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Carpet cleaning at home

Remember how you chose the flooring for hours, searched for a carpet suitable in color, studied characteristics. Now the eyes are pleased with the eye, but beauty must be constantly maintained. After all, you must admit, it’s a shame if, due to incorrect or untimely care, the product loses its brilliant appearance! Let's talk about the methods of cleaning the carpet today and find out what needs to be done so that it retains all its qualities longer.


  1. The need to clean the carpet
  2. Wet carrier cleaning
  3. Dry cleaning carpet
  4. Cleaning carpet foam
  5. Using a washing vacuum cleaner
  6. Non -traditional cleaning methods
  7. Rules for removing spots

The need to clean the carpet

Carpet is a modern flooring, in structure it consists of the primary base, the fixing layer, secondary base and pile. Carpet coatings are often subjected to all kinds of pollution, for example: moisture, sand, dust. Such pollution leads the carpet into a worthless state and can completely ruin the type of carpet.

In their apartment, it is recommended to observe simple rules for caring for carpet: do not go in shoes on the coating, instantly display the spots that have arisen and regularly clean the carpet. The most important is the cleaning of the carpet, and the most effective is the professional cleaning of the coating at home, because they are used by highly effective means and expensive equipment.

However, there are alternative solutions to professional cleaning, since the prices for cleaning carpets with cleaning companies are quite large. In addition, home remedies are no worse, or even better, to clean the carpet of pollution and return it to its former brightness. Of course, we will not use a broom with you, since you won’t get dirt, it remains to simply clean the coverage of a vacuum cleaner 2 times a week, once a month you can turn to wet cleaning, but there are old, like grandmother's methods to remove stains.

Wet carrier cleaning

Usually, wet cleaning of the carpet is performed with a brush with a soft pile or a wet rag that does not damage the structure of the coating. For carpet, a solution of special shampoo or reagent is used, which quickly dissolves dirt.

When acquiring such a detergent, first of all, make sure their hypoallergenic properties of shampoos. Using liquid agents, it must be remembered that they cannot be used at the same time, since it is extremely inconsistent with a few means with different compositions to mix with each other. It is recommended to clean the carpet first with one tool, and after a certain time by another.

It is important to use only specialized tools that are designed to clean the carpet. The use of a random detergent can cause excessive pollution in the future and the loss of softness and elasticity of fibers - the product does not properly wash, sticks on the pile, attracts dirt and dust.

As a rule, they take one tablespoon per liter of water and applied to the surface of the coating, based on the instructions available on the package. Gently tall the solution on the surface, while avoid excess water. The reagent, penetrating the pile, will absorb mud formations of any origin and structure. In the course of such cleaning, a carpet cleaning tool can even affect the most inaccessible places, removing an unpleasant odor and old pollution without a trace.

After such cleaning, the coating humidity is only 8%. Depending on the temperature regime of the room, the carpet after 2-7 hours becomes dry and completely suitable for operation. Due to the fact that the method of wet cleaning on the coating has a strong effect, it is not recommended to resort to this method more than once a month.

A popular variant of wet carpet cleaning is cleaning in the snow. In this case, the main condition is the presence of dry snow. The sequence of actions is similar to the carpet familiar from childhood: the carpet needs to be turned on the snow with a pile and, slightly patting with a broom, knock out dust. Then it is worth again transferring the carpet to clean snow and repeat the procedure.

Remember that wet cleaning is not suitable for adhesive -based carpet: if you choose a natural jute -type coating, it can be deformed from excess water or covered with stains. Such coatings are cleaned with warm water, but the napkin or rag is squeezed well so that there is no excess moisture. Excessive moisture is capable of washing the impregnation, which is contained in the carpet, and reduce its wear resistance and strength. Moisture also contributes to the reproduction of bacteria and the appearance of fungus in the fibers of the carpet.

