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Foundation reinforcement: calculation of reinforcement, styling and eliminating with your own hands

In the process of building the foundation, several stages are distinguished, one of which is reinforcement. Correctly performed fittings is the key to the stability of the foundation before mechanical loads. We will learn about how to make the foundation reinforcement with our own hands.

Table of contents:

  1. DIY foundation plate reinforcement - technology and phased instruction
  2. DIY ribbon foundation reinforcement step by step instructions
  3. DIY foundation reinforcement - step -by -step instruction

DIY foundation plate reinforcement - technology and phased instruction

The slab foundation is a type of foundation and is used in the case of too highly raised groundwater on the site. The thickness of the placed plate varies in size 10-30 cm, in the relationship with the size of the building and the load from it. The slab foundation is the key to protect the building from skew, since the load is distributed evenly.

To increase the strength characteristics of the foundation, its reinforcement is performed. Since concrete, under the influence of high loads, is covered with cracks. Reinforcement prevents the development of these unpleasant phenomena.

With the right approach to reinforcing the plate, it is possible to obtain a foundation, the life of which exceeds a hundred years. This process must be performed correctly and technologically organized. Proper and competent surface processing leads to a positive result of the foundation.

The reinforcement process involves the installation on the basis of the stove of the steel lattice, which connect the upper and lower parts of the plate. The option of using individual rods is possible, however, this method is characterized by the complexity of execution. The use of ribbed rods improves the strength of the stove, since the ribbed surface is more adhesion with the base.

The amount and size of the reinforcement used depends on the total load on the building. Before starting work, the amount of wire and reinforcement used in the knitting process should be calculated.

Two methods of reinforcing the plates are distinguished:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

They are used in the process of reinforcement together. The number of horizontally or vertically installed rods is determined by the load and weight from the building. If there is no transverse reinforcement on the ribbons, then the construction is destroyed over time. In order for the concrete base to be not covered with cracks, it is recommended to use two reinforcement options at once. Before starting reinforcement, do not forget about the construction of communicative channels for sewage and other systems.

Among the advantages of reinforcing the slab under the foundation, we note:

  • reinforcement positively affects the strength of the foundation, its resistance before high loads;
  • The reinforcement allows you to evenly distribute the shrinkage from the building;
  • lack of reinforcement leads to spreading and deformation of the plate;
  • The reinforcement increases the resistance of the slab foundation to temperature changes, frost, temperature fluctuations;
  • reinforcement positively affects the soundproofing characteristics of the foundation;
  • Reinforcement prevents the shedding of the soil under the house.

To perform reinforcement with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with the recommendations for its implementation. The preparation of the reinforcement is originally carried out, the calculation of its required amount. Pay attention to the appearance of the reinforcement. It should not have scratches and corrosion. Please note that reinforcement must be performed in two layers. The first is installed 50 cm from the soil, and the second - 50 mm lower from the upper part of the formwork.

Knitting rods is performed with a special hook or a special device in the form of a pistol. The welding machine allows you to create a reinforced frame for buildings with a high level of load. The main rule of high -quality fittings is the fixation of angles at an angle of 90 degrees. We recommend that you still dwell on the ribbed variant of the reinforcement.

In the process of reinforcing the foundation with your own hands, the presence will be required:

  • steel reinforcement;
  • the hook with which the reinforcement is knitted;
  • metal wire;
  • fasteners.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the performance of reinforcement:

1. Cut the wire into certain dimensions, in relation to the reinforcement method and the size of the reinforcement.

2. Install the rods on the slab foundation, so as it will be located in the future after knitting.

3. The first rods are fixed with a special thread, they should not touch the ground. In the same way, the next rod of the reinforcement is performed.

4. Next, using the hook, tie the rods among themselves, you should get an eight-shaped knot, with a strong and reliable connection of parts.

5. To fix two rows, use horizontal jumpers, the interval between which is 100-150 cm.

6. After high -quality reinforcement, the concrete composition is installed.

Please note that the installation of a reinforcing frame is performed in two rows. Thus, it is possible to avoid deformation and increase the strength of the overall structure. The higher the interval between the two rows of reinforcement, the higher the quality of the stove. In some cases, when performing reinforcement, rods are released from a stove by 30 cm. This is necessary to connect the plate with the basement. In order for the frame part of the reinforcement to be flat, use a special square or rectangular shape.

Pay special attention to the process of connecting the rods of the reinforcement. With low -quality reinforcement, the stove does not perform the functions intended for it.

DIY foundation reinforcement video:

We offer to get acquainted with the errors that quite often arise when reinforcing:

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to create a project according to which calculations are performed to determine the load on the foundation, it is using calculations that the optimal value of the size of the reinforcement is determined;
  • In the process of installing the formwork, no cracks should occur, since the flow of concrete and a decrease in the strength of the structure are performed;
  • Waterproofing is mandatory on the kidney, otherwise, the quality of the stove is reduced;
  • Do not allow the contact of the rods with the soil, as they are quickly covered with corrosion;
  • The interval between the rods should be 20-40 cm;
  • The end parts of the rods are equipped with protective elements, and this leads to the coating of metal by corrosion.

