Among the many types of building materials, a worthy place is rightfully occupied by foam is a universal remedy, which has special thermal insulation and sound -absorbing properties. The production technology of this material involves the use of foamed plastics in the form of often located gas cavities. The foam has a fairly small cost, which allows you to make its purchases in the amount that is necessary to complete a particular task. This material is widely used not only as thermal insulation material, but also in design and advertising, where volumetric figures are cut out of it. The article will talk about cutting foam at home.
This is one of the best materials for thermal insulation of the structure, and both outside and from the inside;
can be used as an additional sealing layer during transportation of any objects;
manufacturers of decorative products for repair work in a wide assortment represent ceiling coatings that have differences not only in color shade, but also in the textured image;
a unique soundproofing agent, both individual rooms and the entire structure;
it is an environmentally friendly material, since it contains no toxic components;
it has resistance to various microorganisms, fungi, mold, etc.;
thanks to the slight weight of the product, the installation will not be difficult. Transportation, overload, as well as laying is performed without much effort.
Despite all its positive points, work with polystyrene provides for compliance with the nuances of the operation of this material. Many technical fluids, such as acetone, white-spite, gasoline, etc., act on the foam destructively. An important point is the observance of the temperature regime in the places of use of this type of insulation. When the air temperature exceeds the mark of +500C, there is a likelihood of a destructive process of the internal structure of polystyrene plates and their cringing.
Varieties of foam
To date, there are several brands of foam, which is indicated by a special marking. PSB -S - an impressive self -foam foam.
A clear view and understanding of the meaning of a certain set of numbers and letters will allow you to choose exactly the material that will comply with the requirements of the further application as much as possible:
PSB-S-15 It has a low density and is traditionally used as a heater in those places where a mechanical load is not assumed. Moisture resistant and fireproof. It is possible to thermal insulation of containers, wagons, attic. This brand is not suitable for figure cutting of foam;
PSB-S-25 A universal brand that is a priority. I widely use when conducting wall insulation both inside and outside. Practical, durable, environmentally friendly;
PSB-S-35 An isolating agent for the foundation or communications underground. Quite often, they are used in the process of arranging the pool, sites for sports, lawns. Is not amenable to moisture, the development of fungi and microorganisms, resistant to mechanical influences;
PSB-S-50 The density of the material is very high, which indicates the possibility of applying it as an option for insulation of floors in multi -storey buildings, garage. Moisture resistant, fireproof, durable. It is perfect for artistic cutting and using both indoors and outside.
The importance of foam density
The density of any material indicates that the product has a high indicator of resistance to various mechanical influences. Foam is no exception. There is a certain pattern, the higher the density indicator, the greater the weight has the material. This, in turn, determines the ability to use polystyrene in certain conditions, since the installation process plays an important role when choosing a brand of material.
A dense foam is able to withstand the loads and at the same time ensure the thermal insulation of the space. Resistance to the appearance of various fungi, mold and other microorganisms provides the opportunity to use this material under special conditions. The foam strength indicator has a direct impact on the pricing of this material.
The low density also indicates that when cutting such foam, it will begin to crumble and it will not be possible to make clear shapes with sharp contours from it.
The use of foam
This material is widely used not only in construction, but also:
as packaging material in medicine;
as one of the means of ensuring safety in open reservoirs (rush, floats, willets of vests, rescue circles etc.);
at the stage of repair of refrigerators and other climatic equipment;
in shipbuilding as an unsinkable tool (on large and small ships);
for the embodiment of design ideas in the design of the exterior interior;
in advertising (volumetric letters).
On sale, the foam is presented in the form of sheets of a certain thickness. In the process of its fastening, it is not rarely necessary to cut it into smaller segments. The implementation of this task is not such a simple event as it might seem at first glance. Foam cutting has a number of tricks and nuances, compliance with which will make the machining of the material in a short period of time.
Foam cutting devices
Quite often, the question arises, the better to cut the foam at home. In fact, there are several ways to perform this process. Modeling elements is carried out using the following tools:
a sharp knife with a rubber nozzle on the tip;
soldering iron with a special device knife nozzle;
knife -haired woman;
string, etc.
Each method has both disadvantages and advantages. Consider them in more detail.
Knife for cutting foam It must be very sharp. It is suitable for working with insignificant dimensions of the material, however, at the end of the cutting object, a rubber nozzle should be located. Before starting the cutting process, it is advisable to fix the workpiece in a vice or another device. The knife movement should have a direction from itself, since the probability of slipping is not excluded, which in turn can lead to a traumatic consequence for the master.
