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Choosing a coating for children's rooms

The floor covering for the children's playing room should be safe for health, soften falls and blows, look bright and attractive, easy to clean and at the same time the majority of parents are inexpensively like this or something like this. Is it possible to find material combining all these qualities, or ideal does not exist? In the article, we consider which coating is better for a children's room.


  1. Ecological flooring in a children's room
  2. Laminate in the nursery
  3. Linoleum on the floor in the children's room
  4. Soft coating for a children's room
  5. Flooring for the children's room puzzle
  6. Prevention and treatment as fun entertainment

Ecological flooring in a children's room


Floors made of wood could claim the title of the best option for arranging the floor in children's rooms. A properly processed and dried floorboard will be

  • fighting tightly, guaranteeing the absence of cracks in which a curious baby can put a finger,
  • protected by varnish to avoid splinter,
  • it is easy to remove from spots of food, juices, colors and other inevitable pollution.

But a tree that creates a feeling of heat, which has a beautiful natural texture and a pattern, is not suitable for small active fidgets. Wooden boards will not soften the blow from the fall from the first steps of the baby or a brisk -loved fan of moving, jump from chairs and sofas. And the price of high -quality wood floors does not fit into the framework of budget repairs.


Continuing a conversation about the materials proposed by nature itself, it is necessary to mention the cork coating.

  • It is attributed to the category of environmentally friendly. It is guaranteed not to cause allergic reactions. For health safety, you can put a plus.
  • The cork coating in the children's room is warm, serves as a soundproof layer (this quality will be appreciated by the neighbors from below) - this is an advantage from the category of comfort.
  • The traffic jam does not allow to slide on the floor, it is moderately elastic and is able to smooth out the consequences from falls - plus in the column of the safety of movements.
  • The cork floor is not afraid of wet cleaning, wear -resistant material is difficult to damage.
  • The coating can be floating (assembled in a way similar to the installation of the laminate) or glued to the black base. In both cases, any dad will cope with the works on his flooring.

It seems that on this material you can opt for it, if not for its price. Natural coatings were never cheap. Attempts to save and purchase material less than rigidity are required can lead to incorrigible consequences: under the weight of furniture, the cork will be served, and it is easier to damage such a coating.

Laminate in the nursery

  • The laminate can be used in children's rooms, but it is better to lay it when the child has grown. Lamels come in different colors and imitate the texture of real boards. The floor is warm. It is easy to wash such a coating, and it is inexpensive. But the laminate is not designed for a long life and does not tolerate a long contact with water. If neat use guarantees that the coating will last more than 5 years, then the puddle from the spilled compote, which remained unnoticed, will lead to corruption of the coating.
  • It is also quite unpleasant to fall on such a floor, but it turns out very well to slide along it. Therefore, it is better to follow the original advice: investing in a laminate with an increased level of strength and wear resistance is justified in case of arranging a room for a teenager.

Linoleum on the floor in the children's room

  • Linoleum in the nursery is one of the most affordable and functional flooring. A large selection of colors, imitation of a parquet board, funny and colorful drawings designed specifically into the child’s room will satisfy any requests. The coating is already with a substrate glued to the main material, or it is purchased separately. In any case, the floor turns out to be warm, it is good to play it, and with cleaning the mother will not have problems. Refusing the acquisition of linoleum on the floor in the nursery will make only commitment to more modern materials.

  • PVC tiles are alternative to linoleum coating. Among the bright and diverse collections, it is easy to choose the one that will appeal to the child and arrange parents. It is easily mounted on glue or elements are attached to each other on locking joints. Polymer products have always been distinguished by easy cleaning and a long service life, tiles made of polyvinyl chloride are no exception.

Soft coating for a children's room

If the child is just starting to learn to walk, crawls a lot, and is actively moving, then it is better to immediately lay a soft flooring. They are willingly chosen by the owners of apartments, in which the floor needs additional insulation. You will have to choose from two options: carpet coatings (carpets, carpet) or soft puzzles from polymers.

