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How to choose and lay linoleum

The word linoleum comes from the Latin words linum - meaning the canvas of flax and oleum - oil. Linoleum is a waterproof dense and flexible artificial canvas used to cover the floors.

The method of oiled the canvas was known for thousands of years ago. For example, the ancient Vikings oiled the sails of their ships (Drakkars), in order to give them additional strength and protection from sea water. However, the beginning of the production of linoleum, an oiled canvas, is considered 1627, and after a century it began to be used as a floor covering. Linoleum in 1763 was first patented by the manufacturer Nathan Smith.

The production of linoleum in industrial conditions was first begun by the English company Walton, Taylor and Co. in 1864. Then linoleum was produced on a jute basis from linen, sunflower and tung oils and cork flour. The linoleum obtained in this way was called glyftal linoleum.

Table of contents

  1. What is linoleum
  2. Modern technologies in linoleum production
  3. According to the binder material, linoleum can be the following types:
  4. Methods of manufacture
  5. Tips on how to lay linoleum with your own hands
  6. Linoleum laying tools
  7. How to lay linoleum with your own hands
  8. Mastic for gluing linoleum


What is linoleum

Linoleum is the most democratic flooring. Its main advantages are the low price, as well as the simplicity and cheapness of styling. The disadvantages are frost instability and a specific smell, albeit passing with the course of some time.

Modern technologies in linoleum production

The modern technology for the production of linoleum includes the following stages: oxidation of linseed oil, the formation of a special mixture - linoleum cement, mixing chilled cement with wood crumbs and pine resin, and finally, the formation of linoleum sheets.

According to the binder material, linoleum can be the following types:

Natural linoleum is the most environmentally friendly of all types of linoleums. It has high strength and stability, low combustibility and antistatic. Such linoleum has the highest price among all types of similar flooring. Natural linoleum is unlessic or made on the basis of jute, hemp or linseed fibers, linseed oil, coniferous resin, wood flour, lime powder and natural dyes. Flaxseed oil provides it with bactericidal properties and prevents the accumulation of dust, so such coatings are recommended for people with respiratory system disorders and allergies. It is also important that after styling it does not change its size, over time it does not change color and structure. However, during its transportation, bends should be avoided, since linoleum may crack.

Polyvinyl chloride linoleum is on a foamed, heat -insulating, fabric and non -woven bases or beamless, with one or more layers. This material has a specific smell. A linoleum made on a fabric basis is called glyftal, it has good heat and soundproofing properties. There are also rubber, nitro -cellulose and alkyd linoleums. In construction, the first two types of linoleum are most often used: natural and polyvinyl chloride.

For the purpose of linoleum, it is domestic, commercial, semi -commercial and special.

Household linoleum

Household linoleum is made on a basis from polyester, its thickness is from 1 to 4 mm. With intensive load, it will last no more than 2 years. The advantages of domestic linoleum are softness and simplicity, as well as a variety of design. Linoleum of this type has a fairly low cost.

Commercial linoleum

Due to high wear resistance, commercial linoleum is used in public premises (stations, hospitals, schools, etc.) with maximum load, however, there is a poor selection of decor.

Semi -commercial linoleum

The semi -commercial in structure is similar to domestic linoleum, but has a large thickness. Designed for premises for offices and public visits.

Special linoleum

Special linoleum is designed for special tasks, for example for sports grounds. Such linoleum is covered with a protective layer, which includes polyurethane, thanks to which the material acquires additional wear resistance and prevents its subsequent pollution. Medical institutions use linoleum, which in its composition is bactericidal ingredients, with a sterilizing effect.

In structure, linoleum is as follows - homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Homogeneous linoleum

It is a homogeneous canvas, which is made from PVC granules and dyes. The homogeneous linoleum is characterized by low abrasion, since the drawing is not located on the very surface of linoleum, but throughout its thickness. And it is quite natural that it is usually used in rooms with a high degree of wear (place of mass visits).

Heterogenic linoleum

In turn, heterogeneous linoleum can reach up to 6 mm in thickness and includes 2-6 PVC layers. Its basis is fiberglass.

