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Lodge is the best option for continuing the apartment at the junction with an open open spaces of the outside world. Adherents of the open space of the balcony, terraces and loggia are less and less. Most citizens try to glaze and insulate the loggia in the best traditions of modern technologies. Independent installation of the floor on the loggia is one of the simplest tasks for repairing or arranging an apartment. But it is important to do this with a professional approach, in accordance with the technology, so that the floors are durable, warm and beautiful.
The well -equipped loggia is unthinkable without glazing and insulation. This allows you to improve the microclimate of the adjacent room with the street and make it more suitable for growing indoor plants or morning charging in the fresh air. Even with ordinary glazing, the temperature on the loggia or balcony increases by 5-7C, and on the south side by 10-12C. The insulated loggia is a full -fledged addition to a city apartment, where it is not necessary to dress warmly and defend itself from bad weather with the need to breathe fresh air.
If it is assumed to combine the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia and the adjacent room, then a full insulation of all planes is necessary. And if the owners of the apartment faced the question of which floor to make the floor on the loggia, it is worth considering all the options to choose the optimal one.
Experts have developed several ways to warm the floor, including a warm floor system, where they use a special warm cable. However, before laying it, you will first have to make other stages of work:
Only after that they start laying heating elements and finishing. An example of qualitatively made floors on loggias, photo:
The selection of materials for leveling, insulation and decoration of the floor varies based on the possibilities of the owners and the characteristics of the room. They are taken into account:
If insulation and glazing is not supposed, then even an elementary flooring of the floor on the loggia suggests:
The flooring of the loggia should be economical, reliable and aesthetic. It is performed by building materials that can withstand:
A type of loggia is also taken into account. For an open type, experts recommend using a cement screed with expanded clay and tile finishes:
For a glazed balcony, finishing materials more sensitive to temperature changes are suitable;
Typical layout houses often demonstrate all the jambs of the builders with a poor -quality finish and uneven surfaces. And while there is no solution, which floor is better for the loggia, it is worthwhile to engage in its alignment, without which high -quality repair is impossible. What is the level of flooring? So that the water does not accumulate and does not flow into the room, as well as that there was an opportunity to put balcony furniture, simulators, etc.
1. If it is noticeable that the surface of the floor of the loggia is not perfect, even with a cursory look, it is imperative to level it under high -quality finishes.
2. Small irregularities and defects also eliminate, it is enough to use the self -leveling mixture.
3. Rough defects are aligned with screed or placed under a wooden flooring on the loggia or balcony.
The floors on the balcony or loggia should be made of light materials so as not to create an additional load on the support. Whatever the finishing materials, the floors must be prepared, which suggests:
Before making the perfect floor on the loggia, it is important to choose the right method of alignment, for example:
Advice. When using exposure from expanded clay, the layer should not be 3 cm to provide sufficient insulation. If the floor on the glazed loggia is sealed, you can add dry sawdust to expanded clay.
The screed is made on the basis of a cement-sand mixture, where the proportion depends on the ratio of water and sand, taking into account the brand of cement. For example, a half -dry screed is a minimum amount of water, and cement and sand are thoroughly mixed. A rare solution is cracking when drying, especially at high or low temperatures, and dense is difficult to lay.
To align the floor, the ideal consistency resembles potato puree or thick sour cream. Such a solution is completely covered by expanded clay or other filler, which can float with a too liquid mixture.
Laying of slabs made of gypsum fiber or fibroculator is a dry screed, which is laid on the surface sprinkled and carefully leveled with expanded clay. The joints are glued and connected by self -tapping screws with the interval about the palm. After that, foil polyethylene and laminate (insulated linoleum) are laid on the floor.
If you don’t know which floor is better for the loggia, then use environmentally friendly and durable materials you will not lose. For example, wood, along with clay, is one of the most ancient materials for flooring in residential premises.
The wood is a universal finishing material that can be recommended not only to finish the floor, but also to the cladding of internal surfaces. The simplest floor of the floor on the loggia suggests:
Having linked the floor on the lags, the height of the threshold of the balcony door and a layer of insulation are taken into account. The cross -section of the Lag beam is selected individually, because sometimes it makes sense to raise the height of the floor surface on the loggia. For example, if a full multilayer insulation is supposed. A crate from a beam is set directly onto a concrete plate of a balcony or loggia. It is also advisable to lay film waterproofing.