  • Carpets The traditional attribute of a dwelling in many cultures. In addition to maintaining heat and creating comfort, the drawings on them wore a secret hidden meaning. Today, prints are exclusively decorative, even if these are pronounced ethnic motifs. And for children's rooms, designers have developed and continue to come up with original drawings.
  • Carpet for a children's room is of different shapes and sizes, but these are always products with a clear pattern and processed edges. For the most part, they do not close the entire surface of the floor and are one of the techniques of zoning the room. In the children's room, they can highlight the playing area, and the rugs are usually placed in front of the bed in front of the bed. Children love to run barefoot or play lying on the floor a carpet from natural components will provide the desired level of heat and comfort. But such a solution is not entirely practical. In young children, the concept of maintaining cleanliness, order and neat handling of things does not always coincide with the rules that adults invented. And during the period of accustoming to the pot, an expensive flooring can be hopelessly spoiled (or the carpet will be in dry cleaning, not in the children's room).

  • Carpet The coating for children's rooms, like the carpet, is designed to make the floor warm, soft and provide a comfortable place for the game for the child.
  • Such a coating is laid over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor. In order for the carpet to be better to be cleaned, most of its species are made of synthetic fibers. In the presence of some differences, all types of carpet coatings are made using the same technologies and using the same materials. The service life, method of care, recommendations at the place of use and, of course, price, will depend on this or that price.

Classification of carpet coatings on the floor in the children's room

Only by looking at the potential coating in the nursery, it will not be possible to guess which particular method of manufacture was used by the manufacturer. The answer to the question will give the lower side of the material.

  • Tafting (firmware). This technology is common. Prior to the invention of a machine, capable of independently to consolidate the pile yarn at the basis of the future carpet, the firmware was carried out manually. The machine uses the principle of coordinated operation of needles and hooks (a similar operation is performed by a sewing machine). Each needle fasten the yarn through the primary base. A hook picks it up, pulling out and forming a loop. If the hooks are supplemented with blades, then the loop after stretching is cut. Such a pile is called cut. The next step is the latex layer, fixing the yarn, and the secondary base. Such a manufacturing technique allows you to vary the height of the pile, create coatings with a wide variety of drawings and texture.

  • Needle -punched mode of production. The needle used to make coatings in this way is deprived of an ears. But Zazubrins along its entire length allow you to cling and confuse the fibers of the pile when the needle moves up and down. A quality product has from 800 to 1200 penalties per square inch. The reverse side is created from a layer of latex or glue, and after pressing the coating is guaranteed integrity and a long service life. According to this principle, not only plain carpets are created, the drawings on them can be very diverse. The appearance of the needle -punched carpets is inferior to coatings produced in a tafing way. And they are considered less comfortable. But the needle -rustic coatings are wear -off and are much cheaper.
  • Woven coatings They are a complex structure from a plexus into a single whole pile, threads of a duck and base. The price of such products is not a small process is complicated and takes a lot of time. But, due to the fact that the base is firmly connected with the pile, it will not exfoliate and break up even after long and intensive operation. The villi of such a coating is not crushed under the roller wheels of the office seats, and the wheels of toy cars and tolokars (on which much smaller pressure will act) all the more they will not harm them. Wet and dry coating will equally steadfastly tolerate all tests. The pile in such carpets is rarely multi -level, and for its manufacture, both natural woolen and synthetic fibers are equally used.

How is color created?

The carpet coatings are stained in two ways: either the pile before fixing to the base give the desired shade, or the finished product is painted. Sometimes both options are used at once. In addition to plain or differentiated staining, the finished product can purchase color by printing. Template, stencil or jet printing is used. When the pile is painted on a finished product, color pigments penetrate only into the part that is on the surface. Because of this, the shades will fade over time, and various pollutions are absorbed into such a coating much more active.

An alternative is the color of the fibers before they form a carpet pile. Here they give the color in two ways:

  • stain the material at the stage of creating fibers
  • or swim in the dyes an already formed thread.

No matter how the manufacturer acts, but the coloring pigments are deeply penetrated into the structure of the material, and it retains the colors juicy longer. Therefore, the carpet for the nursery ideally should be painted in this way.

Pedigree fibers

What to give preference: the gifts of nature or the triumph of human genius?

