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Laying of a sex board: master class

When changing the old flooring or when arranging a new floor, the floorboard is the most optimal option that is characterized by practicality, accessibility and safety in use. Despite the popularity of the floorboard, the process of its installation for many seems quite complicated. Therefore, we will consider further about the features of laying the floorboard.

Table of contents:

  1. Manufacturing technology and advantages of the floorboard
  2. Varieties of bases for laying a floorboard
  3. Laying floors from a dodgy board
  4. Pauling Parquet Board Laying: Technology and Features

Manufacturing technology and advantages of the floorboard

The floorboard is characterized by high operational and technical properties. Based on her attractiveness, she is located on a par with a more expensive laminate and a parquet board. In the manufacture of the floorboard, thoroughly drying the tree occurs to a certain point of the content of moisture in it. Therefore, this material has a long service life.

Among one of the undeniable advantages of the floorboard is its affordable cost, which makes it so popular. In addition, it has high thermal insulation ability and provides sound insulation well.

The floorboard fits perfectly into any type of interior, does not change the shape during operation and has an attractive appearance.

The main components of this material are:

  • spikes;
  • grooves;
  • groove ventilation ducts.

The most optimal tree option suitable for the manufacture of sex boards is larch. Due to its strength, durability, it is distinguished by good performance.

If you compare the installation of the laminate with the installation of a parquet board, then the second requires less time to lay. At the same time, it is environmentally friendly and harmless, since in the process of manufacturing no extraneous impurities are added to it.

The floorboard has the form of a massive product, which is made of whole trees. If the length and width of the products are compact, then the laying process occurs quickly and easily, since it developed special grooves that ensure the connection of the boards. The procedure for installing a floorboard in large areas does not take more than two days.

The main indicator of the quality of the floorboard is the material from which it was built. But, almost all types of sex boards have such advantages:

1. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity and sound conductivity allows you to maintain heat for a long period of time and provides comfort living in the house of people.

2. Subject to all the processes of drying the tree and the technology of its harvesting, the sexual boards have a high strength coefficient, the duration of its use is twenty years or more.

3. It is characterized by the absence of chemicals, harmful components and other impurities, great for the arrangement of the dwelling of people suffering from allergies.

4. If you compare the cost of a sex board with similar materials, then its price is much lower and more affordable.

5. If the wood coating is present in the room, then a healthy microclimate is provided to it, since the tree is able to accumulate moisture with its excess in the air, and give it with a lack.

6. does not require long -term preparation for installation. Quickly installed and removed. The work requires a standard set of tools.

7. Unponducted in care, is well washed and cleaned.

There are several categories in which the quality of the floorboard is distinguished:

  • A-class;
  • B-class;
  • C-class;
  • Extra-class.

They differ in the quality of wood used in the production process, in the number of knots, zazubin, cracks, chips, as well as in price. The extra-class floorboard has the lowest cost.

After work on cutting wood is carried out, it falls into drying chambers for storage and drying. When finished products are already dried, the process of sorting them to classes occurs. The sorting depends on the number of defects that the tree acquires on preliminary processes.

Before installing the floorboard, it is necessary to build a base in the form of a black floor. The main requirements for it are high strength to avoid deformation of the material.

When buying a floorboard, choose options made from larch, since they have the highest strength and are practically not inferior to the floor made of an oak massif.

Varieties of bases for laying a floorboard

The arrangement of the plank floor is arranged over any types of ceilings or support pillars. There are such varieties of bases that are suitable for laying the floorboard:

  • concrete coating, previously leveled with polymer or concrete screeds;
  • the surface of the lags mounted on brick supports or any type of coating;
  • surface from moisture resistant plywood;
  • old wooden flooring;
  • Black floor from unnecessary lumber.

Installation of a floorboard, most often is a final stage in the arrangement of the room. Before this process, the replacement of windows, doors, wall decoration and ceiling is usually performed. During the installation of the floorboard, keep in mind that it is very unstable before high humidity. Before installing it, the humidity of the draft floor should be measured, which should not exceed twelve percent.

In this case, the humidity in the room should not be more than sixty percent, and if the humidity is less than forty percent, the boots will dry and crack.

Considering the design of the floorboard laid on the concrete base, it should be noted:

  • a hollow floor slab;
  • Technoflora;
  • waterproofing;
  • screed made of cement-sand mortar;
  • Directly the floorboard.

