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Tiles for paths in the country: layout instructions

The track in the country performs many functions, among which the connection of the entrance part with the house, the house with the garden, etc. Therefore, during its arrangement, it requires due attention to the choice of materials and the process of its installation. The optimal material for styling on the track for a summer residence is tile. We will consider how to lay the tile in the country.

Table of contents:

  1. Options and materials for the construction of the track in the country
  2. Tile in the country: Features of choice and application
  3. Placement of the path - features and recommendations
  4. Laying tiles in the country: technology for performing the process, initial stage
  5. How to put tiles in the country: recommendations for the performance of work
  6. Tile path in the country - an extraordinary decision

Options and materials for the construction of the track in the country

There are many options for arranging a track in a summer cottage. The choice of one or another depends directly on the desires of the hosts, the general exterior of the building, such as the soil on which the path is built.

Using natural stone makes the exterior noble and truly beautiful. Although the cost of this finishing material is very high. With the help of natural stone, curved paths are designed. The location of stone elements is chaotic, so with their help it turns out to build a beautiful bend.

When designing a country track in the style of country, a variant of its wood structure is possible. By applying special impregnations and varnishes, it turns out to improve the natural texture of the tree. Such a path looks extraordinary.

If the cottage is built of brick stone, then brick is also suitable for the construction of the track. Its combination with pebbles will improve the appearance of the track. In addition, the use of ordinary brick is inappropriate, it is better to apply a brick adapted to the tile, since it has a high level of moisture and frost resistance.

The longest service life is distinguished by paving stones or paving slabs. Using a multi -colored paving stones and a certain installation scheme, a variety of drawings or an ornament are made that are suitable for the individual style of each garden.

A more budgetary and inexpensive option is the construction of the gravel path. Its installation is appropriate in the wild or in the design of a naturalistic summer cottage.

In addition, for the construction of a track that will be unique and chic uses ordinary concrete, which is poured into special silicone forms. The combination of several materials will also serve as a good way to experiment in the country.

Tile in the country: Features of choice and application

The country path is constantly influenced by the environment, so the material for its decoration should be of high quality in order to serve its owner for many years.

The track in the country is influenced by people who move along it, garden carts and inventory, spill water on it, bring dirt or dust from the garden, in addition, there is a constant effect of rain and snow with ice, which is periodically required to clean. Therefore, the requirements for the construction of a summer cottage are very high.

Tiles in the country photo:

The material in the form of paving slabs is suitable for decorating a garden path as possible. We will get acquainted with the features of her choice:

1. Pay attention to the material from which the tile is made. Since the main components of the solution greatly affect its durability. In addition, the technology of its manufacture plays an important role. This information, without fail, must own the seller. Otherwise, look for another place to buy it. In addition, we recommend that you examine certification products and documents confirming its quality.

2. The size and thickness of the tile also plays a role in the process of its operation. If the garden path is designed to move pedestrians along it, the recommended thickness is three centimeters. When installing sites for the location of transport, choose a tile with a thickness of five centimeters. You should not choose a tile of too large size, since it is practically proven that the smaller the tiles, the more it is stable before mechanical damage and cracking.

3. The appearance of paving slabs will also help determine its quality. If the tile has a bright color and a smooth surface, this does not mean that it is high -quality. It is smooth texture that indicates a large amount of water in the solution, and brightness - about the use of cheap synthetic dyes that improve loose and reduce material strength. In addition, it should be noted that the too smooth surface of the tile leads to injuries when jumping, especially in winter or in the rain. Therefore, before buying tiles, you should clearly decide on its texture, color and pattern. To check the tiles for strength, one tile should be hit on the second, in the presence of a sonorous sound - the tile is durable, otherwise - loose.

4. It is possible to buy one tile that you like for a thorough examination. In the presence of a variety of spots on the back, it is better to refuse the purchase. Since the production of such tiles used sand with a large amount of clay, which significantly worsens the quality of the tile. Clay is never combined with cement solutions, as it worsens its quality and leads to loose. Next, you should split the tiles into two parts to inspect the uniformity of the texture on its inner part. In the absence of spots from paint, clay or sandy areas and pores - feel free to buy tiles for the construction of the track.

Placement of the path - features and recommendations

The path is an important part of the cottage, so it is better to think about its location at the stage of erecting the building itself. To facilitate calculations, it is better to make an approximate drawing using special online programs. After determining important points, connect them using paths of direct or curved in nature.

It is advisable to place all the objects present in the territory in the diagram. These include a garden plot, garden, greenhouse, bath or gazebo. With the help of paths, a connection between these objects is provided.

As a material used for the construction of the track, choose a finish that is combined with the environment. You should not do all the paths of the same species. Perhaps a combination of continuous paths with step by step, curved with straight lines.

When designing the site, you should indicate the place of the future location of plants and bushes. When living in a climatic zone with abundant precipitation, take care of the arrangement of a drainage system, which involves the construction of plums on the sides of the track. With their help, water will be removed and stagnation will not appear. In the process of building a summer cottage, it should be remembered that the water that freezes on its surface reduces the life of the coating on the track several times. Do not allow planting powerful trees at the track, since their root system will eventually destroy their integrity.

