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Decorative ceiling decoration

The usual bleached or covered with a water -based ceiling is already considered yesterday. This constructive element today is customary to pay no less attention than, say, the floor or walls. The endless sea of \u200b\u200bmodern technologies and new materials allow you to create an original ceiling design that you will not see in any house again. Therefore, we will try to find out how to arrange the ceiling with your own hands in an original way.


  1. Ceiling decoration with decorative plaster
  2. Contracting surface with stucco molding
  3. Decorating the ceiling using wallpaper
  4. Use of wood in the ceiling decoration
  5. Decorative painting of the ceiling surface

Ceiling decoration with decorative plaster

Among the large list of methods for decorating the ceiling surface, you can highlight the ceiling decoration with decorative plaster - environmentally friendly, durable and durable material. This is not only a stylish element in the interior, but also a rather strong coating that protects the ceiling from excessive dampness, moisture and other harmful effects. Depending on the use, it can have antiseptic, water -repellent and thermal insulation properties.

Decorative plaster is produced in a variety of colors and has a different texture. Compounds of decorative plaster can differ in additives and fillers that give certain additional properties to finishing material. Decorative plaster for the ceiling in its composition can have the following ingredients:

  1. Polymer or acrylic, which are included in the plaster as a binder, are environmentally friendly, but their wear resistance wants to be better.
  2. Epoxy resins or polyurethane, which are present as part of decorative plaster as a binder, are most durable, but when heated, they can distinguish harmful evaporation.
  3. Granite or quartz crumbs, which are used as a filler for a plaster mixture, give the material to abrasion, rough or smooth texture.
  4. The marble baby, which acts as a filler, gives the treated surface a rough texture.
  5. Conserviers, antiseptics and thickeners, which are present in the decorative plaster, are necessary for the plastering mixture to have antiseptic and waterproofing properties.

Decorative plasters according to the size of the filler grains are divided into the following types:

  • Coarse stucco, which has the size of granules from 3 to 5 millimeters;
  • Medium -focusing decorative plaster with granules size from 1.5 to 2, 5 millimeters;
  • Small -fabric plaster, which in its composition has granules of size from 0.5 to 1 millimeter;
  • Small -facultic plaster with granules, which have a size of not more than 0.5 millimeters.

In specialized construction stores, you can buy textured and structural plaster for ceilings. The structural plaster mixing is a mass of white color, which can be painted in the process of finishing in any color. It is customary to apply structural plaster in an even layer to the surface, and then with the help of special scallops, rollers and spatulas to form the desired relief. Naturally, it will be difficult to achieve excellent results without proper experience.

Unlike the first option, on the surface of textured decorative plaster, the relief is formed independently without subsequent intervention. This type of decorative plaster in use is very convenient due to what is completely ready for use. All the necessary components have already been added to the textured plasters, and when applying the surface of the surface is already due to the composition of the construction and final mixture. The only thing you need to do is to give color a dried up textured surface, that is, paint.

If there is no experience in applying decorative plaster on the ceiling, then it is better to give preference to textured plaster. The drawings and relief of the surface of the ceiling are selected when buying a plaster mix with a different set of fractions. The finishing of the ceiling surface will be more environmentally friendly if you choose a water -based plaster. After applying the plaster, it is recommended to paint the ceiling with dispersion paint. When choosing a plaster for finishing the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account that the ceiling should have a perfectly flat surface, since this material does not hide the defects.

Contracting surface with stucco molding

If you do not like modern stretch or drywall ceilings, then you need to consider such an option as the design of the ceiling with stucco molding. In this case, you will have an individual ceiling that none of your friends and friends meet. Stucco molding as a decorative element for the design of the ceiling is most often the main distinguishing feature of such architectural styles as Baroque and Rococo. Some species of stucco moldings are sold already ready, it is enough to attach them to the surface and painted in the desired color, choosing a tone at their own discretion.

Gypsum stucco for decorating the ceiling can be done with your own hands. The manufacture of stucco molding from the gypsum is as follows: the alabaster or a dry solution is kneaded, while the lumps are removed, then the powder with cold water is mixed in a special container designed for 0.5-1 liters of the prepared solution. The consistency of the solution should be similar to a fermentation, that is, to differ in weak thicken. After that, the solution is well mixed, then poured into the forms and tamping with a spatula so that voids do not form.