Dry cleaning carpet

Carpet can be cleaned without water and different detergents using special means for dry carpet cleaning. Clean the first thing the surface with a vacuum cleaner, which has a rotating screw brush that is able to clean the surface well, straighten the villi and maintain their structure. Apply the powder manually with an even layer or using a special machine.

In order for the substance to absorb dirt properly, it must be left on the surface for a while, the period of action depends on the level of pollution and usually is half an hour - two hours. The action of dry powder is based on the ability of granules to maintain a certain amount of moisture in itself, which dissolves pollution and absorbs the granules of the powder.

After the passage of time, remove the powder with a vacuum cleaner. The method of dry cleaning of the carpet is gaining more and more popularity every day. Dry cleaning of the coating is convenient in that you can walk immediately after cleaning, in addition, a significant plus is that there is no damp, accompanying wet cleaning.

Cleaning carpet foam

Foam cleaning is an average procedure between the wet and dry cleaning of the carpet. Before direct foam cleaning, it is recommended to pre -clean the floor covering of rough dirt with a vacuum cleaner with a cylindrical brush. Then you can start applying foam.

A special composition for cleaning the carpet and carpet contains different detergents: small abrasives, alkalis, alcohols and other substances that are selected in such a way that dust and dirt are quickly dissolved. Foam cleaning consists in mild moisturizing the surface with foam, without intensive moisture. Foam is applied with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.

Penetrating into the pile, the foam only slightly moisturizes it, not letting the carpet soak too much. After applying foam to the carpet, withstand the time that requires active components present in the foam to destroy pollution, which settled on the villi of the coating. In order to separate residual dirt from the pile, it is enough to wait only 30 minutes. After that, remove the foam with mud with a vacuum cleaner.

Using a washing vacuum cleaner

The washing vacuum cleaner is a wonderful device that helps carpet quickly clean at home. To do this, rub a certain detergent with a brush, and then the surface is well -fused. It seems like a simple procedure, but here without some subtleties.

First of all, remember that the cleaning of the carpet with a detergent vacuum cleaner should not be abused. The procedure can be carried out no more than once a week. Pay special attention to places that are contaminated more than usual: outputs and entrances from rooms, working zones and areas of intensive movement. To achieve the maximum effect, conditionally divide the carpet into the region and sprinkle them in order.

In this important matter, haste is absolutely useless, especially when the carpet is endowed with a long pile. Go through the scheduled sectors slowly several times this will help increase the chance of impeccable cleanliness. Remember that especially dirty areas should be vacuumed by cross, making a call in several repetitions.

To eliminate unpleasant odors that sometimes occur when working with a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to add a small spoonful of baking soda to the vacuum cleaner. To preserve freshness for a long time, you can make a special solutions, which subsequently you treat the surface of the carpet.

To prepare a refreshing mixture, you need ingredients such as cinnamon, cloves, rosemary or lavender, as well as baking soda. Take all the components of 1 teaspoon, mix thoroughly and sprinkle on the carpet. After 20 minutes, you can sprinkle the coating with a washing vacuum cleaner.

Remember, if the carpet has an adhesive base, then with excessive wetting, deformation of the base is possible. The color of the coating also matters, therefore, to maintain the uniformity of color and protect against the formation of unattractive advances on the surface, avoid intensive moisturizing the carpet. The base of latex and foamed rubber of contact with water is not afraid, but the product from intensive moisture will not come to their senses soon.

Non -traditional cleaning methods

Good results are shown by cleaning the carpet with steam. With this technique, you need to pour water or a special mixture into the steam generator. The liquid under the influence of high temperature will turn into steam and falls on the surface of the carpet. Due to the high level of humidity and high temperature, the dirt, which is contained in the gills of the carpet, will be well dissolved and subsequently easily removed by an ordinary vacuum cleaner after the coating dries.

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To clean the carpet at home, you can use washing powder. To do this, dissolve the washing powder in water, add a little kerosene and wipe the carpet with a sponge or a rag moistened in this solution. This technique is great for the care of synthetic carpet or coatings based on wool. It should be remembered that the remains of kerosene are able to disappear for three days, so you need to ventilate the room well.

At home, they often practice cleaning with sleepy tea. To do this, scatter a wet sleepy tea welding evenly on the carpet and collect it with a vacuum cleaner after dried. But you should not use this method if you have a light carpet, as this can provoke stains from tea.

Rules for removing spots

The most common type of carpet pollution is spots of various origin. Regardless of the fact that modern carpet powder allows you to easily and quickly clean all the pollution, you can save and use improvised means. The main guide to action is this: the sooner you remove the pollution, the easier it will be to cope with the spot. It is recommended to follow some rules.

Any spots are not recommended to rub, but it is necessary to immediately drain with a clean cotton or paper towel until the spot dries. You need to remove the spots with a towel, a paper towel or a sponge, previously moistened in water, towards the center of the contaminated place. Thick substances, such as jam, mayonnaise, ketchup, remove with a spoon or knife, moving the tool towards the center of pollution. Rinse the place of the remote spot with water and let it dry.

Spots from spilled drinks, for example, coffee and tea, as well as chocolate, will be removed to be removed with a mixture of vinegar and alcohol (3 to 1). Dissolve the spot with this mixture and rinse after water. Cold water with the addition of ammonia will help to remove coffee and tea stains, or you can bite the carpet with a brush that is moistened in a solution of a liter of cold water and a tablespoon of glycerol.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove fresh spots from beer, liquor and wine from the carpet, if the carpet is wiped with a brush that is moistened in a solution of soap, and then in water with vinegar in a proportion to a liter of warm water one small spoon of vinegar.

Spots from juice, jam and ketchup will become lighter when using a solution of citric acid. It is recommended to moisturize the spot slightly, sprinkle pollution on top with citric acid, leave after such manipulations for a couple of minutes, then remove with a damp cloth with some effort.

You can get rid of fat spots using a mixture of gasoline and starch. The resulting mass should be applied to the spot and removed after drying out with a vacuum cleaner. If salt pour salt on a fresh fat spot, then crystals will be able to quickly absorb fat. Spread the extrack salt on the coating and ten minutes later the carpet with a broom with a broom, which is pre -moistened in a weak solution of soap. However, it should be remembered that after such cleaning it is necessary to dry the surface well to prevent mold.

To remove old spots, do this: soak small sawdust with a solution of gasoline (1 part) and thick soap mass (10 parts), sprinkle on the sawdust of the sawdust and clean its surface with a soft brush after drying out.

Eggs and blood allows you to effectively remove ordinary soapy water with alkalis. Enough 10% alkalis. Be sure to use cold water, as the hot can aggravate the problem. Rinse the stain with a 10 percent solution of table vinegar, then rinse it with water.

The vomit and urine, so unpleasant on the carpet, can wash away vinegar water well (take 5% table vinegar). After such treatment with vinegar, the contaminated place must be washed with water. Smell this section with a white cloth.

Children's games after themselves often leave traces of a ballpoint pen and colors. The element of creativity on the carpet will help pacify a mixture of alcohol and turpentine. You can remove traces of resin with this composition. After such work, open the windows, thoroughly withdraw the pairs of turpentine, and rinse the processed area well with clean water.

Such an old technique can cope with wax: take a blotter or other material that absorbs moisture well, place it on the spot and cover it on top with an iron. The paper actively absorbs molten paraffin. In this case, it is necessary to change paper napkins until the paraffin stops to appear. Rinse the remnants of paraffin with a chlorine -containing solvent, and then water.

As you can see, there are many methods for cleaning the carpet at home. You can use the latest achievements of household chemical developers or one of the improvised means washing powder, soap, vinegar, ammonia, glycerin, salt, citric acid, starch. How effective the procedure will be depends on your efficiency, because the older the pollution, the more difficult it is to remove it.





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