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In order to improve the site and make it suitable for living, it is necessary to build a toilet on it. After the independent construction of the toilet in a summer cottage, the owners can do any business there: to care for the garden or equip the house. About the phased technology of manufacturing the toilet in the country, we will consider further.
There are certain standards that regulate the structure and location of the toilets in relation to residential buildings. In the process of building a toilet in a summer cottage, not only individual, but also neighboring needs should be taken into account.
When choosing a place for the toilet in the country, take into account the following recommendations:
Another important point is the arrangement of a cesspool, to which an easy access should be equipped for the entry of specialized equipment.
In order for the toilet in the summer cottage to be clean, hygienic and comfortable, starting to build it, decide on the following parameters:
Initially, the suitability of the soil for the construction of the toilet should be checked. In some cases, the bearing abilities of the soil how small, what to build a cesspool is not possible.
The minimum value of the bearing capacity of the soil on the site should be seventeen kilograms per square centimeter. The toilet cabin most often has an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than four square meters.
If the soil freezes by more than twelve percent, then it is considered fluffy. In this case, it is necessary to completely concrete the cesspool, as well as ensure its waterproofing.
Most often, for installing the cab, a foundation is built in the form of brick or concrete supporting elements. They are a good alternative to the foundation, they are easily installed in the cabin in the right position.
In the process of working on a wooden cabin for a country toilet, the presence of:
The lining board is completely replaced by plywood with waterproof characteristics. Before starting work, determine the shape of the toilet. Most often, the following options are used:
1. Toilet in the form of a hut - is characterized by a simple design, stability in front of a strong wind. The costs of its construction are much less than the construction of a rectangular toilet. The design of the toilet is original.
2. Toilet in the form of a birdhouse - simpler in design than a hut, but requires large material investments for its construction. The design of such a plan is less stable in front of the wind, it does not hold the heat indoors well. However, by installing a tank on the roof of such a toilet that heats water from the sun, it acquires greater resistance and additional functions.
3. Toilet in the form of a small house - a cozy place for relaxation. Material costs are the same as for the construction of a birdhouse, but there are more advantages. The room holds heat well, on the walls you can perform any type of finish, the cabin is quite stable before adverse environmental influences.
4. Also, some craftsmen build a toilet in the form of a hut - it will require a lot of material and physical efforts to make it. Due to the fact that the shape of the toilet has certain faces, it is durable and resistant to any type of load. In such a small house, you can also install a sink for washing hands.
The most popular version of the toilet for a summer residence installed and the street is a toilet that has a cesspool. This toilet is quite simple and easy to use. Since the waste is in a specially organized pit, and then pumped out of it with specialized equipment or manually. The option of preserving the object, its backfilling with earth and the construction of a new toilet is possible. This is relevant if the site has impressive sizes. Otherwise, it is recommended only to clean the pit.
The construction of the toilet in the country begins with the construction of the pit. In the depth, it should be at least 200 cm. At the same time, it is recommended to equip a square hole, with sides of 100 cm.
To prevent soil shedding during the operation of the pit, we recommend that you take care of strengthening its walls. To do this, you will need to install ready -made rings made of reinforced concrete. To ensure the tightness of the bottom of the pit, use a concrete screed or pour them with a layer of gravel. If there is a threat in groundwater pollution, it is recommended to concrete the walls and bottom of the pit, covering them with special moisture -repellent compositions. In this case, a pit for a summer house will serve you for more than a dozen years.
Further work is related to the manufacture of a house for the toilet. Answering the question of why it is better to build a toilet in the country, we will dwell on a tree. After all, this material, in addition to its environmental safety, also has an affordable cost and is easy to process.
Also, a profileist is used for the manufacture of the toilet. However, it creates a greenhouse effect in the room, in winter it easily gives heat and takes cold, and in the summer it holds heat inside.
The option of finishing the toilet with lining or siding is possible. These materials are distinguished by an attractive appearance and are especially relevant if the main building is also trimmed with their help. Let us dwell on the wooden version of the toilet.
To fix the rectangular frame for the toilet, it is necessary to equip a finely -chained strip foundation or a columnar version of the foundation around the perimeter of the pit. To ensure waterproofing, use roofing material. We build a toilet in the country with our own hands step by step:
1. All wooden details before work should be covered with special protective compounds. It is also recommended to stain them.
2. After processing the timber, it is connected to a rectangular frame frame system. The constructed design is installed on the columns of the foundation previously made of bricks.
