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How to choose and install a door closer?

Not so long ago, people to close the door automatically used the simplest device for a steel spring. But this device has long outlived itself. No one is seduced by rummaging and shuddering the whole house of the door. In order for the door to close softly and silently, the door closer was invented, which allows you to adjust its automatic closing.


The increasing popularity of door closers is due to the following positive qualities:


  • protection against external noise and negative environmental impact;
  • energy savings due to thermal insulation and lack of drafts;
  • safety of use.



  1. The closer device and the principle of its operation
  2. Choosing a door closer
  3. Installation of the closer on the door
  4. Setting up the door closer
  5. The cost of closers


The closer device and the principle of its operation

The closer consists of lever traction and a case with a mechanism responsible for the correct closing of the door. The mechanism consists of a powerful spring, which is compressed under the influence of the piston. The steel spring is located in a special capsule filled with oil and after compression it slowly returns to its original position, thanks to the hydraulic channels through which the oil flows into the working tank. Special screws located at the end of the case are adjusted to the door leader. During their rotation, the cross section of the hydraulic channels changes and depending on the speed of the oil, the door closing speed depends. More advanced closer models are equipped with a special valve, which allows you to hold the door move, starting from 70 degrees and before its closure, providing smooth pressing or slats at the last 7-15 degrees. The bloom is necessary to overcome the efforts of the door latches and seals, as well as the resistance of the air that occurs when the door is closed.

Choosing a door closer

The main parameter by which the door closer is selected is its power. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the size and weight of the door so that the closer installed on them can work correctly. Accordingly, the more massive and heavier the door, the greater power is needed to close it. In some cases, even two closers are used, allowing to use less strength to close the door.

Door closers are divided into 3 types of installation:

  • upper;
  • lower (floor);
  • hidden (frame).


The most common due to its simplicity is the first way to install a closer in the upper door. Such closers can be installed on almost any door.

The efforts that the closers develop are standardized by European standards. The higher the class according to the EN1154 standard, the greater the power this device. For example, a closer armored door closer will require the highest class EN7, and for lighter doors models you can install a lower class closer. For ordinary input and internal doors, as a rule, class 3-5 closers are used.

But it should be noted that when choosing a closer, it is necessary to focus on the largest door parameters or external factors. So, if the front door is exposed to side winds, has a height of more than 2.5 m and non -standard sizes, then you should choose the closer with the class above. If the dimensions and weight of the doors correspond to two different classes of closers, then you should also choose the highest class for the strength of the strength, and So, durability.

You can not approach the choice of a closer only with the expectation that the more powerful he is, the better he will work. This is a wrong judgment. For example, the installed powerful closer on the plastic door will create an additional load on the loops of the doors, causing premature wear and failure. In addition, it will be extremely difficult to open such doors, it will make additional inconvenience. It is equally important when choosing a closer to pay attention to his frost resistance. There are models that can work correctly at extreme temperatures that drop to -45 degrees or rise to +70 degrees.

Installation of the closer on the door

In a box with a closer, you can find:

- The closer itself;

- adjustable lever traction;

- fasteners;

- Scheme for installation.

Installation of the closer can be made both on the door leaf and on the box. Also, depending on the purpose of the doors, there are two types of installation of the closer and external. As a rule, the most common way to install closer to the outer doors is internal installation, with fixing the closer in the doorway. This is due to the fact that not all devices are designed to work in the winter.

Most manufacturing companies equip the closers with a life-size installation scheme. It is very comfortable. In this case, installing the closer on a metal door will pass without errors. It is necessary to glue the scheme on the door with tape, make the necessary marking and drill the holes of the required diameter in the indicated places. Then we fix the case, guided by the same mounting scheme, paying attention to the installation features. For example, Dorma door closers are installed in such a way that the adjusting screws are located towards the door loops.

After fixing the argument mechanism, it is necessary to start the installation of lever thrust. It consists of two halves connected by thread. The length of the lever can be adjusted in length. Thanks to this, the angle of opening the door equal to 90 degrees is set. If the marking and installation of the closer was carried out in accordance with the mounting circuit, then everything should work the first time.


Setting up the door closer

In order to correctly adjust the argument, you should deal with the adjusting screws located in the mechanism case. If Dorma closers are adjusted from the end of the case, then the GEZE door closers have adjusting screws under the decorative lid. As a rule, they are indicated on the case with numbers 1 and 2. The first screw changes the opening angle of the door, which can be 180 degrees, and the second speed of its closure.

First, the opening angle of the door leaf is regulated. To do this, a screw set the required value of 90 or 180 degrees, and then proceed to a change in the acceleration of the closing door with a screw 2. After opening the door to the working angle, it is released and rotated the screw 2 achieve a smooth door of the door at the last 7-15 degrees and a confident dochlop. When performing adjustment, one should not show great zeal, after turning a quarter of the screw turnover, the door will be closed with a noticeable slowdown.

Proper setting up the door closer with timely and periodic adjustment allows you to operate it for a long time. But often negligent residents of the entrance propagate the doors of the entrance for ventilation or removal of things. This creates an additional load on the seals and the piston, leads to extrusion of oil from the body. As a result of such actions, the internal mechanism may fail, and the repair of the door closer will not be able to return it to the original working state. A way out of the situation will be left to buy a new closer.

The cost of closers

A huge variety of closers in the market of door accessories allows you to choose the ideal option for each individual door. Leading manufacturers offer door closers, the price of which may have a large range: from economy-class mechanisms with EN1-EN2 to powerful and reliable closer classes of the EN7 class, which allow you to manage with any door.

The most popular manufacturers of door closers are Russian and foreign production companies. The closers of Russian companies Expostroymash Plus, Nora-M and Nikiret have proven themselves in various conditions. Thanks to domestic developments, the cost of such closers is quite acceptable, and the quality is not inferior to foreign analogues. But foreign manufacturers can also offer our buyer no less worthy models of closers. The names of companies and manufacturers, which have long become known to the whole world, thanks to excellent quality and great design:

  • Germany Dorma, Geze, Boda (they offer customers to be a sliding thrust, this allows you to hide the ugly knee of the traction lever);

  • Italy CISA, Cobra, O (Italian manufacturers produce closers for open installation and flooring of high quality);
  • Korea KDC (for the manufacture of closers of this company, German components and anti -corrosion materials guaranteeing a long service life are used);
  • Taiwao Taiwao (a line of closer doors has gained popularity among many customers; these are light, durable and inexpensive models);
  • Finland ABLOY (the most convenient system of regulatory regulation, thanks to independent valves that are responsible for the smoothness of the door and the deadline);
  • Serbia Diplomat (two -speed models are especially popular).


All closers represented by famous trademarks are in various price ranges, depending on their functions and purpose. You can buy an expensive brand closer with a maximum set of bells and whistles, or you can - a good domestic analogue, but relatively cheaper.

Choose a high -quality closer, install it correctly and your door will always be easy to open to meet you!






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