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How to glue wallpaper on water -based paint

Staining with water -based paint is the simplest and most easy way to carry out finishing work. However, there are situations when for repair the hosts choose wallpaper gluing. Is it possible to do this directly to the water -based, and this will not be reflected at the service life of the wallpaper.

Table of contents:

  1. Wallpaper for water -based paint - determination of the type of paint
  2. How to glue wallpaper for paint: preparatory work
  3. Is it possible to glue wallpaper on water -based paint - recommendations
  4. How to poke wallpapers for paint: preparation of materials and tools for work
  5. Poking wallpaper for paint - Technology of the process
  6. Wallpaper for paint: Stages of gluing wallpaper on a water -based
  7. How to stick paint wallpapers: useful tips

Wallpaper for water -based paint - determination of the type of paint

In the process of repairing the premises, situations are often found in the process of which the old coating in the form of paint is found on the walls. Before proceeding to work, first of all, you should decide on its type.

If you stick wallpaper on an unprepared surface, then they will soon be exfoliated, the formation of air bubbles or the appearance of irregularities. You will need to buy finishing materials again, and remake the repair.

In order to avoid the appearance of such problems, it is preferable to completely clear the walls of the old coating. For this, of course, both physical and temporary efforts will be required, but the result of the work will be precisely positive.

Before you start gluing wallpaper, carefully examine the walls and try to determine what paint they are painted. Most often, two types of colors are used to decorate walls in rooms:

  • on an oil basis;
  • water based.

If oil paint is applied to the wall, then it will differ in the presence of a pungent odor, good water resistance and a whole layer, which eventually is easily removed in parts.

The second option is that water -based paint does not smell, holds well on the surface, is absorbed into it and has a thinner thickness of the layer, when removing.

To clarify the type of paint, it is necessary to remove its small section with a spatula. If the paint is water -based, then it is much more difficult to do this than when removing oil paint.

If the option of removing the paint without subsequent primer and putty was selected for the finish, then in this case, for gluing wallpaper, the use of the highest quality glue is recommended. At the same time, the procedure for preparing walls is their direct washing and further drying. In this way, it will be possible to glue any wallpaper, except for vinyl -based material.

How to glue wallpaper for paint: preparatory work

If after the audit, it was revealed that the walls are covered with water -based paint, then proceed to preparatory work. Since oil paint requires its one hundred percent removal.

First you should prepare sandpaper, with which the entire surface of the walls is processed. It is better to choose material with large granularity, since with its help, removal of paint, dust and dirt will not be a problem. After the work, you will get an excellent basis for applying the primer and fixing the wallpaper. Please note that if there are cracks, defects or any flaws on the surface of the walls, then they should be covered with putty.

There are special materials in the form of scrapers, with their help, the removal of paint is carried out many times faster. To purchase them, contact a construction store.

When the walls are cleaned and washed, if necessary, they should be covered with a soil composition. Remember that only high -quality soil allows you to improve the clutch between the wall and wallpaper at times, it will become a reliable basis for any type of wallpaper.

When processing the surface of the walls, a primer can be secured from the occurrence of the fungus and mold, in addition, adhesion of walls with wallpaper will improve significantly.

If you plan to capital preparation of the walls for gluing the wallpaper, then for this, you should wash off the existing layer of paint with hot water and rags. This procedure seems possible only if the walls were covered with paint no more than three times.

Take care of the frequent change of water, since pieces of paint should completely retire from the surface. Before starting the next actions, the walls should dry well.

After cleansing the paint, lay out all the cracks with a putty composition. If necessary, in capital leveling of the walls, it should be plastered. This is especially true for wallpaper on a tissue or natural basis. If it is planned to glue textured wallpaper, then capital alignment, in this case, is not necessary.

The use of liquid wallpaper is the best option, since they are applied to any base, evenly, and hide all minor defects in the form of irregularities.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on water -based paint - recommendations

If necessary, in a heavy type of wallpaper, they need preliminary application of special paper for facing. Keep in mind that it is advisable to avoid the coincidence of paper seams and joints between the wallpaper.

Previously, instead of paper, they used newspapers that were glued to the walls, before gluing wallpaper.

If it is planned to glue wallpaper on water -based paint, then for this it is necessary to pre -cover the base with a solution of soil and glue, diluted one to one.

It is allowed to glue wallpaper on the water -based emulsion if, the paint used to apply to the walls has high quality.

Before gluing wallpaper, we recommend that you check the paint on the reliability of its clutch. To do this, take an ordinary newspaper, which glue to the wall, the adhesive ambassadors try to tear it off, if the newspaper opens with difficulty, then gluing the wallpaper on the walls is allowed, otherwise, it is better to remove the paint with hot water.

It is not recommended after gluing a sheet of wallpaper to tear them off in order to get rid of excess air, for these purposes there is a special roller, and excessive tearing will lead to a stratification of paint and a loose fit of wallpaper to the wall.

Keep in mind that the primer should have excellent adhesive characteristics, it is applied 5-6 times with an interval of 120 minutes. It is recommended to paste the walls the walls the day after applying the soil.

How to poke wallpapers for paint: preparation of materials and tools for work

Proper preparation for gluing wallpaper will allow you to carry out all the work quickly and efficiently. If necessary, the wallpaper is cut in advance into certain areas along the length of the wall and with several centimeters for the reserve. If it is planned to fit the wallpaper according to the drawing, it is better to cut them in the process of gluing.

To remove surplus wallpaper, use a stationery knife or a sharp spatula. To spread the wallpaper using glue, prepare a brush or roller for applying it.

