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How to install a water pressure gear in the water supply system with your own hands

To protect the water supply system from increased pressure and to prevent damage to its individual elements, pressure gearboxes are installed. These devices can adjust the speed of water, in a ratio with existing pressure. We will talk about how to correctly install a water pressure gear.


  1. Pressure gearbox: structure and principle of work
  2. How to choose and install a pressure gearbox
  3. How to install a water pressure gearbox with your own hands
  4. Is it possible to install a water pressure reducer vertically: features of the installation work
  5. How to install a gas gearbox with your own hands

Pressure gearbox: structure and principle of work

The main function of the water pressure reducer is to adjust the speed of transportation of water in the water supply system. As the main part of the gearbox, pressure sensors are installed by mechanisms that limit the supply of water. Separate several types of pressure gearboxes. In relation to the structure, they are:

  • piston type;
  • valve type.

In addition, gearboxes differ in the ratio with their bandwidth. Depending on this indicator, these devices can pass from 1 to 15 cubic meters of water.

The housing of the water pressure gearbox is steel, brass, chrome or nickelized. Some devices are able to skip only cold water, while others are designed for hot water. Depending on the mounting method, the gearboxes are fixed on the surface with flanges or threads.

The principle of operation of the water gearbox implies the pressure of water on the surface of a spring -loaded membrane. In relation to sensors parameters, pressure is optimized. With insufficient water pressure, the membrane remains motionless. With a high resistance, the membrane is pushed away and affects the surface of the piston or valve.

With high hydraulic shots, the pressure in the water system increases several times. In the ratio with air, the water is not compressed, so too high pressure leads to the failure of the water supply equipment.

The piston in conjunction with sensors can organize a closed space that can respond to pressure surges in the system and prevent them. Since pressure sensors are located next to pistons or valves, the system begins to limit the water supply and neutralizes hydraulic shocks.

If there are no filters in the system and water differs in the presence of interspersed or dirt, then the case and gearbox are rapidly wear. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the effectiveness of the system. Carried and thin cleaning filters should be present in any water supply system. Thus, it is possible to improve the efficiency of equipment.

How to choose and install a pressure gearbox

In relation to the principles of work, pressure reducers are divided into static and dynamic. The first option implies installation of them in places with an uneven fence of water. The second version of the gearbox is relevant for the constant maintenance of a certain pressure in the system.

Among the advantages of installing a pressure gearbox to the apartment, we note:

  • protection of the water supply network from a water driver or pressure surges;
  • increase in the duration of the operation of water equipment;
  • decrease in water flow;
  • minimal noise in the flow of water, explained by a decrease in working pressure;
  • the presence of constant water pressure in the system.

In relation to the main element of pressure adjustment, gearboxes are membrane or piston. We offer to get acquainted with the advantages of membrane gearboxes:

  • high level of reliability and performance;
  • excellent protection against corrosion;
  • The membrane divides the case into two halves, one of which is in contact with water, and the second is separated from it;
  • There is no need for additional maintenance.

However, during the operation of the membrane pressure reducers, the stratification of the membranes, cracks and tears that disable the equipment sometimes appear. Therefore, the membrane needs periodic monitoring of its condition.

The piston system is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • unlimited service life;
  • high level of wear resistance.

There are also flowing variants of water pressure gearboxes. They regulate the pressure in the inner labyrinth. Most often, they are used for watering systems. The cost of such devices is an order of magnitude lower than piston or membrane. However, for their installation, it is necessary to additionally install an additional valve at the entrance to the system.

Incorrect operation of such a device leads to the appearance of corrosion and its rapid damage. If small grains of sand or other pollution products fall into the gearbox, the performance of the device is disturbed.

In order to prevent damage to various devices operating from water by a hydraulic blow, it is recommended to install water pressure gearboxes in residential buildings and apartments. In addition, they protect these devices from water leaks and increase their life.

Wide gearboxes are widely used in industrial industries. They are able to regulate the pressure in the system in factories, factories.

When choosing a water pressure gearbox, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the value of the nominal diameter, which determines the conditional passage of the pipeline;
  • maximum level of limit pressure, ensuring long -term operation of the device;
  • bandwidth, in the ratio with which a gearbox is selected for certain purposes;
  • range of maximum and minimum pressure;
  • The operating temperature of the device.

All these factors will help you choose the optimal device suitable for individual characteristics of its application.

We recommend installing the Tomasetto gearbox, which is distinguished by good performance and high quality. The gearbox has an electromagnetic valve and a built -in filtration system. Therefore, in the process of its installation, there is no need to install filters. Gearboxes are able to maintain optimal pressure in the system.

