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Plastic windows Rehau (rehau)

Installation of plastic windows is an excellent solution to ensure comfort at home and at work. Plastic windows provide reliable sound and thermal insulation. But for the high -quality performance of the intended functions, it is necessary to choose a good manufacturer of plastic windows and install in accordance with all technological requirements. The German plastic windows Rehau reviews have only positive ones. Let's figure out if this is really.

Table of contents:

  1. Features of plastic windows Rehau
  2. Reach plastic windows overview
  3. Installation of plastic windows Rehau
  4. Adjustment of plastic windows Rehau

Features of plastic windows Rehau

Rehau produces windows using special patented technology. Rehau profile consists of more than sixty components. Rehau plastic windows have several advantages:

  • full tightness of the window, thanks to a special seal;
  • ensuring the thoroughness of the window structure due to the thickness of the external walls of the profile, which is mm;

  • the ability to install complex window systems;
  • sound insulation up to 26-30 DBA;
  • durability of operation;
  • affordable price;
  • Easy and unpretentious care;
  • modern design;
  • use of high -quality English double -glazed windows;
  • Thermal insulation and energy conservation, which includes protection against blowing and freezing.

Reach plastic windows overview

Consider the main and popular models of the plastic windows of Rohau.

1. Rehau Evro -Design 60 - will provide the room with heat and comfort.

The main advantages of this model:

  • increased level of thermal insulation;
  • a three -chamber structure and a smooth surface;
  • Universality: the ability to install both in the old and in the new building;
  • High heat conservation coefficient.

Technical characteristics Rehau Evro-Design 60:

  • heat transfer: u-1;
  • The width of the window box: 6 cm;
  • Profile device: three cameras;
  • The degree of protection against faults: the second level;
  • noise insulation: fourth level;
  • The color of the seal: black or gray;
  • Zalinka: even or classic.

The REHAU EVRO-DESIGHN 60 window systems guarantee heat and a high level of safety for minimal money. Plastic windows of rehau prices: from $ 130.

2. Rehau Evro -Design 70 - it will provide a dwelling not only with warmth, but also betray a modern and design form, thanks to the special design of the profile.

Advantages of installing the REHAU EVRO-DESIGN 70 window systems:

  • increased heat -saving properties;
  • high level of soundproofing;
  • The five -core structure provides strength and protection;
  • Convenient and easy care;
  • reliable protection against hacking;
  • the ability to install a climate control system;
  • The ability to design windows of large size.

Technical characteristics of Rehau Evro-Design 70:

  • heat transfer: u-1;
  • The width of the window box: 7 cm;
  • Profile device: five cameras;
  • The degree of protection against faults: the second level;
  • noise insulation: fourth level;
  • The color of the seal: black;
  • Zalinka: even or round.

3. Rehau Geneo - window systems, in the manufacture of which a special RAU FIPRO material is used. The glass-fire enhances the basis of this profile, which allows us to increase the strength and elasticity of the structure.

Advantages of installation Rehau Geneo:

  • These windows do not have metallic reinforcement, and this allows you to easily transport and install window structures;
  • The general load on the building is also reduced, thanks to the lightness of the windows;
  • The central seal circuit guarantees tightness;
  • the possibility of choosing various colors and design solutions;
  • reliable protection against hacking and noise;
  • The correct tilt of the fold removes moisture.

Technical features of Rehau Geneo:

  • Heat transfer: 1, O5 MK/W;
  • The width of the window box: 8.6 cm;
  • Profile device: six cameras;
  • The degree of protection against faults: the second level;
  • noise insulation: fifth level;
  • The color of the seal: black, gray;
  • Zalka: even or round;
  • Price: from $ 180.

4. Rehau Brilliant Design is a great solution for lovers of unique design.

Advantages of the plastic windows Rehau Brilliant Design:

  • The color scheme has fourteen colors of colors;
  • excellent energy conservation;
  • reliability and strength;
  • hacking protection;
  • the presence of soft angles and straight lines on even surfaces;
  • the ability to choose the shape of the window: curly, arched or rectangular;
  • provide protection against wind, dust and heat loss;
  • The use of ecologically harmless components in the plastic windows of the Rehau profile.

Technical features of Rehau Brilliant Design:

  • Heat transfer: 0.77 mk/W;
  • The width of the window box: 7.0 cm;
  • Profile device: five cameras;
  • The degree of protection against faults: the third level;
  • noise insulation: fifth level;
  • The color of the seal: black, gray;
  • Farm: various design solutions.
  • Price: from $ 260.

