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All about the repair of tiles in the bathroom

Have you started repairs and dream of completely changing your bathroom? The best option for such a transformation ceramic tile. There are many types of tiles, a huge selection of colors, shapes, in the plumbing store you can choose a whole ensemble of single tiles with a beautiful pattern for inserting and ordinary tiles in tone for this pattern. Both ceramic skirting boards and floor tiles must harmoniously join this ensemble.

Our task is to tell you the stages of work, indicate tools, materials and give some recommendations so that the repair in bathrooms is tiles and The subsequent care of it would not be an insoluble problem for you. Everything will work out!


  1. Materials and tools
  2. Preparation for repair in a bath and laying tiles
  3. Bathroom repair and tile laying on walls
  4. Bathroom repair and tile laying on the floor
  5. Nuances of care for bathroom tiles


Materials and tools

In preparation for the repair of the bathroom, all the materials that will be required when working, so as not to run after one or two tiles to the other end of the city and not disappointed that these new tons does not coincide with a common color, although absolutely seemed in the store. identical to your tiles.

Ceramic tileit is calculated by the area of \u200b\u200bthe bath, plus a stock of about 5% of the total is necessarily taken, because when the bathrooms are repaired, the tiles tend to split and beat at the most inopportune moment, even in the hands of an experienced master.

The tile has low electrical conductivity, and this is very important in a wet room. In addition, it constantly turns out to be under the influence of acids and alkalis from cleaning products, and such properties must be taken into account before tile repair in the bathroom has begun.

For walls, they usually take ceramic tiles, which can be reduced here, and on the floor is preferable porcelain tile. This material is more profitable than this granite in many respects:

- cheaper;

- does not have radiation radiation;

- resistant to mechanical and chemical effects (abrasion, cleaning agents).

Tile glue or cement mortar with additives You should choose on the packaging of tiles, which brand is necessary for the reliability and impeccable work of the bathroom for the benefit of the whole family.

Titting cutteryou can not buy, but rent from professional builders involved in decoration of apartments constantly, otherwise it will turn out expensive. Without it, the work will stand in our apartments of even square surfaces. And tile forceps Good purchase for a home master.

Grout of tile joints It is different in composition and use. Small tiles on the wall give small seams, because the grout between them should not have sand, but add a latex solution to the proportion that is indicated on the package is very useful. The tile of a large volume, respectively, also gives large seams, especially on the floor, because the sand in its composition is permissible.

Drill with nozzles To stir up tile glue, drilling holes in the tiles for fastening accessories in the bathroom, it may be the most ordinary, not professional, and therefore accessible to the master of the host of the house.

Rosted spatula Not one is needed for glue. To him in the collection narrow smooth spatula and rubber iron for grouting seams.

Preparation for the repair of the bathroom and laying tiles


The first paragraph of preparation for the repair in the bathroom is the establishment of accurate dimensions and the preparation of the plan, as well as an approximate tile pattern on the walls and on the floor. Someone likes the monophonic design of the bathroom, and someone prefers a rich finish, tiles with a gilded pattern, an elegant pattern with inserts and beautiful profiles for finishing the wall along the bath.

We measure each wall separately, determine the area, then calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor. Having previously visited plumbing stores or construction bases, you can decide on the size of the tiles. In the huge sea, it is important to remember that the smaller the room, the less the area of \u200b\u200bone ceramic tile should be.

During the acquisition of all the details of the future tile pattern, it is necessary to study the marking on each individual packaging of the tiles, comparing the letters and numbers a small mismatch of the halftones will immediately be noticeable both on the wall and on the floor.

Destruction of the old finish

There is an option for applying a new tile to the old one if she still holds tightly in its place, but repairing is started to refresh the interior. However, this rarely happens. As a rule, you should destroy the old tile and glue on which it was held before a new one appeared.

If the tile for the bathroom is repairs in which you want to make, it will not be laid in the apartment of a high -rise building, but in a country house, wooden, for example, walls and floor should first be glued with a cement stove. It can be standard sizes (often 90 cm x 150 cm x 1.2 cm), glued with special adhesive-mastic or a construction solution of Portland cement. Expensive, but reliably, without problems with damp and fungus.

Surfaces processing

We will necessarily primer, plastering, align to be cleaned of old concrete and glue to the wall of the wall.


Bathroom repair and tile layingOn the walls

The floor in the bathroom is rarely perfectly even, tiles for the bathroom repair in which we are going to make, it can swim along the wall, as a result, all the work will turn out to be nowhere suitable. To prevent this from happening, we begin to put the tile on the wall from the second row from the floor.

Using a long ruler, rails, plumb line, you can draw a horizontal line exactly as we lay out the tiles on the wall. Old masters of the rail are simply attached to the wall using a drill and two self -tapping screws. In this case, the tile will stand perfectly, will not be able to move down a millimeter, and its even location horizontally and in the row will provide plastic crosses.

Before proceeding to apply glue to the tile, it is worth marking and checking its location on the wall. If the last detail is very narrow, less than three centimeters, then it will not be possible to cut it evenly even in a pros, cracking and marriage in work. In this case, they begin to lay out from the middle of the wall to the corners and necessarily mark where the last tile in the row will be.

As an option to divide the wall into small squares using the same plumb line, building level, ruler and filling these squares (6 x 6 tiles for example). The pluses can stop at any time after filling the site, it is easier to calculate the amount of glue or cement mortar on which the tile will hold, you can immediately correct the work if the suture width is not quite the same in the whole group. Later, the entire wall will be much more difficult.

Since the tile for the bathroom repair and determines, we carefully approach the quality of the glue for it or the cement mixture.

Apply tile glue on the wall with an even layer with a gear spatula, which allows you to distribute the adhesive substance evenly, without passes and surpluses. This spatula needs to be tilted a little. Since the label laying is made in the repair of the bathroom of the largest layer of difficulty, it is better to throw away the used spatulas where the teeth do not apply a perfectly even gearing layer than to try to restore the tiles that have fallen from a row.


Each copy of ceramic tiles is neatly applied to the wall, tightly, but without fanaticism. In order not to squeeze out the entire adhesive and not allow the voids to form, due to which the tile can fall out in the first year of operation.

The excess glue that will still perform must be removed immediately. To do this, it would be nice to keep a bucket with a sponge and an old spatula next to you (a pointed wooden wand is also useful), this must be used as needed. The glue that grabs is cleaned without the consequences in the form of scratches on a freshly used tile.

If you need to cut the tiles evenly, use a tile cutter (the tiles in some tools of the tools are the same). If you need to go around the pipe, battery, then you can pinch down a small piece from a flat surface of the tile with special tile forceps, gradually circling the cut line. The edges are cleaned with sandpaper with large grain.

The last layer on the wall is laid, but the repair of tiles in the bathroom is not finished yet. We give glue to dry for a day, and then use the grout of the seams. And if we glued the tiles in several tricks, the seams are usually wiped at a time.

The process of applying grout to the seam is simple and tiring at the same time. A layer of a half -liquid substance fills the gaps between the tiles as denser as possible. Top with a rubber iron at a certain angle, so that as much grout as possible gets into the seam. Everything dries this time faster, and in the evening you can carefully wash the tile from the consequences of the repair of a wet (but not raw!) Clean sponge, wipe it with a smooth rag. The sponge is also held at an angle, but already to the tile seams so as not to wash the grout, this guarantees the lack of mold, fungus and other things in a wet bathroom.

For some time after the repair, you should not use the shower, let the tiles dry. If you want to protect yourself from all kinds of troubles with the walls for a long time, it is worth it in three weeks to apply a sealant on the seams. Also carefully process the joints of the bath and walls, baths and floor, walls, floors and pipes.

Bathroom repair and tile layingon the floor

Paul repair and laying of tiles in the bathroom also require some dexterity and great effort. It is better to remove the old plumbing from the bath, replace the pipes. If such grandiose changes are not included in your task, we just cover the bath while we glue the tiles. Paul also requires serious preparation for repair. It should be leveled, a screed or create a bulk floor. Only on a perfectly flat surface can it properly lay the tile, not a single plate of which will jump out from under the legs for a long time.

Porcelain stoneware is preferable to the floor, since it is more durable. First, lay out the tile over the entire surface of the floor in a row and evaluate the remaining distance. Depending on it, we put the tile from the corner or from the middle, having previously marking the surface.

By laying the tiles on the floor, we compare it all the time with the fact that the seams should be symmetrical on the wall so as not to violate the geometry of the bathroom.

You can’t step on the just laid tile, because it is always placed from the far corner to the door.

Grout of tile seams and cleaning on the floor are the same as that of wall tiles.

Nuances of care for bathroom tiles

If one tile accidentally fell off, it is necessary to immediately insert it back, carefully cleaning the base and gluing the plate in place. If this is not done right away, neighboring tiles will move away from the wall or floor very quickly.

Smooth shiny tiles is washed easier than matte or embossed, under a tree, for example. Matte durable in terms of abrasion. The embossed tile resembling other building materials for decoration requires a hard brush and frequent washing, it costs more, but it looks, undoubtedly, better than other types of tiles.

After repair, the remaining glue on the tile is destroyed using acetone or gasoline. The cement, if the solution was made of this material, is amenable to washing with a soft spoon, with the accuracy of a touching seam, then the treatment with an acid containing acid is needed.

Very rigid water leaves stains on the tile, because if it is dark, water needs to be wiped out every time.

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