If you started a grand repair in your apartment, then it is first of all ...
If you started a grand repair in your apartment, then it is first of all ... |
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The need to repair old ceilings may occur for several reasons. The leading positions occupy emergency situations when the ceiling flooded with neighbors from above, banal wear of the cracker of the paint, the release of the old decorative coating from the base, the appearance of yellow spots. The ceiling repair in the old house is made in the case when there was a common desire to simply update the appearance and decorative coating. In this case, problems with the surface of the ceiling are often absent. Updating the ceiling will be necessary when the internal repair of the apartment or private house is carried out, which experts recommend starting on top, and then move on to other types of work. This is due to the fact that the ceiling is the most important detail of the interior, which is the first to catch the eye at the entrance to the room. There are many options for repairing the ceiling, and the choice of the most preferred of them should be carried out individually, taking into account the characteristics of the interior. Before starting the repair of the ceiling, it is necessary to evaluate its initial state, and only then draw conclusions about the need for cosmetic or major repairs.
If you want to update only the appearance of the ceiling, most likely you have no serious problems with its surface. In this case, your main task is to refresh the decorative coating. Despite the fact that, at first glance, this task seems quite simple, it is often complicated by many factors accompanying the repair.
First of all, the task is complicated by the lack of the opportunity to free the room from furniture and bulky things, especially if the repair is carried out in a one -room apartment. In this regard, you constantly have to move the furniture and cover it.
Today it is almost impossible to meet those who want to lead the old ceiling opposite, they try to get rid of whitewashing. It is not surprising that one of the dirtiest stages of ceiling repair is considered to be removed from its surface of the old whitewash or other ceiling coating. This operation is quite laborious, and the further quality of the ceiling coating depends on the thoroughness of its implementation. The removal of lime, water -based or chalk whitewashing is carried out using a roller on a long handle, which must be moistened with water and carried out on the ceiling, which is necessary to moisturize the whitewashing. After that, it is necessary to remove the old ceiling for this moisturized whitewashing is cleaned with a spatula. All other types of paint are cleaned with a special cleaner.
The algorithm of further actions depends on the chosen method of finishing the ceiling. If you plan to paint the ceiling or paste it with wallpaper or ceiling tiles, you should know that all types of adhesive and paint work should be carried out only after preliminary priming the surface, which will increase the adhesion of the decorative layer and the main surface. In the case of installation of drywall or stretch ceilings, the base is not required.
Important! Replacing the old electrical wiring in the ceiling and the installation of the withdrawals for built -in lamps is also carried out at the preparatory stage.
At the next stage of the preparatory work, the surface is aligned and the priming of the base. The grout of the seams between the slabs and the elimination of large irregularities is carried out using gypsum plaster, which is applied in several layers. The plaster of the old ceiling will eliminate defects in the ceiling surface.
Inspect the finished surface for the presence of irregularities, cracks between plates or small potholes. In case of detection of those, smear them with cement or gypsum plaster, the application of which is carried out by a spatula used to clean the whitewashing. When eliminating the gaps and irregularities of the ceiling surface, make sure that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the ceiling and, at the same time, do not fail too deeply. To make sure that the surface of the ceiling is perfectly flat, use the laser level. Based on the results of the measurements, the value of the detected deviations should not exceed 5-7 mm.
The final stage of the cosmetic repair is finishing the ceiling, the complexity of which depends on the selected materials and the complexity of the installation. The modern level of development of building technologies dictates its own rules, and today stretch ceilings are especially popular, the installation of which is recommended to entrust specialists. However, it can be carried out independently. Despite this, for independent implementation, experts recommend choosing simpler installation options for the ceiling surface: painting, ceiling tiles or drywall.
If you have carried out all the above stages of preparatory work, you can begin to finish the ceiling and its subsequent decoration. Consider how to paint the old ceiling correctly, while fitting at the same time in the shortest period of time.
Painting the ceiling is a multi -stage process that includes many stages:
2. The thermal method, the principle of which is based on the use of a construction hair dryer;
3. A chemical method that implies the use of a special solution for removing the paint, after applying which it will be easy to leave.
If you are puzzled by the design of the painted ceiling, having familiarized yourself with the material of the article, you can adopt several options.
Consider the main options for repairing an old wooden ceiling, which is characterized by a fairly even base without obvious height changes.
One of the easiest repair options is to glue the ceiling with wallpaper. This method is most acceptable for apartments than for private houses, since the apartment building is practically not subject to shrinkage, and therefore, it can be safely argued that the finish will not be peeled off from the surface of the ceiling. If your ceiling is not an ideal plane, give preference to wallpaper with a large embossed pattern that will hide small irregularities and make the ceiling visually more even. Such varieties include wallpaper with complex geometric patterns.
To facilitate the process of gluing wallpaper, try not to do the work alone invite a partner who will support the second end of the wallpaper moistened with glue. This will avoid ruptures of the canvas.
Technological nuances of wallpaper sticking:
If the ceiling surface in the repair room is characterized by a height difference visible by eye, and due to financial problems you cannot make complete plastering of the surface, prefer ceiling polystyrene tiles, which still does not lose its popularity due to ease of installation and democratic value.
The tile is mounted on the ceiling, using super -strength glue, which will firmly hold the coating on the ceiling surface even in the presence of irregularities. To make the ceiling more original, experts recommend mounting tiles diagonally.
Technological nuances of installing ceiling tiles:
How not to delete the old whitewashing layer?
If the whitewashing holds quite firmly, experts do not always recommend removing the lime layer. The variety of building materials presented on the market allows it to be primed and painted. This can be done only with the help of modern primers, which can be applied directly to the lime layer. Usually it writes about this on the package. One of these brands is the primer -strengthening primer, strengthening.
Large irregularities are found on the ceiling surface. How to fix it?
How to close the cracks between the plates?
What to do if you flood the ceiling?
Important!When painting the ceiling, hold the roller in one direction, since only in this case the painted surface will be perfectly smooth after the paint dries.
Dranka on the ceiling: why prepare?
Dranka is wooden rails, nailed crosswise to the ceiling for applying plaster on them. One of the most frequent problems that you can face in old houses. The plaster begins to fall off directly onto the head. How to deal with this?
There are several options:
Option No. 1: Beat the plaster with a pickle, and install the frame of metal profiles, which is overtaken by drywall. The formed space between the base and a sheet of drywall, if necessary, can be filled with insulation;
Option No. 2: Remove the shingle and put the ceiling in the usual way;
Option No. 3: If the plaster collaps are insignificant, try to process your fight with glue (this can even be PVA) and fill the irregularities with a mixture of KNAUF ROTBAND;
Option No. 4: If the defects have touched the fight itself, they need to be eliminated by removing part of the plaster around it and filling them with drywall patch, which is screwed with self -tapping screws with the ceiling. The joints are sealed with a reinforcing ribbon and put down.
thanks for the info
thanks for the info