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How to make and install a harmonica doors with your own hands

Interior doors not only play a practical role, delimiting living space in an apartment or house for recreation areas, eating or cooking, but are also an important element of the interior. Therefore, their choice must be approached very carefully, and best, given the fairly high cost of such doors in stores, make them yourself. One of the most universal options is the interior accordion doors, which fit perfectly into any room.

Table of contents

  1. Advantages of the Harmosk door
  2. The materials from which the harmonica doors make
  3. What will be needed for independent manufacture of the Harmosk door
  4. How to install a Hard door
  5. Harmore doors in the interior of the apartment

Advantages of the Harmosk door

Harmoses doors include a large number of panels, the width of each of which is 10-15 cm. They are similar to corrugated blinds, however, they are fixed vertically by means of strong lamellas that serve as a means of connecting sections. Narrow panels are attached to the guide located at the top (occasionally below). Therefore, when the door opens, these panels fold against the wall, forcing to remember the musical instrument, by analogy with which this door got its name.

Harmosa door is equipped with one or two pleated canvases that facilitate its opening. One lamella is fixed on the doorway, and the next is supplied with the roller and it is it that provides the movement of the door along the guide. The door fixation in a certain position occurs with the help of stoppers, and the cause of its smooth movement is the presence of special synchronizers, which also responsible for the parallelity of the panels to each other.

The interior farm door is very popular and is installed in the dwelling more often than other models for the following reasons:

  • This door model will take a minimum of space compared to the usual one. This is especially important if the door opens into a narrow corridor, occupying almost two thirds.
  • It is quite simple to make a Harmosk door in the case of repair, and the process itself will not take so much time.
  • Being folding, the harmonica door is able to open in any direction in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the housing.
  • To avoid random opening of the door leaf, it is not necessary to additionally install the lock. The guide of the door of the door has a special latch designed for this.
  • If necessary, the sash is reduced or expanded by removing or adding panels.

  • The folding door belongs to the category of almost silent, so when operating it, the appearance of third -party sounds is practically excluded.
  • Doors sash can close and open not only manually, but also in automatic mode.
  • Harmosa doors are not afraid of drafts: it does not slam under their influence.
  • The high -quality door of the accordion, the price of which will be low (especially in the case of independent manufacture), not only divides the living space into zones with clearly expressed functionality, but is sometimes used as a waterproof barrier in bathrooms and showers. This is only if it consists of plastic lamellas.

However, do not forget that the doors of the accordion cannot boast of special anti -jeopardry and long service life.

The materials from which the harmonica doors make

Now the harmonica doors, which are much more expensive to buy than to do it yourself, make it from the following materials:

  • A whole wooden array. This includes both valuable wood and cheaper material obtained from coniferous trees. In the latter case, stain processing, tinting antiseptic and varnishing is simply necessary so that the door lasts as long as possible. It is advisable to perform all these operations independently to reduce the cost of the door. This material is characterized by strength, environmental friendliness and long life, however, among the shortcomings, we note the sensitivity to increased humidity.
  • Chipboard. This is not the most successful, albeit relatively cheap material. DSP plates are made from the waste of crushed bark, glued and compressed sawdust and knots, therefore, mechanical strength is their weak place. If the folding doors of the accordion are made of chipboard and at the same time close and open many times a day, most likely they will have to be changed very quickly. In practice, the service life is determined by the quality of the door of the veneer or laminate door. Folding interior doors made of such material are not afraid of high humidity, so there is almost no change in their geometric dimensions. But at the same time, since the main part of this door is sawdust, this creates additional difficulties in dismantling and installing loops: the screws here are not at all as tight as in a tree.
  • MDF. Harmosa doors, for the manufacture of which this material is used, even a whole-tree doors ahead of the whole woods are ahead of their operational properties. MDF weighs much less than a wood array, so moving such a door will be much easier. In addition, this material is characterized by high strength, remarkable moisture resistance and completely safe for living organisms. Also, MDF (wood -fiber plate) has high refractory properties. On folding interior doors made from it, mold is never started and there is no active reproduction of harmful microorganisms.
  • Plastic. Very often, the harmonica door with your own hands is created precisely from such a material. This is due to the low price of such material and its amazing durability: scratches, cracks, chips rarely appear on PVC stamps. At the same time, plastic interior doors such as an accordion do not dry out and feel great even with humidity, which goes off scale for 60-70%. The material does not require special care and for years retains excellent performance properties, standing out in the same good level of heat and sound insulation. But plastic is difficult to call a breathable material, so a stuffy atmosphere is often created in the room with such a door.

