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All about tile repair

Tile coatings are considered one of the most resistant to natural wear and damage to any kind, but it happens that they also require attention. In addition, it is not always the laying of the tiles during the repair of the tiles, and the chopped, wiped and worn areas against the background of the new interior will be released by inaccurate spots. Meanwhile, knowing some professional secrets and tricks of builders, you can easily, quickly and equally qualitatively perform the repair of tiles with your own hands without spending huge funds either on the full replacement of the coating or on expensive services of qualified brigades.


  1. Why the tile fails, or how to avoid its repair
  2. Tile or ceramic tiles
  3. Porcelain tile


Why does the tile fail, or how to avoid its repair?

Most often, various mistakes made by masters in the laying process lead to the appearance of the tiles and to the appearance of its damage. The most common of them are considered:

  • poor preparation of the surface of the walls or floor;
  • improper breeding of a cement solution for gluing;
  • inaccurate handling of tiles, leading to the appearance of microcracks, which, with further operation with any light blow, turn into chips and cracks.

In addition, if during operation the tightness of the connection of the tile with the base is disturbed, then the moisture falling under it quickly destroys the adhesive layer. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the inter -seams and timely carry out the necessary repair of ceramic tiles.

If we talk about paving slabs, then the factors that negatively affect the durability of the coating are added to the aggressive effect of atmospheric phenomena, as well as an increased risk of damage by falling to the surface of heavy objects.

Compliance with technology during styling, careful handling of material and proper operation will allow for many years to forget about the need to repair the tile coating.

Tile or ceramic tiles

Types of repair work

Most often, repair of tiles is the installation of a fallen tile to the place. Often there is a need to replace an old damaged coating. For example, when the kitchen is repaired, the tiles after the transfer of furniture or decor items to another place remains with the holes from the fasteners. The old, wiped seams that absorbed dust, fat and other dirt and lost their original color look very aesthetic.

If chips and cracks are on the tile ...

If there is no stock of tiles left, and in the store it was not possible to choose the right material for replacement, cracks can be filled with cement milk.

Cement milk is a solution of cement with water, without adding sand, resembling real milk in consistency.

To do this, it is necessary, gradually pouring the solution to the surface of the tile, rub it with a rough piece of tissue into a crack. For better penetration, this must be done in two directions: along and across the crack. Deeper chips and cavities can be completely poured with this solution and smooth out after drying.

To achieve greater strength of the solution filling the crack, it must be slightly moistened for another two to three days.

If a whole tile has disappeared

Do not panic and start global repairs with a change in the entire coating. Such tiles can easily be returned to place. If the tile has not gone to the end and holds a little more, it must be very carefully, with the help of a chisel or chisel, remove it from your nest.

Then painstakingly prepare the base for styling, otherwise very soon you will have to face the same problem. To do this, remove the rest of the glue or, if the tiles are repaired on the floor, knock out the entire old cement mortar to the base. After that, it is necessary to clean the surface of the slightest particles of dust and other contaminants and slightly moisturize it with water.

You can attach the tile again in several ways:

  1. On silicone sealant, and it is better to use white than transparent, having less strength.
  2. On liquid glass. In this method, a solution of liquid glass must be mixed with ordinary tooth powder.
  3. On zinc white. In this case, it is necessary to process the base with the Oliphi one day before the tile fastening.
  4. On a cement mortar.
  5. On tile glue.

In the last two versions, when preparing the surface of the base, it is necessary to deepen into it by 3-4 millimeters somewhat. Such a stock is necessary so that the laid tile does not stick out due to the adhesive layer.

For better adhesion, any adhesive composition applied to the tiles must be filled with a gear spatula.

If you need to replace the tile with a new

First, the damaged tile must be removed. It is easier to do this if you first get rid of the inter -seams, for example, using a spatula.

Next, drill holes around the circumference in the center of the tile at a close distance from each other with a thin drill and knock out this part with a light blow. Now, inserting a loot into the resulting gap, gently roll the damaged tiles, while trying not to damage the nearby ones, of course, if they are not subject to removal.

The next step is to be carefully cleansed of whole tiles from the remnants of the grout, and the base from the old glue. After that, it is necessary to make sure the integrity of the surface, even shallow potholes should be closed before gluing the tile. Do not neglect the primer, it will help to achieve maximum evenness of the base.

After the tile is glued to place, be sure to check the correspondence of its level to the rest of the coating. If it acts, then a simple tapping on it will help to put it in the right position, but, on the contrary, the tile is drowned among the rest, then it must be removed and added by a certain amount of glue.

The seams between only laid tiles should be sealed no earlier than the gluing composition completely dries.

If the inter -seams do not look very

If the seams between the tiles have lost an attractive appearance or covered with mold, you should not panic either. There are many solutions in construction stores that cope with these problems.

If the grout was partially (or even completely) crumbled, you will have to work a little. After all, it will need to be completely replaced in the entire room, otherwise the updated area will stand out among the rest. Of course, you can try to choose a tool with the most suitable color, but this rarely succeeds.

So, first you need to clean the entire tile surface of lime plaque and other deposits. Now it is not much difficult, the range of appropriate funds is simply huge. After that, we completely remove the old inter -seams using a thin and pointed object (it is better if it is wooden, this will avoid accidental damage to the tile) and grind them again.

If the tile has lost its former gloss

In general, ceramic tiles quite easily restores its original appearance using special impregnations, detergents and other drugs, but if you really want changes, and the new styling is not yet included in your plans, you can try to change the surface design.

One way to paint tiles. Of course, first it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and polished with sandpaper. After that, we degrease the section of the tile, designed for the drawing, and remove the plaque remaining after washing with acetone. If the drawing is simple, for example, geometric ornaments, then its boundaries can be designated using thin tape or island. If you want something unusual, you will have to suffer with the preparation of stencils. All the surface left under the pattern should be primed, and it can only be proceeded to its color after the primer layer completely dried.

That's all, you can enjoy a new interior!

Porcelain tile

This type of tile must be said a few words separately. Yes, it requires the same types of repair, but there are several nuances in their technology.

  1. Firstly, when replacing the sown sidewalk tiles, it is necessary to re-fill the base with sand, carefully compact and leve it.
  2. Secondly, if sealing or deformation was caused by sewage, then you should first take care of their proper removal from the surface of the coating, and only then begin the repair of paving slabs.

And finally, a small video telling about some construction secrets of laying tiles and grout of the seams:

Do not forget that even the most durable materials may fail as a result of inaccurate circulation. The key to the durability of the tile coating is proper care and timely repair work.









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