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Installation of a membrane roof

In order to quickly and efficiently make the roof of waterproof and resistant to the effects of all atmospheric phenomena, the technology of membrane roof is most actively used. For even roofs and roofs with a small bias, this is a truly indispensable solution that has long been appreciated in Europe. The membrane can also be used for more complex roof structures, as well as for foundations and pools. In all cases, its waterproofing qualities are at the highest level. The article will talk about the membrane coating of the roof.


  1. Types of membranes for the roof
  2. Where to start the installation of a membrane roof
  3. Methods of laying a membrane roof
  4. Sapers for welding membrane roofs


Types of membranes for the roof

To date, three types of materials of membrane roof are common: PVC, TPO and EPDM.

Technonikol membrane roofing

  • PVC It is made of plasticized polyvinyl chloride, an interior with polyester nets. For plasticity, plasticizers are added to such membranes. PVC coatings are very racks and are durable to almost everything except bitumen and solvent, but at the same time they have a lack of volatile substances in the atmosphere.
  • At the heart EPDM The membranes lies synthetic rubber. They are very high -quality and plastic, have reinforcing polyester threads in the composition, but they are the most expensive. In addition, EPDM have features - you can fasten them with each other only with glue, so repairing such membranes requires more often than others.
  • TPO Membrans can be made of fiberglass or polyester, are reinforced and uninhabited. The disadvantage is weak elasticity in comparison with the two above.

Where to start the installation of a membrane roof

One of the main advantages of the membrane coating of simplicity and the speed of its installation.

  • This process does not depend on weather conditions. You can lay a membrane roof both in heat and frost, given only the human factor. It does not require any thorough preliminary preparation, i.e. There is no need to remove the old roof coating, the only condition the surface should be more or less smooth.

  • To achieve this effect, it is enough to correctly adjust the irregularities in any available way (cut, clean, etc.). The remnants of the old roofing material will not interfere with the manifestation of the main advantage of the membrane of excellent waterproofing.
  • As a rule, wood or concrete becomes the basis for a membrane roof. Based on this, you need to select tools for fastening the edges of membrane paintings along the edges of the roof.
  • For a wooden crate, fungi with self -tapping screws are suitable, if concrete or corrugated board lies at the base, then you can not do without fungi and dowels.
  • But the number of fasteners must be calculated based on climatic conditions, more precisely from how windwall in the area (with what frequency and strength impulses fly). In any case, the step between the mounts should not be more than 2 m.
  • Calculating the amount of material required is very simple. It is enough to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and add allowances to choose the canvases of the required size.

Methods of laying a membrane roof

Having decided on the material and its quantity, you should find out which installation method will be the most rational. It is necessary to proceed from two main indicators: the material of the membrane and the angle of the roof.

In principle, there are only four ways to attach the membrane. And they are all prices that are quite simple and most importantly safe, because Exclude the use of open fire.


  • the ballast method Ideal for even surfaces, in extreme cases, you can resort to it with an angle of the roof of 10 degrees (but no more);

  • mechanical optimal in cases of laying membranes on a roof in a large angle of inclination;
  • adhesiveThe most unpopular method, primarily due to the high cost;
  • teplialOn the contrary, the most optimal method, the only drawback of which is the need for additional equipment (which complicates the possibility of independent installation).

The ballast method of mounting the membrane

At the same time, simple and very effective, in which PVC - membranes are most often used. Work is carried out according to the following algorithm.

  • The membrane canvases are laid out on the surface, well leveled, fixed around the perimeter, as well as in the places of fit to the vertical elements of the roof.
  • Ballast is laid on the material on top (known as a load). It is a layer of any stones with a fraction of 20-40 mm (although some sources call smaller limits from 15 to 30 mm). Ballast can be: river pebbles, gravel, gravel, broken stone. It is better that the crushed stone and gravel pass the duck, otherwise (as well as, when using a broken stone), you need to be safe and lay on the membrane a dense (from 500 g/m2) non -woven canvas. Ballast is necessary at the rate of at least 50 kg per m2. The thickness of the layer should be within 50 mm.

  • If the roof is subjected to strong and constant exposure to wind, then as ballast it is allowed to use, for example, inexpensive paving slabs. Concrete blocks and, in principle, are also suitable - any large heavy objects. Also, this method is equipped with the so -called Green roofs so popular in Europe.

The ideal ballast laying pie includes the following components:

  • base;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • a layer of thermal insulation;
  • intermediate layer (fiberglass);
  • membrane;
  • textile;
  • ballast.

Mechanical method of installing a membrane roof

It helps out in cases where a too high angle of inclination of the roof does not allow applying the ballast method and when its design complicates the possibility of using glue.

  • The basis for such fastening can be anything, from wood to reinforced concrete. Given the possibility of damage to the membrane during installation in this way, on the base it is worth laying a layer of a non -woven canvas or geotextile (as in the case of a ballast method).

  • On the protruding parts of the roof around the perimeter, special slats with a sealing layer, which are called marginal ones, are used around the perimeter. Direct consolidation of the membrane most often occurs using telescopic fasteners. They are peculiar plastic umbrellas with wide hats, which are complete with metal anchors or large disk holders (they use such more rationally with a large angle of tilt of the roof).
  • The most correct step in the mechanical method is the use of not only telescopic fasteners, but also heat welding. In addition, depending on climatic conditions, this method can be divided into two methods: standard overwhelming and hidden stripes.