Tip: Before installing the boards, you should remove it from the boxes and put it in the room for at least 24 hours. The material should adapt to the microclimate of the room.

Varieties of black coatings for laying floors from boards:

1. The most common installation scheme for the floorboard is its laying on the lags. Lagams are called wooden gang boards having a rectangular cross section. Their fixation on a draft base occurs using mastic or self -tapping screws. Lag laying occurs in the perpendicular direction to the installation of the floorboard.

After installing the lag, the process of equalization occurs. To do this, they are substituted under them. In addition, there is a special system of adjustable lags, allowing the alignment by a mechanical way to twist the necessary areas.

2. When the floor is arranged from the moisture -resistant plywood, it is laid on almost any base, including on the lags, if necessary, in the addition of multilayer structural parts of the floor. A standard set of work on installing a floorboard on such a coating involves its preliminary leveling. The laying of plywood sheets cut into the longitudinal parts occurs diagonally, in relation to laying the floor boards. Plywood is fixed with screws or dowels. It is recommended to leave technological sutures, when arranging a plywood floor to compensate for its expansion and narrowing at temperature changes.

The installation of such a sex includes the presence:

  • black base;
  • insulating substrate;
  • directly moisture resistant plywood;
  • flooring;
  • boards.

Tip: if the flooring is concrete with a sand and cement screed, then ordinary glue is used to fix plywood. When choosing glue, make sure that it suits both plywood and concrete. This procedure is also acceptable for wooden floors.

When plywood is laid, the process of grinding and removal of all pollution and dust occurs. Before installing the floorboard, the surface is treated with a primer, and then the boards are fixed. The main floor is also required to polish, hide with varnish and oil.

3. Installing the sex boards on the existing floor involves checking the old floor for defects, for the reliability of fasteners and the strength of the base. If there is a need, old worn boards or damaged fasteners must be replaced.

Tip: Install the sex board over the old floor in such a way as to ensure their perpendicular connection.

Experienced builders give recommendations for the dismantling of the old floor and arranging a concrete screed, since such a floor is able to last much longer, but if financial capabilities do not allow this, it is quite possible to install the floorboard on the old wooden coating.

In addition, a lot of attention should be paid to the choice of insulation and waterproofing. These materials must have high quality characteristics. The insulation should be inedible for rodents, moisture resistant and not to shrink. Waterproofing should differ in the duration of operation.

If the floor is located in the building of the first floor, then its insulation is necessary without fail. It is allowed not to insulate the floor of the first floor if there is a basement with heating. For insulation, it is recommended to use basalt or mineral wool, it has vapor permeability and good heat -insulating characteristics.

Thermal insulation in the space of honey lags is laid, while its fit fit should be ensured. Steamed waterproofing is installed on top of thermal insulation. Please note that between the draft floor and these layers it is necessary to leave the space with a thickness of up to four centimeters, which provides natural floor ventilation. Otherwise, fungus and mold will form on the floor, which will lead to premature damage.

To protect the multi -layer structure from moisture coming from below, it is recommended to use waterproofing membranes with high vapor peripation. If evaporates will circulate freely in the underground space, the tree will last much longer.

The best is the floorboard made of Siberian larch or oak. These types of trees are stable before ultraviolet, moisture and temperature difference. In the room in which people are unstable and there are small loads, for example, a sexboard made of aspen or alder wood is used in the nursery or bedroom. Quite rarely used floor boards, as the basis of which is pine or fir. They are more suitable during the construction of draft floors or rolls.

The shape of the floorboard depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the room. Based on the strength, the best option is to use a forty millimeter board. Too thick boards can be deformed after time, since due to the large thickness during the drying process, moisture remains in them.

The choice of sex boards belonging to a certain variety is affected by the purpose of the room, the area of \u200b\u200bstyling, the subsequent decoration and financial capabilities of the owners. The sexual board of the highest grade has an even surface and a beautiful, clear pattern. Therefore, after installing such a floor, it is opened with varnish. The options for the first or second grade have a small number of knots, which also look beautiful without painting. If you plan the subsequent painting of the floor, then undoubtedly choose the sex board of the third or fourth grade.

When laying a floorboard, in most cases, only Spunt materials are used, which differ in ease of work and ease of installation. Direct boards after a certain period of time are deformed and cracks appear in them.

Laying floors from a dodgy board

The rogue board is a design of a standard board with the presence of grooves that are clung to each other during their installation. Thus, it is possible to achieve better fixation and strong connection.