3. Next, fixed racks are fixed, for this, steel plates and fasteners are used in the form of bolts. Using the usual level, control the vertical location of the racks.
4. Install the racks on which the doors will be located. Fix the beams for installing the roof. If the roof is single -to -cut, then for its construction it is necessary to equip a small slope for a normal stack of water.
5. On the cesspool, set the seat in the form of a podium. For its construction, use a beam, which is further sheathed with boards.
6. For decoration of the roof of the toilet, the slate installed on pre -equipped crossbars coated with roofing material is most often used.
7. Further actions to arrange the toilet are associated with the implementation of its internal and external sheathing.
8. For these purposes, you can use materials in the form of wood, lines, siding, profiled sheet, etc.
9. Next, doors are installed in the toilet, lighting is equipped. To organize daylight, it is enough to cut a small window in the upper part of the toilet.
In order not to accumulate an unpleasant aroma in the toilet, it is necessary to properly organize a ventilation system in it. To do this, you need a plastic pipe with a diameter of about ten centimeters. To fix the pipe on the wall of the toilet, you use tin clamps.
One part of the pipe is installed inside the cesspool, and the second through the roof goes upstairs. At the same time, the pipe goes beyond the plane of the roof by about twenty centimeters, and in the cesspool it enters fifteen centimeters. In order to improve the ventilation system, it is recommended to install a nozzle in the form of a reflector on the pipe.
If you cannot build a toilet with a cesspool, then it is recommended to install a temporary toilet called a powder closett. This version of the toilet has certain features, among which, first of all, this is the lack of necessity in the construction of the cesspool.
A container is installed in her replacement inside the toilet, which after filling is removed and emptied behind the site. Also, inside such a toilet, a box with all kinds of loose materials such as peat, sand or sawdust is installed. After visiting the toilet, they cover the waste.
In addition, an obligatory element of this toilet is a correctly equipped ventilation system that should remove the smell from the room.
The frame of such a toilet is also built with wood, metal or lining. At the same time, it is necessary to build a box under the seat and install a container for bulk materials.
This version of the toilet is suitable as a temporary device, then it is recommended that everything be replaced with a cesspool toilet.
In the process of building a toilet for a summer residence, special attention should be paid to its appearance. When choosing a tree as a basis for the toilet, it should be correctly processed.
First of all, all parts should be covered with protective compounds with an antiseptic effect that prevents the rotting and spoilage of the tree. Next, you can cover the toilet varnish or paint the desired color.
The option of building a toilet from the House block is possible. This structure is suitable for the house from the log house. For its interior decoration, a lining is suitable. To create comfortable conditions in such a toilet, we recommend installing insulation.
When choosing materials for the roof, be guided by the coating of the main building in the summer cottage. A toilet covered with bituminous tiles or corrugated board looks pretty attractive.
The option of individual execution of the finished log house to order is possible. Of course, the cost of the finished cabin will cost more than its independent manufacture, but it will be possible to save a lot of time.
If the main building is made of brick, then for the manufacture of the toilet we recommend using the same material. Such a cabin resembles a full -fledged room. It has an attractive appearance and solidity.
If you want to combine the affordable cost of the toilet cabin with a long period of its operation, we recommend paying attention to plastic options. They do not need additional decoration, easily and quickly both mounted and are dismantled. It is possible to transport such a toilet from one place to another.
If after the construction work you have an unnecessary stone remained on your site, then build a toilet from it. Such a room is distinguished by thoroughness, strength, it will be good to retain heat even in winter.
For additional decoration of the toilet, install flowers in vazons or arrangement near its small flowerbed on its walls. Inside the toilet you can glue the remains of old wallpaper or draw a pattern. In general, the main thing is to include imagination and begin to act, and then an ordinary toilet will turn into a real work of art.
How to build a toilet in the dacha video:
Great wiping idea,
Great idea of \u200b\u200bwiping, the author of the fellow
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we have construction now
we are now in full construction. We make from brick.
i made a toilet from the beam.
i made a toilet from the beam. Instead of a cesspool, I decided to install a septic tank. I took the easier station in the company of SBM groups It contains mechanical cleaning using biological products. For this, the septic tank made a drainage well, then cleaned drains are then removed into it. What pleased in winter is that which does not freeze. And no need to insulate, in this septic tank, the cleaning process occurs below the depth of freezing of the soil.