  • At the heart of the first methodThe correct calculation of which membranes should be used in certain areas of the roof lies. The length of the roll should be 20 m, but with the width you need to vary:
    1. membranes with a width of 1-2.05 meters are used for long, not susceptible to strong wind effects, sides of the roof;
    2. more than 2.05 meters for the central, most calm parts of the roof;
    3. the width is 0.7 1.4 meters opposite, it will help to correctly lay the membrane in the most problematic and weathered places: around the perimeter, in corners, at the joints.
  • The connection of each strip with the roof occurs using telescopic fasteners, the location of which depends on many factors. But standards still exist - 30 cm from the edge of the membrane and 18-55 cm between the mounts. Between themselves, it is better to fasten the canvas with heat welding.
  • The second method of mechanical fastening Hidden stripes implies the use of lanes of a reinforced membrane 10 cm wide and 1.8 mm thick. These stripes are welded to the roll on its back, across, with a step of 80-120 cm. It is through them that the membrane is attached to the roof. This method contributes to the stability of the roof to the influence of the wind and is most convenient if the installation has to be carried out in windy weather.

In general, a layer of a membrane roof in a mechanical method of fastening looks like this:

  • telescopic fasteners at the base;
  • vapor barrier;
  • heat -isolitzia;
  • membrane.

Adhesive method

As already mentioned, this method is the most less used and most criticized. For some reason, many consider it far from the most effective in matters of the resistance of the membrane roof to the wind. And in most cases this opinion is erroneous.

  • Perhaps the only drawback of the adhesive method is its high cost, in all other parameters it is not inferior to the rest, and cases when a membrane must be covered with a roof of a complex structure, it is completely indispensable.
  • The cake of the adhesive method consists of only four layers: the base (for wood, glue is not very desirable), steam and thermal insulation, glue, membranes.
  • In order to save a layer of glue, you can not apply to the entire surface, but to the most important places, i.e. around the perimeter and where the canvases are overlapping. These include the places of roof butt with vertical elements (for example, chimneys), ribs, yndovs.
  • Although, of course, it is more reliable to fix the membrane with glue over its entire surface.

Technology for the installation of membrane roofing by warm welding

The most popular of all the method of installation of a membrane roof. Quite democratic in cost, reliable, modern and quite simple in execution (subject to a good welding machine).

  • And if the glue, even of the highest quality, is still subjected to the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation, which over time destroys it, then the sun's rays do not have absolutely any negative effects on the welds.
  • The welding machine for imposing such seams connects the membranes under the influence of air of a very high temperature (400-600 degrees). Under such shock exposure, the edges of the paintings are fused and, cooling, very tightly adherently. The result is a very strong seam.

  • The result, of course, may not be very successful (the pie will not have the positive qualities of the membrane roof in full), if you approach the process negligently. After all, the device, even the highest quality, is still controlled by a person. And this means that before rolling the entire roof, it is worth making a small trial section of the seam to feel exactly which temperature and speed is needed in this case.

The conditions for obtaining a high -quality seam are as follows:

  • the cleanest surface of the membranes. For cleaning, in addition to standard options, special solutions can be used;
  • correct preliminary layout of the paintings: smoothly, but without unnecessary tension;
  • preparation of the membrane. In addition to cleaning, before the welding process it needs to be fixed with each other in several places so that it does not slip. It is also necessary to make cuts with a special knife in the places of T-shaped crossings of paintings. In addition, if the roof installation is planned at a temperature of less than 5 degrees, the membranes should be slightly heated.

Membrane roofing video

Sapers for welding membrane roofs

Equipment for such work can be automatic, semi -automatic and mechanical (manual).

  • Automatic machines exclude the human factor as much as possible. The operator’s function includes the initial selection of temperature and speed, then only movement control. In the process, the device itself sets the parameters and provides an almost perfect seam at a speed of 2-8 meters per minute.
  • With all the positive qualities of full machines, they, in addition to the high cost, have a significant lack of massiveness. Often it turns out to be an insurmountable obstacle to installation in hard -to -reach nodes of membrane roofs. In such cases, more mobile semi -automatic welded devices come to the rescue. That is why they are the most popular options. If we talk about the choice, then stamps such as Herz Laron, Triac Drive, Leister Varimat have proven themselves best.
  • The most affordable financially and the most convenient in access to problem areas mechanical (or manual) device for heat welding. It is also called thermofen, or just a construction hair dryer. It is indispensable for short joints and curved areas. Thermofine is light, very comfortable and has a cooled tube, which makes work with this device completely safe.

  • But it is a mistake to think that the hair dryer is a completely mechanical tool. Most models have the function of adjusting the temperature and automatic shutdown of the motor, the display showing the welding parameters. The disadvantages include far from perfect seam and low speed of not more than 40 cm per minute.

The most popular hair dryers: Triac S, Eron, Leister Pid, \u200b\u200bHerz Rion or Eron.





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