A similar solution should thicken for 15 minutes, and only then you can get stucco molding and clean it with sandpaper. Such details are glued with PVA glue. There is no need to worry that stucco molding is falling off, since the details themselves are small and not heavy. If your doubts crept in, then purchase a stronger glue in construction stores. The joints that occur between stucco molding are sealed with special putty on the basis of PVA and then cleaned. After the work is completed, stucco is painted.

In any construction stores, you can find the form of stucco moldings based on polystyrene and polyurethane. The following stucco elements are on sale for the ceiling: the most popular of polyurethane is the type of stucco molding - moldings, with which the ceiling contacts with the walls of the ceiling, sockets are decorated, which is needed to design sections of all sorts of chandeliers and various ceiling suspended lamps, cornices, borders , floral and ornamental compositions.

An incredibly simple process is the decorative decoration of the ceiling with stucco molding from polyurethane, but you need to remember that before gluing itself, the material should lie down for several days in the room where it must be installed. Next, the details are glued to the surface. After the glue dries, products are painted. For polystyrene, paints are used exclusively on water -based, and compounds of any kind are used for polyurethane products.

On stucco, you can depict abstractions, intricate patterns, apply effective gilding or using bright colors. Coloring compositions with a pearl effect are translucent, and this must be taken into account due to the fact that the painted surface acquires a rather rich shade, but is not completely painted over. Such paint is very often called chameleon, since, depending on the lighting, it changes its shade. It is applied with a plastic spatula, brush, sponge, roller or pistol pistol.

You can get a favorite effect of antiquity by many when staining gypsum or polyurethane stucco molding. For such a purpose, lime paints are used. On the surface after staining, influxes, scuffs, and color transitions appear. It is necessary to apply paint with a brush with a long pile in circular movements. In places where the brush is pressed stronger, and scuffs appear.

The watercolor effect is very popular, which is achieved when using two colors for stucco stucco stucco. Another color is applied to the main layer of paint, which is completely dry. For such a purpose, you can use fabric, crumpled polyethylene, sponge. Imitation of wood looks interesting on the stucco: using a roller similar to a razor machine (can be bought at any construction store), is carried out on a freshly colored surface to obtain a tree pattern.

Decorating the ceiling using wallpaper

Wallpaper is used much less often on ceilings than on the walls, since there is an opinion that when decorating the ceiling with wallpaper, residents quite often arise such a feeling as isolation of space, if the ceiling is not white above the head. But if you do not attribute yourself to such a category of people, you can pay attention to the creation of a decorative coating of the ceiling from the wallpaper. Almost any wallpaper can be glued to the ceiling, if, of course, it is good to try, but still it is recommended to use dense wallpaper for ceilings so that in addition to decorative effects, you can hide minor defects and level the surface.

It is also very convenient to stick non -woven wallpaper, as you will apply glue to the ceiling, and not on the wallpaper itself. These wallpapers can be divided into two categories: ordinary and washable. In rooms where the ceiling is strongly polluted, for example, in the kitchen, you must use the last option. For rooms in which sound insulation and thermal insulation are needed, textile wallpaper is perfect, but it must be borne in mind that they absorb odors and collect dust.

Wallpaper also have good quality. To date, they are quite diverse in their subject of the plot depicted. Moreover, it is quite possible to order murals with the image you need, for example, copied from your favorite photo. Decorative ceilings will look best with murals of the so -called air theme: image of a star or cloud sky, sunset, space. To finish the ceiling in the nursery, you can choose an image of the animated characters that your children love, or 3D abstraction.

In addition to ordinary wallpapers, the wallpaper made of natural material, which can be easily glued to the ceiling, began to be actively used in our time. Quite often, this technique is used in eco -style. The main feature of such wallpaper is their environmental purity: natural wallpapers can evenly distribute air and moisture in the room, have, unlike ordinary wallpaper, high sound insulation, as they are two -layer. The basis of natural wallpapers is unstable paper, and from its outside, threads are usually glued from natural bamboo, jute fibers, sizes, golden flow, sisal, yellow reed.

