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In the process of repair work, quite often there is a need to dismantle old tiles. There are several ways to remove tiles from the floor and from the walls. Independent dismantling of tiles will help not only save it for further use, but also save money on a specialist. We will consider the features and technology of dismantling tiles in the apartment further.
There are two ways to remove tiles:
In any case, it is necessary to adhere to a certain safety precautionary when performing work. Also, to dismantle the tiles, you will need to prepare tools in the form:
Initially, you should prepare a place for work. If it is necessary to dismantle the tiles located on the walls, the floor should be covered with a protective coating or polyethylene film. When dismantling tiles in the bathroom, it is also necessary to protect the bath and the toilet with cardboard or film.
To protect the eyes from small fragments of tiles, you should use glasses. To protect your hands, put on gloves, and the respirator will protect from dust. In the absence of a respirator, it is enough to fold a gauze several times and moisten it with water.
The dismantling of tiles from the walls is carried out from above, gradually moving down. Otherwise, there is a risk of wall collapse. To remove tiles, a chisel and chisel are used. The downing is performed alternately, each tile is removed from the wall. If it is impossible to disconnect the tile, then for its dismantling it is necessary to knock on it with a hammer, breaking it into fragments.
Next, you should clean the wall from the old cement mortar. In this case, the presence of a chisel and a hammer will be required. In order to improve the quality of the clutch of the new tile with the wall, it is necessary to carefully clean it of the old solution.
1. Removing tiles from the walls is a rather complicated process that does not pass quickly. It will take a lot of time and physical effort to execute it, especially if the further use of tiles is planned.
2. The main rule of successful dismantling of tiles is to follow all technological operations to perform these work. A careless attitude to work leads to damage to the walls and the complication of further work. Focus on work as much as possible.
3. A mandatory attribute of work is the presence of a perforator. With it, the dismantling of the tiles will accelerate significantly. With it, it is possible to calculate the shock force that is laid on the wall.
4. Pay attention to complex sections of the walls, such as the places of passage of communication systems. In this case, each blow should be pre -planned.
5. To remove one tile on the wall, in the absence of the need to dismantle other tiles, you should use a special technology. Initially, using the spatula, remove the grout. Next, using the electric drill, make several holes around the perimeter of the tile. With their help, it will be possible to extract tiles without damaging others.
6. Another option for removing tiles from the wall is its incision in the diagonal direction. For these purposes, glass cutter is used. Remove the residues of tile glue from the wall. Try to do this in such a way as to get a perfectly even base with a minimum number of differences.
Before you get acquainted with the features of dismantling the ceiling tiles, we suggest studying its varieties. In relation to the principle of manufacturing tiles for the ceiling, it happens:
The first option is characterized by affordable cost and low quality. For the manufacture of such tiles, polystyrene blocks are used, which are stamped in a special way. This version of the tile is particularly fragility, since its thickness is only seven millimeters. This material is distinguished by moisture instability and is deformed under its influence.
The injection version of the ceiling tile is characterized by the correct and clear geometric shape and has excellent performance. In thickness, such a tile is a little more than one centimeter. It perfectly holds heat and protects the room from extraneous sounds. This version of the tile is absolutely safe for use, but its cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of pressed products.
Extruded tiles are characterized by a perfectly smooth surface. This material is characterized by good performance, strength and high cost. There are many patterns and variations of this type of tile.
In the ratio with the type of surface, ceiling tiles are mirror, laminated, solid. Its laminated version is resistant to moisture and has a variety of color palette. Such tiles can imitate any type of surface: wood, metal, glass, lining, etc. Seamless or whole tiles is characterized by the convenience of installation and operation, the absence of seams between the plates increases the attractiveness of the ceiling. Mirror tiles are installed if there is a need for visual expansion of space, it differs in shape and type of mirror layer.
The method of dismantling the tiles from the ceiling depends on the type of coating, which must be removed. In the process, the availability of:
In order to protect yourself from dust, the presence of a respirator will be required. To protect furniture from dirt and damage, put cellophanes on it.
