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Installation of a solar power plant with your own hands step -by -step instructions

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still. People have learned to use the power of nature and its resources, which are completely free and do not impoverish nature. The use of the energy of wind, water and sun is absolutely harmless to nature, which makes this fact especially valuable. Solar panels are a great option for saving for utility bills. Solar panels work due to the energy of the sun, absorbing sunlight, they produce energy.

Table of contents:

  1. DIY Solar Power Plant Assembly
  2. Do -it -yourself Sunny Battery Power Plant
  3. Solar power plant assembly scheme
  4. Assemble a solar power station with your hands
  5. Home solar power plant with hands, a feature of the installation on the roof
  6. Homemade power plant on solar panels
  7. How to assemble a solar power plant for a home

DIY Solar Power Plant Assembly

Buying heliocation for the production of electricity for the home is not difficult, you can find many different offers on the market, but the cost of such equipment is quite high. Not everyone can buy a system. There is an alternative to the manufacture of heliomination personally.

The current strength that a photocell can create will depend on the number of solar elements that have fallen to the surface. The number of these elements directly depends on a number of factors:

  • the size of the batteries;
  • the strength and intensity of sunlight;
  • duration of use;
  • Efficiency of the structure;
  • temperature indicators.

The amount of energy produced depends on the size of the battery. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure, the more energy is produced and the higher the cost of the equipment.

Depending on the cost and power of the equipment, solar panels for converting solar energy into electricity are divided into:

  • Designs with low power, the power of this equipment will be able to ensure the charge of the tablet and other electronic devices. But at high cost and such low power, this equipment is not highly popular
  • Universal structures are most often purchased for use in campaigns and campsites. This is a more powerful design that can feed several electrical appliances at the same time.
  • Sunny batteries are flat photoplastins mounted on a special basis. They are installed on the roofs of houses and, thanks to a complex device, allow you to completely cover all the needs for electric energy.

Do -it -yourself Sunny Battery Power Plant

Solar power plants in everyday life are already ceasing to be a rarity and outflowing. This design increases the comfort of living, ensures independence from the work of utilities. With the stock of basic knowledge in electrical engineering, you can make a solar power station with your own hands and at the same time save tangible money. There are three types of solar power plants:

  • autonomous;
  • network;
  • combined.

To provide the house with electricity, an autonomous solar power plant is considered the most optimal option.

Any solar power plant producing alternating current consists of four main components:

  • The number and area of \u200b\u200bphotocells is determined depending on the needs of the house and solar activity in a particular geographical area. You can mount the modules on your own, only silicon photo facilities will have to be bought or geliblocks, provided that the sizes of the blocks coincide with all the requirements.
  • Battery batteries are needed to prevent interruptions in the supply of electricity. In bad weather and cloudy days, batteries will be able to support the supply of electricity on days without sun.
  • Controllers are a kind of sentry, controlling batteries from excessive charging. When the battery is completely charged, they will lower the current produced by the solar panel to the size that is necessary to maintain self -discharge. In a homemade installation, this equipment is necessary to extend the service life.
  • Inverters special devices that convert direct current into alternating, which nourishes all the equipment in the house. In a private solar power plant we are talking about sinusoidal batteries. This option is cheaper and suitable for home use. During an excess of electricity, inverters are a link between the home and communal energy system. They redirect an excess of electricity to a common network.
  • Cables are given an important role. All street cables should be of high quality and resistance to weather and temperature extremes. To reduce energy losses, a short path and a special section is recommended, at least four millimeters.

Solar power plant assembly scheme

Solar modules should be installed on the roof of the house. The design is located in accordance with the instructions: the location at right angles to the falling light, the angle of deviation should not be more than fifteen degrees. Provided that the year -round use of heliomination is planned, the batteries are located at an angle of +15 degrees to geographical latitude. If the battery is used only in the summer, you need to adhere to the angle of inclination minus fifteen degrees to latitude. Ask to help to arrange solar batteries correctly, you can be a person who is competent in this matter. Batteries are installed over the other, taking into account how the shadow will laid so as not to block the access of the sun.

The remaining constituent structures are recommended to be installed separately, in a specially designated room. This will help to avoid energy costs, and the whole system will work much more efficiently.

When the panels are located in several rows, between the devices you should adhere to a certain distance. In this case, there will be no shading. Fix the panels in four, and preferably in six places. The batteries are fixed only by the native latches, otherwise there will be no guarantee of reliable fastening.