The next popular decorative coating for the ceiling is palm and bamboo canvas. Such coatings are cloths where palm or bamboo lamellas are glued on the basis of fabric. Lamels have natural colors or can be painted in any color. To frame the edge of the canvas, decorating joints and additional fixing of such products, a system of bamboo profiles is used.

Another interesting natural material for the ceiling is lininkrust. It is a type of wallpaper with a long -standing history. Lincsters are used for decoration completely different for its purpose and stylistic solution of interiors: from royal chambers to cabins and railway wagons. Lincrust is a rather strong material that you can repaint many times, you can also make various decorative compositions from it.

Use of wood in the ceiling decoration

A tree can become a very large field for creativity in the decorative design of the ceiling, and to be more precise - bars, panels, boards and rails of different sizes, textures and colors. This ceiling design is most often found in styles such as Provence, Country, Scandinavian, Eco, Ethno and Fühen. The tree has always been the most popular environmental material that can be painted and processed.

On sale, you can find special facing panels made of valuable wood species and panels for bold ceilings, which are made on the principle of a floor parquet board from several layers. The front layer is made from a veneer of a valuable tree of wood, and the remaining layers are made of inexpensive and common rocks, for example, spruce, pine.

Even despite the fact that a tree usually does not like a humid environment, the bearing ceilings that are made of such panels can be installed in any room, even in those where increased humidity, that is, in the bathroom or in the kitchen. To do this, you just need to follow some rules: you need to create ventilation gaps and cover all the panels with a special wax for wood. The surface of the tree, thanks to this wax, will receive the necessary moisture resistance, will not peel off and crack.

For decorative ceiling decoration, wooden lamellas of plates made of thin torn boards with veneer are also suitable. The length, thickness, the width of the lamellas changes depending on what it will be used for. Lameli is made from various materials, so the choice of textures and colors is almost infinite, this makes it possible to choose color scheme individually for each interior. The main advantage of such lamellas is their slight weight, which allows them to simply plant on glue.

Popularity is used by beam bearing ceilings that consist of beams, which are filed from the inside of the room with boards, ceilings with a continuous roll of round and unprocessed logs or from the lining. If desired, such materials can be treated with grasses, tinting compounds, achieving various shades and colors. In addition, there is always an option to use a cheaper europian, which is customary to cover with special mastics and oils to simulate valuable wood breed.

Decorative painting of the ceiling surface

Decorative painting is one of the best ways to decorate the ceiling surface. Previously, palaces and temples were decorated in this way, and today this type of ceiling decoration is available to every owner, regardless of his estate. You can perform a painting of different types on the ceilings - from a shocking surreal fabric to a light air composition. The imitation of all kinds of surfaces (wood, fabric, stone, etc.), ornaments and the creation of individual drawings are also considered here.

The image on the ceiling of the sky is very popular. The interior may well be present a ceiling that is far from classics. At the same time, almost any room becomes visually higher and as if filled with light and air. You can add birds, flowers, branches to the composition, if the ceiling is especially shallow, oval or round. The murals-obstacles also varied in a variety of architectural fantasies on the ceiling that go into the sky.

Decorative flowers complement the design of the interior of the dining room and living room perfectly. Flower ornaments include wreaths, flowerpots, garlands, as well as small architectural details. Most often, elfreil painting of ceilings is used in classic interiors, along with splitting and stucco decor. A monochrome pattern or grisail (stucco is drawn) looks pretty good.

By using a brush and paint, you can apply any pattern to the surface. If you do not even have the artist’s talent, the decorative painting of the ceiling will not bring you trouble, because today there are many stencils with ready -made drawings on sale. Such products need to be attached to the ceiling with construction tape and then it remains only to decorate them.

A similar decor, if desired, can be supplemented with applications. To date, applications are mainly done using ready-made vinyl stickers. The most interesting thing is that they are suitable not only for decorating the ceilings, but also for masking spots and cracks, which can be temporarily avoiding overhaul. Vinyl stickers are also good in that they can be glued several times in various places, while leaving no traces in previous locations.

Thus, how beautifully you made the ceiling in the house will depend on the overall impression of the design of the home. We examined only the most popular methods of decorating ceilings. And all of them are not counted on the fingers! The main thing at the same time is to show a creative invention and correctly realize it, not forgetting about careful planning and phased control.





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