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Installation of a suspended aluminum ceiling

Suspended ceiling systems are widespread throughout the world due to the convenience of operation and high functionality. Not so long ago, suspended ceilings made of aluminum, ultramodern, light, differing in the speed of installation, but expensive compared to other suspended structures, have gained particular popularity. If you think about the installation of an aluminum suspended ceiling in your home or office, it will be useful for you to get detailed information about them.


  1. Description of the suspended ceilings of aluminum
  2. Advantages of rack aluminum ceilings
  3. Types of suspended aluminum ceilings
  4. Installation of suspended aluminum ceilings

Description of the suspended ceilings of aluminum

Suspending ceiling systems of the rack type every day become more popular, since they can be equipped not only inside buildings, but also from the outside. Such structures are not afraid of low temperatures, corrosion, humidity and fires. They do not deteriorate and do not fade over time, so they are perfect for rooms with large requirements for the characteristics of the ceiling.

A special type of suspended systems is aluminum rhumin ceilings, which are panels with a length of 3 to 4 meters, 5 20 centimeters wide and about 0.6 millimeters thick, which are equipped with special compounds. When the ceiling composition is collected, the joints between the rails become inconspicuous, and the ceiling looks continuous and solid.

If necessary, you can order aluminum panels of non -standard sizes. However, in practice, quite rarely buyers resort to such an opportunity. In addition to the main panels that have a width of 50,200 millimeters, manufacturers make narrow insert panels that create a contrast with large panels due to color and size, as well as thanks to a texture that is perforated or smooth.

In aluminum rack ceilings, spot or raster lamps are installed. For round lamps in the rails, it is customary to cut holes, and for raster - buy a rail with already made holes called the screen. Often the screen is sold with lamps. Not so long ago, curved elements from the rails appeared on the market. With their help, you can form bends and combine two rooms with different ceiling heights.

The re -panels are painted in any tone of the coloristic table, often all sorts of images are projected on them, they can have a relief or mirror surface. These features can be used to create an unusual interior solution, reproduce the necessary surroundings and arrange non -standard lighting. In particular, the system of modular lighting with multi -colored lamps and sources of different power looks great on the suspended aluminum ceiling.

Best of aluminum rack ceilings are suitable for schools, medical institutions, supermarkets and shops, restaurants and night clubs. In urban apartments and country houses, such suspended systems are most often installed in rooms with high humidity of bathrooms, kitchens, saunas and pools, as well as on summer terraces, venues and arbors, because aluminum is not terrible to rain, or frost, nor the sun.

Advantages of rack aluminum ceilings

Suspended aluminum ceilings have many advantages over other ceiling systems. Consider their most important advantages:

  • An aluminum ceiling is universal with its help you can complete the ceiling finish in a non -residential or residential -type room.
  • One of the main advantages of aluminum ceilings is the simplicity of their installation and dismantling. Such a ceiling can be partially disassembled if you need to get to the wiring, which is located in the inter -ground space. After such work, cassettes or rails are easily installed in the same place without losing their decorative properties and functionality.
  • It is customary to install a suspended ceiling of aluminum at any level and at any angle to the base ceiling, which helps to hide all the flaws of the rough surface and possible communications. Adjustable suspensions create a perfectly even ceiling plane.
  • Aluminum is a very light metal, so such a ceiling does not require a powerful suspension system that ensures the safety of their operation. At the same time, there is no danger that some kind of rake will fall off and fall on a person.
  • Aluminum is pure material from an environmental point of view, which does not secrete harmful substances into the air even with severe heating.
  • Aluminum is almost the only suitable material that does not rust, which makes it a leader among other options. Aluminum is resistant to aggressive media (household chemicals, disinfection). Suspended aluminum ceilings are almost not subject to aging, so they are able to maintain the original appearance and quality under the influence of these factors for a long time.
  • Caring for aluminum panels is very simple and does not require much effort: they wash without difficulty, and after removing the pollution, they are simply polished with a napkin or a soft rag. At the same time, the ceilings are not aged, so there is no need to update the coatings - there is enough regular washing. And if there is a scratch or dent, then you just need to change one rail, leaving the rest of the ceiling alone.
  • Suspended aluminum ceilings have an excellent appearance, high reflective characteristics and a variety of colors, which allows them to equip them to embody a wide variety of design intentions.

Types of suspended aluminum ceilings

On the market, two main varieties of suspended ceilings made of aluminum cassette and rack, which are distinguished by geometric parameters of the cladding. There are some differences in the frame system, which is shown in the drawings and photos of aluminum suspended ceilings.

Speech aluminum ceilings can differ in the width and color of the rails, its profile and the mounting method:

  • Open -type rack ceiling made of aluminum. In such a system, narrow gaps remain between the panels, which can be closed with special inserts or left open, depending on the conditions of use of the ceiling and your desire. If the room needs additional ventilation, then it is better to leave the interior space open.
  • Reed ceiling of a closed type of aluminum. A similar design forms a continuous surface without the presence of cracks between the panels. When installing specialized rails, such a surface comes out ribbed, and when installing the best -sized racks is smooth and even.

Cassette aluminum ceilings are a modular ceiling system, which consists of separate rectangular or square cassettes. You can also find cassettes in a more complex shape. Cassettes differ in size and color, but pay special attention to constructive differences:

  • A cellular design with clear boundaries of each module. Cassettes are invested in a suspended frame system, which remains open.
  • Continuous surface. Cassettes are installed on the frame from below, and it is hidden.

As for the color scheme, the rack and cassette aluminum ceilings are of different colors from snow-white to black. The most popular are suspended ceiling systems with a metallic effect (silver, golden and chrome) and a mirror surface. An interesting solution is to use the combination of cassettes and rails of different colors. When arranging an open rack ceiling, a contrasting combination of interior inserts and rails is often used.

