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Floor repair in the apartment: complete and partial replacement of the flooring. DIY floor repair instructions

When the apartment has an ugly, worn floor, then the whole impression of good repairs or beautiful furniture will be lost. But such work replacement of flooring is a very laborious process, which is not easy to decide on. But a simple change in decorative coating will only give the result of a cosmetic update. Invisible processes will continue and, as a result, will have to spend much more effort and money on the restoration of damaged coating. Let us consider in detail the algorithm for the repair of the floor in the home, the procedure for conducting the procedure on its own.

Table of contents:

  1. How to repair the floor in an apartment on a concrete basis
  2. Ways to repair the floor in the apartment
  3. Full floor replacement in the apartment
  4. Floor repair instructions in the apartment
  5. Wooden coating repair work
  6. DIY floor repair with a creak of floorboards
  7. Dismantling of the old flooring

How to repair the floor in an apartment on a concrete basis

If the flooring is not laid on the lags, but on the concrete basis, pay attention to the advice of specialists. If the flooring is worn out and requires replacement, then it is necessary to carry out such manipulations:

  • Whatever material the basis of the floor, you need to remove the spoiled fragments. If this is linoleum, there is an interesting way to make a patch from the new. To do this, the old piece must be attached to the roll and cut the patch along the border.
  • The tile that moves or falls off should be removed.
  • The places where the spoiled fragments were removed from was to be freed from garbage, dust. Gently with the help of auxiliary tools, clean the surface of the old material.
  • Perhaps the substrate will be damaged, in this case, it is necessary to prepare a new solution and eliminate the problems.
  • After the concrete dries, you can lay patches, whether it be linoleum, tile or other material. For this, glue, solution or other necessary mixture is used.

Sometimes it happens that restoration requires all the concrete base. In this case, it is necessary to perform a screed. If the surface of the concrete base is uneven, tuberous, then it should be leveled, this will affect the finish coating and spoil it. Linoleum will become unusable and can break, repeating the bends of the concrete coating, the tile will swing due to different levels of the floor.

Ways to repair the floor in the apartment

To avoid such troubles, the surface of concrete plates should be leveled to which the flooring will be laid. This should be done like this:

  • first you need to remove the old coating, if there is a substrate, the remnants of construction waste and dust;
  • ideally, the base of the floor must be waterproofed, it is overlapped and is strengthened along the walls;
  • if you do not use waterproofing, it is necessary to take into account such an important point by a concrete solution should be poured on a pre -moistened surface, this will allow the material to grasp better;
  • when leaving the surface, to give it perfect evenness, beacons and the building level should be used;
  • after the surface of the concrete dries, it is covered with any material.

When repairing the flooring of wood, it is necessary to revise the entire floor and remove the damaged boards. The floor area is treated with special solutions against the fungus, those places that are exposed to moisture are protected from water using special waterproofing materials. If the gaps have formed into the results of drying out the tree, it is necessary to do this work:

  • pass the surface with special equipment;
  • to primed and clean the gaps;
  • cover the surface of the floor with nitrolak;
  • after the solution dries, it is covered with a finish substance.

If a laminate or ceramic tile has become unusable, you should try to disguise minor damage. A wax pencil is able to restore scratches on a laminate. Specially developed pastes mask minor defects. If the laminate is swollen, damaged, it must be replaced. When the chips and cracks are formed on the tiles, you can try to apply cement milk and hide defects. But if the damage is significant, they affect the aesthetic appearance of the room, the tile needs to be replaced.

When repairing linoleum on its own, it must be remembered that it is possible to repair the floor surface from such material.

If the linoleum swollen, cracked or exploded, you can do it:

  • enter glue with a syringe to the place of damage;
  • place the load and let it stand for several days;
  • if the result does not suit, replace the site with a new one.

When the carpet is out of order, spare elements should be used:

  • cut the damaged area, glue the patch;
  • the edges are processed with special glue to prevent disheveled;
  • ideally, it is worth considering the pattern and direction of the fibers.

For a stone flooring, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  • cracks, chips are aligned with grinding equipment, after which polish the surface;
  • polishing helps to cover the pollution protected;
  • you can do such actions with a result with a depth of cracking no more than half a centimeter.

Full floor replacement in the apartment

If you decide to completely replace the flooring in your apartment and even change the material, pay attention to the novelty in the construction market of the OSB panel. Replacing a wooden version from boards to floors from this material is a rather practical result. The flooring of the OSB of plates deserves attention, since the floor turns out to be high -quality, durable and practical. The surface is not afraid of moisture and does not accumulate it inside. Using plates, you can achieve the following result:

  • it is ideal to align the surface, which allows you to use any, even the most delicate and sensitive coating;
  • high sound insulation allows you to absorb noise;
  • two problems are being solved simultaneously- insulation and waterproofing are performed.

You can use the OSB plates both on the cement floor and on the lags. It is not difficult to cover with material. The panels are easy to cut according to the required sizes. For work, you should prepare the tool:

  • plane;
  • rubber hammer;
  • building level;
  • electrophrez.