Lags on the loggias are easier to expose across with the same interval, since short bars are easier to adjust horizontally, checking the level. Between the fixed bars into the finished cells, expanded clay falls asleep. If such alignment is difficult to produce, use 1-2 crossbars. The flooring board is nailed directly on the lags, but you can not nail it, but put the finished wooden shield and fix it with a skirting board.
Important addition: do not forget to arrange an aesthetic threshold that will hide the gap and a difference in the level of the loggia and the living room.
If the insulated loggia is small, then do not skimp with expenses for a high -quality laminate. It will go a little, and a small difference in price will be irrelevant on the budget. But at the first serious flow of water, the base will be soaked and crumpled, and then it will become clear why it was necessary to immediately take an exceptionally moisture -resistant laminate.
Tip: When laying under the laminate of a heated cable of the system, a warm floor is selected a laminated parquet board or laminate with appropriate marking, although this will cost a little more.
One of the most practical coatings for decorating the floor of the loggia insulated linoleum. It differs from the usual thin linoleum with thickness and the back on a fibrous basis. The insulated will cost a little more than usual, but you will feel the difference, calmly becoming on it without indoor slippers or warm socks.
Linoleum is also recommended to be laid on a leveled and insulated base. A simple cheap linoleum can also be insulated if you put on a heat -insulating base or on top of plywood in the system a warm floor.
The ideal option to lay a whole piece on loggia. If the loggia is complex configuration, but the dimensions are calculated in the widest place and length plus 2-5 cm for allowances. After buying such a segment, it is spread at home, let it lie down and after 2-3 days, when the edges are laid out, the shape of the sheet is adjusted with a sharp knife, pressing the edges around the perimeter with something heavy.
Attention: if when trimming a piece of linoleum, you missed a little and cut off 2-3 cm excess, do not worry, these defects will hide the skirting board.
The final result of linoleum laying largely depends on the quality of the mounting of the skirting board. Experts recommend finding collocuted skirting boards, component by an elastic edge in a construction store, which perfectly envelops the joints. Under the baseboard can be laid;
The section of the baseboard is measured with the calculation that there will be a connection with a fixing decorative corner. After all the segments are laid and fitted around the perimeter, we collect the corners. Each angle is tightly pressed against the wall and fixed to the wall. The skirting board between the corners is also attached to the wall with self -tapping screws with the same step.
A more complex option to docking pieces of linoleum. This often happens when, in order to save on the loggia, what remains of the repair of residential premises. To do this, use the cold welding technique, tightly adjusting the perfectly cut edges of the pieces. A strip of dense material (for example, cardboard) is placed under the joint to heat the glue applied to the back. The joint is heated with a mounting hairdryer or a warm iron so that the glue for PVC products grabs. It is undesirable for the glue to appear through the seam is difficult to remove. When the glue performs its effect, tape and dense cardboard are removed, an even seam remains.
The best completion of the arrangement or repair is the device of the warm floor on the loggia. For high -quality insulation, all seams and cracks at the joints of surfaces should be carefully sealing. Paul waterproofing is also required. The easiest way is to use the mounting foam, silicone or facade sealant, but everything should look aesthetically pleasing, all the remains of foam or silicone smudges are cleaned.
The warm floor involves 2 layers:
Everyone chooses the surface of the surface to their taste, suitable:
For the main layer for insulation with a warm cable or steam heating pipes, a certain height around the perimeter is 10-15 cm. The level of levels is removed with a breed, so it is worth slightly raising the height of the loggia floor for the comfort of your legs.
Tip: We recommend entering this part of the arrangement to professionals. To save, it is enough to prepare the base with a screed. The installation of the Nexans warm cable should not be engaged in yourself if there are no appropriate skills or the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe system of a warm floor.
Any tile is an ideal finish for open loggia, especially over a cement screed. You can choose any color or drawing, texture or imitation of natural material. Most often, ceramic tiles, tiles or porcelain tiles are used. These are durable and reliable materials, especially if you do not experience strength, dropping heavy objects on the tile. But such a finish, in addition to the mass of pluses, has 2 disadvantages. Loving tiles, to one degree or another slippery and cold. Usually, a warm soft rug is laid on top of this floor.
The simplest styling option:
Tip: It is best to use durable porcelain stoneware that imitates any natural stone and a friend of the surface. The only drawback when laying it is difficult to cut, it is so strong. There is also a special tile for laying without seams, giving an ideal continuous surface, for example, under marble.
How to make floors on the loggia video: