more liquid than usual. This is necessary in order for the applied layer to lie subtly, because the task is to evenly cover the layer of fiberglass.
The putty is allowed to dry and treated with sandpaper with fine grain. Grinding is performed neatly so as not to remove the excess layer from which the structure of the glass-chick will appear. Upon completion, the surface is primed.
Giplust sticker on a gypsum plastic ceiling
Gypsum plasterboard ceiling structures are a very common phenomenon. And the painting glasshold is used on them as a reinforcing coating with the same success. Its use is recommended, regardless of whether the Serpyanka sheets were used to strengthen or not. In the case of drywall, the web is insurance from its deformation. Indeed, in a warehouse or in a store, the material can be stored in improper conditions and, for example, gain moisture. The principle of gluing glasshold as an intermediate layer between the sheets and the final finish is similar to the above -described algorithm of work. The nuances are preparing the surface. Therefore, before gluing glasshold on the ceiling, you must:
plunge the recesses from the entry of self -tapping screws and the seams between the plate of drywall;
a glue layer is applied over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling, which will play the role of a primer. It will prevent the absorption of the subsequent connecting layer. You should wait until it dries completely;
now you can glue glasshold.
How does glass chuck differ from glass wallpaper?
Some believe that the masking web and glass -fiber wallpapers are the same. This is not true. The origin of these materials really has common roots, the ability to strengthen the pasted surface and the characteristics of refractory and wear resistance are available in both, but this is where their similarity ends. Significant differences are as follows.
Mode of production. The glass wallpaper is woven material, while glassolt is not such. It has a smooth structure, and textured wallpaper.
The web can be repainted unlimitedly, but its opponent can withstand no more than 25 color shifts.
The glass wallpaper is a product for finishing, and the web is designed to serve as an intermediate reinforcing layer.
In terms of density, fiberglass is noticeably inferior to the wallpaper: 25-65 g/m versus 150-225g/m. The difference in weight, respectively, is significant.
The price of these products varies significantly. The web is cheaper than the wallpaper by about 2 times.
Manufacturers and prices of fiberglass for the ceiling
Fiberglass of the brand Oskar It is produced in Russia, the price for a fifty -meter roll is 960 and 1035 rubles. Depending on the density of 25 and 50 g/m. Very durable material and at the same time affordable in price, allows reusable repainting and does not require large paint consumption.
Brand Welltonit is produced in Finland and costs 1065 rubles. For a roll of web 45 g/m, density, 980 rubles. for 50 meters of material with a density of 30 g/m. This material has proven itself with customers, perfectly withstands reusable repainting.
Spectrum The trademark of fiberglass production of Holland. The cost of the material density 30.45.50 g/m, respectively, 708, 843 and 912 rubles. For a roll.
Spider websEcotex 40 g/m can be bought for 534 rubles. for 50 meters of material.
BrandNortexA density of 50 g/m of China’s production is sold about 600 rubles. For a roll.
Which of the manufacturers to give preference will ultimately decide on your own. All brands are made according to the same technology, and the properties attributed to them do not differ from each other. To overpay for the name, which is heard by everyone or choose a little -known brand? In any case, you should get acquainted with reviews about this product before making a purchase. And the pashing of the ceiling with glass -cooled, as it is easy to make sure, is not so complicated and it is quite possible for anyone.