How to install a water pressure gearbox with your own hands

The installation process of the water gearbox is quite simple, in the presence of a certain plumbing equipment and skills in working with it. It is recommended that the gearbox is installed horizontally, thus, its high performance will be ensured.

In the absence of locking valves in the system, before starting work, install them. In the process, the presence of the gearbox itself, two or three shut -off valves, filters that cleanse water, a divorce key, packs and composition providing its gluing will be required.

The process of installing the gearbox implies the performance of such actions:

  1. First block the water.
  2. Cut a piece of a pipe, the size of which corresponds to the size of two valves and a pressure regulator.
  3. Dress the thread on the hole. If the pipes are made of plastic, then it is enough to stock up.
  4. On the surface of the soldered or cut pipe, the package is wound and fixed on it using a special adhesive composition. Install the valve, scrolling it several times clockwise. Do not make too much effort to perform this process, since the option of damage to the crane is possible.
  5. To seal existing connections, use rubber gaskets or pac from glue.
  6. The reducer is installed after installation of the counter. Between them should be valves and filters that carry out coarse cleaning. All elements should be located in the correct order.
  7. Further, after the installation of the pressure regulator, the second valve is installed, with which the equipment is easily dismantled, if necessary.

On this, the installation of the gearbox is completed, however, in order for the device to work correctly, you need to take care of its proper settings. Initially, close the tap at the entrance to the system and open the output crane. Turn the screw for adjusting the device clockwise with a special key. Thus, the pressure in the system will increase. Next, twist in the opposite direction, gradually reducing pressure. The value of the pressure should not exceed three atmospheres.

Please note that the diameter of the device should be the same as the size of the pipes in the house. If you have acquired a gearbox that is not suitable for diameter to pipes, the situation is corrected by the acquisition of special adapters. In addition, buying a gearbox, do not forget about two valves and filter.

Is it possible to install a water pressure reducer vertically: features of the installation work

The installation of a water reducer is recommended to be performed on a horizontal pipeline. At the same time, the manometer of the device should be vertically. However, sometimes cases are allowed when the gearbox is installed in vertical sections of the pipes. Before installing the device, it is necessary to install a filter that provides rough cleaning. If this is not done, then small grains of sand and dirt from the water will fall into the inside of the gearbox. The service life of the device will decrease several times.

Installation of a water pressure regulator in the system is comparable to the installation of the counter itself. Initially, it is necessary to block the water and cut part of the pipe. Next, the locking valves are installed, with which, if necessary, water is blocked. The regulator is installed strictly vertically. Use a fumlant to compact connections.

The gearbox is installed behind the counter, a valve with a filter is mounted between them. After installation of the gearbox, the second valve is installed. With the help of valves, it is possible to control the condition of the pressure gear and carry out its dismantling, if necessary.

Next, you should set the gearbox. The first entrance valve must be opened, and the second is closed. To increase and reduce the pressure with a special key, it is necessary to rotate the adjusting screw. In order to work correctly and efficiently, periodically clean it from dirt and check its condition.

How to install a gas gearbox with your own hands

The gearbox for gas equipment allows you to adjust and, if necessary, reduce the pressure in the fuel supply system. There are three types of such gearboxes;

  • vacuum type device;
  • electronic gearbox;
  • Inflict mechanism.

The first option implies the supply of gas into the mixer into the mixer with a vacuum method. The second version of the gearbox implies a feedback system, which determines the type of composition supplied to the system.

Before installing a gearbox for gas equipment, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions from the manufacturer. The gearbox is a very important component of the operation of gas-balon equipment.

The gearbox is installed in a strictly vertical position. Otherwise, the effectiveness of its work is reduced.

Most often, gearboxes for gas equipment are installed on cars. The pressure gearbox will help correctly will help the following recommendations:

  • The studio part on the drain of condensate should be located on the very bottom compared to the gearbox;
  • The gearbox should be at the same level with the radiator;
  • The gas supply valve to the gearbox should not come into contact with the surface of the body;
  • The installation of the evaporator gearbox should ensure the safe and efficient operation of the device;
  • To connect the cooling system to the gearbox, special adapters and tees are mounted.

Next, the electromagnetic valve is installed, which supplies fuel to the gearbox. Its installation is carried out in a ratio with a motor compartment. The valve is rigidly fixed on the surface of the body.

The installation of the gearbox according to the above scheme will provide high -quality and long -term operation for a long time. At the same time, it is possible to save fuel, and optimize the pressure in the system.

When choosing a gas filter, we recommend paying attention to the fuel heating function when it output. Thus, the effectiveness of the device is ensured. The main functions of such a device are adjusting the pressure size at idle and setting up gas flows.





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