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Mosaic from bat tiles: master class

Everyone can complete the repair in the house with an original mosaic of battles, especially if you get acquainted with the basics of work. Put a color pattern from tile residues, adding fragments of other decorative materials one of the simplest methods of creating an original panel in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in garden design. This painstaking work is not very popular, but man -made panels in the interior will never go out of fashion.

Table of contents:

  1. What materials can be used for mosaic cladding
  2. Where you can lay out a mosaic panel
  3. Where to start laying out a mosaic image
  4. Preparation of surfaces for work
  5. A solution for tiles
  6. Curved pattern
  7. Mosaic pattern layout technology

What materials can be used for mosaic cladding

The original mosaic of tiles with your own hands gives great opportunities for manifestation of imagination, especially when there is material and good ideas. In childhood, many tried to master the method of drawing through the cells, when the sketch sketch reproduces the sketch, increasing the layout several times. In the same way, you can reproduce any plot or portrait on the wall in one of the rooms Viktor Tsoi, Merlin Monroe, a mask of a stranger, a bird, aquarium. Good examples of mosaic from bat tiles photo.

It is not as difficult to do work as it seems, and if you hire a specialist, it will cost expensive. None of the guests can distinguish a step -by -step pattern from the artist’s work. This will take more time than the master’s workflow, but this is a pleasant creative experience, and it is pleasant to lay out work in social networks. If you manage to master the methodology for laying out a mosaic from a bat ceramic tile, this can become both a fascinating hobby and additional earnings.

Mosaic panels performing thematic or abstract compositions from different elements. Each drawing is unique, since it is composed of fragments, the color and shape of which cannot be repeated. The mosaic may consist of:

  • equal pieces of the same shape (circle, square, triangle, 6-garnet);
  • arbitrary fragments;
  • combinations of pieces of different sizes and shapes.

Construction supermarkets throw a battle of tiles, ceramic tiles and other finishing materials or sell as recyclables, and can be bought at a similar price. It is important for those who are interested in how to lay out a mosaic from a bat tile, it is important to know that various materials are suitable for these purposes. It:

  • broken colored glass;
  • pieces of mirror and bottle glass;
  • fragments of porcelain dishes;
  • thin woods of wood;
  • grinded fragments of colored glass and mother -of -pearl sinks collected on the seashore;
  • original shells;
  • smooth colored pebbles;
  • slices of gems;
  • large smooth buttons, etc.

Tip: When laying out a colored pattern, there are not always pieces of the desired shape and their size can be jammed with nippers from a large fragment or equally cut off with a tile cutter. Performing this work, take care of your face from fragments and dust! Starting work, protect your eyes with goggles, and your nose and mouth with a household respirator. Work in a robe and gloves so as not to cut the edge of the fragment. It is important that in this process, random spectators are not present, sharp fragments of stab tiles are able to injure them.

Where you can lay out a mosaic panel

A mosaic made of special tiles like smalt is expensive, and it is also used for decoration of rooms. However, the most budget option will be the independent mosaic made of bat tiles. This finish is widely used:

  • on the floor in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen or pool;
  • in any surfaces intended for washing;
  • on countertops and ceramic flowerpots;
  • for garden structures;
  • on the sidewalls of benches or benches made by yourself;
  • inside the old bathroom, decorated as a pool with a sea bottom.

If you need ready -made work that inspire, look for the views of Barcelona. The great Spanish architect Gaudi left for the descendants many talented samples of mosaic panels. But gifted contemporaries left us many artistic paintings:

  • on the ends of multi -storey buildings;
  • in the decoration of pools;
  • as a decoration of kitchen premises and bathrooms;
  • monumental paintings in the lobby and facing of public buildings;
  • for decorating shops, offices, clinics and sanatoriums.

This universal method of decorative decoration today can be tried in your country house or in the country, in a city apartment or at the entrance. The bench made out by a mosaic of a mosaic in the yard tolerates frosts and rains well, it will not lose its original appearance for years, and the material can be collected in apartments for free. You can familiarize yourself with the basics of mosaic from the bat tile video, where all the stages of work are set out in detail.

