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The vast majority of residents of the metropolis, realizing the advantages of life in private ... |
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Of course, not every real estate owner can afford to equip a wood ceiling, but such structures are collected all the rapidly fans. The choice of wooden materials is quite wide, ranging from various varieties of wood and ending with casing (bars, panels, beams, rails, boards). Exclusive wooden ceilings are considered ideal for a solid house or apartment.
There are many different solutions for the arrangement of the ceiling: aluminum, drywall, adhesive and tension. However, only wooden ceilings have no competitors in most indicators. Naturally, cesson wooden ceilings look elegant and respectable, which is sheathed with a whole wooden massif, but imitation of the beam on the ceiling looks no less aesthetically aesthetically pleasing.
The tree is very affordable and very easy to process with material, which provides excellent sound and thermal insulation and simply adds comfort to the room. Of course, some sin on the price of wooden ceilings. But well -known designers say that today it is not the finish of wood, but only materials for processing the ceiling: primer, putty, varnish.
Many believe that the tree is intended exclusively for cottages, suburban private houses and expensive restaurants, however, with the correct selection of finishing material, it can also be used in the apartment.
There may be an erroneous opinion that wood ceilings are suitable only for absolutely dry rooms (bedrooms, living room, hallway), however, thanks to the latest processing technology and the correct knowledge of the installation of wooden elements, it arose to use wood to decorate the ceilings in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The wooden ceiling is often equipped on the attic, in the sauna and bath.
In this case, it is recommended to be able to choose the right material. When buying wooden panels or boards, pay attention to what part of the tree they were made. If the board was cut out of the core of the barrel, then it cracks faster. But the boards that are cut out of the edge of the tree will serve much longer. But if you are interested in the water resistance of the material, then it is precisely recommended to give preference to giving boards from the core.
Remember that the parts for finishing the ceiling should not be bulky. It is necessary to choose wooden elements that have a thickness of not more than 25 millimeters, and in length they are both 1 meter and 6.5 meters. When buying a material for arranging a ceiling in a room with high humidity, you need to use such panels that are processed from all sides, including grooves, with a special water -repellent wax, and when installed - leave small ventilation gaps between the panels.
Of course, wooden ceilings made of pine are most popular, but more and more often other types of wood have been used recently for such work. For example, in some countries, Pecky’s special wood is used for the manufacture of wooden ceiling, which can give the ceiling made from it a special charm due to the presence of small Ospin in it. The sheathing of a wooden ceiling in the apartment is performed using various elements, including trimmed, and lining, and a specially processed hump.
Plywood is a material consisting of several layers of wood, which are imposed on each other, wear -resistant and durable. It is easy to paint, process, and light tinting can brightly reflect the natural composition of the wood itself. And with the help of special processing solutions used as impregnation, plywood can become resistant to moisture on its surface. Depending on the shape and size of sheets, plywood, wooden ceilings are varied.
Ceiling boards made of wood of any valuable breeds are produced in a huge assortment. On sale there are even samples that are completely saturated with wooden wax. They are great for installation in the kitchen or in the bathroom, because they are waterproof. And these plates are immune to dirt, do not crack and do not delay, so they require a minimum of your attention.
The most beautiful layer in such details of the front, for its manufacture, take the most expensive varieties of wood, and the other two layers are made of more common and less expensive breeds of pine or spruce. The layers are glued at the factory according to the latest technologies under the influence of high temperature and high pressure. The popularity of panels is high due to good quality, durability, spectacular appearance, speed and simplicity of installation, as well as ease of care for them.
The lining, trimming boards or finishing humps are traditional and time -tested finishing materials, easy for lining. Boards from the core of wood are difficult to process and often crack, but are distinguished by exceptional water -repellent properties. Boards from the edges of the barrel are much easier to process and they do not crack.
During the arrangement of the ceiling, wooden wallpapers for their elegant texture and beauty were always appreciated. This is a fairly promising innovation that combined panels and standard wallpapers, endlessly expanding the design capabilities. Own wallpapers usually have a thickness of up to 1.56 millimeters, they are made of valuable wood, gluing veneer on paper wallpaper. Wallpaper in sheets or rolls from the cork do not absorb odors, are easily cleaned of dirt and create good sound insulation. But moisture intolerance and fire hazard limit the use of all wooden wallpaper.
A filler seems to be a skirting boat made of wood. Only wooden fillets have undeniable advantages over any others: unique strength, natural color, amazing durability. They successfully emphasize the design of the ceiling made of wood and hide the possible flaws of our work. Since they have a length of up to 120 millimeters, the number of joints is significantly reduced during the skin of the ceiling. In addition, you can choose laminated or veneered fillets, and attach them with nails, self -tapping screws with plugs, clips or liquid nails of choice.
Another popular option of decoration of the ceiling with wood is to imitate a beam. This material has some similar features with lining, judging by the photo of wooden ceilings, and represents a strict sheathing board, but wider and wider. Consider this when creating an interior in the room!
Among the wooden elements of the bearing ceilings, a special place is occupied by decorative false beams, which have several advantages over conventional structures. The ease, simplicity of product and installation, high durability turn false beams into popular decorative material. Inside such beams, you can hide the electric wiring, Internet wires and antennas. They are perfectly mounted in electric lights. With proper placement, decorative beams can optically expand the space or raise the ceiling.
