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How to choose and install a glass door

Not everyone knows that in addition to ordinary doors made of metal and wood on sale there are more original structures, such as glass doors. Today they are installed in various rooms, in particular in retail, administrative and residential buildings. Glass doors create a feeling of spaciousness and freedom, and also look very unusual. Recently, glass interior doors have been supplanted by standard designs, and this allows you to realize any fantasies and dreams. In any case, guests and visitors will appreciate your taste certainly if you can choose the right glass door.


Table of contents:

  1. History and design of the glass door
  2. Manufacturing technologies
  3. The advantages of glass doors
  4. Types of glass doors
  5. How to choose a glass door
  6. Correct handling with a glass door
  7. Installation of a glass door

History and design of the glass door

For the first time, glass doors were seen in the rich houses of France at the end of the 17th century. But the history of the mass creation of whole -glass doors originates only since the late twenties of last year. In those days, many architects were looking for new methods of using traditional materials. Some of the many ideas put forward began to come true. So glass began to be used in interior designs. And since the end of the 20th century, thanks to the emergence of a modern high -end style, the use of glass partitions and doors has become more common.

The interior glass door consists of several elements. The design on which the door leaf is hung is called the box. It is represented by two vertical racks and crossbars, which are most often made of aluminum or MDF. In the production of glass doors, sheets of veneer from different wood are glued to the box racks, or the racks are painted with certain dyes on a polyurethane or special water -based. A very important indicator for the box is the simplicity of its installation with accurate fitting to the wall. To improve the soundproofing properties of the doors in the box, the seal is installed. The door itself is a glass canvas with cuts under the lock, loops and fasteners.

Manufacturing technologies

The thickness of the glass, which is used for the production of door leafs, ranges from 8 - 14 millimeters. In the manufacture of glass doors, a special technology of triplex is practiced, which consists in gluing with polymer material of two or more glasses. The advantage of such a technology lies in the fact that if such a glass product is crashed, its fragments will not cripple you, because they will be held by the film.

Another common way to manufacture the canvas is a float method. Such glass has an almost perfectly flat surface, which completely eliminates the appearance of optical effects. Glass can have different colors and shades, including sunscreen. Float-stecle is painted in the manufacture, or by adding minerals to the melt, or the method of machine rolling by roller cylinders of a patterned bilateral pattern.

The technique of manufacturing unique stained glasses in the method of fusing is also interesting. Pieces of glass are collected in the picture, after which the whole composition is softened in the furnace. The effect of the mosaic of unprecedented beauty is able to decorate the interior of any home, becoming an integral part of the house.

The advantages of glass doors

More recently, glass interior doors were almost not noticeable in the interiors of houses, because they were associated in our minds with faceless canvases that share the room. However, today they acquired a certain status as an excellent alternative to interior wooden doors. In addition, they have many advantages: give light to the space, add visually volume to it, help to get rid of pressing isolation. Thanks to this, glass products can fit into any interior.

You can install glass doors where you want. They are suitable for a city apartment, a private house, a cottage or cottage, as well as for business centers and entertainment complexes. Glass doors perfectly harmonize with light sources. Doors made of glass have a large number of advantages over wood products. The glass will never grow, will not dry out and does not burn out.

Glass doors have a significant thickness of 10 millimeters and pass special hardening during production. Such glass exceeds the strength of ordinary glass by 5 times. In front of metal, glass doors also have one undeniable advantage: they are not corroded. As a result, it is not difficult to understand why glass doors have proven themselves well and are still enormous success.

Types of glass doors

On the market there are several types of non -ramous glass structures. By the method of opening, glass doors are divided into such groups:

Swing glass doorsthey are able to open in one direction, it is customary to install them in the door frame. With the help of side loops, the door is fixed to the box or wall. Glass doors of such a variety are usually used as internal and put in office premises and apartments.

Pendulum glass doorsthey can open inward. As a rule, it is customary to use the floor closer with this door, which returns the door after opening to a closed position. The product is attached directly to the ceiling and on the floor.

Sliding glass doors They are able to drive aside, and the carriage to which the door leaf is attached is to move along the upper rail. This design is intended for situations when when opening an ordinary door blocks the passage or takes up a lot of space. Rolling glass doors are placed indoors.

Radius glass doors They are non -abroad and manufactured in an aluminum profile of semicircular glass. They are customary to install as entrance in stores, offices and banks. Some models are equipped with special devices, in particular photocells, which provide automatic opening and closing.

Glass rotary doorscharacterized by a higher level of protection against external influences. They are attached at the lower and upper point and look like a rotating carousel. Sometimes the product is equipped with a device, which ensures their constant rotation with a specific speed.

Glass doors for the Finnish sauna Made of silhouette glass, through which only the silhouette of objects or human body is visible. That is, through the door you can look after the children, but you will not work out for those who are soared. Glass bath doors can be equipped with a glass sheet of various shades, for example: satin, bronze, green, blue.

How to choose a glass door

Today, a huge number of glass doors of varying degrees of transparency are presented on sale, with a different way of opening, fittings and decor elements. However, not all door buyers know what to pay attention to when choosing a glass door.

Before going on the search for glass doors, you must determine the budget, the necessary materials, the main direction of the design, technical requirements (moisture resistance, sound insulation, fire resistance), options for opening doors, evaluate the need to buy additional elements and the price of glass doors, as well as make black measurements of the doorway and The thickness of the walls.