Where to start laying out a mosaic image

Mosaic canvases are not only a fascinating creative process, but also an original way of savings. Against the background of a stable rise in price of building materials, it is possible to show resourcefulness, collecting elements for a picturesque panel from improvised materials. The fragments of a broken colored tile helped Gaudi not only to discover new facets of talent, but also to create the famous masterpieces in the Guel Park!

There are several options for choosing a topic for panels:

1. Try to see your topic and color scheme in color fragments, then add a little missing material.

2. Choose a finished mosaic scheme of bat tile, based on personal preferences.

3. It is better to create a mosaic of battles on your own sketch, but based on familiarization with highly artistic samples.

4. The picture, which inspired, can be decided to recreate in the mosaic version using an increase in images.

5. Try to repeat the finished mosaic masterpiece with your color scheme.

6. Review the offers for the sale of ready -made mosaic tiles, and choose the material that impressed the most.

7. Using the finished broken material, lay out an abstract pattern on any smooth surface, which will tell you fantasy.

It is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bartistic principles:

  • symmetric canvases are more difficult to lay out, but they are better perceived;
  • in asymmetry, a larger fragment is placed on the left, and the right -sided placement of large fragments weights the image;
  • when laying out recognizable outlines and portraits without a stencil, it is important to observe proportions;
  • if there is no artistic taste and creative experience, it is better not to experiment on a prepared surface, but to use a good sketch.

Fragments of beaten tiles are also laid in the form of abstract paintings using color contrasts. But the abstraction is built according to the principle:

  • beautiful combinations of shades;
  • smooth transitions of color;
  • contrasting options.

However, large natural elements look most spectacular in mosaic canvases:

  • birds and animals or their fantasy images;
  • sunflower flowers, daffodils, poppies, irises;
  • fish are aquarium, sea or animated;
  • portrait elements of a girl in a hat, a carnival mask, a languid look, recognizable images;
  • landscapes are schematic or highly artistic.

Before starting to lay out the mosaic canvas in your permanent place, try to work out the layout on the other surface, for example, on the floor or table. It is important to compare the dimensions of the finished work with the surface where there will be a mosaic. Try to present the finished result with the grout between fragments, you may need to add the pigment of the desired shade for a solid pattern. The black filler between large pieces of colored battles will resemble stained glass, and white will give cleanliness and freshness.

In the figure of future work, it is better to think through all the options in advance, so as not to regret a hurry to redo the mosaic is extremely difficult. If the mosaic is difficult with a recognizable image, it is better to start with a simple abstract composition.

Tip: When choosing pieces of tiles, it is important to make sorting better fragments for central elements and semantic accents, the rest of the battle goes to the edges. Cut off on the front side, chopped and defective pieces with cracks on enamel are suitable for the edges and failure of the missing fragments (filling the voids). In mosaic tiles, sizes are adjusted with bites. When the finished panel dries, refresh it with a wiper and wipe it with a fluffy rag.

Preparation of surfaces for work

The mosaic is laid out on the wall in different ways:

  • on the prepared wall, smearing each fragment with glue and fixing on the reinforcing construction grid;
  • put the main part of the mosaic on the grid and fix the finished pattern on the plane;
  • it is important to prepare a rounded wall, to transfer the mosaic fragmentarily from the preliminary calculation, otherwise the pattern will be crumpled, and part of the fragments of the tiles will disappear.

1. Before applying the marking under the mosaic sketch, clean the wall from the remains of wallpaper, peeled paint, cement dust, small particles.

2. Wipe the purified surface with a damp clean sponge and let it dry.

3. Fill everything with the starting putty, apply a small layer to the entire surface under the mosaic panel, close the reinforcing mesh, and apply pieces of tiles to it.

4. Mosaic fragments are well attached to a flat plane, if the pattern is originally laid out on the grid, it is applied to a perfectly plastered surface.

5. When transferring tiles, it is better to use 2 stencils on one, the initial layout of the panel will be made, and by the second we apply markings on the wall or other plane. It is most convenient for all with chalk or marker. Do not be afraid that the lines will be visible, they will subsequently be filled with a special solution by grout.

Tip: by laying trimming and fragments of tiles, protect your hands with gloves from small cuts with sharp edges. The tile is well bastling only at an optimum temperature within +5C +30C.

