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Waterproofing of the floor screed: step -by -step instructions

Properly performed waterproofing of the floor avoids problems associated with the appearance of mold and damp in the room. Therefore, this issue requires an attentive and serious approach, especially if the room is on the basement or on the ground floor. We will consider how to make waterproofing the floor further.

Table of contents:

  1. Waterproofing of the floor screed: features and characteristics
  2. Paul waterproofing technology - preparatory stage
  3. Recommendations for the implementation of waterproofing of the cement screed of the floor
  4. DIY waterproofing
  5. The waterproofing of wooden floors

Waterproofing of the floor screed: features and characteristics

There are two main types of waterproofing of the floor:

  • antifiltration;
  • Anti -corrosion.

On what type of waterproofing should it be decided on the basis of the state of the gender itself, the individual characteristics of the premises and the material condition of the owners of the house. Regardless of the type of material, in relation to the application method, waterproofing happens:

  • coating - for its production, oxidized bitumen is used, to which solvents on an organic basis and various kinds of additives are added; In the form of additives are materials such as rubber crumbs, plasticized elements, latex substances, with their help the elastic characteristics of the processed coating are significantly improved; A high degree of adhesion is inherent in bitumen-polymer or rubber types of mastics, thus, using waterproofing, it is possible to provide reliable protection of the floor from moisture, when performing waterproofing using reinforcing fiber, it is possible to significantly improve the strength and mechanical characteristics of the floor, in addition, it is possible to minimize the cracking concrete;
  • The second option of waterproofing is gluthanged, the same bitumen is used for its implementation, but in the roller version, in addition, some materials differ in the presence of fiberglass reinforcement, polyester or modified additives; The convenience of installation differs in materials that are self -adhesive type, since to install the directed waterproofing materials, a special burner is required, under the influence of which they are glued to the coating; The most affordable option will be the use of roller waterproofing, due to its low cost.

The third type of waterproofing is combined. It combines two previous options, first the floor surface is covered with bitumen mastic for waterproofing the floor or a special waterproofing solution, and then glued with roller materials.

Paul waterproofing technology - preparatory stage

Before carrying out waterproofing work, the coating should be prepared. This stage consists of such processes:

  • removal of the old flooring;
  • thorough cleaning of the floor of debris and dust;
  • Lining all the cracks and cracks that are available on the floor;
  • Processing of the surface with soil compounds that improve adhesion between the floor and waterproofing material, as well as an antiseptic.

In the relationship with the technology of waterproofing, there are three options for its execution. We offer to consider them in more detail:

1. The glow waterproofing of the floors - using this method, it is possible to create a multi -legged flooring, using a special carpet at the basis of which leaf or roller materials are under the basis of. Most often, this waterproofing method is used in rooms with wooden or concrete bases. For gluing on the floor of polymeric materials, a bitumen -based mastic is used. First, it is applied to the surface, and then gluing the material. After that, all joints of roll material are processed using a special putty, in which there are additives of a waterproofing type.

2. The paint version of waterproofing is ideal for wooden or concrete coatings. For its implementation, a polymer or bitumen varnish is used. Among the advantages of this method, high waterproofing efficiency is characterized, however, among the shortcomings, a short period of waterproofing is not more than five years old. Before performing this type of waterproofing, you should first clean and prepare the surface, remove fat spots from it, if any. The presence of protrusions or hollows on the floor is not allowed, they should be shown by putty on a waterproofing basis. After maximum leveling of the floor, two layers of mastic on a bitumen basis should be applied, after its drying, the floor is coated with varnish.

3. Paul waterproofing - this method is quite relevant for floors on a concrete basis. In order to perform waterproofing by a bulk method, it will require concrete in combination with mastic. It is recommended to give preference to the mastic of cold use. It is characterized by the convenience of use and is easy to work, in addition, this version of mastic does not need additional costs compared to hot mastic, which is warmed up to a certain temperature before use. To perform bulk waterproofing, you should first clean the floor of debris and dust, thoroughly align the surface with a plaster solution. After it dries, the primer is applied to the floor surface, then a fence is installed along its perimeter, a height of the floor filling with a floor filling and a fence is filled with a solution of concrete in a combination with mastic. To align the floor, special mechanisms - scrapers are used by level.

Recommendations for the implementation of waterproofing of the cement screed of the floor

In order to ensure the polymerization of the composition, after applying any kind of coating materials or mastic, they should be left at rest at a certain time. It is preferable to carry out a mastic, at least two layers, while the previous layer should dry out well before applying the next.

In addition, the second layer, in relation to the first, is applied perpendicular. After the last of the layers dries, the screed or installation of the main floor is poured.

It is recommended when processing the floor with coating materials, also process the surface of adjacent walls, at a distance of at least 12 cm in height, so it will be possible to achieve complete and high -quality waterproofing.

When calculating the required amount of waterproofing compounds, it should be taken into account that one square meter will require at least two kilograms of finished composition. To glue all joints between the wall and the floor, a special sealing tape is used.

During the use of cement-polymer mastics, not only waterproofing of the coating is ensured, but also the alignment of the floor, bringing it to the required level in height. Thus, after waterproofing, it is not necessary to additionally equip the screed, on the floor it is mounted by the final floor.

