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DIY sound insulation at home

How wonderful that sounds surround us, and we can hear the laughter of the child and your favorite melody! But there is also the reverse side of the coin of extraneous sounds that penetrate the house without demand and interfering with rest, work, enjoy life. Psychologists have proven that the noise adversely acts on the nervous and cardiovascular system. Therefore, a person simply needs sessions of silence. But how to create silence for yourself, if cars drive around the clock around the clock, and behind the wall a neighbor is aquest for your favorite football team? We will have to understand how sounds fall into the home and build an obstacle in their path. Moreover, sometimes this does not even require special physical costs and the price of sound insulation is quite acceptable.

Table of contents

  1. The property of sound waves to overcome obstacles
  2. The density of materials
  3. The rigidity of materials
  4. What is the frequency
  5. What is the danger of resonance
  6. The nature of the origin of the noise
  1. Where to start the sound insulation of the house or apartment


The property of sound waves to overcome obstacles

When exposed to a solid body, a sound wave occurs in the air, which meets hard objects in its path, reflects, passes through them and is partially lost inside. Sound from the source and reflected from objects form a sound field, which affects the enclosing structures. As a result, the structure fluctuations arise, and it itself becomes a source of sound, transmitting sound energy to the adjacent room.

The amount of sound energy passing through the structure depends on the frequency of the sound wave and on the characteristics of the material.

The density of materials

The sound wave in order to swing the structure and go through it, you need energy. And the greater the density of the material, the more energy you need the sound, and accordingly less molecules can break through a dense barrier. So, materials with great density have the property of reflecting sound energy. They call such materials soundproofing.

The rigidity of materials

Through hard materials, the sound penetrates faster. For example, you can consider ordinary concrete and its foamed analogue. Concrete is quite durable and hard, but the foam concrete has a strength coefficient below, since it has a porous structure. But thanks to the pores of foam concrete, the sound insulation coefficient is higher than that of concrete.

What is the frequency

In order to understand whether the design can protect from noise, you need to know the frequency of sound. Quiet sounds belong to low -frequency, this means that the change of low and increased sound pressure is slower. Due to this, it is easier for a low -frequency sound to swing the structure. Only massive structures with high density can save from such a sound. But in some cases, even the walls of two -meter thickness will not be an obstacle.

What is the danger of resonance

If the frequency of the sound wave affecting the design coincides with its own frequency, then they will be resonant. In this case, the material not only does not resist oscillations, but on the contrary, helps to increase the amplitude of the oscillations.

In this situation, sound -absorbing materials will come to the rescue. They tend to pass themselves inside and absorb sound energy. In soundproofing structures, they are used to eliminate resonance. They are not effective by themselves, since they are not able to resist the sound with a low frequency.

So, the sound insulation of the house can only be effective when the use of soundproofing and sound -absorbing materials is correctly planned.

The nature of the origin of the noise

In order to protect yourself from noise, you need to know the nature of its origin.

Airy noise

This type of sound includes those that are transmitted through the air, and the source is a conversation, TV, and radio receiver. Such a sound spreads according to the standard scenario (using oscillatory effects on the structure). To protect against air noise, it can be sufficient to perform the sound insulation of the walls , behind which are neighbors.

Shock noise

In this case, the source of noise transmission is the design itself, which was acted mechanically. In this case, the transmission of sound to neighboring structures is inevitable. The sound that calmly switches from the ceiling to the walls, and vice versa is called indirect.

How much the sound spreads around the house depends on the materials used. The noise easily passes from heavy materials to light ones, but it is more difficult for him to overcome the return path. Therefore, in the house with wooden overlap and brick or reinforced concrete walls, the steps of neighbors from above will be practically not heard. If the whole house is built of material with the same density, the sound wave easily spreads to several floors down. In such houses, in order for sound insulation to be effective, you need to soundproof all the designs.

Where to start the sound insulation of the house or apartment

Before proceeding with the sound insulation of the house, you need to free the walls, floor and ceiling from finishing materials and examine them for the presence of cracks. Sound, with distribution, always searches for the paths of least resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to close cracks and deformation seams. Particular attention is deserved by sockets. A non -insulated outlet is able to increase the penetration of noise by 20dB. Also do not leave the holes in the ceiling and walls through which pipes pass.

