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Installation of plastic windows

Plastic windows, innovative development of the German company HT Troplast AG, are popular for more than a dozen years. Durability, high heat and soundproofing properties, resistance to temperature differences, attractive appearance, democratic value and ease of installation, these are the main advantages that caused unconditional leadership. The installation of plastic windows is an easily feasible procedure, because in order to implement an irresistible desire to get snow -white double -glazed windows, you do not need anything special a little free time and detailed installation briefing.


  1. Methods of installation
  2. Installing plastic windows with your own hands
  3. Important advice of specialists
  4. Installation of plastic windows: video


Methods of installation

There are two methods of installation of metal -plastic structures: with unpacking the window and without it. In the first case, graduates are dismantled without preliminary disassembly, double -glazed windows are removed, and after fixing the frame with dowels are installed again. The method has several disadvantages. Dismantling leads not only to fogging of the double -glazed window during further operation, but also to the deterioration of the appearance: cracks and chips are not uncommon. This technology for installing plastic windows will require significant power and time costs from you.
The second method, without unpacking, is completely devoid of the above minuses, which means it is used more often. We will not have to remove double -glazed windows, because The frame is fixed using fasteners installed on the outer surface in advance.

Nevertheless, one cannot fail to mention situations where a method involving unpacking is still preferable. So, the installation of plastic windows with unpacking is necessary when installing large windows (2x2 or more) or if your apartment is located above the 15th floor. Long anchors reliably fix the structure, which now neither gusts of wind, nor a large sailing are terrible.

Installing plastic windows with your own hands

Consider the features of the installation of plastic windows without unpacking.

Necessary tools

  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • mounting foam + gun;
  • punch;
  • jigsaw;
  • set of hexagons;
  • chancellery knife, roulette, pencil.


The sequence of work

1. Dismantling the old window. We remove the opening windows from the loops. If the windows are old, then for the purpose of their own safety, it is better to remove the glass from the wings. On the deaf windows, graduates are first taken out, then glass.

We make cuts in the frame with a regular saw or grinder. Keep in mind that it is forbidden to cut a metal around metal is likely to break it. We take out the frame with a special nozzle with a spoon or perforator in parts.

We dismantle the wooden windowsill in a similar way. We break the concrete with crowbar, hammer or any other improvised tool. Some prefer to leave the windowsill (especially if it is in perfect condition), but keep in mind that in such a situation there is always a big gap that affects the general impression far from the best way.
We clean the opening of dust and construction debris.

2. Preparation of a plastic window. If the double -glazed window is opening (not deaf), then during installation it should be in a closed state. Otherwise, the foam, which will fill the space between the opening and the frame, bend the structure. Please note that after damping the window should remain closed for 12 hours. The protective tape should not be removed before the end of finishing work.

3. Installation of the window. Places of fastening are marked. The recommended interval is 70 cm, the retreat of the extreme fastener (from the angle of the frame) is produced at a distance of 10-15 cm. If the window with the standing profile, then the frame can not be attached from below.

It is important to correctly install the means of fasteners of the self -tapping screw should firmly gain a foothold in the oppressed cord located inside the frame. Self -tapping screws must be purchased special with a drill at the end, with a diameter of 4 mm. You can use ordinary self-tapping screws, having previously made a hole of 5 cm in the frame. Anchor plates will cope with the role of fastening parts, which are attached to suspensions for plasterboard P-shaped form.

In places of fastening of anchor plates, recesses are made. We insert the frame with fasteners into the window opening and knock out the recess (approximately 3-4 cm) to the wall, in which we will recover fasteners. This will help subsequently finish the slopes without unnecessary trouble.
If the window is deprived of the mounting bar, then it is necessary to raise the window sill to get it under the frame, and not fasten it. Put pieces of brick, foam or wood under the frame.

