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Mixtures for ceramic tiles - Features of use

Previously, tiles made solutions for ceramic tiles on their own. The composition was kneaded immediately before the start of cladding, carefully measuring all the ingredients by eye. The quality of such a substance directly depended on the skills of the master: he managed to withstand the dosage - the tile will last several decades, poured cement or sand work very soon. But today the tiles have a great alternative to this mixture for laying ceramic tiles.


  1. The concept of dry mixtures
  2. Features of dry mixtures for ceramics
  3. Advantages of dry mixtures for tiles
  4. Laying ceramic tiles on a dry mixture

The concept of dry mixtures

The first dry mixtures in our country appeared only ten years ago. The main assortment at that time was represented by the products of Western firms, and domestic brands also replenished it over the time. Today you can find similar compounds of different production on the shelves of construction stores.

Construction mixtures are a group of materials that are interconnected by only one common feature, they are in their original state in the form of dry mass or powder, which consists of many components, and the properties embedded in it are acquired exclusively when water and further hardening.

The basis of all such substances is a mixture of gypsum and cement in various dosages, as can be seen in the photo of the mixtures for ceramic tiles. As special polymer additives that regulate the adhesive capabilities of the composition are slowdown or hardening accelerators, hydrophobizing and staining additives. It is modifying additives that one or another composition can make suitable for certain work. They can reduce the porosity of the substance, increase adhesion and give frost resistance.

Dry mixtures differ in the method of application and there are such types:

  1. The aligning are used to equalize ceilings, walls and floor;
  2. Adhesives are designed for gluing facing materials (heat -insulating material, ceramic tiles);
  3. Sanctions are needed to restore damage on the surface of different buildings;
  4. Speakkovoal is used to seal defects, which are placed on the rough surface of the walls, and to prepare for the final finish;
  5. Universal are used for a wide range of work;
  6. External are needed for external decorative decoration of walls and facades of buildings.

Features of dry mixtures for ceramics

All dry mixtures are designed for laying ceramic tiles on concrete, brick, cement-sand or cement-lime durable and non-shaped surfaces outside and inside the building, in wet and dry rooms. Dry mixtures can be attached to ceramic products on horizontal or vertical surfaces. They are suitable for laying large -format tiles, and for installing a mosaic.

Such compounds can be used as an independent construction solution or as an additive to an existing solution to improve its technical characteristics. There are mixtures that allow you to attach tiles to the surface without removing old ceramics, that is, according to the method, tiles on the tile, except for facing on the glazed surface, as well as on deformable surfaces (heated floors).

Some mortar mixtures are effective in performing tanks and pools, bases that are subjected to constant atmospheric influences (terraces, basements, operated roofs, balconies), flooring surfaces with intensive care. Mixtures are presented on sale that they have increased resistance to mechanical stress, for example, for laying tiles on stairs.

Currently, perhaps the most common way to lay ceramic tiles is installation using dry mixtures made on a cement basis. There is also the following classification of dry mixtures for ceramic tiles: for ordinary work, wet rooms and complex areas. In our market, these mixtures are represented by the following products:

  • Standard mixtures for classic internal works with floor and wall tiles;
  • Universal compounds for laying tiles in difficult conditions (higher temperature, high humidity) - in showers, saunas and on the street;
  • Unsuccessful mixtures for applying surfaces with small mosaics and tiles;
  • Special mixtures for facing fireplaces and furnaces.

Advantages of dry mixtures for tiles

Dry mixtures for ceramics of various manufacturers are distinguished by a recipe, operational properties, used elements, but all of them are characterized by general universal characteristics. Let's look at them:

  1. Simplicity and convenience of work. In the manufacture of such a composition, a high level of uniformity of the finished mass is achieved and lumps are not formed, which often arise when creating a classic mixture of cement and sand. In addition, the composition does not flow out when laying! And high fixing abilities of the adhesive mixture allow you to do without gaskets between ceramic tiles to provide seams of the same width.
  2. Lack of the need to use special equipment. To prepare a solution from a dry mixture for ceramic tiles, there is no need to use special equipment, just take an electric drill and a special nozzle. By stirring the composition using these tools, you can easily get a solution for ceramics of the desired consistency.
  3. Stability of the composition of the mixture. Any amount of adhesive retains the necessary properties in full, which is possible due to the exact dosing and thorough preparation of all the components of the mixture.
  4. Great technical characteristics. The finished solution is inherent in good indicators of sound and thermal insulation, as well as a high degree of plasticity, which allows it to be applied to any surface and not crawl with vertical styling. It is also worth noting the water -holding properties of the mixture, which consists in protecting the finished composition from the formation of cracks and premature drying.
  5. High adhesive properties. The adhesive, which is kneaded from ready -made dry mixtures, has increased adhesive characteristics with the processed base, due to which ceramic tiles are held well on any surface and less subjected to mechanical damage.
  6. A significant shelf life. Dry mixtures for ceramic tiles can be stored in a dry form for a long time, while their working characteristics will not change. Dry mixtures can be transported and contained at low temperature.
  7. Economy. The use of dry mixtures for ceramic tiles allows you to achieve significant saving time and invested money when decorating the premises. Due to the possibility of applying the finished solution with a thinner layer, the material is consumed optimally, so the price of mixtures for ceramic tiles fades into the background.

