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Heat regulator for a warm floor

The warm floor system consists of two parts: a heating element and a temperature temperature controller. The thermostat, as a rule, is acquired separately and choose it depending on the purpose, appearance and set of options for the heating system.
The heat regulator for a warm floor supports the necessary temperature regime, both on the surface and in the room. The principle of the functioning of this important component is simple after the thermostat sensor has recorded the necessary thermal indicators, it suspenses the power supply until the temperature of the heating section drops by 1 degree. Thus, giving heat as necessary, the device helps to reduce electricity consumption.



  1. Varieties of thermostats
  2. How to connect a thermostat?
  3. Warm floor thermoregulator connection diagram
  4. How to check the operability of the thermostat?
  5. How to choose a thermostat?


However, the floor -regulator for the floor not only saves precious KW, but also performs a number of other, no less valuable functions. For example, he knows how to turn on/off the system, maintains heat level and automatic heating to a given temperature to a certain time. Convenient, isn't it?

Varieties of thermostats

The classification of thermal controllers for heating is quite extensive. Experts distinguish 3 main groups:

  • electron-mechanical. They differ in an affordable price and a simple algorithm of work retain the temperature indicated on the scale of the rotating roller;
  • digital. According to the principle of action, they are similar to electron-mechanical. The difference is that the temperature is set using buttons;
  • programmable. One of the advantages of the ability to maintain different temperatures at different times of the day. Thus, the user sets up the system for himself, which automatically begins to heat the floor to your awakening or coming from work.


Thermostats can be equipped with different sensors:

  • a simple floor temperature sensor;
  • infrared floor temperature sensor;
  • air temperature carried out or built -in or built -in sensor;
  • double sensor fixing the temperature of the floor and air.

It is impossible not to mention that thermostats are built -in and invoices. To connect the first, you need to make a hole in the wall, the latter are mounted in the box.

How to connect a thermostat?

It is quite possible to connect the thermostat on the presence of minimal knowledge by the electrical part and competently compiled instructions, of course. But before you start the most important thing, you should prepare the device.

  • carefully inspect the device for the absence of some parts (check according to the list indicated by the manufacturer) and the presence of damage (the case should be without gaps and cracks);
  • pay attention to the reliability of fasteners;
  • check the fidelity of the thermocouple.

Warm floor thermoregulator connection diagram

The connection diagram is often depicted on the thermostat case, which allows you to connect the device yourself. Any sample has pads for connecting wires, each hole performs its own function:

  • contact 1 for connecting the phase from the distribution shield or socket;
  • contact 2 for connecting the zero cable from the shield or outlet;
  • contact 3 for connecting the zero cable leading directly to the warm floor;
  • contact 4 for connecting the phase leading to the warm floor;
  • contact 5 is free;
  • contacts 6 and 7 for messages with the sensor wires.


Do not forget that all work on setting up the thermostat, its connection or replacement must be carried out with the voltage disconnected!

How to check the operability of the thermostat?

So, the connection of a warm floor thermoregulator is completed, but how does it function or not? To dispel doubts, it is necessary to follow the following plan of action:

  • we check the correct connection of cables (scheme in the passport);
  • set the regulator at the minimum temperature;
  • serve the voltage of 220 V (contacts 1 and 2);
  • turn on the toggle switch;
  • we turn the regulator to the maximum (clockwise). If the thermostat is inpaid to hear a click. At the same time, voltage of 220 V. is supplied to contacts 3 and 4


With a decrease in the temperature regime, the relay must stop the supply. This indicates the performance of the installed device. If there is no voltage by 3 and 4 contacts with an increase in a degree, then check the temperature sensor. To identify problems simply measure the resistance and compare with the data declared by the manufacturer. The parameters do not converge? So, the sensor must be replaced.

If the sensor is programmable, then he will inform him himself (the inscription on the panel) is still easier about the malfunction.
You can check the performance of the system and other method of replacing with another thermostat (obviously working). If the second copy is not observed, then the warm floor can be connected directly.

  • turn off the voltage supply;
  • connect contact 4 to contact 1;
  • connect the wire 3 to contact 2;
  • we supply voltage and wait. Wait for about an hour. If the floor heats up, then the defect in the thermostat.

How to choose a thermostat?

The construction equipment market offers a wide range of thermostats for any color and wallet. The manufacturer is of paramount importance. You should not doubt the proven products then in quality. So thermoregulator for the warm floor of DEVI has a valuable advantage, it is wonderful for Russian weather conditions. In stock one regulation handle and 5 temperature conditions


The thermostat for the warm floor of Legrand is characterized by the presence of numerous options. The maximum accuracy of adjustment, programming for several days in advance, 4 temperature levels, display a running program on the display, for a long time of battery life, is far from a complete list of the capabilities of such a device from the French manufacturer.
Energy thermoregulator is no less popular due to the ability to configure the equipment for itself simply and quickly. Many models combine the functions of several devices, i.e. You get the opportunity to choose the most optimal option.

When purchasing a thermostat, take into account the purpose of the installed system. Want to just warm the floor to the desired temperature? Choose a regulator with a condensed or infrared floor sensor. The remote sensor is placed in a tube mounted on the floor. The infrared sensor is installed on the wall such a device is considered more accurate, because the data measurement in the immediate vicinity of the surface of the warm floor.

If the floor is the main source of heat, then the thermostat with the possibility of determining the air temperature is the best solution. However, keep in mind, preferring the device with one sensor, you will know how many degrees of heat in your room, but you can’t set the floor temperature. For this, thermostats with two sensors are designed to measure air temperature and flooring.

Now you know how to choose a thermostat, connect it and check the performance, which means that it will not work out to create comfortable conditions in the house yourself!





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