Choose glue for wallpaper, in relation to their type. Thus, the quality of their gluing will be worthy.

So, for the work you will need:

  • construction level;
  • brushes and roller;
  • pencil;
  • sharp scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • rubber roller, to remove air bubbles.

Poking wallpaper for paint - Technology of the process

1. Cut the necessary part of the wallpaper and put it on the floor with the front to the bottom.

2. Apply glue with a roller, for end areas use a brush. Follow the quality of glue, it should not be many, but at the same time, dry areas should be absent. Apply glue from the central part of the wallpaper to their extreme areas.

3. Try to prevent glue from entering the front side of the wallpaper, as it will damage the appearance of the coating.

4. In order for the wallpaper to be saturated with glue, they should be left for at least 4-5 minutes. To do this, a sheet of wallpaper forms in the form of an accordion.

5. Using the level, the evenness of the wallpaper sticker on the wall is checked. The procedure for gluing wallpaper begins with the corner sections of the room.

Wallpaper for paint: Stages of gluing wallpaper on a water -based

1. Determining the quality of the coating.

With unreliable grip of paint with a wall, it is advisable to take care of its mandatory removal. Since the glued wallpaper will gradually exfoliate and disappear along with the paint. This option will lead to another repair in the form of plastering walls and their further decoration. Carefully inspect the surface for the presence of cracks or bloating, as a result of which the wallpaper will be deformed.

Please note that the application of glue or primer to the surface painted with water -based paint leads to its bloating, peeling and peeling. If this happened, then the paint should be removed before gluing wallpaper.

If the walls, after applying the primer, did not change their appearance in any way, then feel free to stick wallpaper on them.

2. Wall of walls.

Otherwise, the walls of the walls from water -based paint should be carried out. If the work is carried out in the kitchen or in the premises of the corridor, then the walls are most often contaminated with traces of fat, plaque or just dirt. Therefore, before gluing wallpaper, for their better adhesion to the surface, it is recommended to wash the walls. This must be done using soap solution of warm water. Finish washing should be carried out with ordinary water without detergent. If the walls are clean enough, then this stage is allowed to skip. After washing, the walls should completely dry before applying the soil.

3. Alignment.

This procedure is also optional and is carried out only if there are large bumps on the walls. For their elimination, a solution of putty is used. After drying it, the surface should be treated with a fine -grained net.

Using sandpaper of a large fraction, treat the entire surface of the wall, so its roughness will increase and clutch with wallpaper will become better.

4. Application of the primer.

Before choosing the soil composition, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its technical indicators. Choose materials designed for applying indoors before gluing wallpaper. The best types of primer will be the compositions intended for application to the concrete surface, the color of the soil should be white or light gray. Keep in mind that the primer is applied in several layers, primarily for painting a certain color of the paint, which can be visible through the wallpaper.

5. The procedure for gluing wallpaper.

This stage completes the work before proceeding with it, read the instructions that are sold along with the wallpaper. It is there that you will find the necessary information about the time and method of applying glue and about the gluing of the material itself. In the space between the joints of the wallpaper, it is recommended to use a paper tape, which will improve the quality of the joint and will not allow the wallpaper to disperse during the drying process.

How to stick paint wallpapers: useful tips

1. Using a clean rag, wallpaper is aligned on the surface of the wall.

2. If it is planned to remove the paint, then this is possible not only with hot water, but also with an ordinary spatula. However, when working with him, try not to damage the walls.

3. The most optimal option for wallpapering on the walls, coating water -based paint - non -woven paint. Since they are of high quality, low weight and good performance.

4. Using the level and pencil, make marks on which a wallpaper sheet will be glued.

5. For non -woven wallpaper, you need to lubricate with glue both the wall and the wallpaper itself.

6. To avoid the appearance of air bubbles, use a spatula that is ironed, the newly glued sheet.

7. Perform gluing in the presence of oblique light rays. The section of the wallpaper is not unchilding should not be pressed against the wall.

8. When gluing in the winter season, take care of turning off the heating batteries, as they dry the air too much and dry the wallpaper.

9. Before gluing the wallpaper, take care of turning off the power supply in the room.

10. In every possible way, avoid drafts and in any case, do not open the windows. It is better to overwhelm in a room with closed doors.

11. In order for the seams to be invisible, you should start pasting from the site on which the window is located.

12. If the wallpaper falls on the area of \u200b\u200bthe outlet or the switch, then before gluing should be removed. Wallpaper in these areas is cut in a cross -shaped form, then the wallpaper is cut in a ratio with the outline of the outlet or switch.

13. When gluing the arch, leave a supply of 20-30 mm on the wallpaper. They will be wrapped in the arch and glued in the opening.

14. The wallpaper should dry at a temperature of 18 degrees, if the room is too hot, then there is a risk of seams.

15. Keep in mind that you should not glue the wallpaper on the wet walls. You need to wait for their complete drying. To check the wall for humidity, with tape, fix a piece of cellophane on the wall, leave it overnight, if there is no moisture on the cellophane in the morning, then the walls are ready to glue wallpaper, otherwise, you need to wait at least one day.

16. Dirty walls are also unsuitable for gluing wallpaper, to check them, stick a piece of adhesive tape on the wall, if there is no grain of dirt on it after tearing it, then proceed to past the walls with wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper on the paint video:





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Something you have been guaranteed God's gift

Something you have been guaranteed God's gift with scrambled eggs. It is very difficult to tear off the oil paint, and very often it is not necessary, but you need to get rid of the emulsion, otherwise everything will fall off with it.