When choosing the direction of laying the floor, you should focus on the light flow. The boards are laid in parallel to it. If you plan to install the floor in the vestibule or in the corridor, then you should proceed from the vector of movement along which the floor is installed.

There are two ways to lay boards:

  • with a displacement of elements;
  • Without displacement of elements.

With a board, sexual styling requires the presence of the perfect cut of the boards. The lack of experience in this issue will not help to achieve perfectly even straight angles, so in this case, it is better to trust a specialist. When laying the boards in this way, it is recommended to purchase or make a template version by which a cut will be made. The room also needs to withstand a certain indent. To ensure longitudinal progress, it is necessary to have an interval between the board and the wall, the size of which is from 0.5 to 2 cm. At the end of the installation, the plateus is attached.

For a more clear understanding of the process of installing a lap -type floorboard, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief instruction:

1. The presence of fasteners or protrusions on the boards allows you to connect them to each other. But, when laying the first dodged board, the ledge should be located near the wall. Such an installation will facilitate the process of fastening of subsequent boards.

2. The connection of the second board with the first occurs using a groove-ship contact. It is not recommended to use nails during this procedure, since they are subject to corrosion, which will provoke frequent floor washing, a risk of crawling their hats, leading to a wound, is possible.

3. As a fixer, use screws with an optimal diameter of four millimeters and up to seven centimeters long.

4. There are two ways to fix the boards:

  • with the presence of a screw of self -tapping in forty -five degrees;
  • Without inclination - at the same time, all hats of self -tapping screws are closed with a sealant.

The first option is aesthetic, and the second is reliable.

5. The fastening of the extreme parts of the boards located near the walls is carried out exclusively with the help of self -tapping screws.

In conclusion, the floor is grinded. This will require sandpaper or grinder. In the presence of large irregularities, a cycle is required. Next, the surface is opened with varnish, and when done is painted.

Pauling Parquet Board Laying: Technology and Features

For the manufacture of a parquet board, a tree is used. There are several types of parquet board:

  • Massive - it has three layers, for the first a solid tree of deciduous species is used, for the second - a solid tree of conifers, and for the third soft wood;
  • Extra -Doska is the first layer of it is also hard, but for the manufacture of the second and third, the waste components or soft species of wood are used.

To stylize the parquet, another upper layer is glued to the wood texture on it. In the ratio with thickness, parquet is from 7 mm to 2.5 cm. The quality of the sound and thermal insulation depends on the thickness of the parquet board, as well as the ability to withstand certain loads.

When laying the board, up to two centimeters thick, the presence of an even concrete base is required. If the thickness exceeds this border, the parquet board is laid on the lags.

It is not recommended to install a parquet board in rooms with a high level of humidity and with high loads on the floor.

When the parquet board has already been bought, it is necessary to unpack it and leave it for a day in the room in which it will be installed. Before installing it, it is necessary to complete all the repair work, especially the wall decoration. Since she will adjoin them tightly.

If the parquet board is installed on the old wooden base. It is recommended to check it for the presence of unsuitable boards and replace them. In the presence of large cracks, it is recommended to use PVA glue to fill them. The following is the process of the floor cycles.

If the parquet board is installed on the base of concrete, make sure of its evenness and the absence of large changes. The concrete coating should not be wet to check it for moisture, you should use a plastic film that is covered with a day for a day. If, after removing the film, the condensate is absent, feel free to start laying the parquet, but before that, apply a primer to the concrete base.

The installation conditions of the parquet board:

  • the temperature in the room is about +17 degrees;
  • Air humidity is from 45 to 60%.

Subject to these parameters, the coating will last longer.

There are two ways to install a parquet board, up to 2 cm thick:

1. floating - first is installed by a plastic film, an overlap of 18 cm, tape is used for fixing them, then a foamed polyethylene or cork substrate is installed, metallized cattle are used to glue the joints, then the installation of the parquet board is performed.

The parquet board is installed perpendicular to the window. The laying of the first board occurs at the gloom base to the wall, which is pre -cut, for a denser fit of the boards. The interval between the wall and the board depends on the total length of the room. For a length of one meter, the presence of one and a half centimeter gap is required. To fix the board against the wall you need to install special pegs.

2. adhesive - suitable for spacious, large rooms. This method involves the installation of a moisture -resistant plywood on the draft base, on the surface of which glue is applied, and then a parquet board is installed.





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