For the manufacture of foam parts, where the special accuracy of the cutting is required, you can use soldering iron, which is equipped with a special knife nozzle. In the process of operation, the nozzle gradually heats up. It remains only with smooth leisurely movements to move the device on the surface of the foam. However, you should be extremely careful, since in the process of cutting under the influence of high temperatures the plastic begins to melt. As a result, the hot drop of plastic mass can get to the skin or clothing. To avoid such a trouble, it is important to protect your movements.
An ordinary boot knifeIt can cut a sheet of foam with a thickness of up to 40 cm. At the same time, a wide blade should be very sharpened, and the tip remain dumb. Every 1.5 2 m, the knife must be sharpened. Therefore, the sharpener should always be near. Of course, the cutting process will be accompanied by a specific sound - a screech. But this can be excluded by wearing ordinary headphones.
If you need to cut the sheets of foam with a thickness of more than 80 cm, then you need to pick up knife -haiswood with thin teeth. This is very important, since the accuracy and uniformity of cutting depends on the size of the teeth. Particular efforts will not have to be applied in this case. At the same time, injuries are minimized. However, this method is relevant, if necessary, to perform a long straight section.
With a slight thickness of the material, it is possible to use for cutting an ordinary stationery knife. However, despite the fact that this tool is quite sharp, over time it also has the ability to stupor. It would be nice to warm the knife slightly so that the cutting process takes place more smoothly.
Foam cutting with string - The most popular way at home. The performance of this process is quite high. However, it is necessary to build a special device, the location of which should be stationary. The accuracy of cutting and the speed of the process is equal to production.
In some cases, you can even use pupping grinder. However, the disk should be selected for the metal of the minimum thickness. At the same time, the work is accompanied by a noise not only from foam, but also from the functioning of the tool. And the garbage will fly in all directions.
Laser cutting of foam
It is possible to cut polystyrene on segments of the required size not only during thermal insulation work, but also to create special architectural elements of various dimensions and configurations. On an industrial scale, laser cutting of foam is used to create volumetric figures, which operates thanks to special software. Moreover, through the use of a laser, you can perform three -dimensional cutting. As a result, unique figures with a processed inner and outer surface are obtained quite quickly and efficiently.
They are used in the following industries:
in metallurgy (for casting metal alloys);
automotive industry (car tuning);
construction (for the construction of formwork, thermal insulation of the structure and pipes, various architectural forms);
advertising (logos, etc.);
theatrical decoration.
This is just a small list of where foam or product from it can be involved. For the production of elements by figure cutting, it is important to ensure the equipment proper software, as well as to the maximum automatically automate the process of feeding raw material. According to the sketch laid in the computer’s memory, you can perform any action of foam cutting, regardless of the complexity of the project.
To minimize waste when cutting foam, it is important to clearly calculate everything and make a layout with maximum accuracy. It is the quality of the initial workpiece that affects the final result. Therefore, sheets of foam should have a perfectly flat surface.
The sheet of material located on the machine for figured cutting of foam is submitted for processing very slowly and prudently. Therefore, to complete the order, it is supposed to use several trained specialists who have skills in working with similar materials.
Do not forget about the golden rule seven times measure and cut only once. Since the foam during the cutting process crumbles, before cutting the desired element, repeatedly check the correspondence of the applied size to the desired format.
Making a device for cutting foam with your own hands
In order to build an apparatus cutting foam with maximum efficiency, you must have:
long knitting needle;
nichrome wire;
reducing transformer (12 - 24 volts);
a rheostat that can be adjusted if necessary;
electric wires.
Under the influence of the current, he is weighing nichrome, as a result of which it is possible to cut foam with ease. In the process of cutting with nichrome, the edges of the cut are sealed, preventing the destruction of the material.
You can start cutting the foam after the wire is hot to a reddish state. It is unacceptable to bring excessive heating, since the cut place will be too wide. Moreover, it should be noted that the heated wire has the ability to stretch. This indicates the need to use a strong spring in this device.
Precaution! It is important to comply with elementary safety rules in the process of cutting foam by the nichrome method, since this material emits toxic vapors when hot. You should take care of the presence of a protective mask to perform the procedure. It is advisable to carry out all the work in a room that is well ventilated.
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