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The construction of your own home is always accompanied by numerous chores and worries. After all, before starting the construction of the century, you need to clearly imagine what you want to get in the end, otherwise the hut of a frivolous pig may well come out. Therefore, the project of the house should be selected taking into account all the little things and, most importantly, the comfort of the future home for you. By the way, about comfort - have you already thought about the internal systems of your home? They must be entered in the project before the start of construction work, if you want everything to be done in conscience. To rebuild, to make any changes to the already finished building will be much more costly, and it is not a fact that everything will lie as it should. Here, say, the ventilation device in a private house should be thought out precisely at the preparation stage, and only in this case you will breathe really clean air in your new house.
And what is generally offered as a system of air renewal for our housing? Тут всего три варианта:
And each of the options has its own advantages. Think for yourself, if you have a private house located in an area with excellent clean air, it will simply be criminally (and, by the way, extremely disadvantage) to mount forced ventilation in it, the functions of which, among other things, include cleaning the incoming air mixture. Why filter clean aromatic air and get a sterile tasteless atmosphere eventually? However, in cases where your home is surrounded by a environment polluted by various harmful and unpleasant impurities, it is necessary to remove everything unnecessary from the entering the house, because no one wants to breathe industrial waste or exhaust gases. But how to determine correctly when what ventilation is best suited?
Any of us wants to invest less, but get it according to the highest category. Therefore, it is important from the very beginning to determine all factors that interfere or help this result. And for the selection of the most optimal ventilation system, the following components must be taken into account (this is the minimum option):
Of course, another important factor is always the presence of the right amount. Nevertheless, in our small list, this consideration did not fall for the simplest reason - the price of ventilation in a private house should not be decisive, since the savings in this case can then very much affect your convenience.
But we proceed to a more detailed description of various ventilation options, depending on the already presented factors. And in order to imagine a in more detail the ventilation systems in a private house - a photo selection.
Natural ventilation is most optimal in the presence of two prerequisites:
Exhaust ventilation in a private house (as an addition to natural) is mounted only in the case of real necessity, when an ordinary hood simply does not cope with its purpose, despite the presence of normal traction in the ducts. And the installation of such mechanical applications is carried out only in places with the most polluted air: kitchen, sanitary and workers (boiler rooms or generator) premises affecting the atmosphere of the whole house.
Forced supply and exhaust ventilation with additional filtration of incoming air should be arranged in any of the two cases:
Having decided on these parameters, you can do ventilation in a private house most suitable.
Despite the fact that recently many have prefer various technical devices (for example, supply ventilation in a private house), natural ventilation has its advantages. And in cases where it is appropriate, it is better to use this particular method. So what is the advantage of this type of ventilation? And there are a lot of them.
And at least we can talk about the advantages of natural ventilation for a long time, but the main, most important, we have listed. However, people often want to know more about the processes that determine such manifestations, and especially for you: natural ventilation in a private house - a video tutorial.
The issue of saving in the construction and arrangement of their own home sometimes arises quite sharply, and then many owners begin to think about doing all or some part of the work with their own hands. And it’s not surprising, because many people think, and actually do the right thing that the pots are clearly not the gods, but even ourselves. However, before rushing at the embrasure, you should clearly decide whether you have enough knowledge and skills for rather complicated deeds.
Вернемся к вентиляции - сделать ее самостоятельно не проблема. Монтаж вентиляции в частном доме не так уж и сложен. And yet, for whom such an installation will be the first experience of this kind, it is worth at least consulting with specialists. Yes, you yourself perfectly understand that even a brilliant master must first study any business, and only then take it for it.
Поэтому начнем с главного - сделаем расчет вентиляции в частном доме. The most important factors in such calculations should be the number of people constantly located in the building and the volume of air in the premises. Moreover, it is worth taking into account all the achievements of civilization, taking oxygen from the air and poisoning it with any discharge (as you already understood, we are talking about various technical devices designed to facilitate life in our homes), as well as what rooms will be required more частый воздухообмен. By the way, do not forget to immediately plan the heating (or cooling) of the incoming fresh air. Конечно, перелопатив кучу литературы, вы сможете все рассчитать самостоятельно, и даже вероятно, что итог ваших усилий окажется абсолютно правильным и подходящим под вашу реальную ситуацию. Но стоит ли тратить столько времени и усилий на операцию, которую профессионал сделает быстро и с гарантированным результатом?!
Какой вариант проведения расчетов воздухообмена вы выбрали - не так уж и важно. Главное, что все обсчитано, и теперь нужно просмотреть проекты вентиляции в частном доме и выбрать наиболее благоприятный для вашего дома. И в этом случае лучше проконсультироваться со специалистом, знающим как облегчить работу и, тем не менее, получить хорошо действующую систему вентиляции. К тому же опытный мастер сможет подсказать, где закупить качественные материалы по доступной цене, и в каких количествах они будут необходимы при монтаже. А вот заниматься установкой вентиляционных труб хозяйственных человек вполне может и своими силами, не привлекая наемных рабочих. Вот как примерно выглядит такой монтаж - видео от специалиста на все руки:
Ну что ж, алгоритм действий прост - главное, это определиться с типом устанавливаемой вентиляции, а уж ее монтаж - пустяки, дело житейское. Так что начинайте обдумывать, а потом и делать. Свежего воздуха вашему дому!
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Why is not provided
And why is the ventilation not provided - removal - carbonate below the floor?
And why remove warm air from under the ceiling - where there is almost no carbon dioxide?
Thank you! Everything is available and
Thank you! Everything is affordable and understandable. I made my decision and there are no more doubts
Verbal diarrhea and not an article,
Verbal diarrhea and not an article, Seoshniki overdid it.
Thank you for the video! clearly,
Thank you for the video! clearly, sensible and understandable. Questions were resolved, the guide to action has been accepted!