Warm linoleum

A warm -based linoleum is a material that consists of a polymer layer (1.5 mm) with a printed, throughout volume, a pattern that is glued on a jute or felt base. The total thickness of linoleum reaches 5 mm. These linoleums are soft and elastic, they still retain heat well. Designed for any rooms without high humidity.

Antistatic linoleum

This type of linoleum is used for rooms in which there are many electronic equipment. It is also called isolation, as it disperses static electricity, which accumulates when walking along it (2 kilovolta). It acquires this property thanks to special additives, such as carbon threads, but in some cases it is quite simply carbon particles.

Linoleum Tarket

This is an environmental material designed for floor decoration corresponding to all fire and sanitary-hygienic standards, which is why Tarkett linoleum can be used in repair work in educational institutions, kindergartens, clinics and hospitals. It is also perfect for decoration of office, industrial and residential buildings.

Methods of manufacture

Linoleum is usually produced by rolls, the length of which is 6-45 m, and Shirin is 0.5-5 m, the thickness ranges from 1.5 to 5 mm, and for special orders up to 9 mm. In addition to flooring, linoleum is often used to make cosplay costumes.

Modern linoleum is fundamentally different from that which was produced until recently, especially its environmental friendliness, wealth and variety of decor and colors (for example, companies located in Germany, produce about 250 different types of linoleum, and more than 100 different colors). It has a difference in strength and many more useful properties, thanks to which linoleum began to be used to decorate the floor in bedrooms, living rooms, and in corridors, and in bathrooms, and in kitchens.


Tips on how to lay linoleum with your own hands

The surface of the floor under linoleum should be even, since the disadvantages will be striking. The base should also be dry. Before laying, you need to roll out the rolls of linoleum so that it is leveled. A single -color linoleum or having a marble pattern should be laid in the direction of light, and patterned is located along the room. In order for linoleum to be even, you need to use a wall marker. When buying, you need to make a reserve for various unforeseen cases. The cost of linoleum will be much less than parquet or even laminate, since inexpensive materials are used in its production.

Linoleum laying tools

To lay linoleum, the following tools are needed: a well -cooked knife or scissors with interchangeable blades and wooden, metal or precisely strict rulers.

How to lay linoleum with your own hands

The easiest laying option is to lay linoleum under the baseboard. Linoleum is fixed with glue with special gear spatulas, for example, with a type of A2 type. The glue consumption will be approximately 250-450 g/kV, it depends on the type of linoleum. So, a blade like B1 is suitable for laying a natural coating, with a large consumption of contact glue for linoleum, using which you can immediately apply material, and for PVC-linoleum, as a rule, glues of 10-minute expectation are required. After you have completely laid it, the linoleum floor should be rolled with a heavy roller, or wiped to the base of the cork board. If the bubbles formed, then they need to be pierced and again pressed the canvas with a load in two days. Usually linoleum welding occurs in a cold or hot way.

When using mastic, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust. The day before the start of work, linoleum should be primed from the back, and apply mastic or glue on the base, leave 10 cm of a free surface from each edge. After about 15 minutes, linoleum is glued, pressing to the base of the floor. You can also roll it into a roll so that the front surface is inside, then carefully roll it on the surface greased with mastic.

After 2-3 days, it will be necessary to cut and glue the edges. Before cutting under the edges of linoleum, it is necessary to put strips of fiberboard thickness of which are 3 mm and a width of 4 cm. By laying linoleum, you need to leave a small gap, since it is impossible to glue linoleum close to the walls. For thermal insulation, it is advisable to lay linoleum on a thermal insulation layer of mineral wool or felt.

To glue linoleum, you need either a special glue for a specific type of linoleum, or acrylic dispersion adhesives that have a waiting time equal to 5-10 minutes.

Mastic for gluing linoleum

What is mastic? These are pasty compositions with an adhesive base, solvents, plasticizers. They have good adhesive properties to linoleum and the grounds. Resistant to temperatures up to 60 degrees. Almost all types of linoleums are glued with mastic.

With a small consultation that you received here, and if you have a desire, linoleum can be laid yourself. As a result, you can save a small amount of money that you will need to pay a specialist.


Vadim Burova





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