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Porcelain tile: manufacturing, laying, use

The history of porcelain tiles and the dynamics of presence in the market.

Artificial ceramic granite is relatively "young" finishing material. Its story has only about thirty years. However, porcelain tile has already managed to gain popularity among consumers. Despite the thousand -year history of ceramic tiles, in recent years it has been actively displaced from the market "young" porcelain tiles. Every year, the percentage of sales in the Russian market, both in kind and in monetary terms, is redistributed in favor of porcelain tiles. And although so far, the volume of sales of ceramic tiles is superior to sales of porcelain tile, but according to expert forecasts, this situation will change soon. The porcelain tile received such a wide recognition in the market, of course, thanks to its positive properties. Porcelain tile is a much durable and durable material than ceramic tiles and even the most interesting, natural granite. As for the forms, textures and color solutions, the technologies developed literally in the last few years make it possible to achieve a much greater variety of design options than that of ceramic tiles.

The composition of porcelain tiles.

In its composition, artificial porcelain tile resembles both natural granite and ordinary ceramic tiles. The composition of ceramic granite includes the following main components:

• Clay;

• quartz sand;

• mica;

• Field sleeper;

• Natural mineral additives and dyes - to create various color solutions of the final product.

Technology for the manufacture of porcelain tiles.

The process of production of porcelain tiles is complicated and requires the participation of highly qualified professionals. In order to debug production technology and set up equipment, Russian manufacturers invite expensive Italian and Spanish specialists to their plants.

Therefore, let's dwell in detail only at the two main stages of production - pressing and firing:

1. Pressing. A mass of clay, a field spar, mica, quartz sand and mineral additives are subjected to a pressing process under high pressure (about forty -five megapascal) in a special form;

2. Firing. Next, the resulting compressed mass is sent to the vacuum furnace, where it is fired under the influence of high temperatures (more than a thousand degrees Celsius);

3. Next, there are polishing processes (removal of the upper layer), rectification (circumcision of faces around the perimeter for the possibility of seamless styling), etc.

Differences in porcelain tile and ceramic tile.

1. Visual differences. If you look at the verge of tiles, it is possible to see a layer of "body" tiles covered with painted icing, i.e. A clear line is visible between the colored upper layer and the colorless main mass of tiles. Porcelain stoneware is painted over all its mass, and is a homogeneous monolith with a crystalline characteristic brilliance on the faces. This porcelain tile is very reminiscent of natural granite.

2. Differences in technical characteristics. Porcelain stoneware significantly exceeds ceramic tiles in parameters such as:

• resistance to deep abrasion - porcelain tile refers in its characteristics to the highest fifth class according to the generally accepted scale of abrasion;

• Strength - according to this parameter, porcelain stoneware has better indicators not only in comparison with tiles, as well as with natural granite. If chips, cracks and other defects may appear on granite of natural origin, then porcelain tile is not subject to even minor changes and microcracks. For comparison: on a ten -point scale of hardness (in which graphite is accepted for the measurement standards - it has a hardness of one point and diamond - ten -point hard) porcelain tile is assigned a hardness of seven to eight points. Therefore, it is possible to cut porcelain tiles only using special disks with diamond spraying.

• durability;

• immunity to ultraviolet radiation;

• resistance to temperature differences

Myths about porcelain tiles.

The main error associated with porcelain tile is an erroneous opinion that the porcelain tile is radioactive and, accordingly, is harmful to health. In fact, artificial porcelain stoneware, unlike natural, has absolutely no radioactive background. In addition, there are so -called "antistatic" types of porcelain tile, which, on the contrary, can absorb radiation and electromagnetic radiation from household appliances.

Classification of porcelain tile according to the type of surface:

• matte - porcelain tile without any additional surface processing;

• Half -layer or cramped - type of porcelain tile, which is obtained by partial polishing of the surface, while the upper layer of porcelain tile is not completely removed, but partially. It turns out a silky, pleasant surface to the touch;

• polished porcelain tiles - it turns out as a result of the polishing process, i.e. Removing the upper layer. In this case, it turns out absolutely smooth, resembling lacquer, surface;

• glazed - type of porcelain tile, in the manufacture of which the glazing technology is used, i.e. All the thickness of the porcelain tile is covered with a layer of colored glaze on top. A protective layer (special convex pattern) is applied on top of the glaze, thanks to which porcelain tile acquires anti -slip properties;

• relief porcelain tiles - it turns out using special press forms of absolutely any texture. Relief porcelain tile can imitate various materials (wood, wild slate, brickwork, rocky slope, etc.). Also, longitudinal reliefs on porcelain tiles are used on the steps to prevent sliding.

