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How to glue paper wallpapers

Few in our country have not tried at least once wallpapering. Of course, you can hire a designer, a brigade of finishes and return to a house smelling of a fresh repair. And you can survive the very search for the desired coloring, disputes with the spouse, children about the pattern and tone, the gluing, which dragged on almost until the morning, and the first rays of the sun playing a piece of wallpaper on the wall -retired from the wall

How glue paper wallpapers And to enjoy it, we will find out today.


  1. The history of paper wallpaper
  2. Preparation for gluing paper wallpaper
  3. How glue to glue paper wallpaper
  4. How to glue paper wallpapers correctly


The history of paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper was used by a person for decoration for many centuries in a row. For the first time, Chinese began to paste their home with rice paper. Later, the secret of creating paper became available to residents of Japan. And around the XII century, the question of how to glue paper wallpaper was puzzled in Europe. Here they decided not to weave the drawing on the canvas, as on the carpets, but to apply it to the finished surface.

And today, when the stores are full of vinyl, non -woven and other wallpapers, and fashion designers advise the walls to simply paint, paper wallpaper They do not go out of fashion and do not become less popular than before. Why? The pluses are obvious:

  • Paper wallpapers are cheap and available to any pocket
  • To glue the room with paper wallpaper, if desired and some dexterity, any, even a teenager can
  • Paper wallpapers are easily glued in a room where humidity is less than 40-60%, that is, almost everywhere in the house
  • Paper wallpaper is environmentally friendly, easily passing air, have some sound -absorbing ability.


There are, of course, the disadvantages of paper wallpaper are fragile, quickly burn out in the sun and absorb odors.

Preparation for gluing paper wallpaper

There is nothing more difficult to repair than to choose wallpaper, especially if you do it together with the second half. As a rule, the tastes vary and the compromise is impossible, and therefore the question of how to properly glue paper wallpapers freezes at the level of how to choose them. In this case, try to take into account the designer's recommendations:

  1. Paper wallpapers are made in one layer, applying a picture from above, simeplex. The main plus here is price and simplicity. A summer cottage option, if you have no chalet or villa outside the city. Wallpaper consisting from two layersduplex They are more reliable, they burn less and condescending to a wet cloth in case of contamination.
  2. A large pattern looks great in the voluminous room, but it will not fit into the room at all. The same with a small pattern, only with accuracy, on the contrary, in the studio apartment, for example, it will simply be lost and merge into one canvas.
  3. We lighten the dark rooms with pastel, warm wallpaper, and the sunny side can be glued and slightly darker, adding a rich tone.
  4. The interior should be in harmony with wallpaper in the room, because the classic small flower will completely kill your header in the high-tech style. Textiles are also withstanding in tone with a common mood.
  5. Red shades act excitingly, saturated brown oppressively, turquoise refreshes, yellow raises the mood, but if it is an toxic-acidic shade causes irritation.


The next moment of preparation for gluing the surface of the walls from old wallpaper, paints, putty and leveling, primer walls. This stage is the most boring, tedious, but almost the most important when paper wallpaper They dry out, all the bumps will immediately catch the eye.

Often old wallpapers do not want to part with the wall. They need to be wet, wait a bit and cleaned with a spatula. Sometimes such wallpapers stroke with a hot iron through wet tissue, and ammonia or soda are added to the water.

Before gluing the wallpaper, you need to turn off the electricity in the shield and remove the lids from the switches and sockets. We apply the canvas to the wall and make a cross -shaped incision in place of the outlet. So the paper strip will stick to the wall much better, and bend the corners and, if necessary, cut a little.

If there is an opportunity to remove the old baseboard, it is better to do this, and after gluing wallpaper, replace it with a new one. In this case, the bottom of the wall will look perfect.

How glue to glue paper wallpaper

What is good paper wallpaper is their susceptibility to glue. There are few brands that cannot succumb to these wallpaper. You can plant paper wallpapers on non -woven glue - do not fall off! If there is no glue or it ends, but you can’t get into the store for some reason, you can glue the wallpaper with a home braster: flour in the water, stir and bring to a boil. Remove, mix, cool a little. More dense wallpapers with a warm clayer glue better.

