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Installation of metal window slopes with your own hands. Fastening technology and independent installation methods

Metal -plastic windows have long become popular and popular products for glazing window openings. But in order for the work to be finished, it is necessary to install external slopes and the most commonly used options for steel metal slopes. They protect the installation foam from the adverse environmental influence and decomposition. This is a prerequisite for completing work on glazing window slopes. It is not worth tightening with this work. This is not only an aesthetic issue, but also a solution to thermal insulation of window openings.

Table of contents:

  1. Why are slopes needed?
  2. How to install metal slopes on windows
  3. DIY metal slopes with your own hands. Installation technology
  4. How to make metal slopes on the windows
  5. Installation of metal slopes on the windows
  6. Installation of metal slopes with your own hand
  7. Iron slopes on the windows outside: Advantages and installation

Why are slopes needed?

The installation of windows is carried out by specialists of the company in which windows were purchased, most often the cost of the products includes the cost of work on their mounting. But only single companies include the decoration of window openings in the list of their services. All work on installing finishing structures lies on the owner’s shoulders, and he does not reach his hands or do not have enough funds. As a result, window openings delight with incompleteness and unsightly look.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

Due to the fact that glazing of window openings is carried out without installing the slopes, this case is postponed later and gradually fades into the background at all. In fact, it is worthwhile to be more attentive to the issue of window equipment slopes, in particular made of metal. And although there are many options for decorating window openings, still the leader at the moment remain metal materials.

The reasons for which the installation of slopes is necessary as faster as possible:

  • installation foam, with the help of which the slopes were installed, under the influence of adverse weather and natural conditions, becomes unusable and deteriorates;
  • the waterproofing properties of the foam are very low, it instantly absorbs moisture from the environment and deteriorates, and the windows freezes;
  • possessing high heat and sound insulation abilities, the foam not closed by slopes loses its capabilities.

If it is not possible to carry out the installation of slopes, window structures must be carefully thoroughly covered with plastic film.

A variety of materials are used to perform slopes, it can be:

  • plastering;
  • plastic strips;
  • drywall;
  • painting of surfaces.

All of the listed materials cannot be compared with metal slopes in terms of durability, attractiveness and ease of manufacture. All because of the low quality of materials:

  • plaster is a very cheap option, but over time it cracks, the cracks appear between the frames, this leads to the appearance of mold, fogging of the windows;
  • the finish with drywall is permissible only inside the building, since the material is afraid of excessive humidity, is deformed and no longer performs the functions assigned to it;
  • plastic cannot tolerate temperature changes and low indicators, therefore it is also used only in interior decorations, in addition, the material is very unstable to mechanical damage.

In order for the home to have a finished and attractive appearance, you need to think about the final strokes. In this case, slopes. Of these trifles, not only the external attractiveness of the house, but also the quality of life is consisted. Indeed, due to the negligence of the owner, the installed designs of window openings can be destroyed, heat and moisture will leave. Therefore, they do not save on this process. It is better to install metal slopes that will fully justify themselves and pay off all expenses.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

How to install metal slopes on windows

Metal slopes for external use are the most optimal option. They are diverse:

  • copper;
  • galvanized;
  • iron with a galvanized surface;
  • aluminum.

The top of the material is sprayed by one of the elements: polyester, pool, plastisol.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • it is resistant to corrosion;
  • it is possible to use for a long time without additional maintenance or care;
  • simple mount and care;
  • external attractiveness;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

But in addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of the use of metal material, which are easily eliminated in some points:

  • high cost of material;
  • the appearance of loud sounds when rain or hail enters the surface of the structure;
  • inability to use the material when mounting in arched openings.

The acquisition and use of material in two color solutions is available:

  • white;
  • brown.

Each of the color shades is used as necessary: \u200b\u200bwhite color is used for snow -white metal -plastic units, dark for window openings made under a tree. But for an individual order, a different color scheme is possible. And although the option with metal slopes is higher than from other materials, he then pays for himself in the durability and accessibility of the installation: there is no need to have additional knowledge. In addition, the material is easy to change the coloring, painting in any shade.

DIY metal slopes with your own hands. Installation technology

Metal has long been recognized as the most durable and reliable material for the manufacture of not only slopes, but also a large number of things in everyday life. After installation, they will be able to reliably protect the window opening from the penetration of moisture, wind, hot air flow. Metal for sloping with polyester spraying has become an ideal combination of the reliability of metal and the attractiveness of polyester. As already emphasized, the metal edging has a number of advantages that are advantageous to highlight the material among the variety of existing in the market. They do not depend on the negative climatic effects, durable, outwardly attractive, durable and easy to install and maintain. There is no need to carry out additional maintenance of the material.