Assemble a solar power station with your hands

In order to save on the installation of equipment that the team of specialists will produce at a certain cost, it is necessary to comply with the rules and listen to the recommendations of experienced people. Otherwise, photo panels will not be able to work with the highest possible power and material costs for manufacturing or acquisition will be in vain.

The self -made power plant of solar energy is assembled taking into account such rules:

  • The illumination of the panel must be installed in the most lit place without the slightest shading. As a rule, this is a roof of a room or facade.
  • The direction of the installation of photobatars is carried out on the south side of the roof, taking into account the correct angle of inclination. The southern side receives the energy of the sun as much as possible.
  • The angle of inclination for the effectiveness and maximum efficiency of the panels, it is necessary to take into account the correct angle of inclination in relation to the horizon. The rule of choosing an angle was described above, but if this option is not available for use, a constant angle equal to geographical breadth is selected.
  • Service if you allow pollution of the surfaces of solar batteries, there is a noticeable loss of the surface performance of the panel. It is necessary to regularly clean the surface: in summer from dust and leaves, in winter from snow and pollution.
  • If the batteries are installed on the surface of the soil, then it is necessary to raise the structure above the ground by about half a meter.

But in addition to these nuances, the type of roof plays a large role during the installation of the battery.

Home solar power plant with hands, a feature of the installation on the roof

The method of location of the battery depends on the roof option. Even the coloring of the roof plays a significant role. For example, the dark roof warms up in the sun and causes overheating of the solar panel. If the roof coating has a dark color, at the location of the battery it is necessary to provide a light insert. If the photo panel is installed on a flat roof on its own, this process should not cause difficulties. A flat roof is considered the best option for the arrangement of a solar battery. For installation, support frames are purchased for a convenient location of the panel at the right angle. It is much more convenient to care for the panels and clean their surface on flat roofs.

Raise roofs require a slightly different installation option. On special mounts, batteries are installed taking into account the material from which the roof is made. Each option uses its own mounting material. Installation technologies also differ in each case. For natural cooling of the solar battery, it is recommended to make a gap between the roof and equipment, this provides circulation of air masses.

Homemade power plant on solar panels

Before starting the independent manufacture of a solar power plant, it is necessary to decide on the material. Most often, the photo panel is based on polycrystalline silicon or monocrystalline material. Polycrystalline material has a low efficiency, but the panel of such material is effective for any force of the sun. As for monocrystalline substances, they have higher performance, but significantly reduce efficiency in the absence of sun in cloudy weather. Because of this, home craftsmen prefer polycrystals.

This fact should be taken into account: all photo chambers are bought from one manufacturer in order to exclude situations when difficulties arise with determining the total power or elements will have a different expiration date. Some enterprising masters buy sets on online auctions, which means a profitable purchase. In addition to the above, it is necessary to buy conductors that serve as connecting elements for heli -tutes, soldering devices.

For the panel case, light materials are used, like aluminum corners. The tree can also serve as the basis for batteries, but given the fact that it will be subjected to endless negative effects, it is not recommended to use this material. It should be remembered that at auctions many installation elements are sold, including the finished case. For external transparent coating, polycarbonate or plexiglass is used. Ideally, any transparent material that does not pass infrared rays that worsens the quality of the system’s work is suitable.

How to assemble a solar power plant for a home

After the preparation of all materials, you can directly assemble a solar power plant. First, the conductors with heli -tower are soldered. Since this procedure is quite laborious and accompanied by damage to elements due to their fragility, the purchase of cells with soldered conductors is recommended. But if the product is purchased separately and needs to be connected, there is such an algorithm of action:

  • prepare the conductors of the required length;
  • extremely carefully move the conductors to the cell;
  • at the junction, apply a special tool with soldering acid and solder;
  • without exerting pressure on the crystal, the conductor should be soldered.

The process of soldering is painstaking and expensive in time.

You can connect the elements according to different schemes: sequentially, in parallel, sequentially, with a middle point. This is not fundamentally, the main thing is that there are shunt diodes, thanks to which there will be no discharge at night. Before installation, tests for current, voltage, fixation of elements and sealing are carried out. You can seal each cell with a special tool and sealed with plastic.

A step -by -step instruction in the video will help to cope with such a task as installing a solar power plant with your own hands. Heliobatar is beneficial, accessible and inexpensive. As a result of the installation of an innovative system, one can not depend on weather conditions when electricity disappears due to severe wind or rain as a result of a closure or failure of equipment. Solar power plants are convenient.





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