5. The plastic windows of Rehau Delight - are based on the principles where light and warm, there is life.

The benefits of installing windows Rehau Delight:

  • Compared to conventional windows, the windows of the Rehau Ecosol Design are capable of letting 13 % more light into the room;
  • providing an excellent view from the window, thanks to the visual expansion of space;
  • affordable price;
  • The optimal level of heat and sound insulation.

Rehau Plastic windows Characteristics:

  • Heat transfer: 1.3 mk/W;
  • The width of the window box: 7.0 cm;
  • Profile device: five cameras;
  • The degree of protection against faults: the second level;
  • noise insulation: fifth level;
  • Price: from $ 210.

Installation of plastic windows Rehau

The process of installing plastic windows rehau is laborious, but if you correctly study all the recommendations, then it is possible to do this even to a non -specialist.

Stages of installation of rehau plastic windows:

  • measurement of the window opening and ordering windows;
  • Dismantling of old windows;
  • preparation of the window opening;
  • Installation and fixing of a plastic window.

Using a roulette, measure the width and the height of the window separately inside and outside the room. It is necessary to measure in different places, and the smaller of the values \u200b\u200btake as a basis. Also measure the window sill and slopes. When ordering the window, decide on the design, technical parameters, the number of partitions, etc.

If earlier another window was installed in the window, the old window should be dismantled and the window opening is cleaned.

There are two options for installing rehau plastic windows:

  1. To install a plastic window, dismantle double -glazed windows and swing sash. On the inside of the window frame, using a metal drill, make holes in order to attach a window. The number of points for a standard window: three on the sides, two from above and two below. With the help of anchors, fix the window.
  2. Some models have special built -in fasteners, which must be attached to the window frame using screws.

To install the window in the middle of the windowsill, wooden bars are laid. A frame is installed on the bars, and an anchor or fasteners are mounted in a window opening.

Using the water level, check the location and horizontal evenness of the window. The suspension helps to check the correctness of the vertical location.

Only after a thorough check of placement of the window, they begin to fix the plastic window in the opening. The window is fixed in two ways:

  1. Fastening with a frame. With the help of a perforator, holes are made in the wall, and the lower part of the frame is fixed. Then check the vertical location of the window and fix the upper and middle parts of the window.
  2. Plastic fixing of the window. With the help of special metal plates, which protrude from below and from above, make fastening in the form of a ladder, for a tight run of the plate to the wall. Next, with the help of a perforator, first, the lower, then upper and middle parts are fixed. At each stage, the correct location of the window structure is checked.

At the end of the window installation, water -polling is installed and additional sash and double -glazed windows are installed.

With the help of polyurethane foam, the gap between the window and the opening is sealed. To prevent the destruction of polyurethane foam, by the influence of the temperature and moisture difference, you need to stick a steam- or waterproofing film, which will protect and remove moisture from the foam.

Adjustment of plastic windows Rehau

The reasons indicating the need to adjust and repair the plastic windows Rehau:

  • low -quality window installation;
  • prolonged operation and wear of the window structure;
  • non -membranous diligence of the door to the frame, which leads to heat loss;
  • low level of soundproofing;
  • Slowing the window door.

Consider the main methods of how to adjust the plastic windows Rehau:

  1. In the winter season, the sample should fit tightly to the window, and in the summer - vice versa. The sash is adjusted with a hexagon.
  2. Horizontal adjustment is carried out with improper installation or bevel of a frame. We insert the hexagon into the holes that are on the window loops, and rotate clockwise. It is possible to shift the window frame by 1-2 mm.
  3. Vertical adjustment also occurs. Only the hexagon is inserted into the lower hinged loop. The displacement is 1-2 mm.
  4. If the plastic window cannot be opened, then the handle requires adjustment. Install the plastic sash in a vertical position, and press the plastic tongue to the seal. Next, turn the handle and the window will open.
  5. If the pen does not turn well, then the problem is to dry out the moving elements of the window or in a sagging sash. First, try to lubricate the moving elements if the problem has not been eliminated, then adjust the loops of plastic windows. For this, a hexagon is used. Open the sash perpendicular to the window frame, find the adjusting screw and tighten it.
  6. To eliminate the extension from under the seal, it is necessary to twist the bolts on the open sash until the problem disappears.
  7. To replace the seal on the plastic windows of Rehau, you should remove the old seal, and put a new one. The average service life of the seal is 8-9 years.
  8. When the window creak, it is recommended to lubricate the seal with silicone oil.
  9. To replace the handle, you need to turn it ninety degrees and unscrew the screws. Using a screwdriver, fix a new handle.
  10. Using a cotton wool and silicone lubricant, the problem of creak or tight rotation of the handle is eliminated.

In order for the windows to serve for a long time and do not break the regular inspection and replacement of worn parts, and also do not forget about cleaning windows. After all, pollution and small particles of dust also affect the working condition of plastic windows.





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