However, if there is a special paper wallpaper glue The price of which suits us, we will use it. Most often use glue for paper wallpapers of the CMC. Sold in powdered form. If you do not leave in a wet room, it does not deteriorate for a long time. The glue is poured with warm water and mixed thoroughly. Then they leave in the room where the wallpaper will be glued, 10-12 hours, until completely dissolved. It is worth mixing periodically. We initially pour water a little, but later we add to the state of jelly, while continuously interfering.

For paper wallpaper, glue boostilat is also suitable, as well as gumilax. The preparation is approximately the same as the CMC, but it is also worth reading the instructions on the box before work.

How to glue paper wallpapers correctly

Even in the store you took into account all the signs, letters and numbers on the rolls of the wallpaper and now, opening before gluing, you see that they are the same in tone. Paper wallpaper is accompanied by an edge. Sometimes it goes only on one side, and sometimes from both. If the wallpaper is thin, then you can glue over, then cut the edge on only one side. If dense, this seam will become noticeable, because we cut both edges and glue it. We are very attentive to the window: we glue from the window, on the right side, and cut off too from the right. And then it is more convenient to remove the edge with the left.

Cutting and pruning the stage is very important. We measure the height of the space that we will glue, adding a little to the reserve. If the drawing is small, this reserve is enough for 10cm, but the large 30 is worth adding. Sometimes the floors and ceilings in the apartments are so crooked that only the horizontal border can correct the situation. In accordance with the first strip, we cut the second, with the second we go to the third and further. It is very important not to confuse the direction of the wallpaper when cutting, it is especially easy to make a mistake if it is a plant pattern.

Underpass scissors the edge can turn out to be uneven for cutting wallpapers. We take a special wallpaper knife, measure the straight line in terms or ruler with a triangle, mark it with a pencil, bend it exactly by marking and cut it.

The remaining scraps must be folded and removed, as they will come in handy for small areas near the windows, doors, later for small patch repairs, especially if children grow up in the apartment.

Before gluing the first panel, a vertical line is marked on the wall. To do this, you can use a plumb line with a cord, grated chalk, and better laser level. All subsequent canvases should be glued strictly vertically. We begin to glue the wallpaper from the window. We mark the vertical line on each wall.

It is especially difficult to glue the angle: we cut off the wallpaper canvas so that the overlap on the other wall in the widest place (our apartments usually have almost no even corners) was no more than 3-5 cm. We will make several incisions with scissors so that the panel lay down on the wall without folds . The next strip is glued immediately from the corner along the newly exhibited vertical line.

The wallpaper will fall on the wall evenly, without bubbles, and will not fall off, if you first smear the wall with glue at a strip distance, apply glue on the panel evenly and, applying the wallpaper to the wall, go down the strip with a rubber roller or a soft clean cloth, smoothing every centimeter and Expanding the air from the middle of the panel to the edges. If there is a need, smear the edges with a thin brush and again pass a roller or a napkin.

The glue that appears on the front side of the wallpaper must be immediately removed with a damp sponge, otherwise it will not appear on the wallpaper after drying.

Dense paper wallpaper should be turned into deuces after spreading with glue and wait five minutes until they are soaked. Thin wallpapers glue immediately.

Wallpaper gluing is more collective than individual. Of course, one person with experience and dexterity will be able to overlay the room, but it is easier for the two of them to do this. And if you allow children to spread glue on the wall or on the canvas, difficult work will turn into family happiness!

In order for the wallpaper to dry faster and remain on the wall, hugging it tightly, it is necessary to exclude the slightest possibility of draft. It is also better not to use the electric heater so that the drying goes naturally.

If a paper curb was planned, it can only be glued with the wallpaper completely dried.

Sometimes a nuisance happens, and new wallpapers are torn. This place can be sealed by choosing a drawing and cutting out a piece that will be inserted into a damaged place from the patch with a sharp knife. When the wallpaper has dried, you will not find trouble, if everything is done carefully.

Let us summarize our conversation on how to glue paper wallpapers by watching and noting for ourselves the nuances of the future repair:






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