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Finnish houses from glued beams: construction technology

The rapid development of building technologies and the lightning -fast filling of the market with a large number of the latest building materials led to a completely justified popularization of environmentally friendly pure raw materials used for the production of construction products. In this regard, the popularity of houses erected from environmentally friendly materials also grew exponentially. This phenomenon did not pass by the fast -fledged houses from glued beams, built in accordance with the main provisions of Finnish technology. They were soon appreciated by developers, which is due not only to their interesting appearance, but also by a mass of undeniable advantages. A one -story house made of glued beam, erected using Finnish technology, became the personification of internal comfort and high environmental friendliness, which was achieved through the use of natural materials. What are the features of glued beams? Why do developers use processed wood, and especially glued beams as a building material? The answers to these and other questions related to the construction of Finnish houses from glued beams will be found in this article.


  1. Using glued beams: a brief excursion into history
  2. Technological features of real Finnish wood
  3. Finnish houses made of glued beams: the main advantages
  4. What else needs to be known about Finnish houses from glued beams?
  5. Blitting houses from glued beams according to Finnish technology: step -by -step guide


Using glued beams: a brief excursion into history

The historical roots of glued beams are rooted in antiquity, about a century. It was at this time that Japanese archers in the manufacture of weapons began to practice the use of bamboo and wood, the components of which they glued. Subsequently, this principle, which implies the use of glued wooden structures, fastened with brackets or wedges, attracted European architects, and therefore, they somewhat modified this technology and began to be used in the construction of houses. The Russian masters of wooden architecture also liked this technique of erecting architectural buildings. Despite the fact that the ancestors of this technology became the Japanese, it was possible to officially patent it only in the middle of the century by the German carpenter Otto Hitzer, who presented this technology in the framework of bent glued farms made of two or more lamellas.

The modern high-tech beam made from a condo pine was first represented by Finland at the end of the 70s of the last century, and despite the fact that this was not so long ago, it is rightfully considered his homeland. Indeed, it is thanks to the Finns that use high -tech equipment in the production of glued beams that this material hit the construction market, where its undeniable advantages made it possible to prove itself from the best side. At the end of the century, Finnish construction companies rely on the development of wooden housing construction, and despite the fact that wood has a lot of advantages, they are faced with inevitable problems, such as:

  • Cracking the surface part of the logs during drying;
  • Twisting and deformation of logs.

Turning to the centuries -old experience of their ancestors, as well as using modern technical and scientific achievements, they were able to revive wooden house construction, making it the national brand of Finland.

Houses made of glued beam photo

Technological features of real Finnish wood

The traditional Finnish glued beam is made of wood wood, grown specifically for its production. In this regard, it is characterized by a number of features that are not characteristic of classical material. Consider what they are:

  • The highest strength and frost resistance due to the fact that the tree is grown in the northern countries;
  • The strength and low thermal conductivity of the beam, which determine the ability of the material to prolonged accumulation of heat, are achieved by competent Finns by gluing wood fibers in a different direction;
  • Thanks to the proper distribution of building glue in the structure of the wood and the optimal thickness of the lamella, it does not clog it completely, allowing it to breathe, which cannot but affect the quality of the finished design;

  • In the production of the Finns beam, trees are used only with powerful trunks of the same thickness and deprived of strata, which can always be seen by evaluating the color of the lamellas, it will always be the same;
  • Processing glued beams with antipyrens makes it resistant to fire and decay, as well as damage to various rodents, insects and mold;
  • The stability of the geometric shape of glued beams and resistance to stratification is also achieved through the use of lumber of the same configuration. The use of wood of one breed provides the same moisture in building materials, and therefore, shrinkage and deformation are not afraid of it;

Finnish houses made of glued beams: the main advantages

No type of capital construction can boast of the advantages characteristic of Finnish houses from glued beams. What are they?

