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Heater for the attic roof: Mineral wool made of fiberglass

The attic floor is subjected to large heat loss compared to the rest of the house. The reason for this is the complete absence of a heat pillow. It is worth selecting with great responsibility square for the attic roofsince the upper floor has a large area of \u200b\u200binteraction with the environment. In order to protect heat as much as possible and create comfort, thermal insulation of high quality and level is necessary.

Consider the structure and select insulation for the attic roof. On top of the attic floor is a pitched roof. It is supported by a structure of rafters and profiles. The profiles are installed at a distance of about a meter from each other. Using a fiberglass mineral wool in the form of a heater, it is worth placing it in the interval between the profiles. With a section height, less than the thickness of the insulation, bars should be fastened to rafters on the roof. This option provides for two layers of insulation, one between the bars, and one between the profiles. In the process, it is worth considering the placement of the insulation, it must close the seams of the lower layer.

It is very important to know, so that moisture is not collected between two layers of isolation and the roof, it is necessary to leave free space. When using materials that have a wavy structure as an overlap, the gap should be at least 25 millimeters. If your roof is blocked by materials with a flat structure, the gap should be equated with 50 millimeters. It is important to make holes located at the base of the slope, which will allow the correct ventilation of the room.





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