The option of independent preparation of the composition of waterproofing on a plaster basis is possible. To do this, you should prepare a standard cement mortar, while dilute it in a ratio of one to two. First, the floor is cleaned of dirt and dust, first, the first layer of this solution is applied, then you should wait about fifteen minutes, until it dries completely. Next, about three more, four of the same layers are applied, subject to fifteen -minute intervals. After that, the coating should be periodically impregnated with water, during the day, with an interval of three hours. After the expiration of two days from the moment the waterproofing is performed, the floor becomes ready for further decoration.

DIY waterproofing

The most affordable and easy -to -performance is a paint option for waterproofing. To carry out it, it is enough to purchase bitumen materials and a tool for their application. At the same time, the floor is covered with a waterproofing composition in several layers. However, this option is not suitable for unheated rooms, since after several years, bitumen, under the influence of low temperature, is cracking. Thus, the surface is covered with cracks and begins to pass moisture. The average service life of this waterproofing option is not more than seven years.

To perform waterproofing with a painting method with your own hands, a number of actions should be performed:

1. Remove dirt, dust and fat spots from the surface, if any. In the presence of corrosion damage, they should be well cleaned. Next, the surface is aligned, the application of bitumen mastic. Next, the floor is painted with a roller or brush.

2. This method is relevant when performing waterproofing of floors made of wood. If, it is planned to perform waterproofing floors in a room with a high level of humidity, then experts recommend covering walls, 300 mm, mastic.

3. In order to extend the term of waterproofing using staining, new materials were developed in the form of bitumen-polymer and rubber mastics.

The next option is the waterproofing of the floor filling. This material is characterized by the highest degree of reliability and durability. It is based on the execution of the fill using a continuous layer of the waterproof layer in which there is a mastic.

There are two ways to perform this fill:

  • hot performance;
  • Cold performance.

The main condition for qualitative waterproofing is the presence of a rigid homogeneous base. Therefore, this method is especially relevant in the waterproofing of the concrete screed. First, the first layer of the composition is applied to the surface of the first layer, its thickness should be about five centimeters, if only mastic and fifteen centimeters are applied, when applying the solution. Two, three layers of material should be applied, and after its solidification, the floor is covered with a cement screed, if necessary.

DIY waterproofing with hot mastic, implies the performance of such actions:

  • First, the surface is cleaned of dust and garbage
  • Next, it should be leveled with plaster mortar;
  • The floor is dried with the help of a hot method, namely, infrared light or a gas type burner;
  • the surface of the floor is covered with a primer;
  • bitumen is prepared for work;
  • The fence is installed, up to forty centimeters high;
  • The composition is heated to a temperature of about one hundred forty degrees;
  • Hot mastic is poured onto the floor;
  • Using special tools, it is aligned.

Thus, in the end, it is possible to obtain a continuous impenetrable coating, which is characterized by excellent waterproofing characteristics.

For additional reinforcement of this layer, it is recommended to use fiberglass or steel mesh.

The next option of waterproofing is glow. This method is based on a layer of laying on the surface of the floor of materials of waterproofing roll, sheet or polymer purpose. These actions are performed under the influence of high temperature, while the base should be pre -coated with a primer.

The method of installation of materials of different compositions differs in the temperature of their heating, for example, to soften the bitumen and polymer compounds, it is enough to heat them to 50 degrees. The main condition for choosing this method is to ensure protection against the appearance of landslides using the designs that are based on concrete, reinforced concrete or brick. In order to perform the pasted waterproofing of the floor, follow the instructions:

  • on the previously prepared gender application of mastic, the thickness of which should be at least 15 mm;
  • Roll up and fix the film for waterproofing the floor on the floor surface;
  • Put the material in several layers;
  • Make putting the edges of the material with putty on a waterproofing basis.

This material and method of waterproofing are often used in the implementation of the flooring in the basements.

Dry waterproofing of the floor - based on the filling of the floor using bulk material with waterproofing characteristics. To waterproof the floor, expanded clay is used.

Another option to ensure the protection of the floor from moisture is plastering waterproofing. In this case, the floor is covered with a solution of cement, in which there are additives based on polymers. This method is easy to perform work and a wide area of \u200b\u200buse.

In order to perform waterproofing the floor using plaster, a number of actions should be performed:

  • On the previously prepared surface, apply the composition of cement with sand, in a ratio of one to two;
  • equip waterproofing by applying three of the same layers, with interruptions of fifteen minutes, after applying each layer;
  • Every three hours, spray water on the surface of the floor.

The waterproofing of wooden floors

Wooden floors need special waterproofing, since the tree is able to absorb moisture and collapse under its influence. For the proper arrangement of a wooden floor, you should first lay the black floor, heat and waterproofing layer, then perform the finish.

The option of arranging in the intermediate layer of the warm floor is possible. When choosing waterproofing materials, with which it is protected from moisture of wooden floor, you should give preference to materials that have the following properties:

  • weight ease;
  • excellent waterproofing indicators;
  • the presence of strength characteristics;
  • long service life;
  • Easy installation.

A great option would be to use membranes based on polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene or roofing material.

Waterproofing video:





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