Laying tiles in the country: technology for performing the process, initial stage

After buying high -quality tiles for giving, you should carry out a number of works on its installation. If you take this procedure not serious, then even the best tile will require replacement over time, due to non-compliance with the technology of its installation.

Before laying paving slabs in the country, you need to study the instructions from the manufacturer of the tile for its installation.

The initial stage of the work is the design and marking of the territory, for the construction of the path. All calculations from a pre -prepared project should be transferred to the surface of the Earth. To make markings, you need to measure the width and length of the track, gradually installing pegs in places of marking. A tension thread is pulled onto the pegs, a slope is affixed, in the presence of turns.

You should decide on the type of bought tile in advance, but buy it only after the marking is ready. Since it is with its help that it will be possible to calculate the required amount of tiles for styling. It is preferable to take a tile with a margin of several pieces to replace the material when it is random.

The next stage is based on excavation work to remove the soil layer before laying the tiles. The thickness of this layer is affected by such factors as the size of the tile, a drainage pillow and the amount of concrete necessary to strengthen the base. In addition, it must be taken into account that over time, soil shrinkage will occur, and the height of the tile installation will decrease. The correctness of these calculations depends on the type of soil located in the summer cottage, the size of the track and the base for it.

The most accurate calculation is made by a specialist directly at the place of installation of tiles. The interval between the values \u200b\u200bof the soil layer is from 8 to 40 cm. The first number determines the thickness of the tiles, for example, 5 cm, the second - the sand pillow is 4 cm, if necessary, in the arrangement of paving with increased bearing capacity, it makes a deepening of another 8 cm.

We should not forget about the arrangement of the rain slope built at the place of work. Its value is one centimeter per 1 m. In addition, there is a need to make side indentation of 8 cm on both sides. They are necessary for the installation of border stones.

The third step in laying tiles is the installation of curbs. The basic requirements for them are evenness and uniformity. In addition, they should be exhibited under a certain bias. The stone is installed using a liquid solution. Try to strictly adhere to the markings.

Continues the installation procedure - pouring the base pillow. Crushed stone is used as the lower layer, with a fraction of two to four centimeters. After laying it, tamping and alignment of the first layer follows.

Next, pour a layer of sand, which also requires thorough tamping and moisturizing to improve density.

When creating a surface with increased bearing capacity and strength, the pillow has a slightly different look. Sand is poured on crushed stone, then a non -discharge geotextile is laid, which improves the quality of the pillow and prevents the shrinkage of sand. Then, another sand layer is laid on the surface, 10 cm thick. A vibration plate or rink is used for its compact. Then another layer of sand is poured, 4 cm thick, it does not require tamping. Directly on this sand begin to lay tiles.

How to put tiles in the country: recommendations for the performance of work

The final process is direct laying of the tile. To do this, the rope is pulled along which the installation of the first row is equal. Start laying whole stones, leave gaps between them several millimeters. When laying each brick stone, you need to hit it with a rubber hammer, for better seal in a sand pillow.

The laying of the next row is not whole, but with half stones. Thus, a beautiful decorative pattern will be obtained. In order to achieve even seams between paving slabs, it is recommended to purchase special crosses installed in the clearance between each of the tiles.

After the laying of the tile is completed, put the joints between it with the help of sand or sandy-cement of the mixture. Thus, their reliable seal will occur. Several times it is necessary to wet the seams with water, and wait for their complete drying.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists, on laying tiles for paths in the country:

  • When carrying out work, use only special tools, because there is a risk of tile damage;
  • Be sure to buy tiles with a small margin to compensate for the spoiled material;
  • If necessary, in standard bearing capacity, the tile is laid on the surface with a dry mixture or sand cushion, if necessary, in the installation on the car site, the tile should be laid on the base using a concrete solution.

Tile path in the country - an extraordinary decision

A simple and budget option is to independently manufacture the track in the country from the old tiles.

To create it, you will need:

  • old ceramic tiles or new tiles of the cheapest cost;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • tank for kneading;
  • peg;
  • cord;
  • shovels;
  • roulette;
  • level.

For self -manufacture of such a path, first of all, it is necessary to make markings along its width and length. According to the previously made marking, it is necessary to dig a trench, its depth is 15 cm. The trench should be evolved by one, one and a half centimeters. At the sides of the future path, attach a wooden formwork. Remember the bottom of the trench and align with the rink. Keep in mind that the slope should be preserved.

Pour the sand to the bottom of the trench, a layer of 5-8 cm, then crushed stone, 6 cm. Take the preparation of a concrete solution, monitor its consistency. It should be porridge. The surface of the track should be a few centimeters exceeding the surface of the soil. Calm the concrete surface, get rid of excess air. Break ceramic tiles into fragments, if desired and install it based on your own preferences and fantasies. Wait for a complete drying of concrete solution, it will take about 6 days and use the path as intended.

Keep in mind that such a track option does not imply too much load on its surface, and serves as a decorative element.

Porcelain tiles in the dacha video:





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