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DIY wooden floor dismantling

When the life of a wooden coating comes to an end, it needs dismantling. In order to carry out work as qualitatively and maintain the integrity of the floor, you should adhere to a certain technology for this process. We will consider how to dismantle a wooden floor with your own hands.

Table of contents:

  1. Reasons for the dismantling of wooden floors
  2. How much does the dismantling of a wooden floor cost
  3. Preparation for the dismantling of a wooden coating and removing the baseboard from the floor
  4. Dismantling of wooden floors - technology for performing work
  5. How to dismantle a wooden floor with your own hands

Reasons for the dismantling of wooden floors

Despite the fact that a wooden flooring for the floor is quite high -quality and long used. Nevertheless, after time, under the influence of various kinds of factors, it needs to be replaced.

There are several options for wooden coverage for the floor:

  • Directly planned floor;
  • parquet board;
  • laminate.

Each of these materials has certain advantages and disadvantages. However, all of them are united by such characteristics:

  • moisture instability;
  • instability to the temperature difference;
  • the possibility of deformation;
  • The formation of fungus and mold with improper operation of the coating.

If you have old boards at home on which a fungus or which have rotten areas has formed, then they need replacement. Otherwise, they can not only adversely affect the appearance of the floor, but also lead to health problems. Mold and fungus tend to cause allergies, especially in children and people with weak immunity.

Incorrect care of wooden surfaces also leads to their premature output of their formation. The tree needs periodic processing with special compounds that increase its moisture resistance and improve antiseptic characteristics. If this is not done, then its life will be reduced several times.

Among the main reasons for the replacement of the old wooden floor, it should be highlighted:

  • long life of a wooden coating;
  • exposure to fungi and insects;
  • constant effect of moisture;
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • untimely processing with protective compounds;
  • Using a poor -quality tree for the manufacture of floor.

How much does the dismantling of a wooden floor cost

The cost of dismantling the old wooden coating depends on many factors and is determined by the individual characteristics of the room. Dismantling a wooden floor, the price depends on:

  • the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which work is carried out;
  • type of wooden coating;
  • the presence of a concrete base under the floor;
  • The possibility of exporting construction waste, etc.

In addition, to dismantle a certain kind of sexes, special equipment and skills in working with them are also required. Some customers prefer that the boards after dismantling remain as whole as possible. All these factors are taken into account during work.

Preparation for the dismantling of a wooden coating and removing the baseboard from the floor

There are situations when only a skirting board fail prematurely, and the tree remains in good condition. In this case, to remove them, the presence of a nail and a set of tools will be required. Most often, self -tapping screws or screws are used to fix skirting boards.

Try to unscrew the screws before the demolition of skirting boards. Otherwise, the nail is installed under the baseboard and shakes it. Perform work carefully and slowly, trying not to damage the baseboard.

Start work to remove a wooden skirting board from the corner section of the room. Thus, it will be possible to avoid a breakdown of the baseboard. After the release of the first nail, repeat actions with subsequent fasteners. Dismantle the plinth, following the previously specified instructions.

Perhaps the occurrence of certain difficulties in the process of separating the skirting board, which was previously covered with paint. In this case, additional efforts should be applied to remove it.

If the skirting board is so old that the places of installation of nails are not visible on it, then to remove it, also use a nail. However, during work, set a nail ten centimeters from any corner of the room and move in the same direction, gradually raising the baseboard.

If, in the process of fixing the baseboard on the floor surface, rather long nails were used, then to remove them, under a nail, it is recommended to substitute a small wooden block or several bars.

If the deletion of the skirting board is not possible without damage to the floor, then use the tool in the form of a chisel to dismantle it. In order to get rid of nails, use a nail.

Tip: If you determine the place of installation of fasteners, since very often nails are closed with putty on wood, then you should focus on the average indicators of the fixation of the skirting board. The first fastener is usually ten centimeters from the corner, and the interval between subsequent nails is about half a meter.

Slate will be needed if screws were used to fix the skirting board. Instead of screwdrivers in this situation, you can use a screwdriver.

Dismantling of wooden floors - technology for performing work

Before starting work on the independent dismantling of a wooden floor, keep in mind the following features:

  • This process is quite noisy, so it is desirable to conduct it in the daytime;
  • This work is quite dusty, since under the old floor during its operation a lot of dirt has accumulated, which will need to be rid of, so it is advisable to wear special clothes, a mask, gloves and glasses for work;
  • It is preferable if the work is carried out at least two people, it will be possible to accelerate the entire process of dismantling the floor several times;
  • Think in advance in advance the issue of removing garbage from under the floor and old boards that will need to be children somewhere, especially for the owners of small apartments.

To perform work, you need a set of tools in the form:

  • scrap;
  • nails;
  • ticks;
  • screwdrivers;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • Straxes.