High -quality reinforcement of the foundation slab is the key to the long -term operation of the building, so this process should be given due attention.

DIY ribbon foundation reinforcement step by step instructions

The strength of the reinforcement of the strip foundation is determined by the quality of the metal used. Using a strip foundation, it is possible to build a house of any shape, not only rectangular or square, as in the previous version.

Most often, reinforcement is used to reinforce the strip foundation with your own hands. It is installed in a previously equipped trench. To comply with the evenness of the walls, the installation of formwork is pre -installed. Frame fittings are installed after the installation of the formwork, then the concrete is filled, waterproofing work, etc.

The main part of the foundation is a solution of concrete. However, it is not a guarantee of prevention of deformations and shrinkage of the building. In order to increase the ability to confront the foundation deformation, its reinforcement is performed. This material is distinguished by plasticity, allows you to take on a common load from the building.

Reinforcement is necessary in areas most amenable to stretching. First of all, the reinforcement is installed at the corners, and in the upper part of the formwork. In order to prevent corrosion of metal elements, they are protected against moisture with a concrete solution and additional waterproofing. The reinforcement should be located 50 mm both from the ground and from the upper part of the fill.

The upper and lower sections of the reinforcement are equipped with ribbed rods. They differ in higher adhesion with a concrete base. The areas of horizontal and vertical value are allowed to be created from a smooth surface. If the width of the foundation exceeds 400 mm, then four rods of reinforcement are used to perform reinforcement. Please note that the optimal interval between the horizontal type rods is 300 mm.

The foundation of the tape type is prone to stretching in width, so the presence of longitudinal sprains on its surface is eliminated precisely using reinforcing knitting. The rods installed in the transverse direction should be made of smooth steel, since they only create a frame.

Pay attention to the reinforcement of corner elements. The correct reinforcement of the tape foundation with your own hands should be carried out in compliance with straight angular joints. One part of the reinforcement is installed in one part of the wall, and the second - in the second. To connect the rods, wire is used. Since some variants of reinforcement are not to be welded, and under the influence of concrete solution, welded seams are quickly destroyed.

We offer to get acquainted with the reinforcement scheme of the tape foundation with your own hands:

1. Install rods in the soil, the length of which is the same as the depth of the trench. The interval between the formwork and the final part of the bar is 5 cm, the reinforcement interval is at least 40 cm.

2. On special stands located at the bottom of the trench, the first rows of reinforcement are laid. The role of stands is played by a brick laid on the rib.

3. Two rows of reinforcement are fixed in the vertical direction using jumpers. In places of their intersection, a knit or connection is performed by a welding machine.

Keep in mind that the interval between the outer surfaces of the base and the reinforcement should be exactly observed. For these purposes, use brick. The steel structure from the reinforcement is not installed directly to the bottom, since there is a risk of corrosion and premature damage to the foundation.

Do not forget about the construction of ventilation holes that increase the depreciation characteristics, and also protect concrete from the formation of mold and excessive effects of moisture.

DIY foundation reinforcement - step -by -step instruction

The process of choosing reinforcement should be paid to special attention. If the material is present on the marking C, then it lends itself to welding. In the presence of labeling K, the reinforcement is not amenable to corrosion. In the absence of marking, the fittings for the foundation do not need to be used.

In order to cook the frame part of the reinforcement, it is necessary to have a certain experience with the welding machine. If the duration of the reinforcement exceeds twelve reinforcing rods, then welding is not performed.

To prevent damage to the reinforcement under the influence of moisture, temperature changes or corrosion, there is a protective layer located below it. The reinforcement is installed in the foundation in such a way as not to touch the soil.

An insufficient number of reinforcement installed in the foundation leads to its cracking and rapid destruction.

Several varieties of reinforcement are distinguished. The first option is the reinforcement made of steel. It can be of two types - smooth and corrugated. The first is used for installation and do not take the load, and the second - mounting - provide good adhesion to concrete solution and prevent the foundation stretch.

Before starting reinforcement, check the reinforcement for the lack of dirt or corrosion. Initially, after the arrangement of the pit or trench, the surface is covered with sand and gravel. This pillow is a depreciation layer that transfers the severity of the entire building to Earth.

Next, the formwork is installed and only after that the reinforcement is mounted. In the process of reinforcing angles, special technologies are used that prevent their destruction. Reinforcement is performed in two ways- p- and g- figuratively. For these purposes, clamp elements are used. At the corners, the installation of clamps is carried out several times more often than on ordinary joints. It is using these methods of the organization of reinforcement that it is possible to achieve the maximum uniform distribution of the load.

Reinforcing tape foundation with your own hands video:





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I wonder who is nonsense

I wonder who the nonsense posted here ...

reinforcement is positive

reinforcement positively affects the soundproofing characteristics of the foundation - generally the top of fantasy