Using lightweight building materials. The technology for the construction of Finnish houses involves the use of lightweight building materials, for the movement of which a powerful lifting special equipment is not required. Thanks to this, work on the construction of houses from glued beam can be performed by two or even one worker, and therefore, it becomes possible to use the foundation on screw stilts and fine -trimmed tape structures, which makes the process of erecting housing less costly;

Significant reduction in construction time. Unlike the construction of block or brick buildings that last at least two years, the construction of houses according to Finnish technology can be completed in two months, due to the use of simplified design methods. Since the construction process does not mean wet operations involving the use of water, the construction of Finnish houses can be carried out at any time of the year;

Simplified assembly technologies. Architectorship projects of Finnish houses involve the adjustment of all parts of the structure directly at the enterprise, while the construction site is just the assembly site of the finished designer - this is how many builders speak about the Finnish house. At all stages of the construction of the Finnish house, any amendments can be made to its project, which are implemented almost without additional costs and temporary delays;

Universality of structures the key to ease of repair. Due to the availability of all components of the Finnish structure, in case of damage, repair measures will not be difficult. In the event of the need to redevelop the building and amending the initial construction project, you can do it yourself;

The ease of finishing or even its absence. The frame buildings erected according to Finnish technology are characterized by absolute even surfaces that practically do not need interior decoration.

The nature of the soil is not the main thing.In the process of erecting a Finnish house, you may not think about the type of soil on which construction will be carried out, and the proximity of groundwater. The nature of the soil in this case does not matter, since the foundation does not need a long shrinkage, and the building material of Finnish origin is not terrible high humidity. In this regard, you can carry out construction on the basis in which the sand prevails, as well as in the case of the surface arrangement of groundwater;

High heat and sound insulation characteristics.This is due to the construction of Finnish frame structures made of wood, characterized by low thermal conductivity, as well as the use of high -quality insulation contributes to the fact that in the winter the house is always warm, and it is cool in summer. In addition to thermal insulation characteristics, glued beam has high soundproof properties, and the additional use of sound -absorbing tissue completely prevents the penetration of external sounds;

Long operational period. It's no secret that wooden houses cannot boast of long operation. However, this does not apply to the legendary Finnish houses. Thanks to the processing of wood with special compounds that prevent deformation of the material, its stratification and drying out, as well as increasing its resistance to various kinds of biological agents, the life of the building from Finnish glued beam often corresponds to such for stone structures;

Environmental friendliness and high aesthetic characteristics. Houses made of glued beam are characterized by high environmental friendliness, and the smell of freshly cut wood does not disappear in the house. Such buildings are not only not able to distinguish harmful substances into the environment, and moreover, wood, which constantly exudes phytoncides of antiseptics of plant origin, contributes to the healing of a person who is in this room. And that these buildings can not only become a masterpiece of wooden architecture, but also fit perfectly into the landscape of any site should not even be mentioned, since it is obvious.

What else needs to be known about Finnish houses from glued beams?

  • Finnish houses are characterized by an area not exceeding 250 square meters. m, which is considered the most comfortable for human residence, since the construction of houses with a larger area will entail an unjustified increase in material costs;

  • Houses from the Finnish glued beam are being built using a beam with a cross section of more than 22 cm. However, it is important to assemble as carefully as possible to prevent the formation of cracks;
  • If the Finns are erected by the house, they always provide a place for the construction of a sauna, without which it is difficult to imagine a true citizen of Finland. The construction of many sunsers is another sign of building a house Finnish;

  • A distinctive feature of Finnish houses are spacious rooms bedroom, kitchen, living room. There are no massive partitions between them, which contributes to the formation of a feeling of limitless space;
  • The maximum illumination of the structure is achieved due to the large area of \u200b\u200bglazing;
  • Despite the fact that this feature is often neglected in Russia, the traditional Finnish house is one -story building, often equipped with an attic. The presence of two moves is a prerequisite;
  • Using glued beam allows you to achieve the most vertical orientation of angles.

Blitting houses from glued beams according to Finnish technology: step -by -step guide

The construction of any house is a long and very costly process, however, if we are talking about the construction of a turnkey Finnish house, everything happens exactly the opposite. If you prefer this option, the construction company will take on all the hardships of the construction of the house: from the development of a project of the Finnish house from glued beam to filling the foundation and cosmetic decoration of construction. This option is considered one of the most costly for the customer. The most economical option is the purchase of a ready -made kit. It is the so -called Lego designer, that is, the prefabricated design, which includes ready -made elements, which is mounted directly at the assembly site. If you have appropriate knowledge and tools, you can build such a house yourself.

Important! In the construction market you can find ready -made sets of domestic production, which, despite visible similarities, are characterized by significantly lower quality, due to production from local raw materials.

If the process of erecting a Finnish house is in general terms, it will look as follows:

  • Fill the foundation;
  • Installation and installation of crowns made of glued bars;
  • Installation of flooring and floor beams;
  • The construction of walls from glued beams;
  • Installation measures for the construction of the rafter system and the arrangement of the roof;
  • Implementation of external and interior decoration.

