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Installing a wooden windowsill with your own hands

The windowsill is not only a mandatory constructive, but also aesthetic, as well as a practical element of any window. A properly selected, installed window sill to maintain heat in a house or apartment will help create a finished, original, neat type of window in the interior of any room.

A wooden windowsill, today, is the easiest, although not quite cheap way to make your apartment warm, cozy and unique.


  1. Window sills: functions
  2. Window sills: species
  3. Installation of wooden window sills video   video video

Window sills: functions

Window board or windowsill An important technical element of any window, performing many functions:

- Protects from the cold: A properly installed window sill prevents the penetration of cold into the room,

- Used as a shelf: This shelf can be used, additional storage or decorative stand for flowers and souvenirs,

- It is used as a place to create a winter garden: Properly and beautifully placed on the windowsill, flower vases will create the effect of a minimalist kindergarten or a real winter garden,

- It is used as a place for reading or recreation: In the case of organizing a pre -thought -out (wide and durable) window sill, on which you can sit, watching the beauty outside the window or read your favorite books,

- It is used as an additional/main workplace: A wide and long windowsill is very similar to a countertop, therefore it is often used as a full -fledged desktop,

- gives the window a complete look:the window sill will decorate the room properly selected to the interior or the whole house and create a unique comfort;

A qualitatively installed window sill, practically, from any material, can combine the implementation of these diverse, at first glance of functions.

Window sills: species

Windowsill The part of the window block that can be in demand, which can be absolutely any kind.

By the method of installation, all window sills can be divided into:

- wide, they can reach a width of more than 50 cm. Such window sills are installed in the case of wide supporting external walls of the building itself, as well as to create an additional useful area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill itself, decorating the battery.

- Narrow, the width of such a window sill can be no more than 10 cm. Most often, the choice of such a windowsill width is due to the design features of the building or the location of the windows (for example, attic windows).

- Formal: The windowsill itself is absent, but its function is performed by a slope under the window or the windowsill is so small that no function, except as protection from the cold, cannot perform.

- With launching the wall: This is a classic option for installing window sills. Starting on average 10-20 cm, but it may be less/larger, depending on the additional functions laid on the windowsill.

- Without starting to the wall: An economical option for installing a window sill, because Allows you to save on the cost of the windowsill, by reducing its length.

- straighta universal option that is suitable for any interior.

- various shapes. The rounded outlines of the windowsill, although not suitable for everyone, will add originality and functionality to the interior.

By the type of material used there are:

- Plastic PVC window sills, the most common and still demanded version of the windowsill. The cheapest and most affordable, although not of the highest quality: not thermal, is easy to scratch.

- plastic with acrylic coatingwindow sills option of an improved PVC window sill. Acrylic window sill thermastics, resistant to abrasives.

- Artificial stone window sills, more expensive and appropriate not for any interior option of the windowsill. The disadvantages of the window sill made of artificial stone are not the resistance of the effects of elevated temperatures and abrasive.

- natural stone window sills, high -quality, dear, and again, not everyone appropriate option for the windowsill.

- window sills from MDF, gaining popularity variant of the windowsill, in its external and technical characteristics resembling wooden, but cheaper.

- window sills made of drywall or plaster and ennobled by tiles, artificial stone.

- Wooden window sills, the most environmentally friendly, stylish and universal version of the windowsill for any interior. But, like any tree, a wooden windowsill requires special attention when choosing a board, a tree of the tree from which it is made, installation and care of it. After all, the tree is afraid of excessive moisture and dry air (it can lead, they can crack), is subject to rot and effects of the fungus: you can not do without mandatory protective measures.

Installing wooden window sills video

The installation of wooden window sills in a brick, block or panel house is similar to the installation of any other window sill, from any material.

From the tool we will need:

- Clenchist,

- Roulette,

- level,

- Brush and tank for primer,

- a gun for mounting foam with nozzles,- wedges for regulating the level/plane of the window sill.

When the sizes of the window sill are defined and clearly correlated with the dimensions of the lower window slope, we answer the following questions:

- How to prepare a wooden windowsill for installation: We process the windowsill with moisture -proof compositions, especially in the places of adjustment of the tree to the walls and window opening.

- How to prepare the surface of a window opening for installing a future wooden windowsill: Dissolve and primed, window seams, where you need to blame.

- How to put a wooden windowsill: Here everyone decides to put a windowsill in terms of level using a measuring tool of the level of bubble or laser or to push off from the level at which the window is installed.

- How to fix a wooden windowsill: A wooden windowsill in a panel or brick house is laid on a foam, additionally, on the outside of the window, you can fix the windowsill and a window box with self -tapping screws, while the self -tapping screw should go through the entire window box and enter the windowsill of at least 4 cm. In the case if the windowsill is very wide and significantly protrudes beyond the lower window slopes, you need to additionally take care of strengthening the window sill: install on the slope, using self -tapping screws, durable metal corners, wooden bars or mount the pins into the wall under the slope, having previously drilled the holes under them in the very window sill. And only after that to install the window sill on foam.

To the question of how to install a wooden windowsill in a brick or panel house, a video is quite exhaustively answering:

But the installation of window sills in a wooden house has its own characteristics: planning to install the window sill and a place for it is prepared at the stage of forming a window opening and installing a window.

So, for example, in a wooden house, in the presence of a good woodworking machine, you can significantly save on the purchase and device of the window sill, because As a wooden windowsill, a sowing of a window opening in a wooden house can act as a wooden athole.

But, if it is still decided to install a wooden windowsill, then it is worth attaching it to the mowing on screws and special adhesive compounds for wood.

Although the installation of a wooden windowsill with your own hands is possible and possible in the presence of experience and taking into account the characteristics of the tree, which is used as a material for the windowsill, nevertheless, the installation of a wooden windowsill is a matter that should be entrusted to the professional:





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