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The main ways how to deal with mold and fungus. Rules for removing mold and fungus from the walls of the dwelling. How to remove mold and fungus in a home

Mold is a dangerous toxic fungus with an unpleasant, musty smell. Most often, you can encounter it in rooms with high humidity in the bathroom, kitchen, basement. Frequent places of its appearance of the wall, where humidity, ceiling, joints on the windows accumulate.

Table of contents:

  1. Why mold and fungus appear
  2. Than the appearance of mold and fungus in the dwelling is dangerous
  3. The most common places for the appearance of mold and fungus in a living room
  4. Effective ways to combat mold and fungus
  5. Step -by -step instructions for removing mold and fungus from the walls with your own hands
  6. Chemical remedies for removing mold and fungus
  7. Folk ways to combat mold and fungus with your own hands
  8. The main preventive measures to remove mold and fungus
  9. How to remove the smell of mold in a dwelling
  10. The main tips for combating mold and fungus

Why mold and fungus appear

Mold appears only in the environment that is favorable for it. The most common place of appearance is the bathroom. The reasons for this are insufficient fresh air, increased humidity, dampness. The vowel rule to prevent the formation of mold is care for walls, they need to be wiped often, drops of water must be removed on the shower cabin, and the used towels and washcloths do not leave wet, they must be dried.

The reasons for the appearance of the fungus depend on the place in which it lives.

If you notice mold on the corner of the house, it is most likely that a chip formed in the wall, a crack into which water gets. In the winter, the wall freezes and condensate accumulates inside.

Very frequent phenomenon formation of fungus and mold in the apartments of the first floor, or in houses. Problem places of the appearance of the wall, corners, tiles, floor (under the leenolium, floor tiles). The reason for this problem is insufficient ventilation, raw air from the basements, in which there is water flow or sewage malfunction.

Linen, which is dried in the room, room, can increase humidity in the apartment. In the kitchen, the lack of an extract can cause the appearance of mold, which is why evaporation from the cooking process remain on the ceiling, walls, windows fog. Aquariums, indoor plants, the soil of which are constantly moisturized.

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Than the appearance of mold and fungus in the dwelling is dangerous

Mold harm not only to individual sections of the house, but also adversely affects people's health. Spores of mold, which through the respiratory tract fall into a living organism and accumulate in it, violate the work of a living organism

The presence of molds of mold in the body entail such ailments:

  • dermatitis is a common skin disease;
  • problems with respiratory tract (runny nose, frequent cough);
  • violation of the operation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • joint pain;
  • general weakness, headaches;
  • allergic reactions.

Fungal disputes spread not only on the walls, but also settled on the human body, which causes irritation. The fungus can irritate the intestinal mucosa, influence the hair, human nails.

A very dangerous for human life is a fungus - black aspergill, which causes the appearance of a disease with severe consequences of pulmonary aspergillosis. It was recorded that this disease can lead to death.

Mold and fungus are serious sources of allergens that have a very unpleasant odor. Spores, penetrating into the blood system through breathing, provoke nausea, vomiting, cause headaches.

The most vulnerable category of people is small children, adolescents and adults with weak immunity. Fear is caused by the fact that diseases and ailments are provoked by spores of mold are practically not studied in medicine. As a result, doctors, not knowing the presence of fungi in the body, make completely different diagnoses, prescribe treatment that does not fight fungal microorganisms in any way, and they progress in the human body.

The most common places for the appearance of mold and fungus in a living room

The habitat of different molds, fungi, can be any room. It is important to always remember that mold will never appear in a dry room. However, as if the residents of the houses tried to prevent the appearance of mold, it still appears in the inconspicuous areas of problem surfaces (in the corners, on the windows).

