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How to clean the seams between tiles

Laying tiles ends with grouting seams, which have an attractive appearance and give the entire surface completeness. But, alas, after some time, dirt begins to accumulate between the joints of the tile, and with constant exposure to moisture, mold also multiplies. To avoid this problem, periodic cleaning of the sutures of the tiles should be carried out, we will consider how to wash the seams between the tiles further.

Table of contents:

  1. The seams between the tiles are grouting options
  2. The seams between the tiles in the bathroom - cleansing using chemistry
  3. How to clean the seams between tiles with folk remedies
  4. How to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom mechanical method
  5. How to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor: important recommendations
  6. Removing grout from tile joints

The seams between the tiles are grouting options

Before moving on to the immediate issue of cleaning the seams between the tiles, first of all, the materials that are used in the process of the lanes should be studied.

All compositions that are used during grouts are divided into two main types:

1. mixtures having a cement base.

They appear in the form of powder filler, for breeding which water or latex is used. Inexperienced specialists work with mixtures, which include Portland-cement substances. Such a grout is quite elastic and easy to work. In addition, it easily fills the narrowest seams.

For breeding this kind of mixture, a respirator and protective glasses are used. Since there is a risk of a mixture in the eye or allergy.

There are mixtures on a cement basis in a ready -made form. This material is also convenient when working, only its cost is an order of magnitude higher. Therefore, it is practically not common in the construction industry.

With independent mixing of the mixture, it is recommended to precisely comply with all the instructions indicated by the manufacturer. If this is not done, then too liquid solution, after drying, will spread and forms cracks. The use of too thick solution is fraught with the fact that the mass is not able to fill all the butt areas, therefore, tightness is disturbed between the tiles.

2. Grouts, which are based on the use of epoxy resin.

This mixture has the highest strength and adhesive properties, in addition, the percentage of its moisture collection is almost zero. It is used in the process of grouting the joints between the tiles installed on the surface of the pool, in the bathroom, baths, on the facade areas of the building, in rooms with high operational characteristics.

The use of such a grout requires a person who performs the work of special caution and scrupulousness. Since it will be necessary to make special efforts to remove excess material, there is a risk of damage to the tile itself.

The grout contains epoxy resin and a special hardener, which fixes it on the surface. It is sold in another package and mixed with the main compositions before starting work. The finished mass is not intended for long -term storage.

The seams between the tiles in the bathroom - cleansing using chemistry

Before proceeding to the consideration of the funds by which the tile is cleaned, a few words should be said about the rules for caring for it. If they do not adhere to them, then the tile will serve its owners for a short period of time and lose its appearance.

Despite the fact that ceramic tiles are characterized by high strength and stability before various kinds of influences, there are a number of rules for its operation:

  • To cleanse the tiles with a glossy surface, abrasive cleaners or a metal brush are not suitable, even in the presence of minor scratches, the initial shine loss occurs;
  • The chemical compositions are based on the use of acid can easily damage the seams between the tiles on the floor;
  • To improve the strength of the seams, it is recommended to use epoxy -based paint, it allows you to improve their opposition before the humid environment;

  • In the process of washing tiles, you should rely solely on specialized tools that are designed to clean ceramic tiles, the use of other kinds is unacceptable;
  • Do not use cleaning products in which there is pumice, sand, fat solvents in the form of soap;
  • If there is a need to remove various kinds of pollution, then for these purposes use a brush with soft bristles, which is not able to remove the coating on the tile;
  • To wash matte tiles, use specially designed emulsions, after washing, it is covered with a wax mastic, which makes its color more expressive.

To purchase the product, with which it will be possible to clean the seams between the tiles to contact any household purpose. There are a huge number of cleaning products designed to clean the tiles and seams between it.

Chemicals are characterized by such advantages:

  • the possibility of removing mineral deposits;
  • effective fight against an unpleasant odor;
  • protection against harmful microorganisms, bacteria and microbe;
  • Using aromatic additives fills the room with a pleasant smell.

Keep in mind that each type of tile has its own characteristics, which determine the type of cleaning agent used in the process of washing. Before using one or another composition, the instructions from the manufacturer should be well read.

For example, if you use a solution for melting with ceramic tiles, but stains will appear on the surface, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Do not use chemicals at once. First, try to get rid of dirt, soft brush and water. If the desired effect was not achieved, then resort to more radical methods.

An excellent means in this matter is a powder mixture of pemolux. To apply it, use the same brush that is wetted first in water, and then in powder. At the same time, it is better to wear rubber gloves. After applying the composition, it is recommended to wait about ten minutes, and then all the seams are cleaned with a brush.

Next, the powder is gradually washed off and the surface again passes into a brush. If the desired effect is not achieved, then the procedure is repeated.

The use of this method is relevant if the tile has small pollution.

How to clean the seams between tiles with folk remedies

If the tile is too contaminated, it is recommended to resort to the use of soda, for this, you will need to perform a number of actions:

  • moisturize the surface of the tile;
  • Apply soda with a sponge;
  • Wipe the surface of the tile to get rid of dirt;
  • You should not press too much on the surface, as there is a risk of damage to the tile.

Chlorine lime helps to make tiles and seams between it snow -white and shining:

  • Dilute lime with water until the liquid mass is obtained;
  • Using the spray gun, apply the solution to the surface;
  • After seven minutes, wipe the tile with a damp rag.

