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What wallpapers to choose for the kitchen

Many will agree that the kitchen is the most beloved and tasty place in the house. It is always pleasant to spend time here. In addition, you can recharge with new energy, just open the refrigerator and get your favorite product. Therefore, it is important that the kitchen has comfort and comfort so that you can relax, slowly preparing dinner for your favorite family and have dinner at the family table together.

Having decided to make a kitchen repair, almost everyone faces the question of which wallpaper to choose for the kitchen. Today the widest selection of wallpaper is presented, which will allow everyone to choose the wallpaper to their liking.




  1. Right choice
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. The main types of wallpaper for the kitchen
  4. Councils of specialists


Right choice

If you have chosen wallpaper as a finishing material for walls, then this article will help you correctly choose the color of the wallpaper for the kitchen, the texture and quality of the wallpaper. Many housewives spend their time for hours in these floral arrangements. It is important that they do not strain, but delight the eye. Also, in addition to the coloring, textures, the wallpaper must meet many more criteria: the humidity level in the room, porosity. In many houses, the kitchen is used not only as a place where food is prepared, but also a place where food is consumed. In this case, a competent ratio of functionality and aesthetics is necessary.

Criterias of choice

Wallpaper in the kitchen is more often subjected to pollution and other influences from the outside. With stained hands, the child touched the wall left, when frying, a drop of sunflower oil spat on the walls. And there are many more factors that can ruin the chic type of wallpaper. What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing wallpaper:

Wet cleaning in the kitchen is carried out more often than in other rooms. Kitchen appliances, floor and even walls are wiped. In the process of cooking, pieces of food, juices are much more. It is important that the kitchen wallpaper is moisture resistant. Such coatings are easy to clean from dirt, just walk with a damp cloth. And super human -resistant wallpaper can not only be wiped with a rag, but also washed with a brush. Moisture -resistant materials are the most suitable wallpaper for the kitchen. They allow you to maintain the original type of walls for a long time and protect against a quick repair.

The density of kitchen wallpaper is an important criterion when choosing. The higher the density, the greater the service life. In addition, dirt accumulates less in them than in wallpaper with the smallest density. Therefore, the wallpaper for the kitchen should be durable and durable.

Light resistance of the wallpaper is an important indicator when choosing. High light resistance will allow the wallpaper to maintain its beautiful appearance longer and protect them from solar burnout. Otherwise, you run the risk of repairing the room again.

If you do not want to soon resolve the issue of how to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, give preference to wallpaper for painting. You can update the kitchen room at any time, change color and improve the situation.

The main types of wallpaper for the kitchen

Thanks to the wide type of wallpaper, it is very difficult to understand which wallpaper is better for the kitchen. Based on the fact that constant temperature changes are noted in the kitchen, there is an effect of steam and sunlight, vinyl wallpapers are suitable for this room. Currently, vinyl wallpaper is divided into several types. By the type of vinyl, you can highlight: vinyl foamed, vinyl is smooth, vinyl hard and silk -up.

The foamed vinyl is sufficiently delicate material, which has a soft and embossed base. You can clean the wallpaper by applying the sponge to the wall. You should not rub or wipe the wallpaper with a rag, as you can damage the surface.

Smooth vinyl is often used by those who are looking for wallpaper for painting. These models are found not only in white, but also in multi -colored, but certainly monophonic colors.

To the touch hard vinyl is hard and durable. He perfectly transferred temperature changes and a high level of humidity. If your children grow in your house, then a solid vinyl is the best option for the kitchen. In addition, the wallpaper for the kitchen is quite acceptable, which allows many to dwell on this model.

There are other types of wallpaper for the kitchen. They are more scrupulous in operation and require constant care.

Councils of specialists

If you yourself cannot decide which wallpaper for the kitchen to choose you, then you can familiarize yourself with some advice of specialists.

1. Plain wallpapers with a thin texture are suitable for any interior. In this case, the main attention is paid to kitchen furniture and curtains. The wallpaper will fit perfectly into the interior. If desired, you can decorate the walls with bright elements, for example, a floral panel or a designer watch. You can first consider the wallpaper for the kitchen photo, which will correctly approach the issue.

2. In the kitchen interior, wallpaper that imitates the surface of other finishing materials, for example, ceramic tiles or decorative putty, look original. The advantage of this species is that such wallpapers are cheaper than original materials.

3. Today it has become fashionable to use decorative borders with a clearly traced kitchen theme. For example, choose neutral wallpapers, and borders will attract the main attention.

4. Wallpaper for the kitchen are used not only for wall decoration, but also to create decorative zones. For example, you can make an original apron in the working area. Wallpaper with a voluminous pattern will cope with this responsible task. And so that the dirt and drops of water cannot spoil such a picture, you can cover the apron with glass.

Wallpaper for the kitchen is a huge place for the flight of imagination. A wide selection of materials will allow even the most daring design ideas. The main thing is that the situation predisposes to peaceful gatherings at the table.

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Anonymous ( fast registration on the site)

I like it when in the kitchen

I like it when panels use in the kitchen. We ourselves have this, when we say 1,60 go wooden lamellas, they can be imitated by both wallpaper and anything, and above the level, wallpaper or plaster separated by the cornice. Such a solution is very well combined with country kitchens or Provence. We have a similar model of Lira from the Bobr factory, a bright veneered MDF and an array of oak, and we ordered the panels out of oak. But the walls were toned into a rich dark gray. But the kitchen still remains bright.