  • Tempered glass inserted into a metal frame. The interior doors of the accordion made of such material are ideal for small rooms, allowing you to visually expand the space. Glass leaves wide scope for imagination, because it is matte, transparent, tinted, with any pattern or pattern. But at the same time, it is difficult to work with it, since the hardness of the material is still not the highest.

All the doors of the accordion, the photos of which are presented above, are made by a similar algorithm, the difference is only in choosing the material. First you need to take care of the presence of specialized accessories, which is still preferable to purchase in a furniture store. The process of creating the door of the accordion is not so complicated. For him, in addition to a kit of accessories, which must include a carriage with runners, stoppers and axes, take sheets of material with a thickness of 16-20 mm with an area corresponding to the size of the doorway, loop, screws, PVC color of the color that coincides with the shade of the door. After that, the collection of the door leaf actually begins:

  • We make the markings of the rectangular sheet of the material from which you need to cut 2 panels. They will consist of a sash of an interior door like an accordion. It is permissible to make the panels of the same width or one much wider than the other everything is determined by personal preferences.
  • After cutting the panels, their end edges (if the material is not plastic or glass) is treated with sandpaper No. 0, then we wipe with a cloth and proceed to gluing the plastic edge onto the end of the panel, previously greased with glue. The glued parts are tightly pressed to each other with a roller (sometimes faceted glass bottle is used as it).
  • Now you should wait until the edges dry and stick, at least 12 hours. Then we mark the places where loops, carriage, accessories for the axis and a castle with a handle will be installed.
  • We install on the end panel of the wings 2 metal axes one on top, the other from the bottom. In places of markings, drill holes with a depth of smaller than the length of each axis for them.
  • We fix the axes on the surface of the panel, and the position of the upper and lower axes should be completely the same both in the horizontal and in the vertical direction.
  • We drill a hole in which the roller runner will be attached in the upper end part of the panel. Usually this is a panel that is installed last in relation to the panel containing metal axes.
  • We lay on the horizontal surface of the panel, of which the door sash will consist, exactly in the position in which they need to be connected with loops. Between the sash nearby, with the exception of two extreme ones, you need to arrange three loops. The loops of the same horizontal level should be placed strictly on one line. If the displacement occurs, the panels will be skewed and cracks will most likely appear on them. After checking the marking of the loops (vertically, the distance between each three of them is required to be the same), three of them are placed on one wings.

  • The neighboring panels must be connected by loops so that the distance between them is 3 mm when the sash is completely open.
  • On the outer panel we make a groove, in which the door handle will later be installed. The difference between the Harmoski door and other interior doors is that the handle is not mounted on the end of the wings, but precisely the panel located from the edge. We drill the grooves for the lock between the middle panels of the lock and hang the finished door leaf on the already mounted mounts in the doorway.

What will be needed for independent manufacture of the Harmosk door

A set of tools and materials for the manufacture and installation of a harmonic door is quite diverse. Among them:

  • Drill.
  • Perforator, if you need to expand the doorway.
  • Electric.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • The square.
  • Flow.

  • Hacksaw.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Wooden bar.
  • Installation foam.
  • Platbands.
  • Screws.
  • Dowel.

How to install a Hard door

Subject to all the rules, the installation of the harmonica door will be completed in just a couple of hours. If the door leaf is already assembled, we begin to prepare the doorway:

  • We mount the guide rail. Its width in the case of a standard doorway is 33-35 mm, and a height of 33-39 mm. If the width of the doorway is smaller than the rail length, it is cut with a hacksaw for metal.

  • We make in the guide holes every 25-30 cm for fastening to the upper part of the doorway.
  • If the sash is opened from right to left, set the latch on the right side, if from left to right on the left. We put the axis of the end panel into the latch and put the carriage in the rail in the rail. We attach the guide to the upper part of the doorway with screws with a length of at least 20-30 mm.
  • We prepare the sash described above and hang it on fasteners. It is necessary to fold the sash, raise and start metal axes into the landing plates.
  • After this, the extreme sash panel is connected to the carriage axis. To adjust the course and position of the sash, use a special adjustment key.

  • If the length of the doorway exceeds the meter, the runners are installed at the top and make a support that allows you to adjust the course of the sash, at the bottom of the opening. To do this, the lower rail is intended, into which the wheels of the carriage are made, fixed on one or two panels.

Harmore doors in the interior of the apartment

Usually the harmonica door makes the space lighter and more spacious, giving it a special zest.

It is single -winged and bivalve and is made both in continuous (wood or plastic), and in glazed design. Such a folding door with stained glass inserts looks very beautiful. If you only need to divide the room into zones occasionally, the Harmosk door is usually hidden in the wall so that nothing reminds that these are not one, but two different rooms. Such a door with a pattern looks spectacular, which appears overnight before the incoming as soon as he pulls the door handle.






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