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The construction of the house according to German technology is characterized primarily by the use of high -quality materials that will last their owner for many years. It is because of this that this construction technology is becoming more and more popular. We will talk about the process of building houses according to German technology further.
German technology for erecting a house involves the construction of a frame -type building. To carry out this process, you will need the presence of a wooden frame and insulated panels, which easily withstand the most severe climate.
One of the advantages of using German technology is the fact that the construction of a house is enough for several months. So, for example, to build an aerated concrete house with an area of \u200b\u200b200 square meters and conduct its further finish, it will take at least three months. For the construction of a building built according to German construction technology, a month and a half is enough. Since ten days are enough for the construction of the foundation, and further work is related to the finish.
Among the advantages, the construction of houses, using German technology, it should be noted:
1. Heat - which consists in conducting proper thermal insulation and in the safety of heat, especially in winter. Therefore, on heating of such a house, you need to spend half as much energy resources than on the heating of the stone.
2. The duration of operation is the minimum service life of such a house to its owner, is fifty years.
3. Environmental safety - the house is made of harmless materials for the environment. For example, to insulate the panels, it is enough to use ordinary wood chips.
4. Aesthetic attractiveness - such a house is rightfully suitable for minimalists, since it does not contain any extra details.
5. The simplicity and ease of operation - all rooms are thought out to the smallest detail, it is convenient to use the house at any time of the year.
If we consider the issue of the cost of a house erected using German technology, then about 38 thousand euros will be required to carry out construction work on the arrangement of a house, an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. This factor is affected by the construction technology that happens:
In addition, finishing materials differ in cost, their choice depends on the preferences of the owners and the characteristics of the room.
Low -rise construction involves several technologies for arranging a frame house. They are used in different countries and from them and received their names. The most common technologies for the construction of frame houses are Finnish and German. The main difference of which is the type of materials used, the technology of erecting the frame and the quality of the work performed.
For the construction of the frame, which is the main supporting design of the house, wooden or metal rods are used. It is because of them that the design is strong and reliable.
For the manufacture of a frame house according to German technology, a whole claw of wooden beam is used, from which a frame is built. For the manufacture of such a beam, a special pre -dried and calibrated wood is used exclusively conifers. It is the conifers that are less prone to decay and drying out, since they have a high resin content.
The most common option for building the frame is the preliminary strapping of the walls: from below and from above, the installation of stiffness racks, beams and struts. In addition, additional elements are installed in the form of racks and crossbars, in the space between which window and doorways are installed.
To fill in the mezhkarkas space, a heater is used, the main quality of which is the inappropriation before decay and deformation. Therefore, the best option for insulation is the use of basalt stone wool or polystyrene foam plates.
Projects of German houses:
Next, the frame is boiled on both sides with the help of a striper -based OSB. For their manufacture, a pressed wooden chips, resins and an antifungal agent are used. The option is possible with the help of cemented chips. The inner part of the structure is protected by the use of a hydro and vapor barrier membrane, which passes steam and humidity only into the outer part, so all the wooden parts of the structures always remain dry.
Subsequent finishing includes the skin of the walls with drywall, and for the processing of rooms with a high level of humidity, another additional waterproofing layer will be required.
Replacing wooden structures is quite real with a light metal profile. This construction technology is ideal when erecting houses as soon as possible. With its help, not only residential low -rise premises are built, but also offices, warehouse and industrial premises. Materials of higher strength are used for their construction than in the construction of a residential building.
German houses photo:
We offer to study the advantages of frame technology for building houses:
1. Small wall thickness, providing a high level of thermal insulation.
The insulation, which is used in the process of building walls according to German technology, has a very low thermal conductivity, in comparison with brick or concrete. Therefore, for example, using mineral wool, it is enough to install a layer with a thickness of 15 cm. At the same time, the thickness of the entire wall will reach a 25 cm mark. This is enough for even in the harsh winter to be warm and comfortable in the house. In addition, the consumption for heating such a house, compared with the brick, will be five, or even eight times less. And in order to hide all communication elements, inter -stratum space is used, so the appearance of the room will not suffer in any way.
2. The high bearing capacity of the walls and the low weight of the building itself. It is thanks to these qualities that for the construction of the house that you will not need to equip a too powerful and expensive foundation. A fairly finely columnar or tape type of foundation. Thus, it is possible to maintain funds on their arrangement. Due to the high bearing capacity of the walls, a huge selection in the decoration of the roof is torn off, since almost any materials are used.
3. A high level of seismic resistance and immunity before seasonal soil movements. The house for the construction of which was used by German frame technology withstands earthquakes from 7.5 to 9.2 points.
4. The design is unsuccessful, therefore it is not required to expect a certain period of time for finishing work.
5. The possibility of building a house of any shape and configuration. This construction technology can realize any ideas of architects, designers and owners of the house. In addition, there is the possibility of arranging additional extensions located near the house.
6. The speed of erection of houses is the highest. All construction work is carried out directly at the construction object and takes this process for no more than two months. Houses built according to German technology are based on a coarse assembly of panels, the degree of readiness of which is 91%, since they are pre-prepared by the manufacturer, and it remains only to connect them on the spot using a small labor force in the form of four to five people. All elements made at the plant have high quality, so there is practically no probability of errors in the process of connecting parts.
7. The presence of the opportunity in the round -leading construction work. Houses built using German technology are equipped in both summer and winter season. Conducting installation work does not depend on the ambient temperature. The main condition is the lack of precipitation and high humidity.
8. Harm harmfulness is ensured by the use of exclusively environmentally friendly materials. In this case, not only a person, but also the environment does not suffer.
9. Low level of labor costs for the construction of a house. In the process of construction, there is no need to attract special technical equipment. Houses are mounted both on small narrow streets and in spacious areas. In addition, five people are enough to install such a house.
10. The low price for the built house is determined by all the above advantages.
11. High level of durability. Houses made using German construction technology will serve their owners from fifty to eighty years.
The service life of a panel house in Germany is about 100 years. This is due to the presence of such qualities of a panel house as:
The design of the wall consists of:
Cement-combustible slabs are non-combustible durable moisture resistant and frost-resistant fireproof material used for construction, structural or repair work.
For the manufacture of frame structures, pine, passing strict control, automatic calibration work, sorting in the ratio with the quality and drying procedure are used.
The most optimal type of insulation is basalt mineral wool. Since it has a good density that prevents its shrinkage. If the house is in the northern region, then the recommended wall thickness is more than 25 cm.
Construction by German technology involves the arrangement of fireproof houses, which belong to the fourth category of fire fire resistance. The stoves of cement -shaped type are attributed to the difficult and non -extended fire materials. Mineral wool is an absolutely non -combustible substance. In addition, during fire, toxic or toxic vapors and gases are not released in the house.
Video German houses: