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How to choose hinged ceilings

Among the wide variety of types of ceiling systems and manufacturers, it is quite difficult to decide which hanging ceilings are better. They are widely used in the decoration of city apartments, private houses, office premises and shopping centers. Perfectly combine practicality and high aesthetic qualities. Before the final choice of one or another type, you should learn more about them.


  1. Main advantages
  2. Gypsum plasterboard ceiling
  3. Cassette ceilings
  5. Mineral -fiber suspension ceiling
  6. Mirror ceiling
  7. Glass ceiling


Main advantages


  • A wide range of. A variety of forms of hinged ceilings, color palettes and textures implement any design solutions;
  • the materials from which they are made are environmentally friendly;
  • simplicity in installation. The finished panels are quickly and reliably attached to the profiles, and if necessary, they are easily dismantled;
  • excellent functionality, because with the help of a hinged ceiling, without additional preparation of the base, all the irregularities of the base, electrical wiring and air ducts of the ventilation system are hidden. All types of lamps and lamps are mounted in the design.
  • thanks to the hinged structure of the ceiling, it acts as a sound insulator. To do this, mineral wool is laid in his system. It is also thermal insulation material. Thus, the ceiling is also obtained with excellent heat and soundproofing properties;
  • practical in operation. They are easy to wash, and with slight damage, several plates are simply replaced, without dismantling the entire ceiling;
  • durable and durable;
  • increase the fire safety of the room;
  • moisture resistant;
  • they have an affordable price for most consumers.


Gypsum plasterboard ceiling


It is one of the most popular varieties of hinged ceilings thanks to a number of advantages. Firstly, it creates a perfectly smooth surface, under which all the irregularities and cracks of the old ceiling are hidden. It is convenient to hide all wires and communications under it.

Secondly, with its help a wide variety of ceiling designs are created. When working with him, the flight of fantasy is not limited to anything. Installation of not only single -level, but also multi -level ceilings with a combination of various colors, shapes and textures is possible. In addition to the main lighting, a variety of backlight is mounted in it.

And the last, a hinged ceiling made of drywall is optimal for any room, including for the bathroom. But it is necessary to use moisture -resistant drywall or treat the usual water -repellent composition.

Before you buy drywall, you need to know how to choose it. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200buse, drywall has a different thickness, which is 6.5-12.5 mm. The thinnest is needed to create curved surfaces, and thick is necessary for leveling walls. When installing the ceiling, the perfect thickness of the sheets is 9.5 mm, it is even called ceiling. It is permissible to use a large thickness of the material, but the frame is necessary more durable with a large number of profiles and mounts.

The finished ceiling can be finished with any material or painted. In the presence of imagination, he can decorate the entire room and make the interior original.


Cassette ceilings

Cassette ceilings are panels, most often square and rectangular shape, forming cassettes. They are made of metal with various protective coatings. Usually it is iron covered with zinc or duralumin rental, but there are also plates with a protective layer of powder paint or with a mirror shine, which is achieved using chemical polishing.

The hinged system is standard for them. It consists of transverse and longitudinal guides with adjustable suspensions. All these elements are made of aluminum or steel.

Metal cassette ceilings are made of aluminum and steel panels with bent edges. They have a square shape with a standard size of sides. The surface can be both matte and glossy, and the main colors are white, chrome, gold. But on pre -order can be painted in any color. To provide good ventilation in rooms with high humidity, perforated cassettes are installed. Filling the gap between the hinged system and the base with a mineral fiberglass, you will get good sound insulation.




Advantages of cassette ceilings:

  • the whole structure has lightweight;
  • thanks to the effective reflection and dispersion of light with white or glossy cassettes, good lighting is provided even with a small number of lamps;
  • improves sound insulation and acoustics in the room;
  • undemanding in care during operation;
  • it is permissible to wash it with detergents;
  • provide easy access to communications in the inter -ceiling space.



The rack ceiling is a metal panels and a suspension system, to which they are attached using special spokes. As a result of which, like all types of hinged ceilings, the space between the ceilings is formed, where all the wires are hidden. When they are installed at the joints between the ceiling and walls, the corners of a W-shaped or V-shaped type are used, they perform not only technical, but also decorative functions.

Reese ceilings are widely used for the design of residential premises, shopping centers, pools, warehouses, etc. Today, the construction market offers a wide variety of river ceilings models, therefore, before choosing them, it is important to understand what this ceiling coating is.

Raise ceilings are made closed and open. A closed look forms the ceiling of the same color. In the second case, longitudinal gaps are formed between the panels, which are closed by interior inserts. They may differ in color, it all depends on the imagination and design of the room.

Reiki are made of metal and covered with a protective layer of various materials. Thanks to which such a variety of colors and textures is achieved. In addition, there are rails imitating wood, glossy, matte or mirror.

Their dimensions vary from 2 to 6 meters. When designing large areas of this length, it is not enough, and then you have to connect them. Therefore, when buying the material, it is necessary to ensure that all the panels have a clear geometric shape, then the joints will be invisible and the impression of the monolithic structure will be created. The quality guarantor will be a large manufacturer who will provide quality certificates for its products. Their width is even more diverse - from 3 to 40 cm. This allows you to create ceilings varied in design without the use of premature strips.

The frame for attaching the rack ceiling consists of universal tires and knitting needles. If it is necessary to align the ceiling, suspensions are used. When choosing them, you should know that the tires made of aluminum are permissible to use in any room, as well as on the veranda, in the gazebo and pool. Steel tires are used only in rooms with normal humidity living rooms, corridors, hallways.


Advantages of rack ceilings:

  • Universality. They can be installed in all types of premises.
  • Moisture resistance. A reliable coating of rails makes it possible to use them in rooms with high requirements for hygiene. They can be washed with detergents and treated with disinfectants. Over time, they do not change the appearance.
  • Durability. The panels made of aluminum or steel will last for many years. Do not deform over time, racks to damage and retain their decorativeness without additional care.
  • Fast installation. They do not need additional preparation of ceilings, therefore they can be installed at any stage of repair work.


With such a huge choice, it is difficult to decide on the manufacturer. The main mistake will be to navigate exclusively in cost. The difference in price is more dependent on the manufacturer. The products of domestic companies are cheaper than imported.

It should be understood that for the production of quality products, accurate equipment and quality materials are necessary, otherwise a non -functional fake of low quality will be obtained. Today, there are domestic firms that make hinged ceilings: bard, Albes, lumsvet. Their products have established themselves among consumers as high -quality. Among import firms, you can safely opt for the rack ceilings of companies such as Luxalon, Geipei, Ceiling Group USA Corporation


Mineral -fiber suspension ceiling

He appeared in our country in the 90s and has since become more and more in demand.

The affordable price made it popular among a wide range of consumers. Mineral -fiber ceilings are often mounted in shopping and sports centers, office rooms, pools, cinemas, etc.

The first company representing them in our country was Armstrong Holdings, Inc. And since then they are better known as the ceilings of Armstrong. In addition to it, there are still a large number of manufacturers who offer excellent quality products. To make the right choice, you need to know the features of all varieties of panels.

Suspended ceilings made of mineral -fiber is a design consisting of a metal frame and square plates. It does not need a ceiling border for him, the system adjacent to the walls so tightly that a sufficiently fastened Kant in the form of a metal corner.

The plates have several standard sizes, which allows, depending on the size and shape of the room, select the most optimal size. There are 6 main types: moisture resistant, universal, acoustic, hygienic, design and economical. The choice of one type or another depends on the characteristics of the room in which they will be mounted.

Samples of hinged ceilings photo

Universal -they have a number of characteristics: moisture resistance, hygienic and acoustic properties, durability and impact resistance.

Moisture resistant- Optimal for rooms with high humidity: bathroom, sauna or pool.

Acoustic ceilings -in rooms with a large area, the effect of the echo is excluded. They are also made to reduce noise - in cinemas, children's rooms, lectures, etc.

Hygienic -suitable for institutions where especially high requirements for hygiene are presented. These are hospitals, dining rooms and kindergartens. They are resistant to chlorine, moisture resistant, and thanks to a special coating, bacteria do not develop on them.

Designer - combine functionality and high aesthetics. They can most often be found in restaurants, shops and hotels. Ceilings of this type have a rich color scheme and a wide selection of textures.

Economical -they allow you to create a modern style in the room without large financial costs.



  • good reflector, which helps to improve the lighting of the room and the presence of special raster lamps, which are mounted directly in the frame;
  • noise absorption, which is especially important in apartment buildings and in rooms with a large stream of people;
  • non -smug provides fire safety and makes it possible to install them in any room. In addition, in contact with open fire, they do not distinguish harmful substances;
  • easy installation and access to communications in the inter -ground space;
  • hypoallergenicity is an obvious advantage for medical and children's institutions;
  • high moisture resistance allows them to finish the premises of SPA-complexes and pools.


When buying, it is difficult to choose high -quality material only in appearance. There is no noticeable difference between the products of certified manufacturers and the slabs of dubious quality at first glance. But this is where their similarities end.

Most often, low -quality plates begin to deform even with natural humidity. But it is much worse that they can contain harmful substances that can influence human health. The paintwork can also exfoliate on them, which will soon lead to rust.


Mirror ceiling

The mirror ceiling is able to make any interior original, modern and elegant. He visually increases the space, giving the room to the premises and sophistication. The ceilings trimmed with them seem higher and bright, which is especially important for small rooms: corridors and bathrooms.

Mirror ceilings are often used both for decoration of residential premises, and for decorating restaurants, bars, hotels and clubs. Thanks to the hinged system of their design, they are attached to any surface.

The cost of these ceilings directly depends on the selected attachment system and material from which the plates are made. In addition, decorative fittings and height of the room plays an important role in the total cost. For example, the cost of a hinged mirror ceiling of Armstrong per square meter will be approximately 4,500 rubles. The ceilings that only imitate the mirror surface are much cheaper.


Main advantages:

  • unique and stylish design. The mirror surface of the ceiling will transform any room, make it lighter and voluminous;
  • a wide range of models. Today, mirror panels have a large number of options for suspended systems combined with each other. A rich variety of colors and shades will allow you to combine the ceiling with any materials used in the interior;
  • functionality. As with the installation of any hinged system, there is a hidden space where all communications or heat and sound insulation materials are placed;

  • moisture resistance. Panels in most cases are made of real glass, high -quality metal or plastic. This allows them to use them even in rooms where air humidity reaches 95%;
  • lighting. The design of the system provides for the possibility of installing multi -level lighting and mounting all types of lamps. And the panels, reflecting the light, make it more intense;
  • easy installation. The simpler the shape of the ceiling and fewer protrusions, the faster the system is installed. In any case, all stages of work will not require complex and laborious training;
  • simple care. To care for the panels, cleaning products for washing glasses or mirrors can be used.


Glass ceiling

These are beautiful hinged ceilings that are made of natural glass and plexiglass. Their service life depends on the selected material, consider both types in more detail. Often you can find glass hinged ceilings with a pattern.

Equagla ceilings.Durable and reliable. They are easy to mount, during operation it is not necessary for complex care, and the suspension system is reliable. But plexiglass has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, microcracks can form on it over time. But the most important thing is high fire hazard, when in contact with fire, it easily ignites.

Glass ceilings.Modern glass ceilings have impact -resistant and moisture resistant characteristics and are able to withstand heavy loads. The panels are easy to wash and disinfect, dust does not accumulate on them. But their significant disadvantage is the visual decrease in the space of the room.

The glass ceiling looks most effectively with ceiling lighting. A combination of several types of glass with different backlighting is especially advantageous.


Having studied information about each of the main types, it became more clear how to choose a hinged ceiling and what to pay attention to when buying it.

Hinged ceilings photo gallery.






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