The construction of a house from Finnish glued beams: preparatory events

Preparatory measures are as follows:

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a building permit, and after the project is approved, proceed to the preparation of the site, which implies:

The implementation of geological reconnaissance, which consists in taking soil samples and subsequent determination of the depth of groundwater. After conducting these measures, you can easily determine the problem areas on the territory of the site and bypass them by the construction of the foundation;

Next, it is necessary to clean the site from various garbage and vegetation, after which they align the construction site and, if necessary, carry out work to drain the terrain. Then it is recommended to bring electricity and other engineering networks.

Foundation arrangement: step -by -step guide

The first step after the preparatory work is the arrangement of the foundation for the house of glued beams. Due to the ease of glued timber, experts recommend refusing to fill a powerful foundation and give preference to a strip or column foundation, which will significantly save on construction. In addition, temporary costs will be reduced, since the construction of a more common strip foundation takes no more than three weeks.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the foundation, at the place of its construction, through the use of special equipment, the upper soil layer is removed, the depth of which should be at least 15 cm. Then the foundation is marking, for which pegs are driven into the ground and a rope is pulled between them. This allows you to create a well -defined foundation scheme. The direct structure of the strip foundation begins with digging the trench, for which you will also have to resort to the help of special equipment, and this time it will be an excavator. If you plan to equip a fine -loaded foundation, then the depth of the trench should be 0.5 -0.7 meters, if buried, then the numbers increase to 1.5-2 meters. After you dug the pit, make its edges sheer, which will prevent the sowing of the earth.

Further, the place of direct arrangement of the foundation should be strengthened. At these targets, the sand is poured at the bottom of the pit at least 10 cm with a layer of at least 10 cm, and it is carried out for a clinic until the shrinkage is stopped. A layer of crushed stone with a thickness of 5 cm is poured onto a layer of sand and a ramp is carried out in a similar way. The improvised pillow is poured with a concrete solution, the layer of which is from 5 to 10 cm. This is how the screed is arranged.

After 48 hours (the time of complete solidification of concrete), they begin to arrange formwork, for the manufacture of which boards or plywood will be required. The formwork is made throughout the perimeter of the foundation and propagated by wooden beams.

Reinforcing blocks are laid on the previously equipped substrate, each of which is fastened to each other. In places of connection and at the corners, the grid should be somewhat thicker. The use of reinforcement in the construction of the foundation will significantly harden and strengthen the foundation.

Then the formwork is watered with water and poured with a 25-centimeter layer of concrete, after which it is also tamping and leveling the surface. After the work, the concrete is closed with a film and left until the concrete is completely solidified, for which it is necessary for at least a month.

Technical features of the assembly of a house from glued beams

Before proceeding with the assembly of the structure, order glued beam made in accordance with the project of the Finnish house, as well as the sex lags and constituent elements of the roof from the tree crate, horse, rafters. Get all the necessary tools and consumables. Stock up for bio- and fire protection of wood.

Before you receive the ordered products, prepare the site for its storage (most often the construction site directly acts in its role). Unloading is carried out taking into account the construction of the house, in connection with which, the beam fits on the side of its installation.

The sequence of assembly of the Finnish house from glued beams:

Directly on the foundation, waterproofing material is laid (most often it is a roofing material). A lining board with a thickness of at least 55 mm is laid on it, pre -processed with bitumen mastic, which protects the structure from the damaging effects of moisture in its lower part.

In accordance with the scheduled plan, the first row of glued beam is assembled. At the same time, the heat -insulating material is laid in the groove (most often it is jute), after which the second row is laid and assembly. So they make further assembly of all crowns.

Technical features

An integral element of the structure is wooden dugs, in the case of the correct installation of which the design acquires the necessary strength.

Important! The installation of the bastards is carried out so that they are at a distance of 0.7-1.5 meters from a friend and are inserted into every third beam so that they fasten the house, which will prevent distortions. The installation of the bumps is carried out in the protruding part of the crowns, which is due to their greatest exposure to twist.

You can choose the shape of the roof, like roofing material. In most cases, these issues are made at the design stage. Work on the arrangement of the roof can drag out up to two weeks. The final stage of assembly is the arrangement of the draft and finishing sex, whose technology also depends on your preferences.

At the end of the work, the electrical wiring, water supply, sewage and heating systems, as well as the installation of windows and doors are installed.

Houses made of glued beam video





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