Before installing a bearing ceiling made of wood, note that after installing all structural elements, the height of the room will decrease by about 10-15 centimeters. Therefore, it is mandatory to make sure that this option is suitable for the height of the walls of your house. Previously, you need to make a wiring plan, indicate the location of the lamp and other electrical appliances. Well, go ahead!
For the installation of a wooden ceiling, you will need the following materials: imitation of a beam or a hill tree lining, 40 on 20 rails, 2.5 to 25 screws, a shock dowel 6 to 60, a block-house lining, a thick fishing line, a decorative bar, varnish or paint. Before finishing the ceiling, the surface must be insulated. To do this, you will need steam-hydro-insulating materials, pegamine or roofing material, mounting foam, hump, insulation, nails, fiberboard or drywall.
The first step is the creation of a vapor barrier layer. To do this, select the material from the list: vapor barrier film, polymer membranes, foil insulation. Stand up the selected material between the beams on the ceiling along the length, leaving the pole to the height of the beam. Isolation materials are fixed with a building stapler or paper clips.
After that, select the insulation: you can use mineral wool, glass wool, polystyrene, ecovata, expanded clay. After choosing, you need to lay the insulation flush with the beams of the floor. Cover the insulation on top with waterproofing material. Remember that Ecowata does not need to use an additional protective film. On top of the waterproofing material, put a shield from the hump across the ceiling beams.
A similar method of arranging the shield contributes to the fact that when repairing the roof, you can safely move without creating additional loads on the ceiling shield. A serious business is the procedure for warming the ceiling near the chimney. Of course, if there is no attic in your house, and the chimney channel passes through your attic.
Choose a material that is not fuel and is able to withstand a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius. A layer of thermal insulation material along the perimeter of the chimney at the place where it goes to the attic should be at least 25-30 centimeters. Also make an asbestos gasket between ceiling beams and insulation.
If there is an attic in the house, then it is not necessary to insulate the ceiling, but it is advisable to put a layer of sound insulation. You can use improvised materials, for example, a mixture of lime and sawdust or a layer of dry sand. After you can start creating a crate and skin trim, which will not take you much time.
The technology for installing a suspended ceiling made of wood is similar to the surface of the surface with a drywall, but the material must be attached not on an aluminum frame, but on a wooden one. Therefore, when arranging a wooden ceiling with your own hands, you first need to mount a wooden crate, holding the distance between the rails of 30 centimeters.
For the manufacture of the crate, it is recommended to use a rail of 20 by 40 millimeters. Tighten a thick fishing line in the middle and edges of the ceiling with the help of a building level. Reiki are attached along a stretched fishing line without bending it. The first bar is placed on one wall back. With a standard ceiling sheathing (across or along the plane) of the bar, the crate must be fixed in the perpendicular direction to the mounting of the boards.
When lining at an acute angle of 45 degrees, fasten the strips around the entire perimeter. For perfectly even placement of strips, it is recommended, along with the use of the level to the lags for the sections of the mounting of the planks, lay the segments of the boards. After the installation of the rack frame, you can begin to create a ceiling ceiling. Measure the required length of the boards and cut the excess.
Hide under the lining of the electricity line. To do this, it is customary to use a multi -core wire made of copper with a reserve of power, which does not heat up. You should also designate places for lighting and other electrical appliances. A wooden bell ceiling is attached to the ceiling shield. When decorating the ceiling with such panels, you should create a small indentation from the wall of the house a couple of millimeters, giving space for shrinkage of the tree and its possibility of compression-extension.
Now we have come to the main question of how to make a wooden ceiling using a lining. The lining is attached to the rails with the help of self -tapping screws. In order not to see the screws, they should be attached to the groove of the lining. If the installation of self -tapping screws is not hidden, it is better to scatter them over the entire surface of the ceiling.
Also, in order to make the fastening invisible and the overall impression is not spoiled by hats of nails, the skin can simply be glued with high -quality glue to the plank crate. Some masters prefer to create mounting with screws. If you apply their decorative analogues instead of ordinary nails, this will allow the interior to give a kind of highlight.
After the installation of wooden elements on the ceiling, they should be covered with varnish or paint. If you are not satisfied with the shade of the lining and you want to change it, then you can use special dyes that preserve the natural texture of the tree and saturate the material with natural shades of oak, nut, pine. The surface dries very quickly.
When choosing a lining varnish, try not to use glossy varnishes, because shiny ceilings tire your eyesight and are not a sign of excellent taste. After applying the first layer and a complete drying of the surface, it is recommended to wipe it with fine -grained sandpaper called nulevka to remove air bubbles and small villi. Repeat the procedure 2 3 times.
You just have to think what kind of ceiling you want to do, because the choice of wooden products is quite wide. Maybe it will be the lining familiar to all of us or will you give preference to wooden wallpaper? Do not forget that all kinds of panels and slabs for facing, plywood, imitation of the beam are presented on the market. In addition, you can always equip on the surface of the false beam, which you can’t distinguish from the present by eye. In any case, such a ceiling will look respectable, recalling the excellent taste of the owners.