Start dismantling from the corner of the ceiling. Initially, try to remove the tile with a spatula. If the tile is easily removed without additional tools, then feel free to use the spatula in the process of performing work. However, with partial tile peeling, we recommend that you also use a chisel and a hammer. They will significantly speed up the construction process.
If you can’t destroy the tile seams using the above tools, we recommend that you use a perforator or electric drill. It is enough to drill the seam in several places. Also, with the help of these tools, a ceiling skirting board is dismantled. Try to damage the plinth not to damage the areas connecting the wall to the ceiling. If necessary, in the replacement of certain tiles on the ceiling, it is enough to destroy the inter -seams of the seam along their perimeter with a spatula and dismantle the material.
After the dismantling of the old tiles is completed, it is necessary to start preparing the surface for further decoration. Initially, the ceiling is cleaned of tile glue, for these purposes use a spatula. We recommend that before starting work abundantly moisten the ceiling with water. In order to align the surface, use a grinder with a grinding circle.
In order to perfectly align the ceiling, use sandpaper with increased rigidity. Next, the ceiling is painted or finished with putty. When arranging a suspended ceiling in the room, there is no need for its thorough leveling.
Please note that the mandatory process of preparing the ceiling for further work is its coating with an antiseptic primer. Thus, it will be possible to protect the coating from mold and fungus. Since the tile fit tightly to the ceiling, the air does not enter it, the fungus develops well in such an environment. Therefore, only the cleaned ceiling is immediately processed with special means.
The method of removing tiles from the walls depends primarily on the material that it is fixed on the wall. We offer to familiarize yourself with the main methods of dismantling tiles:
1. If the fixation of the tile was performed using a cement mortar, then to dismantle the tiles, we recommend using a punch and a bit of Doloto. At the same time, it will be difficult to remove the tile without damage.
2. If the tiles were glued with tile glue, then in this case, it is likely to remove it without damage.
If there is a need to replace several damaged tiles, then in this case, it is necessary to perform such actions:
The second option of dismantling the old bathroom tile is to remove all the tiles from the walls with its further use. This removal option is possible only if the tile was laid using an adhesive solution. In order to remove the tile, adhere to the instructions:
If it is necessary to dismantle ceramic tiles without preserving its integrity, then in this case, perform the following actions:
A broken tile can be used in the process of manufacturing garden paths in the country or built mosaic jewelry from it.
If the tile on the floor was laid on a cement mortar, then its dismantling will go noisily and dusty. In the event that the tile is fixed with glue, there is the opportunity to preserve it whole.
In such a situation, the presence will be required:
Also, it is necessary to stock up on water, which will prevent the appearance of dust in the room. Initially, the grout should be removed from the inter -seamy joints and moisten the floor with water. The larger the distance between the tiles, the easier it is to dismantle the material from the floor. Water will help dissolve the glue that holds the tile on the floor. After half an hour, start work.
First, try to remove the tile with a spatula, which neatly start under it. If the tile does not leave, then use the chisel. If necessary, add water to the floor, gradually removing the coating. The floor should be smooth and even before performing further finishing.
To clean the floor of glue, use a mechanical knife or sandpaper. This method of dismantling tiles requires a rather large amount of time and effort, however, as a result, it is possible to get a whole tile.
If temporary resources are limited, then in this case we recommend using a punch. Please note that in this case, the tile will be damaged and dust will be present in the room.
Initially, all seams between the tiles are cleaned. Use water to remove grout. After that, take a perforator and with the help of a bite, remove the tile from the floor. At the same time, work gradually, removing excess garbage in bags. Do not forget about the mask, respirator and gloves.
If it is necessary to replace several damaged tiles on the floor, then it is necessary to initially cut the tile diagonally into two parts using glass cutter. Next, the tile is carefully removed from the floor with a spatula or chisel. Try to work carefully, thinking through each step, only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired result.
Dismantling tiles video: