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How to choose a warm floor

How great it is to lie down on the warm sand of the beach or walk barefoot on a stone heated by the sun. So why should we walk in slippers at home, defending ourselves from the cold pulling in the legs? There is good news - this is not necessary! The right warm floor will allow you to feel the warmth warming us in winter. Moreover, you can well make a warm floor with your own hands. Interested? Then we read on.




  1. Why is heated the warm floor so popular
  2. Various types of warm floor - which is better?


Why is heated the warm floor so popular

If you think that the device of warm floors is exclusively the prerogative of modernity, then you are fundamentally wrong. Heated floors have been known for a long time. Nowadays, they were only improved in such a way that now any person can do the installation of a warm floor. And do it. After all, warm floors give many advantages. Which? Let's look at more.

With the heating system located at the floor level, the heat evenly rises upward (we still remember physics from school?), Slightly cooling at the level of human growth, this process is shown in more detail in the picture. You yourself see that with a conventional central heating radiator, the ceiling will be warm, even hot, but the legs will still freeze. Therefore, the warm floor system, properly distributing warm air in the room, is much more convenient. Do you want to know what other attractive sides have a warm floor?

Distribution options for warm air with various heating systems

Look, the main feature of heating warm floor is the temperature of about 30 degrees, which is really smaller compared to more familiar heaters. And in this regard, we get:

  • quite productive protection against colds, because there is no harmful temperature difference
  • air with normal humidity (at this temperature it is not overdried), which has a beneficial effect on our mucous membranes, and they save us from various viruses and pathogenic microbes
  • the exclusion of strong convective flows (air movement under the influence of temperature difference), which helps to more fully maintain cleanliness - wiped dust really removes, and does not fly from place to place, so you can stop worrying about household allergies

In addition, lying and sitting on warm floors is not only pleasant, but also useful - they warm our backs and sides, eliminating all sorts of prostatitis and radiculitis.

As everyone understands, the result of the installation in the house of warm sexes will be an improvement in the health of all households - both children and adults. But is it not health that one of the most important components of a happy life?

Various types of warm floor - which is better?

Wait, wait, do not immediately run to the store behind the warm floor! Let's first decide which type of warm floor will be the best in your specific case.

Let's start, perhaps, by listing the systems used to create floors with heating:

  • water warm floor - heating in this case is achieved using hot water
  • electric warm floor - heat heating cables heat to us
  • film warm floor, it is also called infrared - we are warmed by a thin film with graphite filling, which works from the mains

Here are the three most famous systems of warm sexes. However, a simple listing of names does not speak so much, and for the right choice you need to keep abreast of the advantages and disadvantages of any product. Therefore, now we will move on to the most significant characteristics of all types of warm floors.

Water warm floors system

Water Water Paul Scheme

As already known, water warm floors are somewhat similar to a regular radiator heating system. And here and there - pipes with hot water, carrying heat into our house. However, there are differences. And the point is not that in our case the pipes fit into the concrete screed under the floor, and do not hang with a cast -iron accordion under the window. The main difference will be the need to connect special equipment for a warm floor - at least a pump, or even a boiler for heating water. And in this regard, it is clear that such equipment is more convenient to install in a country house, where the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises is larger, and it is possible to attach the back room for all this equipment. And such a system for a large house is more profitable.

It would seem that in an apartment building a connection may be easier - and what, connected to the central heating or to the hot water supply pipe, and all things. But in fact, unauthorized connection threatens the owners of the apartment with very unpleasant sanctions, and official permission can be obtained only for those houses where an alternative option for heating is already provided. After all, if you crash into ordinary water supply, you deprive your neighbors and warmth and the normal pressure of water, but who will agree to this?!

Due to the presence of an additional technical component in the waterflower device, the installation is complicated, although not so as not to cope on your own. However, if you want a real guarantee for all 50 years of work of your heating, it is better to invite a specialist who will follow the correct installation and the quality of purchased materials.

But after connecting a warm floor, you do not have to worry about too large accounts when operating. In addition, the softer heating of this particular system allows you to use almost any material, even varnished parquet as a floor covering.

Electric warm floor options

Electric warm floor - option with laying the cable into a concrete screed

The most common option for the warm floor is currently an electric warm floor. Installation of a warm electric floor is easier than water, although the cable will also have to be laid in a concrete screed, because this is what gives the effect of uniform heating. However, to those owners who do not plan to replace all heating with a warm floor with a system, even with a screed, not to bother, but to buy electromics (a fiberglass with an already laid heating cable) and lay them under a laid floor. True, heating mats are installed only as additional heating.

Electric warm floor - option  with heating mats

One of the important advantages of this system is the heating regulation system using warm floor sensors. It can be either manual when you turn on and turn off the heating yourself, and automatic. By the way, with an automatic warm floor regulator, up to 30% of electricity can be saved, which is important with basic heating due to electric warm floors. In general, it is the payment for the used electricity that refers to the largest disadvantages of this type of warm floors. We will not even talk about the harm of electromagnetic radiation from the electric warm floor - it has long been proven that the value of this advertising scarecrow is very small, so this minus is simply ignored, as insignificant.

It is believed that ceramic tiles or artificial stone will be the best floor covering for an electric warm floor, but recently it is used for other materials.

Film infrared warm floor

Film Warm Warm laying scheme

The film warm floor belongs to the latest achievements in this area. The comfortable temperature in the room is achieved due to infrared radiation, primarily the material objects of the situation, starting from the flooring. And the air warms up with the heat that comes from them. Moreover, such radiation is very beneficial affects the human body, because it is practically warming the warmth of their own body, and in ancient times even frostbitants saved.

Now the advantages of this type of warm floors. The easiest installation of the system due to the surprisingly small film thickness (less than a millimeter). A very attractive price both when purchasing and during operation. The possibilities of thermoregulation are no less than that of an electric warm floor. The film is installed under any flooring. The film is used both for additional and the main heating of the living space of any size. In general, to be honest, this system has not yet been found in this system.

Now, after weighing all the pros and cons, you can already buy a warm floor - which one to choose, you have probably decided. But how to make a warm floor at home is a separate topic. And detailed instructions for each option will be given. The main thing is the desire to make your home warm and comfortable, and there the experience will come, and skills will be added. After all, you are unlikely to be going to do such an important business yourself, if you have never been holding the tool in your hands. And the matter is that it is afraid of the master, but in smart hands it just burns. So a good choice and warm floors in the house!





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