Varieties of porcelain tile in size and forms.

The choice of porcelain tiles on formats is very wide: starting from small tiles with sides five centimeters in size, and ending with large -format slabs with faces of up to one hundred and twenty centimeters. Large porcelain tile is used to facing large and spacious rooms. For decorating countertops and window sills, a small porcelain border of a small format is more suitable.

Manufacturers offer porcelain tiles of various thicknesses: from seven to twenty millimeters. However, the most popular is porcelain stoneware with a thickness of nine to fourteen millimeters.

In the form, porcelain tile is usually square or rectangular.

Places of use of porcelain tiles.

Porcelain tile is a universal finishing material. If earlier it was used only for lining of floors and less often walls, then currently porcelain tile is used to decorate any, the most diverse, surfaces:

• Floors and walls in public and residential premises - porcelain stoneware is used both in the role of the main coating and as decorative elements and panels.

o, for example, a common technique has recently been finishing the walls of porcelain tile according to Buzeri technology (translated from French - wood). Moreover, porcelain tile is laid out only to the middle of the wall (approximately at a height of one and a half meters from the floor). But if earlier, as the name of the technology says, the panels were wooden, now they are replaced by porcelain border. To create such panels, you can use plates of the same size as on the floor, or use large -format porcelain tiles of a rectangular shape.

o as regards the sexes, they can currently be finished with porcelain tile not only in the traditional way using special glue. There is also a technology of "false pools", in which porcelain tile is laid on a metal structure on a certain elevation from the floor. The design allows you to create an absolutely horizontal surface of the floor, in addition, under it you can hide any wires and pipes of communications. However, this option is suitable only for rooms with high ceilings (at least two and a half meters);

• The facades of buildings - porcelain tiles are used to decorate the facades of multi -storey buildings using the technology of "hinged facades". Small houses are lined with a traditional way;

• sidewalks and territories around buildings - since porcelain tiles have high strength and is resistant to abrasion, its use as paving slabs is allowed;

• stairs, steps, columns, kitchen countertops and various decorative elements of the interior (for this, thick three -centimeter porcelain tile is usually used).

Technology of surfaces of surfaces by porcelain tile.

If porcelain tile is not laid down by technology, then even such a durable material will not be able to last as long as stated in its characteristics.

So, consider the main stages of laying porcelain tiles:

1. Pour the floor with the screed, make it even, if necessary, strengthen it;

2. Carefully study all the recommendations of the manufacturer of porcelain stoneware for the use of adhesive mixtures. It is necessary to get acquainted with this information, since the choice of adhesive composition depends on many factors, such as the type of room in which the styling, the properties of contact surfaces, the type of porcelain tile that you use are carried out. For example, since porcelain stoneware has the property of low water absorption, it is not recommended to use cement solutions for laying it, since they will not be able to ensure the clutch of the desired level with the surface. Given all these factors and tips of the manufacturer, select the necessary glue for the installation of porcelain tile. For laying porcelain tiles in rooms with a normal level of humidity and temperature, a special two -component cement glue is usually used. For rooms with high humidity and possible temperature changes (bathroom, kitchen, etc.), it is recommended to use highly powerful elastic types of adhesive mixtures;

3. We lay porcelain tile using standard technology. In this case, the glue layer should be at least five millimeters. Given the possible temperature differences, porcelain tiles must be laid with the so -called "heat gap" from three millimeters so that the tiles are not deformed during expansion. If the room is always a stable level of temperature, then a "seamless" styling (without gaps) is possible. In this case, you can achieve the effect of a homogeneous surface without joints;

4. We grind the seams;

5. We thoroughly wash and clean the entire surface of the floor.





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