Among the weaknesses of the material, the following points can be noted:

  • it is impossible to use non -standard form on window openings;
  • if the installation rules are not observed, the slopes will enhance the noise of the rain;
  • this option is not the cheapest.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

How to make metal slopes on the windows

There is a certain algorithm for the installation of metal structures on the windows:

  • measurements;
  • preparatory work;
  • installation and installation.

Thorough measurements and fixing all results on paper the main conditions for successful work. Only under this condition, all parts of the structure will be perfect for each other and have a minimum number of cracks between the elements. It should be borne in mind that each part is measured separately: if the right fragment has one size, this does not mean that the left will be the same size. This leads to the fact that the material is hopelessly spoiled or needs deep sealing.

After that, the preparatory stage comes. Actions are especially relevant, provided that the walls of the dwelling are made of brick or concrete material. Such material is prone to cracking or cringing. Do such actions:

  • excess mounting foams are removed with a special sharp knife, the cut is carried out according to the level of the window box;
  • depending on the state of the surface, the cracks and gaps are seized;
  • it is necessary to control that the formation of voids is not allowed between the design and the basis;
  • all seams must be sealed with sealant, impregnated with an antiseptic to prevent mold.

Each stage needs time to dry out materials.

During the third stage, all measurements are transferred to a metal sheet. After sketches, the scissors are used for metal to cut parts of the structure. For the best result, it is recommended to use the sealing tape.

The result of such successive actions will be a beautiful cladding that performs not only the role of decoration, but also a very important protective function.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

Installation of metal slopes on the windows

In order for the mounting of the slopes to go quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to prepare the required tool so that not to be distracted in search of the right:

  • metal in the form of a whole sheet or stripes;
  • screwdriver;
  • special painting knife;
  • scissors for metal;
  • devices for measuring roulette, level, corner;
  • self -tapping screws repeating the color scheme of the material;
  • special sealant;
  • installation foam.

So that all the work is not in vain and for the minimum number of errors when installing slopes, it is necessary to carefully and correctly measure the window opening. Several indicators are measured: indicators of the length and width of the edging, the width of each of the slopes. According to measurements, elements for the upper and side fragments of the edging are cut out. Excess foam is removed by a clerical knife, and small cracks are sealed with silicone sealant. This is done to close moisture access.

Installation of metal slopes with your own hand

Before installing slopes, each fragment is necessary, in contact with the frame, treat with a sealant. This will help maintain the ability of the material to retain and maintain heat.

I mounted metal slopes must begin with the installation of the lowest fragment of the structure, tide. To extinguish the sound of water a little, a specially designed soft material is placed under the tide.

If the tide is installed on the mounting foam, it is necessary to apply self -tapping screws that will help clatter the element with the window frame.

After installing the lower part of the slopes, side are installed. Due to the inclination of the window opening, the lower parts of the fragments should be cut at the right angle. To do this, it is necessary to make measurements very carefully and use the screws to attach parts to the window frame.

In order not to make incorrect sections, it is necessary to practice on paper, in which direction and how to make cuts deeply. This will not spoil the material.

The upper fragment is installed the latest. The gaps must be filled with mounting foam.

The installation of metal slopes is simple. Even a beginner is able to cope with this work.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

Iron slopes on the windows outside: Advantages and installation

If you plan all the work in advance and get all the necessary tools, the work will not take much time:

  • it is necessary to measure along the outer perimeter of the window opening, indicators of all sides are measured;
  • it is necessary to free the surfaces from construction debris, excess objects and dust;
  • waterflow is installed on the lower surface, paying special attention to the tightness of the structure;
  • profiles are treated with sealant and installed in the required place.

To make the windows with high -quality and beautiful slopes, only a few points must be taken into account:

  • accurate removal of measurements;
  • accuracy during installation;
  • thorough sealing;
  • the use of quality materials.

And although metal slopes are very expensive, everything will pay off, since the period of use of metal structures is quite long and simple.

Pictures on request Installation of metal window slopes

If there are questions about the features of the manufacture of metal slopes, look about the installation of metal window slopes with your own hands video. There are answers to all questions. It is not at all difficult to make metal structures at all. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experienced specialists.





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I wanted to change for a long time

I have long wanted to change the windows in the apartment, but all the time I postponed this event due to "biting" prices. Further on the miscalculations in different companies did not go. But then I accidentally stumbled upon the website of the company, where prices were quite acceptable and reviews about their work were positive. After talking with the manager, she made the final decision to order windows here. Now my house is complete beauty and comfort for a sane price!

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