We put the window on the construction level under the transverse parts of the wedge frame. This responsible stage takes most of the time the frame should be exhibited exactly from all sides. Having made sure of the impeccability of the work done, we proceed to fix the window in the opening. This can be done both by anchors and dowels. The length of dowels is 80 cm, diameter 6-8 mm. For attaching to the wall of shells, hollow brick or foam concrete, anchors with a diameter of 8 mm are used. For attaching to a tree, screws up to 8 mm with a diameter of up to 8 mm are suitable.

In order to exclude the penetration of water, we install under the window, in extreme cases, we attach 9 mm long with a diameter of 4 mm to the window frame for metal frame.

Using hexagons, we adjust the outbuildings of the sash should be easily opened and closed without touching the other parts of the window. Moreover, she should remain in the position in which you left her. The cracks between the opening and the frame are displeased. There should be no interruptions and voids. If installation work is carried out at a temperature below than +5 degrees, then choose a foam, if higher, then summer.

After hardening, the foam is closed from exposure to sunlight with a cement-sand mortar (1: 2), glue or tape of psul.

4. Installation of the window sill. Slocations are most often supplied with a small margin, so we cut it. We move the windowsill to the standing profile, set it in level, putting pieces of brick or wooden bars. Glue the plugs on a super-clock. So reliable.

In the cavity under the windowsill we blow out the foam and evenly press on top of 12 hours. If you do not load anything, then the foam will bend the window sill up. A day after dumping, the protruding residues of the foam are cut off with a knife. Often, due to the unevenness of the windowsill, a gap forms between him the frame. To avoid the appearance of such an unpleasant defect before installing the window sill, Z-shaped galvanized plates, which allow you to achieve perfect fit and significantly facilitate the installation procedure.

That's all the installation of plastic windows is completed. It remains only to fasten the handle and remove the protective tape.

Do not make mistakes

Despite the fact that the installation of plastic windows with your own hands is not the most difficult to distinguish a number of errors made most often.

  • The window is forgotten to set in level. As a result, it does not open well and closes;
  • Installation of graduates outward. Such an error can lead to deplorable consequences by removing the staff and taking out double -glazed windows, it will not be difficult to get into the apartment;
  • The installation foam is not protected from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the material becomes unusable;
  • The window is not fixed at all, but simply blow the space between the opening and the frame with mounting foam. This is unacceptable and over time leads to the appearance of cracks on the slopes, the structure of the structure and the window loss.


Important advice of specialists

1. Proper installation is impossible without the correct conduct of all the necessary measurements. The depth in accordance with generally accepted standards should be a third of the thickness of the walls. The installation of a plastic window according to GOST will not only increase the temperature of the room by several degrees, but also will not allow condensate in the PVC profile.

2. Pay special attention to the installation seam. Its inner part should be sealed more tightly than external. This is necessary so that the external vapors easily penetrate the room, and the rain drops, on the contrary, remain outside and do not accumulate in double -glazed windows. Competent preparation of the seam will not allow the formation of dampness and fungal deposits from the inside.

3. During the installation, do not forget about the plum, which can be homemade or purchased. It is attached to self -tapping screws to the bottom (stand) profile, and the overhanging (protruding) part of the frame should protect the area of \u200b\u200bthe docking from moisture, flowing during lateral rain along the plane of the window. The space between the bottom profile and the drain is discouraged.

4. To ensure high -quality damping, the surface is sprayed with water (before and after). The formation of the polymer occurs with the direct participation of the liquid, the lack of moisture leads to poor polymerization.

5. The day after the installation of plastic windows you can think from slopes. The best option is slopes of plastic, which will not only give the design logical completeness, but also improve heat and sound insulation. Sealing the seams of the attachment of plastic slopes is performed using cosmophen or silicone sealant in the color of the panels.

By the way, white windows significantly lose in terms of strength of color brothers, so if you want to give the interior an individual character and enjoy this splendor for more than a dozen years, then choose colored PVC profiles.

The above recommendations will allow the installation of PVC windows without resorting to the help of specialists. And the video presented below will help to fix theoretical information.

Installation of plastic windows: video







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