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Ribbon-tank foundation for a frame house

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The strip-tower foundation for frame houses This is the most optimal solution for this type of building, since it costs quite a bit, and the quality and speed of its construction is on top. It should be noted that this type of foundation can also be safely called the simplest, and even a beginner in construction can cope with its arrangement.

Such a strip-tank foundation for a frame house begins with the arrangement of pillars. Shurffs are drilled along the perimeter of the future house, 25-35 cm with a diameter of 25-35 cm and a depth below the freezing level. After the pits are ready, at the bottom they need to create a special sand pillow, which, later, will also need to be tamped. The walls of the pits are framed by waterproofing materials, the upper part is fixed by the frames from the boards, and reinforcement is inserted into the middle. After pouring and complete hardening of the pillars, you can proceed to the manufacture of the foundation tape.

First you need to create a removable formwork, at the bottom of which to form a layer of compacted land along the way. Further, it will be necessary to install a layer of reinforcement and concrete all this into the formwork. It should be noted that when the formwork in it, in the appropriate places, it will be necessary to install various kinds of outputs for communications, as well as fasteners, to which the frame of the future frame building will be mounted.

Construction very often requires special equipment and is not always possible to buy. Renting an excavator will be in handy, it remains only to choose a caterpillar or wheel excavator for work.





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It was easier for me to order

It was easier for me to order a ready-made frame house than to build myself) I ordered this after 2 months I moved to it with my family.