After all the holes and slits are destroyed, sit in the room and listen to where the sounds penetrate the most. If the problem is a too talkative neighbor behind the wall, we proceed to the sound insulation of the wall. But before you rejoice that everything turned out to be so simple, check if the sound is transmitted from the problem wall to the adjacent structures. If such a problem, there is a sound insulation of the ceiling, walls and floor.

Well, in the case when an apartment is a source of anxiety from above, only an integrated approach to solving the problem will help.

Sound insulation of the floor

Having taken up the sound insulation of the dwelling, it is better to start with the floor. Ideally from the floor of the neighbor from above. But, as a rule, this idea remains impracticable, and the sound insulation of the floor in its apartment is necessary. The sound will not be heard on the floor, and the neighbors from above will not tell that you have a herd of elephants.

The sound insulation of the floor is achieved by installing a floating floor. This design consists of a layer of soundproofing or sound -absorbing material, waterproofing, a reinforced screed. The main condition for the screed should not adjoin the walls, otherwise the sounds will still be transmitted from the walls to the floor and back. In order that this does not happen, the soundproofing material is wrapped up to the height of the baseboard, or the demopher tape is glued around the perimeter of the room.

Well, what material to choose soundproofing or sound -absorbing depends on the type of noise. If the problem is a shock noise, soundproofing is needed. With shock noise, glass chicks and soundproof mats are making good things well. To protect against air noise, special sound -absorbing materials are used. At the same time, it is worth considering that the fibrous materials really suppressing the noise have a thickness of more than 50 mm.

Sound insulation of floors

In a wooden house can be performed using the same materials. In this case, a soundproof tape is laid on top of the beams. The space between the beams is filled with sound -absorbing material. Lags and floor boards are attached using soundproof gaskets, no matter what fasteners become a source of noise transmission.

Sound insulation of the ceiling

The easiest way of sound insulation of the ceiling is the device of the suspension structure in which plates of thin mineral or fiberglass are used as facing material. Such designs are produced by Ecophon and Armstrong. Such a ceiling can be used in a room with a home cinema. The disadvantage is that such plates are not able to protect from shock noise.

Most often, a suspension structure is used, inwards of which sound -absorbing materials are laid, and closed with drywall on top. Such a sound insulation method will be effective if the guide fasteners are carried out through soundproof gaskets. If the structure is mounted in a room with a home cinema, drywall is replaced with gypsum -fiber slabs.

To achieve the best result, thermosurool is glued to the floor slabs, a flexible texture of the texture is attached to it. And only then they collect the frame. Texound is also glued to the profile facing the room, and drywall.

Sound insulation of walls

Materials for the soundproofing of walls are used the same as for the ceiling and fixed according to the same principle. A soundproofing material with a floor and ceiling is attached to the wall. Through elastic gaskets, the frame is fixed. Sound -absorbing material is installed in it. Soundproof gaskets are glued to the profile and plasterboard or plaster plates are fixed.

Sound insulation of partitions

In some cases, the sound insulation of the partitions inside the apartment may be needed. It is performed in a similar way. Well, if you need to build a light partition, then it can be immediately made that does not pass the noise. Two frames are collected separately for this. This is necessary so that there is no indirect noise transmission between them. Between the frames, the air gap is left. The internal space is filled with mineral wool. For facing the partition, it is recommended to use various materials, which will reduce the likelihood of resonance.

Sound insulation of doors

If all the cracks are flooded in the apartment and all the designs are sounded, and the apartment is still noisy, pay attention to the sound insulation of doors and windows. Very often, a noise source becomes a poorly adjacent front door. In this case, the sealing tape is fixed along the perimeter of the door. In extreme cases, you can disassemble the door and replace its filler, with a material that does not pass the sound.

Sound insulation of windows

The sound insulation of the windows consists in the sealing of the cracks and the replacement of sealing gum. But practice shows that most of the noise penetrates not through the frames, but through the glass. In order to reduce the amount of noise penetrating through the glass, it is recommended to choose double -glazed windows in which glass with different thicknesses will be installed. In this case, the fluctuations arising on one glass will not be transmitted to another. Since glasses with different thickness have a different resonance frequency.

If you follow the specified rules in the production of soundproofing, then in your house there will always be silence and peace in which you can relax after a busy day, which will favorably affect your psychological health.





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