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Testing in the country: types and popular materials

People have been erecting fences since a long time. The fence protected from predators and acted a reliable obstacle from enemies for all centuries. And today, developers, having received a suburban site in their possession, are first conceived about the construction of a fence in order to designate the boundaries of their territory and give the section the form. Even an inexperienced builder will be able to build a fence in the country, because this does not need special skills and skills. Depending on the material capabilities and design ideas, several options for fencing for the land are distinguished. Therefore, before construction work, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main varieties of summer cottages.

Table of contents:

  1. Mission of the fence in the country
  2. The design of the summer fence
  3. Varieties of summer cottages
  4. Materials for country fences


Mission of the fence in the country

Initially, the role of a fence is understandable to every person. He determines the exclusive rights to the land. Using the fence, the size of a territory belonging to a particular person is determined. There were always many disputes about the fences and a hundred years ago, and now. Nevertheless, the fences clearly indicate the rights to land and the obligations of the landowner.

The fence does not allow extraneous visitors to the territory or makes such penetration difficult. Even a low fence performs the function of the fence. However, this design more serves as a psychological barrier than physical: the fact of the fenced area works directly. At a subconscious level, the land without a fence is considered nobody with all the consequences that follow from here.

The presence of a fence during the construction of a country house or cottage is especially felt. It will be more difficult to get to building materials and tools. And when construction occurs, it is better that outsiders do not see workers, because their appearance for the duration of work is not the most respectable.

It is important to understand that the fence should not be the same around the entire perimeter. The summer cottage can be fenced off with a powerful fence only from the passing street, but there is no point in such a fortress wall to be fenced off from the neighbors on the right and left, moreover, if there is non -conflict relations between you.

The fence is necessary, on the other hand, to ensure the safety of animals and your children, since it does not allow them to run out onto the road. A beautiful fence is also an indicator of your taste and well -being. It is customary to determine the costs of building a fence in the country with your own hands depending on the goals.

The design of the summer fence

Any fence constructively consists of sheathing and supporting structures. Materials that are used for lining the fence are a variety of stone, metal, plastic or wood. The supporting designs of the fence are vertical poles of supports, which are fixed in the soil, and horizontal runs to which the elements of the skin, gate and gate are attached.

The fence is performed in that architectural stylistic solution that the residential building itself. For example, if the house is lined with sandstone and facial brick, then the fence should be built from these materials. If the building is shield or wooden, then the fence is erected from a board installed at an angle, a picket fence or a blockhouse. In the case of building a house in the style of country, a log fence needs to be made.

The choice of the type of fence and the materials used for its construction depends on the following factors:

  1. Soil characteristics. The ability to maintain the supports of a summer cottage and the need for deepening and power depend on how dusty or heaving the soil is.
  2. Wind loads. On areas with open relief and strong seasonal winds, the skin will experience more wind loads. In the flat terrain, it is recommended to set the fence supports on a powerful foundation or shells sprinkles, leaving between the elements of the skin of the gap.
  3. Stylish registration of a land plot. The external design of a summer cottage should create harmony with the general style of the cottage. If the owner gives great importance to security issues and plans to set a stone or metal fence, then it is worth planting curly plants from its inside.


Varieties of summer cottages

Fences are different, depending on the functions that they perform. In particular, such types of fences for a summer residence are distinguished. The fence is such a design that is necessary to protect the territory from the negative impact of environmental factors for the departure of children from the site, the machinery of the machine, the arrangement of an unauthorized landfill on the land. In this case, it is not necessary to build a high fence of a fairly low non -continuous fence.

The selection is a capital structure that protects from a flock of dogs and illegal invasions of criminals. In this case, it is recommended to build a high fence, which can give the owner a temporary head start to prepare for a meeting with attackers. The front fence carries more aesthetic functions and is a continuation of a residential building. Such buildings continue the stylistic idea, which is laid down during construction by an architect or designer, and emphasize the respectability of the owners of the territory.

Materials for country fences

For the construction of the fence in the country, the following material can be used: brick, wood, concrete panels, metal net, natural stone, corrugated board. Very often you can find fences that are made of various living plants - the so -called hedges. Let's look at the characteristics of fences made of the most popular materials.

A tree fence

Wood is the most affordable material that lends itself to processing quite easily. The construction of wooden fences is not a particularly expensive and laborious process. The owner in most cases can build such a structure with his own hands, which is why it is considered the most common.

The height of the fence in a dacha made of wood is different, different and configuration of the product. The only drawback of a wooden fence lies in the fire hazard of the structure.

The fence from the corrugated board

The fences of corrugated board are strong enough and durable, and are also stable against all kinds of atmospheric influences. Such designs do not need constant care and reduce noise that penetrates from the street. The corrugated board can be used to build a temporary fence on the land plot, for example, for the construction period.

The disadvantage of the fence from the corrugated board lies in the fact that it requires pouring a strip foundation. And this factor already displays a similar design from the category of budget buildings.

Brick fence

The main advantage of a brick fence is that of all products it is considered the most durable along with concrete. A brick fence does not require care, is able to serve for a long time and allows you to perform experiments with the design, combining natural stone, brick and metal. Sometimes it serves as the basis for creating wooden spans.

But this is an expensive design that needs great labor intensity and considerable investments. To build a brick fence, you should use the services of a contracting organization, since it will not work with your own hands.


Fences in the form of a wattle fence are traditional for the village. They build a fence in a dacha made of supporting stakes and a wicker vine, so the design has an attractive decorative look. However, it is not devoid of a number of shortcomings.

The material for such a fence is easily accessible. But the process of weaving itself requires skills: not every person will be able to make a fence in the form of a wattle fence with their own hands. Such buildings are not subject to painting, their strength and durability want the best.

PVC fence

PVC fences that have many advantages are just beginning to enter our life. Such buildings are durable, can be produced with different texture and color, are available in price, do not need care, are not afraid of the sun, cold and water.

PVC fences are high -tech, they are easily and quickly mounted. But the main problem is that such material remains in short supply in specialized stores.

Metal grid fence

Fences made of nets are considered a very popular solution in summer cottages. Metal grid fences are available in price, durable, quickly installed, practically do not need additional care. The peculiarity of such a fence does not create shadows. The structure of rabitsa is an excellent basis for ivy, hops and other curly plants.

To make a ditch from a rabid will be made with your own hands. In addition, it is more difficult to overcome it than it seems: if the metal grid is not welded to the frame, it is able to swing under the weight of a person and cause noticeable injuries to a person. But such a fence will not tame the land from prying views.

Kamysh fence

The fence of reeds, which is not complicated in execution, looks original in the land plot. The most simple technology for the construction of such a fence is as follows: make a workbench, lay in a reed with a layer of about 15-20 centimeters, and put up a load frame up.

Kamysh is knitted with a wire with a step of 10-15 centimeters. It is enough to flash the material in 4 places. Typically, the width of the mat is 100 centimeters, after the firmware the ends of the reeds must be carefully chopped off carefully from all sides. Such a fence in the country will be perfectly in harmony with nature.

Forged sections

It is much easier to work with forged and sectional fences. They are made in factories and sold as finished products. The spans of such a fence must be screwed with screws to the pillars or welded.

Forged fence is able to serve for a long time, it gives the summer cottage a refined look, while it requires minimal care. But all the undeniable advantages of such a fence are quite expensive.


Buildings for fencing the territory can be created using climbing plants that are based on a frame grid. Hedges perform exclusively decorative functions. Such a fence will not be able to withstand the penetration of attackers into private possessions and requires constant care.

I would also like to note that the hedge looks aesthetically pleasing only in warm times. In addition, the services of landscape designers and the formation of hedges will fly to the owners into a penny. It is customary to use bush roses, rosehips, spruce, thuja, lilac and hawthorn as plants.

Other materials

However, it is often brought to meet fences from such materials, the use of which no designer would have occurred. For example, fences can be built exclusively from a wire stretched over the support, or slate, vertically buried in the ground. Summer residents are also experimenting with other materials. The fence on the summer cottage can be built even from plastic bottles!

Thus, you can build a fence around your site with two methods: seek help from specialists who know how to build a fence in the country, or do all the work on their own. The choice of the first option will entail significant financial costs. But the construction of the fence on your own is cheap, but here you need to have certain skills. But before that, you should choose the material from which you will build a fence. At the same time, it is worth considering the future functionality and the alleged decorativeness of the structure.





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