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Alukobond panels: material properties and installation instructions

More than 30 companies represent aluminum composite panels on the market. Products from all manufacturers have conditionally identical technical characteristics. The general name alukobond is used to this building material. The word alucobond brand of the Swiss manufacturer, which first introduced composite panels in the domestic market. Sometimes plates are called sandwich panels, thanks to structural features (multi-layer). The article will talk about Alukobond panels.


  1. Alukobond characteristics
  2. The scope of the composite panels of Alukobond
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of alukobond
  4. Alukobond tool
  5. Ventilated facade from the panel alukobond
  6. Installation technology Alukobond panels
  7. Manufacturers of composite panels



Alukobond panels are widely used by firms engaged in construction and finishing work. This material allows you to transform the exterior of the building, gives architects and builders immense opportunities not only for the design of the facade, but also in the internal space.

Alukobond photo



Alukobond characteristics


The panels consist of several layers. Between the sheets of aluminum of increased strength is a filler made of synthetic polymer or foamed high -pressure polyethylene.

  • The side of the panel, facing the building, is treated with an anti -corrosion coating. The front surface is covered with a layer of polyester (re) or fluorine carbon (PVDF) of various shades.
  • Polyesh paint provides a persistent coating with a glossy surface. Products painted with such material are operated in almost any climatic conditions.
  • PVDF coating is characterized by increased color resistance (practically does not burn out) and higher resistance to aggressive environments. Due to the improved characteristics, the panels are used for facade facing in regions with the most severe weather conditions, including coastal areas.
  • For ease of installation and protection of the front surface, the painted side is protected by a laminated film, which is removed after the end of the work.
  • The rigid and strong design of the Alukobond panels allows you to use them for facing high -rise buildings using ventilated facades. Such a system provides air circulation, thereby contributing to the withdrawal of condensate.
  • Cracks do not appear on a perfectly even and smooth surface during bending and forming of the material. Such properties are acquired thanks to a very strong coating. Alukobond can be operated in the most severe climatic conditions.
  • In production, a continuous tape of composite material is cut into segments, standard length. Formed plates-cassettes that are completely ready for installation are also produced.
  • The panels are available in various color solutions with a matte coating or a metal shine. The widest selection of shades and sizes is given to developers and designers to use alukobond for various purposes.



The scope of the composite panels of Alukobond


Thanks to the excellent characteristics of the material, its scope is almost limitless. Composite panels are used:

  • in the arrangement of facades of any number of storeys, giving the buildings a progressive look;

  • in the reconstruction of old buildings with the aim of updating the exterior, increasing the soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics of the walls;
  • for facing architectural elements: balconies, visors, columns, etc.
  • in the design of advertising shields and signs, light boxes and supports;
  • for the manufacture of decorative indoor partitions, finishing interior material;
  • in the automotive industry, of which elements of the decoration of wagons, buses, and body bodies are made;
  • in the production of casings, cases, boxes for various equipment.


Plates made from a composite do a great deal with the functions assigned to them. They are not afraid of the effects of adverse climatic conditions, make it possible to bend them to the necessary extent by construction and installation brigades.

Material of this type is widely used in external and internal work with any targeted purposes. It allows you to create real masterpieces, both when arranging the exterior of the structure and the interior of the premises.



Advantages and disadvantages of alukobond


From advantages This building material can be noted:

  • Durability. Manufacturers give a guarantee on the panel from 15 to 25 years. This means that external cladding can last more than 50 years, without needing the repair or replacement of individual sections. The quality of the external coating will retain the attractive appearance of the facade even after decades.
  • Simple processing.Composite panels are amenable to cutting, angular and radium bending, roller, welding of polymer layers. Corresponding manipulations are performed through ordinary wood and metalworking equipment or manual tools.

  • Strength and elasticity.Steel sheets give the slabs the necessary strength, resistance to mechanical loads. Meanwhile, the material has flexibility, which allows it to take almost any form.
  • Atmospheric resistance.The high -strength coating is opposed to severe weather conditions, so composite panels can be operated at extreme temperatures. Special compounds provide protection against corrosion caused by acidic, salt and alkaline solutions.
  • Aesthetics.A wide range of colors allows you to embody the bold ideas of architects and designers. The material can simulate plaster, marble, chrome, gold, etc. The persistent coating will not fad under the influence of ultraviolet rays and after several decades.
  • Thermal and sound insulation.The multilayer structure increases the soundproofing characteristics of the building. So, the sound absorption coefficient of the panel 4 mm thick is 25 dB. Such qualities are especially important for buildings located on lively streets. As for thermal insulation, the filler is more responsible for this property. The polyethylene layer provides temperature isolation equal to 0.01 W/MK.
  • The simplicity and efficiency of installation.The light weight of the panels does not increase the load on the foundation, and high strength allows you to not use additional reinforcing elements. The simplified design of the frame for the ventilation facade facilitates the work and saves the budget.