Preparatory work to dismantle the old wooden floor includes the following actions:

1. The maximum liberation of the room from extraneous things, furniture, decorative elements. It is preferable if the room is absolutely empty.

2. At the beginning of the work, the dismantling of the old skirting board is carried out, the procedure for action is indicated above.

3. In the presence of ventilation holes on the floor, they should also be pre -removed.

4. First, dismantle the upper layer of the wooden coating, which is finishing.

5. Then follows the process of getting rid of the old black floor. The room is cleaned of dirt and garbage.

There are two ways to remove the old flooring that differ among themselves by the final result of this process:

1. Wooden materials will not be used for any purpose. This process is simpler, as it does not require additional caution when removing the boards.

2. The wooden floor will be re -used as a building material. In this case, all work is carried out with maximum caution. This option is relevant if the boards are removed not because of their unsuitability, but for other reasons, for example, concrete coating will be installed in their place.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the dismantling of a wooden floor with the further use of finished materials:

1. Each of the boards must be numbered in order to further observe the procedure for their styling.

2. The start of work represents the removal of the skirting board. Instructions on this issue are given above.

3. In order not to damage wooden boards with a nail with a nail, it is recommended to put small bars of wood or plywood under it before use.

4. Work on the dismantling of the floor should begin with corner areas. The work begins to dismantle the first board.

5. A nail should raise coatings to a height of not more than three centimeters, in this case, it will be possible to maintain the coating as integral as possible.

6. If you can’t remove nails using a nail, then use the chisel for safe dismantling it.

7. Keep in mind that the first board, which is dismantled on the floor, should be removed as much as possible from the entrance to the room. In addition, this board should differ in a minimum width.

8. The technology of dismantling the wooden floor consists in raising the boards and pulling out the nail. After that, with the help of a hammer, the board is installed in the same place.

9. Thus, all nails are removed and only after that, the boards are removed from the floor.

10. If a situation arises when a nail can be installed between the wall and the board, then for its installation, a small hole should be equipped, which will further be blocked using a skirting board.

11. To remove subsequent boards, repeat the procedure.

How to dismantle a wooden floor with your own hands

After preparing the base and removal of skirting boards, the process of dismantling the wooden floor follows. The work should begin with the removal of the board, which is connected to the wall and is located opposite the entrance to the room.

If there is a cut board on the floor, then the work begins with it. If the boards were installed using screws, then before starting work, you should twist them using a screwdriver. Next, the groove board should be removed, and then the floor is easily disassembled.

A more complex process of dismantling the wooden floor, which was recorded by nails. To remove this floor option, perform a number of actions:

  • Find one of the boards that was laid down;
  • Install a nail under it, if the nail is too long, then a bar or plywood should also be installed under a nail;
  • Raise the board at a distance from the lag of 2-3 cm;
  • Remove the nail and install the board in your former place, while the hat from the nail should stick out and separate from the floor;
  • Using a nail, remove the nail, in order to avoid damage to the boards, a wooden lining should be placed under the nail.

The process of removing subsequent nails is the same as in the previous instruction. Keep in mind that in order to avoid damage on the surface of the boards, they should rise on the floor by no more than three centimeters. Otherwise, the boards will be unsuitable for their further use.

To pull out the second and subsequent boards, the first of the boards should be set between them, increasing the distance between them. Thus, in the cracks between the boards a nail will fit.

There are situations when, when performing work on the dismantling of boards, studs between the lags are damaged. This happens when the tree has already lost its characteristics. Spikes help to evenly distribute the load, and if there is a certain distance between the lags, then the creak may occur during the operation of the wooden floor.

If, nevertheless, damage to the spike cannot be avoided, then for its restoration, use glue or a piece of board, which is fixed using a small nail. At the same time, the appearance of the board will lose its attractiveness, but the functional purpose will remain.

If certain difficulties arise when installing a nail, then use a hammer that clogs a nail in the space between the boards. If the hammer did not help, then using special equipment, remove one part of the board, while it will already be spoiled.

After dismantling the main wooden floor, the process of removing the draft floor follows. To remove the lag, it is also enough to use a nail. If there is damage on the basis of concrete, it will be necessary to remove it. This process takes not only a lot of time, but also requires special equipment and skills in working with it. Therefore, for its implementation, it is best to use the services of specialists. At the same time, we recommend that you contact several organizations and compare their prices. The cost of work is determined by the individual characteristics of the premises in which work is carried out.

Keep in mind that the contract for the implementation of these work should be drawn up officially, at the same time, all the smallest details should be taken into account, up to getting rid of garbage. After dismantling the wooden floor, you have the opportunity to build a concrete screed or put a new wooden floor, which, subject to the technology of its installation and operation, will last you for a long time.

Dismantling of wooden floors:





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