Here are the most important criteria worthy of your attention:

1. The quality of the glass. The most important in the glass door is high glass strength and good physical properties. The latest technologies to harden glass are able to increase its strength significantly, making it also safe.

Break such material is very difficult. Also, to achieve increased strength of the structure, crystal glass can be used, which includes more than usual quartz sand.

2. Functionality. Another important factor in the choice is how functional the doors are. Functionality is mainly determined by their ability to miss light. Therefore, choosing a door, it is advisable to compare the light transmitting ability of the product with the purpose of the room where it is planned to be installed.

For example, for a bathroom, glass doors should be toned as much as possible, and better if the glass is generally opaque. It is customary for the bedroom to choose a dark door, because the excess light from the hallway adversely affects sleep. In the doorway, which lead to the dining room, living room and kitchen, complete transparency is allowed for better lighting the hallway. By the way, models appeared on sale where transparency can be changed using automation. For the bathroom, the same dark, opaque doors with matting are suitable, necessarily made of thick glass.

3. The quality of accessories. Poor accessories are able to ruin any design solution. Details should look impeccably, but they must also meet the clear criteria of the buyer. With its small size, the part should withstand a large weight. Designers in the design of the hardware accessories are widely used widely used by multi -point clean metal - polished to a mirror shine or matte stainless steel, as well as aluminum. If this is justified by the color solution of the surrounding interior, anodized (under gold) or brass parts are used.

4. Way of door open. The classic version of the swing glass doors that we are used to from childhood. Here they are best for residential apartments and private houses. Sliding doors are compact and convenience, so simply indispensable for small rooms, where a small space does not allow you to install swing doors. The pendulum structures are designed for public buildings, for example, offices or shopping centers.

5. Design. When choosing glass doors, their design solution plays an important role. The doors are different - absolutely transparent, dark, processed sandblasting, which, despite this, pass a lot of light, with a pattern that is applied using sandblasting, from corrugated glass, which passes the light well, but hides the room from not past eyes. There are completely matte glass doors and door light doors.

Correct handling with a glass door

What should be the perfect room? Each person has his own ideal. But, it would seem, at first glance, a small interior detail as glass doors allows you to get closer to a dream. Installation of glass doors will make your room more spacious, warmer and lighter. In the room, thanks to the soundproofing properties of the material, it will become quiet and calm. Installing glass doors provides will of fantasy: interesting forms, bright colors, original design.

Installation of glass doors is a complex process. Each type of the above designs requires an individual approach. There are one and general points - careful handling of the door leaf. It can not be placed on tiles, metal and concrete, although the inner glass door withstands strong blows and heavy loads. When installing a glass door, it is worth taking care so that it does not touch the floor or solid surfaces of the wall.

Glass is a fairly heavy material: 1 square meter of a canvas with a thickness of 8-10 millimeters weighs close to 25 kg. To do this, it is customary to strengthen the door jamb with a metal frame. The deviation of the canvas from the vertical should not be more than 2 millimeters.

Glass should never be taken over the edge or, having taken over the corners, overwhelmed, since the edges are the most vulnerable part of the glass. If a crack appears on the edge, it cannot be used further, because there is a great risk that it will break during installation or operation. After hardening, the door leaf does not allow interventions to its cutting structure and drilling can destroy the finished door. Therefore, even preliminary measurements should be made by a specialist who will accurately indicate the places of each technological hole.

The clamping elements are not recommended to pull out to avoid damage. Fasten the box in the opening should be intensively. When fixing the lock for a glass door and a handle, it is important not to pinch the screws much to avoid damage to the glass. But at the same time, the mount should not be done too weak so as not to periodically regulate it.

Installation of a glass door

Before installing the glass door, you need to disconnect the glass from the box. To do this, it should be put along with the package on an even floor, which is covered with a carpet, horizontally. Next, you need to open the packaging and put the packaging rails next to the floor: you can place the glass on them by taking it out of the box. Obstructive covers are removed from the hinges, loop screws are weakened and the opposite side of the loop for glass doors is turned out. Put the glass canvas on the rails.

If necessary, right -handedness can be changed to left -handed by transferring the upper jamb of the door to the opposite side. Do not forget to transfer the seals with the upper jamb. The box rises in the doorway, respectively, with the chosen side of the opening. The upper screws of the box must be slightly fixed from the loop and opposite side, and put the box directly using mounting wedges.

After that, it is recommended to tightly wrap the screws on the loop side and check the accuracy of the installation by using the level. Insert the glass into the box and wrap the screws more tightly. Then safety covers are installed back in place. Then you need to check the accuracy of the installation with the square and check the door gap, closing the glass door.

The box is fixed from the opening side with screws. It is customary to use installation wedges and check the accuracy of the level. At the finish stage of the installation of a glass door, it is recommended to fix the plates of the handles and latches with your own hands with your own hands. With the help of a screw of the latch, you can, if desired, change the density of closing the door. In the end, you should cut off prominent mounting wedges and handle your door with a graduate.

Thus, if you are tired of seeing boring wooden doors in your house, and you want something new and completely not ordinary, then stop your choice on glass doors. Such designs will give the interior of housing lightness and create space in the room. Modern design solutions provide the opportunity to implement even the most daring plan and change your home beyond recognition.





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Overview on glass

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