  • The negative point can be attributed low refractory. Although this indicator is determined depending on the type of filler. The polymer layer is poorly opposed to fire and emits toxic substances when burning. The mineral layer made for the most part from foamed polyethylene is treated with antipyrens, which allows you to attribute such panels to the difficult to have a flammable class. According to international standards, such products are marked by FR.

Today, panels with improved filling are presented on the market, which includes aluminum hydroxide. This substance is opposed to the effects of open flame within 2 hours. But the price of these panels of Alukobond is significantly higher, so their use is not so popular.

  • It is worth noting complicated repair work. When replacing the damaged panel, sometimes you have to remove several neighboring ones.



Alukobond tool


When installing ventilated facades from composite panels, a tool is needed, with which the cassettes will be adjusted to certain sizes. The most common solutions are milling through:

  • vertical hand cutter;
  • cNC machine;
  • disk milling cutter.


Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. I would especially like to note that the accuracy of cutting determines the life of the facade. The low quality of milling leads to the formation of cracks on the panels at temperature differences.

  • Manual frezer. This method is popular due to the mobility and cheapness of equipment. All the advantages end there. But there are quite a lot of minuses:
    • low performance. The speed of milling is much lower in comparison with other methods of processing composite panels;
    • complexity. Work requires certain knowledge and skills. The tool needs preliminary settings;
    • low quality. The finger mill leaves the burrs on the material, as well as a large number of polymer chips, which makes it difficult to fold the panels;
    • unreliability. It is impossible to achieve high accuracy to tenths on such equipment. In addition, the tool will quickly fail after processing a certain volume of the composite (80 m).
  • CNC machine. With positive qualities, this equipment is all right. It will provide accuracy, high quality, and greater performance. The minus of the machine is only one sky -high price, and the need for a specialist who knows how to work on it. Although it is not necessary to purchase equipment at all to rent or order milling. And do the argument operations directly at the facility using a manual tool.
  • Disk milling mill. This equipment is equipped with contact videos, each of which is suitable for panels of various thicknesses. This solution allows you not to violate the requirements for milling. Here we can also note:
    • simple operation. You do not need to carry out any setting operations;
    • reliability. The case is made of wear -resistant materials. The tool has protection against overloads and voltage jumps in the mains;
    • quality. The final result in the accuracy of milling is not inferior to the quality of cutting on a software machine;

It is worth noting that the above advantages do not belong to disk milling cutters of non -original origin. Such a technique is used for the work of small volumes subject to certain conditions. Accordingly, the warranty period and the cost of equipment are very different.



Ventilated facade from the panel alukobond


  • Their advantage is the possibility of carrying out appropriate works in a short time and under almost any climatic conditions. The ventilated facade will protect buildings and the durability of the facade.

  • A special profile system makes it possible to freely circulate the air flows between the wall of the building and the finishing material. Due to this, water vapors formed during the operation of the structure are not delayed, but evaporated naturally.
  • The insulation allows you to reduce the heat transfer of the walls, thereby minimizing heating costs. At the same time, the thermal insulation layer makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the load -bearing walls, which means to reduce the load on the foundation.
  • The facade panel protects the walls of the structure from the effects of adverse environmental influences. In addition, the exterior ennobles the exterior, gives a modern appearance to buildings that previously need overhaul.



Installation technology Alukobond panels


Fulfillment of installation work is simple. Here you need to know several basic provisions and have experience in construction. The technology is as follows: a frame consisting of a supporting profile and a bracket is attached to the outer walls. Later, the design is faced with facade panels. The use of thermal extensions will help to significantly reduce the loss of thermal energy.


Stages of work:

  • after marking, the brackets are attached to the wall, to which guide profiles will be fixed. The fasteners of the brackets themselves are carried out through spacer dowels (anchor bolts);
  • a layer of insulation, a given thickness, is mounted to the surface of the wall with glue and plastered dowels. Thermal insulation material should have a hydro- and windproof membrane on the front side. It is forbidden to use polyethylene film;
  • the guides are fixed to the installed brackets through special fasteners;
  • next, the installation of decorative panels is carried out.


Alukobond video



What you need to know when working with an alukobond



When developing a system of ventilated facades, you need to know and take into account a number of indicators:

  • weight and size of composite panels;
  • facade height;
  • characteristics of supporting elements;
  • wind load;
  • corrosion resistance. The supporting structure should stoically withstand the effects of aggressive environments.


Carrying frame

The strength of the structure under the mounted facade is calculated taking into account the following parameters:

  • it should withstand the weight of the agro -industrial complex, wind loads, shrinkage of the structure, temperature expansion;
  • give the opportunity to maximize the geometry of the structure (irregularities of the walls);
  • reliably and motionlessly fixed to the surfaces of the bearing walls;
  • steadfastly withstand the adverse effects of climatic conditions without prejudice to the frame;
  • comply with all applicable standards and rules;
  • solve architectural intentions when working with new buildings and previously built buildings.

Metal parts, including guides, can be made of galvanized metal, aluminum or stainless steel. Of course, the technical parameters of the materials are different, as the cost itself. The choice should be carried out in the direction of strength and quality, and in no way savings.


