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DIY private house

Own estate requires the owners much more effort than an apartment in the city. And a considerable part of these troubles is aimed at the environment of the house. Despite the fact that country preferences are already being forgotten when the main territory around the residential structure was assigned to planting edible plants - a garden and a garden, and the hosts also do not really want to turn a country house into a village courtyard with beds and sheds for breeding home animals , anyway, you will not leave the yard empty. Now a solid mansion (or at least a cute mansion) is in fashion, surrounded by a picturesque area, where it is so nice to relax. And watching well -groomed suburban sites on cinema screens or magazine pages, many owners think about whether it is possible to improve the courtyard of a private house with their own hands.


  1. The court of a private house in general
  2. Planning of the court of private house - some little things
  3. Registration of a private house - construction standards
  4. Landscape design of the court of private house
  5. How to arrange a courtyard of a private house - various styles


The court of a private house in general

Each of us has its own tastes and preferences. And they are most often expressed not by loud statements, but by the environment. And any trifle that really delights our hearts clearly gives an idea of \u200b\u200bus. Therefore, before taking up the improvement of the court of a private house, try to see before your mental gaze the overall picture of the planned events and think about whether it will coincide with your own idea of \u200b\u200bconvenience and beauty. After all, you yourself understand - if after a year some creative ideas, so enthusiastically perceived today, will make you curse the presence of a personal territory, then instead of relaxation you will receive an exclusively headache. By the way, often such ideas for the improvement of the court of private house take pictures and place on the Internet, and, seeing such beauty, it is difficult to resist the temptation to try on their site.

However, let's move on to more specific things. So what exactly do we want to have in the courtyard of our house? There are a lot of options, but some values \u200b\u200bare almost always present. Such details include:

  • terrace or courtyard
  • the garage, by the way, can be done nearby and parking for guests
  • bank - it is better to build it separately from a residential building
  • summer shower (though this is more in a rustic style, however, if you decorate it correctly, it can even decorate a modern villa)
  • summer cuisine, which has recently looks more and more like barbecue and is a platform with a hearth or barbecue
  • household construction, in a simple way - sheds, for storing various equipment, which has no place in the house
  • the aviary for the dog
  • playground
  • web of paths connecting all buildings into a single ensemble
  • various green spaces: trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawn and other floral thickets
  • decorative elements: garden sculptures, flashlights, alpine slides, gardens of stones and other terrain jewelry

It seems to be a list and small, but if you begin to implement it, and even with its own additions such as arbors, fountains, ponds or other tricks of landscape design, then everything may not be enough. Therefore, first you should play with the plan of the court of a private house, try to place everything on paper (remembering the ravines, of course). And only after your project of the courtyard of a private house becomes the most optimal, it will be possible to start marking the yard itself and the construction of personalities you have chosen. And landscaping will have to be engaged in the very least, when all objects are in their places with summed communications.

That's how you can equip the courtyard of a private house - a photo selection:

Planning of the court of private house - some little things

It would seem that everything has already been said about the layout - to imagine, draw on the plan and do. But this is just a sketch. In the same way about the birth of a child, we can say - to conceive, take out and give birth, nothing complicated ... And yet even a baby that has not yet been born requires vigilant care and constant troubles, and we do not have to develop a new person’s project independently, takes such duties to Mother Nature. And in case of improvement of its own yard, you will have to work a little by the demiurge - in a single suburban farm.

Of course, the best will be the general planning of the entire complex, from a residential building to the thickets of the fence. But even if the mansion itself proudly flaunts with facade trim, not everything is lost yet. Considering that in the end we want to get something solid, the entire interior of the court of private house should be designed in a single style, this applies to both buildings and decorative elements.

First of all, we will evaluate our personal plot - its size and landscape. If the territory is not too large, you should not clutter it with a large number of outbuildings. Select only the most necessary or just combine several elements with each other. Parking with a canopy may well replace a full -fledged garage, the unification of the courtyard with a small barbecue will also save space, and it is recommended to attach an additional room to the bathhouse where household supplies and firewood will be stored. There are no restrictions for an extensive courtyard except aesthetic.

And now a little about the arrangement of the court of a private house - photos of various options:

Registration of a private house - construction standards

However, in any case, it is necessary to observe the construction standards, for example, the distance from buildings to the road and other outbuildings. Residential buildings are erected at least 3 meters from ordinary roads and 6 meters from the highway. We hope that your country area is in a fairly remote place, because the proximity of the trunk highway negatively affects the possibility of enjoying clean air and the sounds of nature. Housing and household buildings (sheds and garage) should be spaced from each other at least 7 meters, take your dog’s aviary from the house at least 4 meters, but the wells, separate toilets and compost pits (and suddenly you still decide They should be built) You need to build no closer than 15 meters from the house. The fence should stand from any buildings per meter and a half, or even more, so that various types of repair work, and quite high plants (bushes and trees), depending on their height, are able to carry out as needed, at a distance of a meter to three to three .

Having completely planned the arrangement of the court of a private house with all the utility buildings, we proceed to the marking of the paths. They should not be 75 cm - it is again a requirement of building codes. If the size of the territory allows, make a circular path along the entire site - you get a magnificent bicycle track for your children. In general, it is better to make these sidewalks with smooth rounded bends and turns, because such a design of the court of a private house will visually increase the area and even smooth out sharp corners in family life. Although in different styles and paths, paths are distinguished by their appearance and material, but more on that later.

Look at what the interior of the court of private house looks like - the photo miraculously demonstrates all the details:

Landscape design of the court of private house

We coped with the most dirty and financial -intensive stage - the construction is completed, all the buildings we need for a comfortable life are already in their places to which the paths are laid. And now it's time to go in order to put the territory itself, that is, to become a landscape designer.

It is most convenient, of course, to work with a flat surface - here the flight of imagination is simply uncontrollable, because on a clean sheet you can portray anything. If you want, plant a park, break flower beds, eat the lawn with a lawn, install fountains or overgrown with a back of the gazebo - for every taste and color. But if the terrain resembles Russian roads, where the ravine on a leyak and seven bends per mile, then you still need to be able to turn all the shortcomings into an individual and original face of your territory. But - you can discard any doubts - no one can repeat such a design.

But in any case, the design of the yard using landscape design requires special knowledge. And they are not only in the ability to beautifully use all the features of the site. Botanical knowledge is much more often necessary - which plants are best planted in your area. In order for the eyes to delight, and they do not require special departure (you hardly want to hire a gardener or constantly completely docks green spaces), and in your climatic conditions you felt excellent.

So to start independent work on the landscape, it is necessary to clearly define all environmental factors affecting plants:

  • the amount of light inherited by your green pets (this is both general data on the approximate insolation of a given area, as well as the specific data of your site-some flowers are planted under the trees, in the shade, on the north side, and some is needed almost constantly lit by the sun Polyanka)
  • environmental temperature (here we need data on the average temperature of the summer and winter period)
  • humidity is both land and air (that is, not only the average amount of precipitation, but also the proximity of groundwater)
  • the relief of the territory
  • the chemical composition of the soil (chernozem, loam and others), water (acidity or alkalinity) and air

Knowing all the conditions, you can easily find those species of plants that will grow normally on your site without any additional investments. And from the full list you can select those that you like or fit into the overall design of the court of private house. Photos of plants in encyclopedias or simply on the Internet will help you make the right choice, but you still need to take into account that in such cases the pictures are shown not only are the most successful specimens, but also photographers try to choose the most profitable angle. So you will receive a performance, but you should still not count on the same perfect result in your own yard.

How to arrange a courtyard of a private house - various styles

You have already decided on all the trifles, but something deep down smoked with uncertainty - whether everything is done correctly. Sometimes it happens. Some people are satisfied only with the ideal that asks for the pages of the magazine about the life of successful people. Well, the ideal is what each of us should strive for. Therefore, now we will slightly analyze the already recognized styles of the court of a private house, in the photo of which many look in.

So, the main separation of styles goes into classic (regular) or landscape (natural). Moreover, regular style implies strict lines and clear geometric shapes of both roadways and landings. It is believed that such a style softens the storm of feelings among the townspeople who returned to the nature of the townspeople because of the more familiar outlines for the city. But I immediately warn, regular style requires constant and tireless work on maintaining the form, otherwise only horns and legs will remain from your classical style in your classical style - everything will overgrow like it. In the natural style, everything is much simpler. There is no need to rest so much of driving the plants into the framework. Just the opposite, the result of all efforts should be the visible naturalness of the landscape.

However, as you yourself understand, everyone has their own concept of naturalness. It seems to someone that there should be garden trees on the suburban area, someone likes park crops, and someone prefers flower beds and shrubs. Therefore, the landscape style is divided into several (or even many) various categories, mainly differing in the peoples where these styles came from. If you run through information about the styles of the court of the private house, you will see mainly the following names:

  • french style (one of the varieties of regular)
  • english (or landscape) style, strict, but natural
  • the Slavic style is slightly careless, but nothing better was invented for the surroundings of a wooden house
  • japanese style (elegance and ability to relax even on a tiny spot of stone kindergarten)
  • european country style - somewhere echoes the Slavic, but more ordered
  • modern style - the last word of landscape design and modern architecture, allows you to combine the internal space of the house with the surrounding nature at the level of sensations

Of course, this is far from a complete list - there are a lot of peoples and styles too. You can add Chinese, Mediterranean, and alpine, but we will not scatter. Why is a person who lives far from the sea the Mediterranean style? Therefore, only those styles that could be useful in our conditions were listed. The choice is yours.

And I want to immediately warn - decide in advance for yourself, please whether you want to live in your private estate and enjoy the charms of the surrounding landscape or you need to become the subject of envy of your neighbors. Because in the latter case, a calm rest does not threaten you in any way - after all, you will need to constantly return to your court the very ideal look that should overshadow everything around. But even in this case, you will be able to do everything with your own hands. Good luck!





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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

very beautiful

very beautiful

Please tell me in

Please tell me in the courtyard water and chernozem how to make a parking lot under a car, which materials are laid that the car did not “drown”))))) We will do some women at home. We have crushed stone asphalt pieces in pieces .... tell me plizs .. .

Great ))

Great ))

Very beautiful options

Very beautiful improvement options. The pool is always a decoration of the house or interior. Also very attractive pool can be viewed here