Laying ceramic tiles on a dry mixture

Each mixture for ceramic tiles on the package contains instructions for use, which consists exclusively in breeding the composition with water in the desired proportion. However, we will still consider how to correctly mix the solution from a dry mixture and lay ceramic tiles on it.

Preparation of a dry mixture

A dry adhesive mixture must be mixed with clean cold water (temperature from 15 to 20 degrees above zero), according to the proportions, which are indicated in the technical data. The substance is gradually added to the water and interfered for 5 minutes. Fuck until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained. Mixing is carried out manually using a mixer or a special low -speed drill with a nozzle. Control that the speed of rotation of the mixer is 400-600 revolutions per minute.

When mixing, do not allow foaming. The resulting solution should be kept for 5 minutes so that the solution of the mixture is ripening, evaluate its mobility and bring the mass to the consistency indicated in the instructions. The mobility of the mortar mixture, which begins to harden, can be increased by means of additional mixing, but it is forbidden to add water to the solution of the mixture.

Before direct use, the mass is mixed again, according to the technology of mixtures for ceramic tiles. A feature of these mixtures is the rapid drying, so the manufacturers and recommend a dry adhesive mixture to breed at the rate of work for 20 minutes 2 hours, after which it will be necessary to breed a new portion of the composition.

In the process of preparing a solution from a dry mixture, it is necessary to use pure containers and follow the safety rules. In connection with increased dust formation, it is recommended to protect the eyes and respiratory tract. The mixture that contains cement is added to the alkaline environment. If they get into the eyes of the solution, they should be washed quickly with clean water, a single percent solution of boric acid and be sure to consult a doctor for help.

Preparing the basis for laying tiles

Before laying ceramic tiles, it is necessary to remove the old plumbing, remove all the excess from the room. Then pick up a hammer and chisel in your hands, and you can start dismantling the old tile to beat it. At the same time, do not forget to observe precautions: work in gloves so that you do not cut your hands about sharp edges, and also put on glasses so that your eyes do not damage the flying pieces of tiles.

When you beat off all the old tiles, remove the influx of old glue with any convenient tool. If the plaster is crumbled when you draw a finger along it, and in some places you will have to take the chisel and a hammer and clean the surface to the very brickwork. Gypsum bases and bases with high water absorption must first be primed with a primer.

The base for laying ceramic tiles on the prepared solution from the finished mixture should be dry, durable and cleaned of glue, dust, dirt, oil spots, influxes and other substances, which reduce the adhesion of the solution to the base. All uneven and fragile areas of the base must be removed, and then aligned with an adhesive mixture a day before the start of work.

If the surface is strong, you can go to measurements measure its geometric parameters using a plumb line. You also need to check the walls for verticality. In case of exceeding the norm of the deviations of the walls from the vertical position (more than a few millimeters), it must be aligned with plaster, as in the case of the deviation of the perpendicularity of the walls (checked by the square).

Next, use the water level and check the walls for bulges and concaves. Also, for this case, you can pull the good old cord between the walls. If there will be a couple of millimeters at a length of 1 meter, it is better to align the walls.

Laying tile with a dry mixture

Work on the device for a mixture of ceramic tiles must be performed when the base temperature is from 5 to 30 degrees above zero. The amount of closing water must be selected so that after you press the tile, the mixture is not less than 65% of the mounting surface. The air temperature should be plus 20C, and air humidity is about 60%. In other conditions, the time of cutting, setting and hardening the prepared solution may change.

The mortar mixture must be applied to the lined surface with a shoulder blade, grater or spatula with a thin layer and align with the same spatula or gear grater. The teeth should have the form of a square and correspond to the size of the tiles: for example, with a material size 15 by 15 centimeters, the depth and tooth width should be 6 millimeters, with a size of 30 by 30 centimeters of 10 millimeters. The spatula must be kept at an angle of about 40 60 degrees.

You can not lay tiles. The width of the seam will depend on the operating conditions and format of the tile and should be more than 2 millimeters. The maximum thickness of the mixture under ceramic tiles should not exceed 10 millimeters. When performing the work outside, the combined method is used: the solution of the solution is applied to the base with a thickness that corresponds to the size of the grater tooth, as well as on the tile, about 1 millimeter thick, evenly covering the entire surface.

Tiles must be laid on a layer of mortar mixture and pressed. Remember that the tile cannot be previously moistened! Under normal climatic conditions, the tile should be laid no later than twenty minutes after applying the solution to the base. In windy weather and summer, when performing work outside the building, laying time was reduced to 10 minutes.

10 minutes after the installation of ceramic tiles, you can adjust its position. The remnants of the mixture should be removed before it hardened with water. Expanding under normal conditions should be done after a day. On the basis of deformation seams, they should be sealed with elastic sealants.

When facing pools, waterproofing the base must be performed, taking into account the features of the base and the environment. Facing in water tanks should be broken with special waterproof compounds. When using the material in conditions that are not considered in the description for a specific dry mixture, it is recommended to independently conduct a test test.

And finally, remember that during the laying of ceramics and during the first days of hardening of the composition, it is necessary to avoid getting to the surface of the water, exclude the effects of sunlight, wind or strong drafts.





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