Layers of the pie

High characteristics for vibro, heat, noise insulation properties can only be achieved by observing the technology. In the section, the ventilated facade looks as follows:

  • sand-cement plaster with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm from the inside of the wall;
  • a wall of foam, gas block or expanded clay concrete. If silicate brick is used, then the masonry thickness should be 380 cm;
  • insulation compressed in the slabs mineral wool, 10-20 cm thick;
  • a windproof film with a vapor permeable effect;
  • composite panels 4 mm.


The main stages of work with alukobond panels

  • Before starting work from the outer walls, drains and antennas are removed, air conditioners are dismantled. Exfolved paint, plaster are removed from the surface. Next, a point is selected from which all subsequent markings will go.
  • All points necessary for mounts are noted and working holes for the dowel are drilled. The brackets are fixed with anchors, where the aluminum washer provides strength strength. As a rule, the step between the brackets is 60-75 cm, that is, 4 pieces per 3 m.

  • The heater slabs are first planted on a special glue, for greater reliability they are attached by means of dowels-zontics. Thermal insulation material is also laid between the brackets, after making a cut in the right places. Mineral slabs are covered with a windproof membrane.
  • Vertical guides are attached to the brackets through rivets or screws. The ventilated gap should not be less than 40 mm, we are talking about the distance between the insulation and the upper surface of the guide.

  • Horizontal are attached to the vertical guides, where the step should correspond to the size of the cladding. It is worth noting that it is quite acceptable to first install the profile on the horizon, and then vertically.
  • The composite panels are attached to the guides from the bottom up, fixation is carried out with screws or rivets. It is important to ensure that during installation in the gap there are no extraneous particles (inclusions).
  • In the process of work, the location of both vertical and horizontal profiles must be checked. A geometric discrepancy will lead to a distortion of the entire facade.



Manufacturers of composite panels


Although this material is widely represented in the modern market, only 4 companies gained great fame. Manufacturers offer in the assortment of panels made of a composite high quality.



Alucobond (Switzerland)


  • This first company, which introduced the domestic consumer to new building material. Thanks to which the brand of the factory has become a common house, today all the panels are called an alukobond regardless of the manufacturer.

  • Under this brand, automatic transmission has been produced for almost half a century, which from the very beginning and still holds the bar according to the quality of the products. Today, the concern plants are located in Germany, the USA and Singapore.
  • In addition to unsurpassed quality, the panels have a wide color palette. Thanks to the tireless developments of technologists, it was possible to achieve the production of panels with brilliant surfaces that simulate various natural materials.


Products are offered with 2 types of filler (polyethylene and mineral). Also, the panels are classified by the type of combustibility:

  • combustibility group G4;
  • combustibility group G1;
  • the combustibility group G1, but with a higher resistance to flame.



Reynobond (Transnational Corporation)


  • European origin also gives out appropriate quality. Factories are located in the United States and France. Composite panels have high stiffness, physical and mechanical properties provide reliability and durability of the facades.
  • Products are painted in standard colors, but it is also offered a chameleon coating. The length of the panels can reach 6.5 m, which in turn allows you to reduce waste from cutting, thereby optimizing the expenses of the laid budget.


The consumer offers 2 modifications of this building material:

  • with polyethylene filler PE (not fire -resistant material);
  • with mineral filler FR (fire -resistant option).



DIBOND (Germany)


  • Multilayer panels are produced in Germany using modern technology. German quality speaks for itself. Due to the high technical characteristics, the products of this manufacturer are in the 5-doors.

  • The improved properties of the material significantly expand its use, make it possible to expand the framework for the development of projects. The correct shape and rigidity of the agro -industrial complex greatly simplifies installation work
  • The decor line, in addition to plain colors, includes panels with glossy surfaces, a coating for chrome, gold, silver, bronze. The originality of the color and textures will make it possible to realize non -standard solutions in the finishing work of the facade, and to realize the progressive idea in the internal spaces.



Alpolic (Japan)


  • For 44 years, the well -known Mitsubishi Group corporation has been produced. There are 2 types of products: a weak-willed and fireproof version of class A2. Such high characteristics were achieved by applying a filler from mineralized and highly mined materials.

  • The concern factories are localized in Japan and the USA, additional warehouses are organized in Turkey and Holland.
  • The peculiarity of the automatic transmission is to use wear -resistant coatings for the front sides. In addition to resistance to aggressive influences, the coating also differs in excellent decorative properties.
  • The manufacturer confirms the high quality of products by providing a 20-year guarantee. The real life of the panels, even in harsh conditions, is at least half a century.


It is impossible not to say about the appearance of Chinese and Korean production automatic transmission on the market. Oddly enough, but the panels of this origin are not inferior to products from eminent factories. But the difference in the price of products with similar characteristics is quite significant. Among the companies can be noted Goldstar (China)and NTV (joint German-Chinese factory).


Manufacturers managed to combine the advantages of old materials in composite panels and the improved properties of modern developments. The latest technologies allow the facades to quickly give the facades an aesthetic appearance, and at the same time improve heat and soundproofing properties of the structure.





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