Large furniture, set to the walls to the walls, does not pass the air, thereby violating its normal circulation. Another place of appearance of mold window frames. Mold appears in this section when the external profile begins to rot. The reason for this can be poor -quality building materials, including lubrication for frames. The solution to this problem is good isolation of the sites between the glasses and the window frame, control that the water does not fall into possible cracks. A synthetic lubricant that is available in the building materials market can perfectly cope with the insulation of window frames.

Due to the insulation violation, on window profiles, on window sills, in the glass zone, condensate is formed. It violates the insulation of a poor seal, you need to pay attention to its quality, and if necessary, replace the seal.

One of the favorable places for the appearance of the spores of mold is flower slides. Disputes, falling into the room through the basement, ventilation pipes, settled on moist soil in pots with indoor flowers, and form small black spots.

Another problematic place where you can observe the presence of mold and fungi are balconies. The reason for this is poor waterproofing or incorrectly equipped rain and meltwater flow.

The most common place for the emergence of fungi and mold is bathrooms. There are the most optimal conditions for this: dampness, increased humidity, darkness and warm air. If the mold can be systematically removed between the seams of the tiles and in their accessible places, then it is constantly under the sink, and it can not be immediately noticed.

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Effective ways to combat mold and fungus

There are quite a lot of different, effective methods, tips in the fight against mold:

  • systematic ventilation of the premises, this makes for mold simply unbearable conditions. In winter, it is necessary to open only the window for ventilation in order to prevent the hypothermia of the walls and the occurrence of condensate;
  • the air in the room should be warmed and dry;
  • you can not constantly dry clothes in the closed rooms of the apartment;
  • timely replacement of pipes and plums, which have even minor water leaks;
  • providing sufficient ventilation in the bathroom;
  • when repairing, or building a house, it is necessary to choose only dry building materials;
  • the balcony can be covered with polyurethane, which will protect against moisture.

Step -by -step instructions for removing mold and fungus from the walls with your own hands

To prevent re -appearance of the fungus, to remove the main source of mold, it is important to observe a certain chain of actions:

  • carefully examine all surfaces (ceiling, walls, corners), set aside furniture from the walls, remove carpets;
  • to protect open areas of the body, you need to use protective masks, gloves, glasses to protect the eyes, since both mold is dangerous and chemical means of combating it;
  • using a hard brush, you can even use metal brushes, you need to carefully clean the affected places, you need to clean the joints and corners very carefully;
  • if individual places are very affected by fungi, they need to be removed, it can be pieces of wallpaper, layers of plaster;
  • after removing the fungal plaque, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic, and after drying with a liquid solution of the waterproofer, dried;
  • to cover the walls, you need to cover with antiplastic primer;
  • work on the restoration of the decorative-final coating of walls, ceilings.

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Chemical remedies for removing mold and fungus

Means Characteristics Application area
AtlasMykos Concentration of an antifungal agent For rooms with high humidity.
Izohangrzybostop Fungi It is used for processing concrete, plastered surfaces.
Spektrum Removing mold and wooden coatings For processing buildings outside and inside.
Snowball impregnation Removal of mold, fungi, lichens The tool can be treated with twisted surfaces, masonry.
Titan fungicide A means to neutralize fungal disputes. Used in rooms with high humidity. The tool is treated with plastered, putty and painted surfaces.
PS 50 The composition to combat the growths of the fungus on concrete and plastered surfaces Processing of concrete, drywall, plaster, wooden surfaces.
Antigibok Abedis Remedy for combating organic raids, mold spores, fungi Used for processing basements, roofs, ceramic stone cladding

Folk ways to combat mold and fungus with your own hands

Folk remedies to combat mold are less effective compared to chemicals, but with proper use, they fully cope with their task (easily remove mold in small areas).

The bleach is an effective remedy for the fight against mold. It includes sodium hypochlorite, which detrimental with fungal disputes. The bleach can only be used for processing glass, ceramic tiles, furniture.

Vinegar is a completely safe remedy for combating fungal disputes. It is applied to problem areas in its pure form, and after about an hour it needs to be removed with water, and the room is ventilated.