Plates can be a finish surface or the base for any material.

The advantage of using OSB - plates is:

  • simplicity in work;
  • one slab is able to cover a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • speed of laying coating;
  • resistance to mechanical influences.

Floor repair instructions in the apartment

After the decision is made to replace the floor or its overhaul, it is necessary to determine the scale of work and the plan of repair measures. If you talk about replacing the floor surface in the apartment, it should be noted that the basis is the reinforced concrete flooring. Then there may be differences, in some apartments the flooring is located on the lags, in others - laid on a concrete screed.

The wooden floor is subject to destruction and wear. The first manifestations are a creak, loosening of some boards, the smell of dampness, the cracks between the fragments of the floor may appear.

It can spoil not only the upper coating, but also the screed, especially if the quality of work was not the highest level. An extraneous sound may appear when moving, walk the coating.

The complex of manifestations indicate the need to replace the floor.

Wooden coating repair work

Provided that the coating defects are insignificant, you can replace the floor material in part:

  • The surface is cleaned of the old layer of paint or varnish. It is easier to do this with a special technique-grinding machine.
  • Damaged boards should be removed.
  • After that, the entire surface of the floor is checked for the quality of attachment with nails. They pull out old, deformed so that the boards hold well, it is recommended to use self -tapping screws.
  • In the presence of small distances between the boards, the cracks are sealed with putty for wooden surfaces, you can cover the places of the entrance to the nails.
  • If the cracks are large, you can fill the chips into the gaps, also smear with putty and wipe the restoration place.
  • After the putty material dries, the floors are clung manually or using a machine.
  • When the work is completed, the floor surface is covered with paint or varnish.

DIY floor repair with a creak of floorboards

To restore the floor in the apartment, provided that the floorboards will be borrowed, you can like this:

  • first you need to listen in which area of \u200b\u200bthe room a creak is heard;
  • between the board and the beam you need to score the wedges;
  • this must be done carefully so as not to shake the floorboat;
  • a place for screws is drilled in the floor boards, they are twisted at a small angle and a beam;
  • these manipulations are able to save from annoying creak.

If you need to restore only the appearance of the coating, you can do it quickly and simple:

  • if there is no way to take out the furniture and free the room, repair work will be carried out in two stages: first on one side of the room, then the furniture is transferred to the renovated part of the room and the second half of the room is repaired;
  • now it is necessary to use a machine for cycling of the floor, it makes no sense to buy equipment for the sake of once, you can rent for the duration of the work;
  • you can do this work manually, but spend a lot of effort, time and sandpaper;
  • after sealing small seams and final alignment, purely rubbed and dry floor covering with varnish;
  • it is recommended to use two three layers of varnish, pre -give time to dry out the layer.

Partial restoration of the floor in the apartment will get rid of the defect and not spend on eliminating a large amount of time.

Dismantling of the old flooring

Before starting work, it is necessary to free the room completely: to take out the furniture, remove the paintings, if possible lamps and chandeliers. The work is very dusty and if it is carried out in stages, then reliable and sealed protection against dust for other rooms should be provided. It is good if the room has a door, but it is advisable to hang with additionally with a damp cloth, place a roller below. This will help to protect the rest of the dust on the spread of dust a little. This will not give a special effect and if other family members live in the apartment, it is better to reset them to another place during the repair work.

The procedure for dismantling the flooring is this:

  • in the room from which the furniture is carried, the baseboard is dismantled, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the surface of the walls to which they are partially attached;
  • after dismantling the skirting boards, they begin to remove the old flooring;
  • if the material of the rolled type (carpet, linoleum), laid without the help of glue, then it is neatly rolled, but most often the material is removed with fragments of the screed, in which case the coating is removed and immediately freed the room from garbage;
  • if the material was glued and it is difficult to remove it from the base, it is necessary to use additional tools that will help remove the coating;
  • the old parquet, which can no longer be cycle and restored, is removed by the plane and taken out of the room, if the material is glued to special solutions, then the parquet dismantling process can be difficult, this case is also recommended to use auxiliary tools;
  • the tile is removed with a hammer and a chisel, if it is possible to rent a perforator, then the dismantling process will be greatly facilitated;
  • if the floor consists of wooden boards, the most difficult when removing the coating, the first floorboards will be removed, with a hammer, a nail and ticks you can dismantle a plank coating, perhaps not all the material will be intended for the release, you will have to sort in parallel.

The most common question that arises during the restoration of the floor about whether it is worth dismantling the entire coating with fragmented destruction of the material. If you started such a global business, you need to replace the coating completely. Perhaps the process of decay or destruction has affected all sections of the floor, but so far it is visually not noticeable. In order not to have to re -dismantle the coating after some time, spend your strength and time on a global restoration of the entire room.

You can even with your own hands repair the floor in the apartment with your own hands. The phased instruction in the video will make it possible to deal with concepts such as partial and complete replacement of the coating during the repair. After watching the video, there will be no questions about the correct replacement of the floor or restoration of the surface.





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