Installation of suspended aluminum ceilings

Installation of a suspended aluminum ceiling is not the simplest process, but if you approach the case seriously, then this is quite possible to do. In this regard, much depends on the dimensions and the shape of your premises. Naturally, the easier the shape will be the easier to produce installations. In perfectly square or rectangular rooms, questions related to the installation of a rack ceiling made of aluminum should not occur.

The design of suspended ceilings

If you decide to buy a rack aluminum ceiling, then remember that the price of a suspended aluminum ceiling includes: tire, skirting, suspension, rails and lamps themselves. Let's look at these elements in more detail:

  • Reiki is aluminum panels, in the design of which there are special compounds, which after completion remain invisible.
  • The tire is a bar with cloves, for which the rails cling. Pay special attention to the selection of tires to the rails, because a certain type of tire, unfortunately, is not suitable for all aluminum rails.
  • A suspension is a wire that attaches to a concrete ceiling. Tires with aluminum strips are attached to the suspension. Because of this, in fact, such a ceiling is called suspended. Remember that high -quality suspensions have the ability to adjust in height.
  • Plinth. This element of the design of the suspended aluminum ceiling plays a purely decorative role, because it closes the gap between the ceiling and the wall, in general, like an ordinary skirting board.
  • Lamps. Always remember the lighting devices, as there are situations when the owners are remembered for lighting sources only after the installation of the river ceiling. You can purchase ready -made aluminum strips screens with installed spotlights.

You should immediately warn you that the suspended ceilings made of aluminum, despite their type - cassette and rack, are produced by many different manufacturers. Their products differ in the size and profile of the planks, as well as the configuration of the suspended frame. Therefore, it is recommended to buy ready -made sets of exclusively one manufacturer, and not to assemble the ceiling from different components.

Recommendations for the choice of rails

In order not to overpay for the material for the suspended aluminum ceiling and to be confident in the strength of the entire suspension structure, and this is an important argument, it is recommended to be attentive to the choice of aluminum strips. When choosing the size of aluminum planks (rails or cassettes), you need to pay attention to the following information:

  1. Length. The choice in this regard is very small aluminum strips can have a length of 3 to 4 meters. If both options do not suit you, you can find a company that provides cutting services of this material.
  2. Width. The choice is also not very widely the thickness of aluminum planks reaches 9 - 20 centimeters. An excellent solution is aluminum rails with a thickness of about 10 centimeters, they are most popular.
  3. Thickness. But the fact that the ceiling will turn out to be reliable will depend on the choice of aluminum planks, and subsequently, do you overpay for its installation. Ideally, the thickness of aluminum planks should be 0.5 millimeters.

Remember that there are three types of rails open, closed and with inserts:

  • Closed aluminum rails are similar to a wooden lining.
  • In the case of choosing open rails, there should be a small gap between them. It is recommended to install such open rails only in rooms, the height of which is more than 5 meters, so this type of rack ceiling in the bathroom is unlikely to be appropriate.
  • And the third look, aluminum rails with inserts, are similar to open ones, but at the same time, it is customary to mask all the gaps with narrow stripes of aluminum.

When choosing a suspended aluminum ceiling, you need to pay attention to the presence of a protective film, the presence of dents and the thickness of the racks. The thicker the rails, the stronger the ceiling will turn out. The protective coating is required for safe transportation of the ceiling from the store to the installation object of an aluminum suspended ceiling.

The color of aluminum rails is recommended to choose, given the overall picture of the design of the room. If you want to equip a mirror ceiling, then you should choose a chrome aluminum ceiling. Well, if you plan to repaint the ceiling, for this you just need to apply an enamel layer.

Installation instructions for aluminum ceiling

The installation of a rack or cassette aluminum ceiling begins with surface marking. At a distance of at least 13 centimeters from the main plane along the walls, you need to draw a marking line. So that it is located in one horizontal plane, it is recommended to use a laser or water level. You can do the use of an alcohol level, but it is not so accurate.

Having determined the height of the ceiling, it is necessary to install a carrier profile along the perimeter of the room, drilling along the line of marking the hole and fixing it with dowels with dowels every 50-60 centimeters. Along the perimeter of the room, the guides should be installed in the corner profile. If you equip the rack ceiling, then the guides should be placed perpendicular to the direction of the rails that you have chosen.

The guide profile to the bearing overlap is attached using adjustable suspensions, then they are set in level. The suspensions are attached in this way. In the ceiling, drill holes and forget the anchor in them, which have a diameter of 6 millimeters and a length of 40 millimeters. The suspensions are attached to the anchor so that they are on the same level. In order to control the level, you can use a laser indicator or construction thread. The step between suspensions should not be more than 1.2 meters.

The ends of the guides will simply lie on the angular profile shelf, but they do not rely on it. In the case of installation of cassette ceilings, transverse inserts are attached to the longitudinal guide profiles using special locks.

Attach the supporting tires to the suspensions with a similar step, which the suspensions themselves were installed. To do this, put them on suspensions with special holes. By moving a fast -up clip, it is recommended to level the supporting tire.

Now the turn of the most trembling moment came when installing an aluminum suspended ceiling with his own hands. Remove the protective film from the rails. If you want to install ceiling lamps, then cut the holes of the required size in advance. The slats should be snap on the protrusions of the suspension system, and if you equip a cassette ceiling, then such strips can simply be invested in a finished cell or fixed similarly to the rails.

It remains only to fix the panels on the traverse and snap the tongues that are located on the supporting bus. In the course of work, you still have to install lamps on the ceiling, if they are provided for by the project. Remember that during the installation of a suspended aluminum ceiling, the rails cannot be deformed, and they are quite easily deformed.





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