Another folk remedy for hydrogen peroxide. This antibacterial agent is affordable, it does not contain harmful toxins and unpleasant odor. The processing process, as follows: process the problem area with a 3 % composition of the peroxide with a sprayer, or apply a sponge, wait 10 minutes and wash off (it is not recommended to clean the painted surfaces with peroxide).

Coarous soap is an affordable remedy for removal of mold. Grate the soap on a grater, combine with water and apply to the area affected by mold, let soap dry in the processed area and wash off.

To remove small infected areas, tea tree oil is suitable. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 50. Apply and wash off the solution.

The most popular folk remedy is copper sulfate. It is necessary to prepare the solution in a ratio of 100 grams of sulfate per 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to process the surface with a brush or spray. It is contraindicated to use this solution on the walls if you plan to glue the wallpaper, since after its use there remains a blue plaque.

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The main preventive measures to remove mold and fungus

In order to effectively delete, and no longer return to this process, it is important to carry out prevention, monitor the condition of problem areas in the room:

  • monitor sufficient heating of the premises in winter;
  • check pipes, plums, water supply;
  • carefully observe the condition of the walls, windows, ceiling;
  • control the condition of the roof;
  • in the process of construction, during repair work, give preference to plaster, which includes lime and cement;
  • treat building materials with an antiseptic;
  • it is advisable not to install deaf double -glazed windows. The windows must be regularly taken care of;
  • sometimes you need to leave the doors to the bathroom open, to align the temperature;
  • the storage of dried colors in the room is not recommended, since they have mold;
  • wet areas need to be wiped only with a dry rag.

How to remove the smell of mold in a dwelling

If you are faced with the problem of unpleasant odor due to dampness in the room and mold, you will have to make maximum efforts to eliminate it. The question of removing the smell from furniture is especially acute.

The first step: to free the cabinets, take out clothes in the sun if there is no way to the balcony.

The second step: wash the surface of the cabinet, or the necessary surfaces with water with vinegar, you can add the chlorine, but you need to remember about the protection of the hands, be sure to put on gloves.

The third step: after cleaning, you can in the middle of the cabinets. Growths put a container with activated coal, previously chopped.

It is recommended to give clothing on which there are traces of mold. If this is not possible, it needs to be washed, dry and ironed well. For flavoring clothes, you can use lemon balm, lavender flowers.

To save the furniture from an unpleasant odor, it must be taken out in the fresh air, or put it near heated batteries, fireplaces. Green tea will help to cope with unpleasant odors, it can be laid out on the upholstery of the sofa. If traces of mold on furniture are very large, such areas are subject to replacement.

Pictures on request the main ways how to deal with mold and fungus

The main tips for combating mold and fungus

If the area affected by the fungus is not large, it can be washed without difficulties with water and detergent, wipe it with a dry rag.

If the mold is large, you need:

  • on the affected area, remove the wallpaper, wash off whitewashing, tear the tile, peel the wall from paint, oilcloths;
  • remove the affected plaster;
  • brick and concrete surfaces are warm with a soldering lamp;
  • wood, furniture must be dried with a fan.

If you plan to start removing mold, then the most suitable time for this is summer, when the weather is dry and the air is hot.

Removing mold in a home with your own hands video:





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Starry recommendations for

Senior recommendations for the removal of mold, if these funds in Russia are not sold, for example, PS50, Anti -Gribov Abedis. It seems that the fungus settled only in Ukraine.

In our time to defeat mold

Nowadays, the mold can also defeat the mold even using smoke processing. For this case, the Fomor-Antiplesen checker will help very effectively. Three years ago, I managed to defeat mold in my mother’s private house in this way.

Comrade, you can't tell me

Comrade, but you can’t tell me where is the best way to buy such a checker?

I think a saber

I believe that it is best to order a Fomor-Antiplesen saber in the online store