Tip: Use the mask when performing this cleaning method, since there is a risk of unpleasant odor. Although the positive moment of such cleaning is the fact that all mold and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed between the seams.

The use of acetic acid will help to cope with stable pollution between the seams of the tile. To clean the seam between tiles, follow the instructions:

  • Apply vinegar essence using the spray gun;
  • using a brush, distribute vinegar on the surface of the seam;
  • After 7 minutes, rinse the vinegar with a damp cloth.

Keep in mind that acetic acid is not used in its purest form. It is divorced in a ratio of 1.5 tablespoons per 500 ml of water. It is recommended to use this method first before applying chlorine, since cleaning with vinegar is more sparing and harmless for both tiles and the skin of a person performing cleaning.

Another folk method of cleaning the seams between the tiles is citric acid. For this, the following actions should be performed:

  • Take the sponge and soak it with water;
  • Squeeze the sponge slightly and dip it in citric acid;
  • After 3 minutes, rinse the solution from the surface.

The width of the seams between the tiles does not affect the use of a particular method of processing. In addition, it should be taken into account the fact that after the use of any of the above cleaning methods, it is necessary to wash off the solution and wipe the tiles dry.

Another folk method of cleaning tiles involves a combination of the above methods. To prepare the solution, you need to mix in a metal container:

  • 3 cups of water;
  • 0.25 cups of soda;
  • 0.15 vinegar essence;
  • 0.15 citric acid.

To work with the cleaner, be sure to dress gloves. This substance is quite aggressive, so you need to work with it quickly. For cleansing, use a toothbrush or sponge.

Apply the composition for all seams and wait ten minutes. With the help of clean water, rinse off the composition from the surface. It is preferable to do the procedure at least twice. With the help of this solution, it is easy to get rid of even the most difficult pollution.

How to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom mechanical method

To use this cleaning method, you do not need to go to the store for chemicals or prepare mixtures based on folk recipes.

It is enough to have sandpaper at home. It is with its help that the seams are cleaned. Only special attention should be paid to the tile, it is unacceptable to scratch it with paper, since there is a risk of damage to the appearance of the coating. This option differs in speed and ease of execution.

After cleaning all seams, they are treated with water, and then the tile is wiped dry.

In addition to sandpaper, a toothbrush, sponge, and a scraper for dishes are used. This option is suitable for a small kind of pollution. In addition, as an addition to this method, it is recommended to apply washing powder to the tile.

In the response to the question of how to clean the seams between the tiles without the use of chemical and folk remedies The most optimal option will be the use of a sponge, which is based on melamine foam. This material is durable, but at the same time soft. It will easily penetrate into any pores, remove all divorces and dirt without the use of chemicals.

To apply a melamine sponge, only water is required, while the less effort is made for washing, the higher the effectiveness of the process. This sponge helps to wash not only the seams between the tiles, but also copes with the cleaning of plumbing devices, shells, baths, mirrors, etc.

How to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor: important recommendations

We offer to get acquainted with business tips that will help make the cleaning process easier and safer:

  • When washing the seams between the tiles, be sure to use gloves;
  • An excellent tool for cleansing the seam between the tiles and for washing the tiles itself is the chemical substance that was washed with glass or mirrors;
  • The washing process always begins with the lower part, and the procedure for cleansing and wiping the tiles from the upper;
  • To whiten the joints between the tiles, the use of hydrogen peroxide, which is applied directly to their surface without further washing off;
  • When the polished tile is cleaned, it is required to apply a special mastic to its surface, and a solution of vinegar is used to improve glossy gloss.

Removing grout from tile joints

If all of the above methods of surface cleaning between the seams of the tiles did not help, then you should resort to more radical methods. If some time after cleaning the grout still darkened, then mushroom -shaped bacteria settled on its surface. Their main feature is the presence of characteristic dark spots on the surface of the joints.

To paint over these places, a special covering felt -tip pen is used. It is with its help that problem areas are hidden.

In addition, there are a number of funds intended for updating the seams. To buy them, you should contact a specialized store. In the presence of a more serious kind of pollution, which lead to crushing the grout during washing, you should resort to the opening of this material.

For these purposes, it is recommended to use a grinder or a grinding machine.

Tip: Before proceeding to work, you should remove furniture and other items from the room, since a large amount of dust will be released during the opening process.

The procedure is carried out with particular accuracy, in order to avoid damage to the tile itself. After the first passage, all joints are wiped with a damp cloth, and then the procedure is repeated again. If the emery circle failed to remove certain areas, then you should use sandpaper. Next, the seams are processed using a solvent and primer. A new grout is applied to the surface.

Specialized stores have funds that are designed to protect seams between tiles. To carry out the procedure for applying them, quite a lot of time and effort is required. Therefore, these funds are used very rarely. After all the seams have dried, they are processed using a protective composition. For these purposes, a small brush is used. It is not recommended to apply the solution to the tile, as it destroys its integrity. When the mixture gets, urgently wipe it using rags.

In order to not be removed completely, it is necessary to ensure the proper care of tiles. Once a month you should wipe the seams with a stiff brush and warm water. Thus, it will be possible to maintain the primacy of their appearance for many years.





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It would be better to write in detail

It would be better to write in detail how to remove the grout in the inter -seams, otherwise some pictures and nothing specific!

All described methods of cleaning

All the described methods of cleaning seams with folk methods are complete nonsense! These methods may only suit the tile, but not clean. I personally tried, but the author of the article just wrote an article)))