  • Materials of animal and plant origin They are not cheap. Wool, silk, sisal jute, cotton and flax can become a pile of coating in the nursery. Fans of one hundred percent natural product need to know that completely woolen carpets are a rarity (besides dear). The composition of the fibers will still include artificially created threads. Otherwise, the product will be simply impractical to use, and such a carpet should be hung in a frame and dusted, but not to be torn to pieces by a little fidget.
  • Synthetic materials can be safe and natural.
  • The palm of the championship is firmly held nylon. From it they create a moderately elastic, practical pile. In well -known brands, products also undergo special antistatic treatment. Fire indicators are also on top. Polyamide fiber is painted well, so the palette of finished products is rich and bright. For a children's room, you need to look for a coating with a soft impregnation with a Teflon. Nylon carpets and carpets are the most expensive in the segment of synthetic flooring, but the most popular and high -quality. It is polyamide that is added as a satellite for combined products. The pile will not grind under the items of furniture and will not be pulled out, despite all the efforts of the baby.

  • Polypropylene fibers They gain color at the time of manufacture, otherwise the dyes simply do not penetrate the dense structure of the material. This contributes to a prolonged preservation of the shade, although the choice of colors cannot be called rich and diverse. The coating of polypropylene is not afraid of water and spots, and the material itself is not magnetized (though during operation, this property is lost). Such a carpet is cheap, but quickly wears out and melts at relatively low temperatures. For rooms with intensive movement, it is not bought.
  • Artificial fibers from polyester (polyester) Even less wear -resistant than polypropylene. But they are very reminiscent of woolen. This feature is noticeable on carpets with a large mass of pile. But such a thick edge is not entirely relevant in the children's room.
  • Acrylic pile No less effectively copies the woolen coating. And some coloring substances that are used today in the production of carpets are simply not able to penetrate the structure of the material. So there is no need to wait for the wealth of shades. The resistance of abrasion in acrylic floor coverings is average, but polyamide fibers are added to improve the indicator.

General recommendations for the purchase of carpet or carpet in the nursery are reduced to the following points.

  • The pile should not be too fluffy and long. It will inevitably get small garbage in it, and it will be much more difficult to take care of it. Optimal for the children's room carpet with a short pile of 2 or 3 mm.
  • Natural or artificial fibers should have a coating in the nursery is a question from the category of eternal. On the one hand, nothing will replace the sensation from tactile contact with wool or linen. But ticks and microbes are very appreciated by this environment. And high -quality artificial coating, for example, from nylon fully complies with all hygienic requirements.
  • Carpet for a nursery can become not just a soft color coating, but also a door to a fairy tale with painted locks, alleys and gardens. Boys will appreciate the drawn racing tracks or city road interchanges. In any case, the football field or flowering meadow will in any case will carry away the baby and form the basis of exciting and developing games.

  • Carpet coatings with a pattern or abstract ornament are better to mask spots than plain.

Flooring for the children's room puzzle

By purchasing puzzle rugs as a floor covering, parents solve the rhinestones several problems.

  • Soft and pleasant to the touch structural elements will surely like the baby. It is pleasant to run around them, sitting warmly, practicing with other toys, and they soften the blows from falls.
  • Bright colors of the rug will attract the smallest kids, and growing up, the baby will receive the basics of design, spatial thinking, will develop fine motor skills, and color perception.
  • Such coatings are puzzles, and puzzles, and designers. And the central outstanding elements in various models serve as magnificent didactic material for studying forms, numbers, animals, letters.

  • With modular coatings for the children's room, it is fun to play, just care for them, and polymer materials have passed certification and are safe for the health of the baby. They are inexpensive, and you can change the coating from time to time so that the child receives new knowledge. In such rugs, only one drawback will not close the entire surface of the floor and can only be applied as an addition, for example, to carpet.

Prevention and treatment as fun entertainment

  • According to the principle of puzzles, you can collect an orthopedic coating in the child’s room. It is able to adjust existing problems with the formation of the foot or prevent their occurrence (for example, flat feet).
  • These are strong and brightly painted elements of a single design that imitate various irregularities, say, pebble beach or grass. Running on such a multi -false surface of the baby, in fact, makes an effective and pleasant massage of the feet.
  • Puzzles can be combined in different sequences and use both houses and on the street, during hardening procedures. Rubber orthopedic coatings are often covered in a bath, then the acceptance of the shower is combined with the benefit of massage, and the legs will not slip.
  • Running, jumping, walking and coordination exercises such a coating will be an excellent addition to the home gym, it is easy to wash and remove it when it is not necessary.

The flooring in the nursery can be not only practical and safe, but also smart and useful. What to give preference to parents, and the only right decision does not exist. A hint will become the age, temperament, interests of a son or daughter, well, where are the material opportunities without it? But, as practice shows, the path with the greatest costs is not always the most true.





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