A solution for tiles

There is a solution for work with ceramic and tiles in every construction store. Give preference to bright shades to evaluate preliminary results.

For fiberglass, a light or transparent solution is used, it will be visible under fragments. In some cases, a little foil is placed under each piece of colored glass so that the mosaic sparkles like precious stones.

The finished solution is applied to the wall with a small spatula from the corner or central section, from where it is more convenient to lay out the panel. Each fragment is slightly pressed into the solution to attach well.

Tip: the calculation from below is best attached, and finished areas must be allowed to dry before the subsequent step. It is convenient to lay out pieces of the same color in a stencil pattern, for example, the sunflower petal. On a small panel, liquid nails will successfully replace the solution.

Curved pattern

A mosaic pattern from a bat ceramic tile is the ideal option where there should be a crooked surface, which cannot be laid with ordinary tiles. Small fragments are well attached to the net on the usual glue, and fill the clearance with grout or finish plaster.

This method is suitable for rounded and streamlined surfaces in the bathroom and pool, in the hallway and kitchen. Looks good:

  • mosaic washbasin laid out in the oriental style;
  • the outer side of the bath and the internal in the pool;
  • rounded niches for small figurines.

They look beautiful in the bathroom, sauna or pool flowing one into the other surface from floor to walls and the outside of the tanks, as in the photo. A greenhouse, a loggia for a winter garden with rounded multi -level terraces for plants, lined with mosaic from broken tiles, shells and stones looks picturesque.

Mosaic pattern layout technology

To master the features of laying out mosaics, it is important to carefully study the master class on the tiles of broken pieces. For this you will need:

  • chopped remains of porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles, other facing and natural materials;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • scissors for the pattern of the grid and the mesh itself;
  • devices and utensils for half a year of adhesive composition;
  • grinding for seams in tile color or contrasting;
  • nippers and tile cutter;
  • any tile glue is light in color, better special transparent or super-cement;
  • for laying mosaics on the floor, a cement mortar is suitable.

General rules:

1. It is convenient to lay out the pattern from the central semantic fragment, gradually covering new areas.

2. First, they complete the laying of the main figures, then the background and background of the composition. If a lot of solution or glue crawled out in some places, it is important to carefully remove from the front side of each element, in the intervals you can leave.

3. At the final stage, the pattern is left to dry for a day. Then, a mosaic is wiped with a damp sponge to remove excess composition.

4. The final stage of the grout of the mosaic canvas or filling out the gaps. A special grout for a tile can be purchased at a construction supermarket or made from dry finish putty. If you do it yourself, cook in a collapse for small areas, working out each fragment.

5. If necessary, the pigment is added to the grout to the tone of the mosaic.

6. Somewhere after 20 minutes the grout grabs and a little darken, you can remove its excess from pieces of tiles with a damp sponge.

7. When the mosaic is completed process the wiper and wipe the dry dry.

Tip: When a mosaic canvas is laid out in pieces of grids according to fragments, it is important to remove excess edges so that there is no overlap. Separate fragments are best cut to the templates immediately, lay out individual sections according to the sketch.

Mosaic for external work can be laid on a cement solution with the addition of glue:

  • decoration of fences;
  • the basis of the benches;
  • garden paths;
  • barbecue walls;
  • fountains;
  • multi -level flower beds.

After the cement base is a little grasped, they begin to decorate with mosaic. Do not forget to align horizontal surfaces with a construction level, vertical plumbing.

Mosaic care is simple:

  • do not use abrasive cleaning compounds, acidic substances and oily substances that spoil the grout;
  • contaminated areas of the mosaic in the kitchen can be slightly cleaned with a soft brush with soapy solution;
  • after any cleansing agent, the panels are wiped with a damp sponge, then dry;
  • the outer surfaces and garden decor can be treated with clean water from the hose, but the stream should not be strong so as not to destroy the integrity of the composition.





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Please tell me why

Please tell me why tile and mosaic in the country on the street began to exfoliate, although planted on frost -resistant tile glue? Thank you.

Here are good

Here are good master classes on mosaic herself visited them. Artists with higher academic education. Many well-known mosaic artists began here.

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We sell tiles at ridiculous prices for mosaic work